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Is being vegetarian the way to go for the world?

It's a question that many have asked themselves in recent years. Whether it's the ethical way to go or
not is debatable but with more people turning towards vegetarianism, the world will be better for it.
There are many health benefits associated with being vegetarian, such as lower risk of cardiovascular
disease and reduced cancer risk. But what about the animals?

With new advancements in technology, there are no longer any excuses for veganism to be a lonely
cause. We can show compassion, care and love to our furry friends through social media engagement
and daily news updates on animal abuse and cruelty around the world.

There are 6.5 billion of us and counting on the planet, and with meat consumption on the rise, animal
suffering is becoming more of a hot topic than ever. It has been estimated by scientists that in order
to feed our growing population, we will need to double our consumption of meat.

"A huge amount of grain is being used to feed animals", says Dr. Colin Khoury, an American leading
expert on sustainable agriculture "In a vegan world where humans eat food directly, we'd be able to
feed three times as many people".

What does this mean for the future? It's clear that eating meat will have consequences for both
humans and animals alike.

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