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[Act No. 11 of Year 1948, dated 15th. March, 1948] An Act to provide for fixing minimum rates of wages in certain employments Whereas it is expedient to provide for fixing ini ! rates of "ages in certain e p#o$ ents% &t is here'$ enacted as fo##o"s( ) 1. Short title and extent *1+ ,his Act a$ 'e ca##ed the Mini ! Wages Act, 1948. *-+ &t extends to the "ho#e of &ndia.#[...] 2. Interpretation &n this Act, !n#ess there is an$thing rep!gnant in the s!'/ect or context,) [*a+ 0ado#escent0 eans a person "ho has co p#eted his fo!rteenth $ears of age '!t has not co p#eted his eighteenth $ear% *aa+ 0ad!#t0 eans a person "ho has co p#eted his eighteenth $ears of age%] *'+ 0appropriate govern ent0 eans) *i+ in re#ation to an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent carried on '$ or !nder the a!thorit$ of the 1[2entra# 3overn ent or a rai#"a$ ad inistration], or in re#ation to a ine, oi#fie#d or a/or port, or an$ corporation esta'#ished '$ 4[a 2entra# Act], the 2entra# 3overn ent, and *ii+ in re#ation to an$ other sched!#ed e p#o$ ent, the 4tate 3overn ent% 5 [*''+ 0chi#d0 eans a person "ho has not co p#eted his fo!rteenth $ear of age%] *c+ 0co petent a!thorit$0 eans the a!thorit$ appointed '$ the appropriate govern ent '$ notification in its 5fficia# 3a6ette to ascertain fro ti e to ti e the cost of #iving index n! 'er app#ica'#e to the e p#o$ees e p#o$ed in the sched!#ed e p#o$ ents specified in s!ch notification% *d+ 0cost of #iving index n! 'er0 in re#ation to e p#o$ees in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed, eans the index n! 'er ascertained and dec#ared '$ the co petent a!thorit$ '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette to 'e the cost of #iving index n! 'er app#ica'#e to e p#o$ees in s!ch e p#o$ ent% *e+ 0e p#o$er0 eans an$ person "ho e p#o$s, "hether direct#$ or thro!gh another person, or "hether on 'eha#f of hi se#f or an$ other person, one or ore e p#o$ees in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed !nder this Act, and inc#!des, except in s!')section *1+ of section -7,) *i+ in a factor$ "here there is carried on an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed !nder this Act, an$ person na ed !nder 7[c#a!se *f+ of s!')section *1+ of section 8 of the 9actories Act, 1948 *71 of 1948+], as anager of the factor$% *ii+ in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent !nder the contro# of an$ govern ent in &ndia in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed !nder this Act, the person or a!thorit$ appointed '$ s!ch govern ent for the s!pervision and contro# of e p#o$ees or "here no person or a!thorit$ is so appointed the head of the depart ent% *iii+ in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent !nder an$ #oca# a!thorit$ in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed !nder this Act, the person appointed '$ s!ch a!thorit$ for the s!pervision and contro# of e p#o$ees or "here no person is so appointed, the chief exec!tive officer of the #oca# a!thorit$%

*iv+ in an$ other case "here there is carried on an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed !nder this Act, an$ person responsi'#e to the o"ner for the s!pervision and contro# of the e p#o$ees or for the pa$ ent of "ages% *f+ 0prescri'ed0 eans prescri'ed '$ r!#es ade !nder this Act% *g+ 0sched!#ed e p#o$ ent0 eans an e p#o$ ent specified in the 4ched!#e, or an$ process or 'ranch of "or: for ing part of s!ch e p#o$ ent% *h+ 0"ages0 eans a## re !neration, capa'#e of 'eing expressed in ter s of one$, "hich "o!#d, if the ter s of the contract of e p#o$ ent, express or i p#ied, "ere f!#fi##ed, 'e pa$a'#e to a person e p#o$ed in respect of his e p#o$ ent or of "or: done in s!ch e p#o$ ent 8[and inc#!des ho!se rent a##o"ance], '!t does not inc#!de) *i+ the va#!e of) *a+ an$ ho!se, acco odation, s!pp#$ of #ight, "ater, edica# attendance, or *'+ an$ other a enit$ or an$ service exc#!ded '$ genera# or specia# order of the appropriate govern ent% *ii+ an$ contri'!tion paid '$ the e p#o$er to an$ pension f!nd or provident f!nd or !nder an$ sche e of socia# ins!rance% *iii+ an$ trave##ing a##o"ance or the va#!e of an$ trave##ing concession% *iv+ an$ s! paid to the person e p#o$ed to defra$ specia# expenses entai#ed on hi '$ the nat!re of his e p#o$ ent% or *v+ an$ grat!it$ pa$a'#e on discharge% *i+ 0e p#o$ee0 eans an$ person "ho is e p#o$ed for hire or re"ard to do an$ "or:, s:i##ed or !ns:i##ed, an!a# or c#erica#, in a sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed% and inc#!des an o!t)"or:er to "ho an$ artic#es or ateria#s are given o!t '$ another person to 'e ade !p, c#eaned, "ashed, a#tered, orna ented, finished, repaired, adapted or other"ise processed for sa#e for the p!rposes of the trade or '!siness of that other person "here the process is to 'e carried o!t either in the ho e of the o!t)"or:er or in so e other pre ises not 'eing pre ises !nder the contro# and anage ent of that other person% and a#so inc#!des an e p#o$ee dec#ared to 'e an e p#o$ee '$ the appropriate govern ent% '!t does not inc#!de an$ e 'er of the Ar ed 9orces of the,8[;nion]. . !ixin" o# $ini$%$ rate& o# 'a"e& [*1+ ,he appropriate govern ent sha##, in the anner hereinafter provided,) 1< [*a+ fix the ini ! rates of "ages pa$a'#e to e p#o$ees e p#o$ed in an e p#o$ ent specified in =art & or =art && of the 4ched!#e and in an e p#o$ ent added to either =art '$ notification !nder section -8( =>5?&@A@ that the appropriate 3overn ent a$, in respect of e p#o$ees e p#o$ed in an e p#o$ ent specified in =art && of the 4ched!#e, instead of fixing ini ! rates of "ages !nder this c#a!se for the "ho#e 4tate, fix s!ch rates for a part of the 4tate or for an$ specified c#ass or c#asses of s!ch e p#o$ ent in the "ho#e 4tate or part thereof%] *'+ revie" at s!ch interva#s as it a$ thin: fit, s!ch interva#s not exceeding five $ears, the ini ! rates of "ages so fixed and revise the ini ! rates, if necessar$( 8 [=>5?&@A@ that "here for an$ reason the appropriate govern ent has not revie"ed the ini ! rates of "ages fixed '$ it in respect of an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent "ithin an$ interva# of five $ears, nothing contained in this c#a!se sha## 'e dee ed to prevent it fro revie"ing the ini ! rates after the expir$ of the said period of five $ears and revising the , if necessar$, and !nti# the$ are so revised the ini ! rates in force i ediate#$ 'efore the expir$ of the said period of five $ears sha## contin!e in force.] *1A+ Not"ithstanding an$thing contained in s!')section *1+, the appropriate govern ent a$ refrain fro fixing ini ! rates of "ages in respect of an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in "hich there are in the "ho#e 4tate #ess than one tho!sand e p#o$ees engaged in s!ch e p#o$ ent, '!t if at an$ ti e, 11[...] the appropriate govern ent co es to a finding after s!ch inB!ir$ as it a$ a:e or ca!se to 'e ade in this 'eha#f that the n! 'er of e p#o$ees in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich it has refrained fro fixing ini ! rates of "ages has risen to one tho!sand or ore, it sha## fix ini ! rates of "ages pa$a'#e to e p#o$ees in s!ch e p#o$ ent 1-[as soon as a$ 'e after s!ch finding.] *-+ ,he appropriate govern ent a$ fix)

*a+ a ini ! rate of "ages for ti e "or: *hereinafter referred to as 0a ini ! ti e rate0+% *'+ a ini ! rate of "ages for piece "or: *hereinafter referred to as 0a ini ! piece rate0+% *c+ a ini ! rate of re !neration to app#$ in the case of e p#o$ees e p#o$ed on piece "or: for the p!rpose of sec!ring to s!ch e p#o$ees a ini ! rate of "ages on a ti e "or: 'asis *hereinafter referred to as 0a g!aranteed ti e rate0+% *d+ a ini ! rate *"hether a ti e rate or a piece rate+ to app#$ in s!'stit!tion for the ini ! rate "hich "o!#d other"ise 'e app#ica'#e, in respect of overti e "or: done '$ e p#o$ees *hereinafter referred to as 0overti e rate0+. 11 [*-A+ Where in respect of an ind!stria# disp!te re#ating to the rates of "ages pa$a'#e to an$ of the e p#o$ees e p#o$ed in a sched!#ed e p#o$ ent, an$ proceeding is pending 'efore a ,ri'!na# or Nationa# ,ri'!na# !nder the &nd!stria# @isp!tes Act, 1948 *14 of 1948+ or 'efore an$ #i:e a!thorit$ !nder an$ other #a" for the ti e 'eing in force, or an a"ard ade '$ an$ ,ri'!na#, Nationa# ,ri'!na# or s!ch a!thorit$ is in operation, and a notification fixing or revising the ini ! rates of "ages in respect of the sched!#ed e p#o$ ent is iss!ed d!ring the pendenc$ of s!ch proceeding or the operation of the a"ard, then, not"ithstanding an$thing contained in this Act, the ini ! rates of "ages so fixed or so revised sha## not app#$ to those e p#o$ees d!ring the period in "hich the proceeding is pending and the a"ard ade therein is in operation or, as the case a$ 'e, "here the notification is iss!ed d!ring the period of operation of an a"ard, d!ring that period% and "here s!ch proceeding or a"ard re#ates to the rates of "ages pa$a'#e to a## the e p#o$ees in the sched!#ed e p#o$ ent, no ini ! rates of "ages sha## 'e fixed or revised in respect of that e p#o$ ent d!ring the said period.] *1+ &n fixing or revising ini ! rates of "ages !nder this section,) *a+ different ini ! rates of "ages a$ 'e fixed for) *i+ different sched!#ed e p#o$ ents% *ii+ different c#asses of "or: in the sa e sched!#ed e p#o$ ent% *iii+ ad!#ts, ado#escents, chi#dren and apprentices% *iv+ different #oca#ities% 14 [*'+ ini ! rates of "ages a$ 'e fixed '$ an$ one or ore of the fo##o"ing "age periods, na e#$( *i+ '$ the ho!r, *ii+ '$ the da$, *iii+ '$ the onth, or *iv+ '$ s!ch other #arger "age)period as a$ 'e prescri'ed% and "here s!ch rates are fixed '$ the da$ or '$ the onth, the anner of ca#c!#ating "ages for a onth or for a da$, as the case a$ 'e, a$ 'e indicated(] =>5?&@A@ that "here an$ "age)periods have 'een fixed !nder section 4 of the =a$ ent of Wages Act, 1917 *4 of 1917+, ini ! "ages sha## 'e fixed in accordance there"ith. 4. Mini$%$ rate o# 'a"e& *1+ An$ ini ! rate of "ages fixed or revised '$ the appropriate govern ent in respect of sched!#ed e p#o$ ents !nder section 1 a$ consist of) *i+ a 'asic rate of "ages and a specia# a##o"ance at a rate to 'e ad/!sted, at s!ch interva#s and in s!ch anner as the appropriate govern ent a$ direct, to accord as near#$ as practica'#e "ith the variation in the cost of #iving index n! 'er app#ica'#e to s!ch "or:ers *hereinafter referred to as the 0cost of #iving a##o"ance0+% or *ii+ a 'asic rate of "ages "ith or "itho!t the cost of #iving a##o"ance, and the cash va#!e of the concessions in respect of s!pp#ies of essentia# co odities at concessiona# rates, "here so a!thorised% or *iii+ an a##)inc#!sive rate a##o"ing for the 'asic rate, the cost of #iving a##o"ance and the cash va#!e of the concessions, if an$. *-+ ,he cost of #iving a##o"ance and the cash va#!e of the concessions in respect of s!pp#ies of essentia# co odities at concessiona# rate sha## 'e co p!ted '$ the co petent a!thorit$ at s!ch interva#s and in accordance "ith s!ch directions as a$ 'e specified or given '$ the appropriate govern ent.

(). *ro+ed%re #or #ixin" and re,i&in" $ini$%$ 'a"e&

*1+ &n fixing ini ! rates of "ages in respect of an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent for the first ti e !nder this Act or in revising ini ! rates of "ages so fixed, the appropriate govern ent sha## either) *a+ appoint as an$ co ittees and s!')co ittees as it considers necessar$ to ho#d enB!iries and advise it in respect of s!ch fixation or revision, as the case a$ 'e, or *'+ '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, p!'#ish its proposa#s for the infor ation of persons #i:e#$ to 'e affected there'$ and specif$ a date, not #ess than t"o onths fro the date of the notification, on "hich the proposa#s "i## 'e ta:en into consideration. *-+ After considering the advice of the co ittee or co ittees appointed !nder c#a!se *a+ of s!')section *1+, or as the case a$ 'e, a## representations received '$ it 'efore the date specified in the notification !nder c#a!se *'+ of that s!')section, the appropriate govern ent sha##, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette fix, or, as the case a$ 'e, revise the ini ! rates of "ages in respect of each sched!#ed e p#o$ ent, and !n#ess s!ch notification other"ise provides, it sha## co e into force on the expir$ of three onths fro the date of its iss!e( =>5?&@A@ that "here the appropriate govern ent proposes to revise the ini ! rates of "ages '$ the ode specified in c#a!se *'+ of s!')section *1+, the appropriate govern ent sha## cons!#t the Advisor$ Coard a#so.] -. Ad,i&or. +o$$ittee& and &%/0+o$$ittee& [Repealed by the Minimum Wages (Amendment) Act, !"# ($% of !"#)& 1. Ad,i&or. 2oard 9or the p!rpose of co)ordinating "or: of 15[co ittees and s!')co ittees appointed !nder section 5] and advising the appropriate govern ent genera##$ in the atter of fixing and revising ini ! rates of "ages, the appropriate govern ent sha## appoint an Advisor$ Coard. 8. Central Ad,i&or. 2oard *1+ 9or the p!rpose of advising the 2entra# and 4tate 3overn ents in the atters of the fixation and revision of ini ! rates of "ages and other atters !nder this Act and for co)ordinating the "or: of the Advisor$ Coards, the 2entra# 3overn ent sha## appoint a 2entra# Advisor$ Coard. *-+ ,he 2entra# Advisor$ Coard sha## consist of persons to 'e no inated '$ the 2entra# 3overn ent representing e p#o$ers and e p#o$ees in the sched!#ed e p#o$ ents, "ho sha## 'e eB!a# in n! 'er, and independent persons not exceeding one)third of its tota# n! 'er of e 'ers% one of s!ch independent persons sha## 'e appointed the 2hair an of the Coard '$ the 2entra# 3overn ent. 9. Co$po&ition o# +o$$ittee&, et+. Aach of the co ittees, s!')co ittees 17[...] and the Advisor$ Coard sha## consist of persons to 'e no inated '$ the appropriate govern ent representing e p#o$ers and e p#o$ees in the sched!#ed e p#o$ ents, "ho sha## 'e eB!a# in n! 'er, and independent persons not exceeding one)third of its tota# n! 'er of e 'ers% one of s!ch independent persons sha## 'e appointed the 2hair an '$ the appropriate govern ent.

(13.Corre+tion o# error&

*1+ ,he appropriate govern ent a$, at an$ ti e, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, correct c#erica# or arith etica# ista:es in an$ order fixing or revising ini ! rates of "ages !nder this Act, or errors arising therein fro an$ accidenta# s#ip or o ission. *-+ Aver$ s!ch notification sha##, as soon as a$ 'e after it is iss!ed, 'e p#aced 'efore the Advisor$ Coard for infor ation,]

11. Wa"e& in 4ind *1+ Mini ! "ages pa$a'#e !nder this Act sha## 'e paid in cash. *-+ Where it has 'een the c!sto to pa$ "ages "ho##$ or part#$ in :ind, the appropriate govern ent 'eing of the opinion that it is necessar$ in the circ! stances of the case a$, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, a!thorise the pa$ ent of ini ! "ages either "ho##$ or part#$ in :ind. *1+ &f appropriate govern ent is of the opinion that provision sho!#d 'e ade for the s!pp#$ of essentia# co odities at concessiona# rates, the appropriate govern ent a$, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, a!thorise the provision of s!ch s!pp#ies at concessiona# rates. *4+ ,he cash va#!e of "ages in :ind and of concessions in respect of s!pp#ies of essentia# co odities at concessiona# rates a!thorised !nder s!')sections *-+ and *1+ sha## 'e esti ated in the prescri'ed anner. 12. *a.$ent o# $ini$%$ rate& o# 'a"e& *1+ Where in respect of an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent a notification !nder section 5 18[...] is in force, the e p#o$er sha## pa$ to ever$ e p#o$ee engaged in a sched!#ed e p#o$ ent !nder hi "ages at a rate not #ess than the ini ! rate of "ages fixed '$ s!ch notification for that c#ass of e p#o$ees in that e p#o$ ent "itho!t an$ ded!ctions except as a$ 'e a!thorised "ithin s!ch ti e and s!'/ect to s!ch conditions as a$ 'e prescri'ed. *-+ Nothing contained in this section sha## affect the provisions of the =a$ ent of Wages Act, 1917 *4 of 1917+. 1 . !ixin" ho%r& #or a nor$al 'or4in" da., et+. [*1+ &n regard to an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent ini ! rates of "ages in respect of "hich have 'een fixed !nder this Act, the appropriate govern ent a$) *a+ fix the n! 'er of ho!rs of "or: "hich sha## constit!te a nor a# "or:ing da$, inc#!sive of one or ore specified interva#s% *'+ provide for a da$ of rest in ever$ period of seven da$s "hich sha## 'e a##o"ed to a## e p#o$ees or to an$ specified c#ass of e p#o$ees and for the pa$ ent of re !neration in respect of s!ch da$s of rest% *c+ provide for pa$ ent for "or: on a da$ of rest at a rate not #ess than the overti e rate.] 19 [*-+ ,he provisions of s!')section *1+ sha##, in re#ation to the fo##o"ing c#asses of e p#o$ees, app#$ on#$ to s!ch extent and s!'/ect to s!ch conditions as a$ 'e prescri'ed() *a+ e p#o$ees engaged on !rgent "or:, or in an$ e ergenc$ "hich co!#d not have 'een foreseen or prevented% *'+ e p#o$ees engaged in "or: in the nat!re of preparator$ or co p#e entar$ "or: "hich !st necessari#$ 'e carried on o!tside the #i its #aid do"n for the genera# "or:ing in the e p#o$ ent concerned% *c+ e p#o$ees "hose e p#o$ ent is essentia##$ inter ittent% *d+ e p#o$ees engaged in an$ "or: "hich for technica# reasons has to 'e co p#eted 'efore the d!t$ is over% *e+ e p#o$ees engaged in a "or: "hich co!#d not 'e carried on except at ti es dependent on the irreg!#ar action of nat!ra# forces. *1+ 9or the p!rposes of c#a!se *c+ of s!')section *-+, e p#o$ ent of an e p#o$ee is essentia##$ inter ittent "hen it is dec#ared to 'e so '$ the appropriate govern ent on the gro!nd that the dai#$ ho!rs of d!t$ of the e p#o$ee, or if there 'e no dai#$ ho!rs of d!t$ as s!ch for the e p#o$ee, the ho!rs of d!t$, nor a##$ inc#!de periods of inaction d!ring "hich the e p#o$ee a$ 'e on d!t$ '!t is not ca##ed !pon to disp#a$ either ph$sica# activit$ or s!stained attention.] 14. 5,erti$e *1+ Where an e p#o$ee, "hose ini ! rate of "ages is fixed !nder this Act '$ the ho!r, '$ the da$ or '$ s!ch a #onger "age)period as a$ 'e prescri'ed, "or:s on an$ da$ in excess of the n! 'er of ho!rs

constit!ting a nor a# "or:ing da$, the e p#o$er sha## pa$ hi for ever$ ho!r or for part of an ho!r so "or:ed in excess at the overti e rate fixed !nder this Act or !nder an$ #a" of the appropriate govern ent for the ti e 'eing in force, "hichever is higher. *-+ Nothing in this Act sha## pre/!dice the operation of the provisions of -<[section 59 of the 9actories Act, 1948 *71 of 1948+] in an$ case "here those provisions are app#ica'#e. 1). Wa"e& o# 'or4er 'ho 'or4& #or le&& than nor$al 'or4in" da. &f an e p#o$ee "hose ini ! rate of "ages has 'een fixed !nder this Act '$ the da$ "or:s on an$ da$ on "hich he "as e p#o$ed for a period #ess than the reB!isite n! 'er of ho!rs constit!ting a nor a# "or:ing da$, he sha##, save as other"ise hereinafter provided, 'e entit#ed to receive "ages in respect of "or: done '$ hi on that da$ as if he had "or:ed for a f!## nor a# "or:ing da$( =>5?&@A@, ho"ever, that he sha## not 'e entit#ed to receive "ages for a f!## nor a# "or:ing da$) *i+ in an$ case "here his fai#!re to "or: is ca!sed '$ his !n"i##ingness to "or: and not '$ the o ission of the e p#o$er to provide hi "ith "or:, and *ii+ in s!ch other cases and circ! stances as a$ 'e prescri'ed. 1-. Wa"e& #or t'o or $ore +la&&e& o# 'or4 Where an e p#o$ee does t"o or ore c#asses of "or: to each of "hich a different ini ! rate of "ages is app#ica'#e, the e p#o$er sha## pa$ to s!ch e p#o$ee in respect of the ti e respective#$ occ!pied in each s!ch c#ass of "or:, "ages at not #ess than the ini ! rate in force in respect of each s!ch c#ass. 11. Mini$%$ ti$e rate Wa"e& #or pie+e 'or4 Where an e p#o$ee is e p#o$ed on piece "or: for "hich ini ! ti e rate and not a ini ! piece rate has 'een fixed !nder this Act, the e p#o$er sha## pa$ to s!ch e p#o$ee "ages at not #ess than the ini ! ti e rate. 18. Maintenan+e o# re"i&ter& and re+ord& *1+ Aver$ e p#o$er sha## aintain s!ch registers and records giving s!ch partic!#ars of e p#o$ees e p#o$ed '$ hi , the "or: perfor ed '$ the , the "ages paid to the , the receipts given '$ the and s!ch other partic!#ars and in s!ch for as a$ 'e prescri'ed. *-+ Aver$ e p#o$er sha## :eep exhi'ited, in s!ch anner as a$ 'e prescri'ed, in the factor$, "or:shop or p#ace "here the e p#o$ees in the sched!#ed e p#o$ ent a$ 'e e p#o$ed, or in the case of o!t)"or:ers, in s!ch factor$, "or:shop or p#ace as a$ 'e !sed for giving o!t "or: to the , notices in the prescri'ed for containing prescri'ed partic!#ars. *1+ ,he appropriate govern ent a$, '$ r!#es ade !nder this Act, provide for the iss!e of "age 'oo:s or "age s#ips to e p#o$ees e p#o$ed in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed and prescri'ed in the anner in "hich entries sha## 'e ade and a!thenticated in s!ch "age 'oo:s or "age s#ips '$ the e p#o$er or his agent. 19. In&pe+tor& *1+ ,he appropriate govern ent a$, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, appoint s!ch persons as it thin:s fit to 'e &nspectors for the p!rposes of this Act and define the #oca# #i its "ithin "hich the$ sha## exercise their f!nctions. *-+ 4!'/ect to an$ r!#es ade in this 'eha#f, an &nspector a$, "ithin the #oca# #i its for "hich he is appointed) *a+ enter, at a## reasona'#e ho!rs, "ith s!ch assistants *if an$+, 'eing persons in the service of the govern ent or an$ #oca# or other p!'#ic a!thorit$, as he thin:s fit, an$ pre ises or p#ace "here e p#o$ees are

e p#o$ed or "or: is given o!t to o!t)"or:ers in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed !nder this Act for the p!rpose of exa ining an$ register, record of "ages or notices reB!ired to 'e :ept or exhi'ited '$ or !nder this Act or r!#es ade there!nder, and reB!ire the prod!ction thereof for inspection% *'+ exa ine an$ person "ho he finds in an$ s!ch pre ises or p#ace and "ho, he has reasona'#e ca!se to 'e#ieve, is an e p#o$ee e p#o$ed therein or an e p#o$ee to "ho "or: is given o!t therein% *c+ reB!ire an$ person giving o!t)"or: and an$ o!t)"or:ers, to give an$ infor ation, "hich is in his po"er to give, "ith respect to the na es and addresses of the persons to, for and fro "ho the "or: is given o!t or received, and "ith respect to the pa$ ents to 'e ade for the "or:% 14 [*d+ sei6e or ta:e copies of s!ch register, record or "ages or notices or portions thereof as he a$ consider re#evant in respect of an offence !nder this Act "hich he has reason to 'e#ieve has 'een co itted '$ an e p#o$er]% and *e+ exercise s!ch other po"ers as a$ 'e prescri'ed. *1+ Aver$ &nspector sha## 'e dee ed to 'e a p!'#ic servant "ithin the eaning of the &ndian =ena# 2ode *45 of 187<+. 8 [*4+ An$ person reB!ired to prod!ce an$ doc! ent or thing or to give an$ infor ation '$ an &nspector !nder s!')section *-+ sha## 'e dee ed to 'e #ega##$ 'o!nd to do so "ithin the eaning of section 185 and section 187 of the &ndian =ena# 2ode *45 of 187<+.] 23. Clai$ *1+ ,he appropriate govern ent a$, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, appoint -1[an$ 2o issioner for Wor: enDs 2o pensation or an$ officer of the 2entra# 3overn ent exercising f!nctions as a Ea'o!r 2o issioner for an$ region, or an$ officer of the 4tate 3overn ent not 'e#o" the ran: of Ea'o!r 2o issioner or an$] other officer "ith experience as a /!dge of a civi# co!rt or as a 4tipendiar$ Magistrate to 'e the a!thorit$ to hear and decide for an$ specified area a## c#ai s arising o!t of pa$ ent of #ess than the ini ! rates of "ages 8[or in respect of the pa$ ent of re !neration for da$s of rest or for "or: done on s!ch da$s !nder c#a!se *'+ or c#a!se *c+ of s!')section *1+ of section 11 or of "ages at the overti e rate !nder section 14], to e p#o$ees e p#o$ed or paid in that area. *-+ 14[Where an e p#o$ee has an$ c#ai of the nat!re referred to in s!')section *1+], the e p#o$ee hi se#f, or an$ #ega# practitioner or an$ officia# of a registered trade !nion a!thorised in "riting to act on his 'eha#f, or an$ &nspector, or an$ person acting "ith the per ission of the a!thorit$ appointed !nder s!')section *1+ a$ app#$ to s!ch a!thorit$ for a direction !nder s!')section *1+( =>5?&@A@ that ever$ s!ch app#ication sha## 'e presented "ithin six onths fro the date on "hich the ini ! "ages 8[or other a o!nt] 'eca e pa$a'#e( =>5?&@A@ 9;>,FA> that an$ app#ication a$ 'e ad itted after the said period of six onths "hen the app#icant satisfies the a!thorit$ that he had s!fficient ca!se for not a:ing the app#ication "ithin s!ch period. 14 [*1+ When an$ app#ication !nder s!')section *-+ is entertained, the a!thorit$ sha## hear the app#icant and the e p#o$er, or give the an opport!nit$ of 'eing heard, and after s!ch f!rther inB!ir$, if an$, as it a$ consider necessar$, a$, "itho!t pre/!dice to an$ other pena#t$ to "hich the e p#o$er a$ 'e #ia'#e !nder this Act, direct) *i+ in the case of a c#ai arising o!t of pa$ ent of #ess than the ini ! rates of "ages, the pa$ ent to the e p#o$ee of the a o!nt '$ "hich the ini ! "ages pa$a'#e to hi exceed the a o!nt act!a##$ paid, together "ith the pa$ ent of s!ch co pensation as the a!thorit$ a$ thin: fit, not exceeding ten ti es the a o!nt of s!ch excess% *ii+ in an$ other case, the pa$ ent of the a o!nt d!e to the e p#o$ee, together "ith the pa$ ent of s!ch co pensation as the a!thorit$ a$ thin: fit, not exceeding ten r!pees% and the a!thorit$ a$ direct pa$ ent of s!ch co pensation in cases "here the excess or the a o!nt d!e is paid '$ the e p#o$er to the e p#o$ee 'efore the disposa# of the app#ication.] *4+ &f the a!thorit$ hearing an$ app#ication !nder this section is satisfied that it "as either a#icio!s or vexatio!s, it a$ direct that a pena#t$ not exceeding fift$ r!pees 'e paid to the e p#o$er '$ the person presenting the app#ication.

*5+ An$ a o!nt directed to 'e paid !nder this section a$ 'e recovered) *a+ if the a!thorit$ is a Magistrate, '$ the a!thorit$ as if it "ere a fine i posed '$ the a!thorit$ as a Magistrate, or *'+ if the a!thorit$ is not a Magistrate, '$ an$ Magistrate to "ho the a!thorit$ a:es app#ication in this 'eha#f, as if it "ere a fine i posed '$ s!ch Magistrate. *7+ Aver$ direction of the a!thorit$ !nder this section sha## 'e fina#. *8+ Aver$ a!thorit$ appointed !nder s!')section *1+ sha## have a## the po"ers of a civi# co!rt !nder the 2ode of 2ivi# =roced!re, 19<8 *5 of 19<8+, for the p!rpose of ta:ing evidence and of enforcing the attendance of "itnesses and co pe##ing the prod!ction of doc! ents, and ever$ s!ch a!thorit$ sha## 'e dee ed to 'e a civi# co!rt for a## the p!rposes of section 195 and 2hapter GGG? of the 2ode of 2ri ina# =roced!re, 1898 *5 of 1898+. 21. Sin"le appli+ation in re&pe+t o# a n%$/er o# e$ *1+ --[4!'/ect to s!ch r!#es as a$ 'e prescri'ed, a sing#e app#ication] a$ 'e presented !nder section -< on 'eha#f or in respect of an$ n! 'er of e p#o$ees e p#o$ed in the sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed and in s!ch cases the axi ! co pensation "hich a$ 'e a"arded !nder s!')section *1+ of section -< sha## not exceed ten ti es the aggregate a o!nt of s!ch excess 8[or ten r!pees per head, as the case a$ 'e]. *-+ ,he a!thorit$ a$ dea# "ith an$ n! 'er of separate pending app#ications presented, !nder section -< in respect of e p#o$ees in the sched!#ed e p#o$ ents in respect of "hich ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed, as a sing#e app#ication presented !nder s!')section *1+ of this section and the provisions of that s!') section sha## app#$ according#$.

(22. *enaltie& #or +ertain o##en+e&

An$ e p#o$er "ho *a+ pa$s to an$ e p#o$ee #ess than the ini ! rates of "ages fixed for that e p#o$eeDs c#ass of "or:, or #ess than the a o!nt d!e to hi !nder the provisions of this Act, or *'+ contravenes an$ r!#e or order ade !nder section 11% sha## 'e p!nisha'#e "ith i prison ent for a ter "hich a$ extend to six onths, or "ith fine "hich a$ extend to five h!ndred r!pees, or "ith 'oth( =>5?&@A@ that in i posing an$ fine for an offence !nder this section, the co!rt sha## ta:e into consideration the a o!nt of an$ co pensation a#read$ a"arded against the acc!sed in an$ proceedings ta:en !nder section -<. 22A. General pro,i&ion #or p%ni&h$ent o# other o##en+e& An$ e p#o$er "ho contravenes an$ provision of this Act or of an$ r!#e or order ade there!nder sha##, if no other pena#t$ is provided for s!ch contravention '$ this Act 'e p!nisha'#e "ith fine "hich a$ extend to five h!ndred r!pees. 222. Co"ni6an+e o# o##en+e& *1+ No co!rt sha## ta:e cogni6ance of a co p#aint against an$ person for an offence) *a+ !nder c#a!se *a+ of section -- !n#ess an app#ication in respect of the facts constit!ting s!ch offence has 'een presented !nder section -< and has 'een granted "ho##$ or in part, and the appropriate govern ent or an officer a!thorised '$ it in this 'eha#f has sanctioned the a:ing of the co p#aint% *'+ !nder c#a!se *'+ of section -- or !nder section --A, except on a co p#aint ade '$, or "ith the section of, an &nspector. *-+ No co!rt sha## ta:e cogni6ance of an offence)

*a+ !nder c#a!se *a+ or c#a!se *'+ of section --, !n#ess co p#aint thereof is ade "ithin one onth of the grant of sanction !nder this section% *'+ !nder section --A, !n#ess co p#aint thereof is ade "ithin six onths of the date on "hich the offence is a##eged to have 'een co itted. 22C. 5##en+e& /. +o$panie& *1+ &f the person co itting an$ offence !nder this Act is a co pan$, ever$ person "ho at the ti e the offence "as co itted, "as in charge of, and "as responsi'#e to, the co pan$ for the cond!ct of the '!siness of the co pan$ as "e## as the co pan$ sha## 'e dee ed to 'e g!i#t$ of the offence and sha## 'e #ia'#e to 'e proceeded against and p!nished according#$( =>5?&@A@ that nothing contained in this s!')section sha## render an$ s!ch person #ia'#e to an$ p!nish ent provided in this Act if he proves that the offence "as co itted "itho!t his :no"#edge or that he exercised a## d!e di#igence to prevent the co ission of s!ch offence. *-+ Not"ithstanding an$thing contained in s!')section *1+, "here an$ offence !nder this Act has 'een co itted '$ a co pan$ and it is proved that the offence has 'een co itted "ith the consent or connivance of, or is attri'!ta'#e to an$ neg#ect on the part of, an$ director, anager, secretar$, or other officer of the co pan$, s!ch director, anager, secretar$ or other officer of the co pan$ sha## a#so 'e dee ed to 'e g!i#t$ of that offence and sha## 'e #ia'#e to 'e proceeded against and p!nished according#$. 'xplanation ( 9or the p!rposes of this section) *a+ 0co pan$0 eans an$ 'od$ corporate and inc#!des a fir or other association of individ!a#s, and *'+ 0director0 in re#ation to a fir eans a partner in the fir . 227. *a.$ent o# %ndi&/%r&ed a$o%nt& d%e to e$ A## a o!nts pa$a'#e '$ an e p#o$er to an e p#o$ee as the a o!nt of ini ! "ages of the e p#o$ee !nder this Act or other"ise d!e to the e p#o$ee !nder this Act or an$ r!#e or order ade there!nder sha##, if s!ch a o!nts co!#d not or cannot 'e paid to the e p#o$ee on acco!nt of his death 'efore pa$ ent or on acco!nt of his "herea'o!ts not 'eing :no"n, 'e deposited "ith the prescri'ed a!thorit$ "ho sha## dea# "ith the one$ so deposited in s!ch anner as a$ 'e prescri'ed. 22E. *rote+tion a"ain&t atta+h$ent o# a&&et& o# e$ 'ith "o,ern$ent An$ a o!nt deposited "ith the appropriate govern ent '$ an e p#o$er to sec!re the d!e perfor ance of a contract "ith that govern ent and an$ other a o!nt d!e to s!ch e p#o$er fro that govern ent in respect of s!ch contract sha## not 'e #ia'#e to attach ent !nder an$ decree or order of an$ co!rt in respect of an$ de't or #ia'i#it$ inc!rred '$ the e p#o$er other than an$ de't or #ia'i#it$ inc!rred '$ the e p#o$er to"ards an$ e p#o$ee e p#o$ed in connection "ith the contract aforesaid. 22!. Appli+ation o# *a.$ent o# Wa"e& A+t, 19 - to &+hed%led e$plo.$ent& *1+ Not"ithstanding an$thing contained in the =a$ ent of Wages Act, 1917 *4 of 1917+, the appropriate govern ent a$, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, direct that, s!'/ect to the provisions of s!')section *-+, a## or an$ of the provisions of the said Act sha##, "ith s!ch odifications, if an$, as a$ 'e specified in the notification, app#$ to "ages pa$a'#e to e p#o$ees in s!ch sched!#ed e p#o$ ents as a$ 'e specified in the notification. *-+ Where a## or an$ of the provisions of the said Act are app#ied to "ages pa$a'#e to e p#o$ees in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent !nder s!')section *1+, the &nspector appointed !nder this Act sha## 'e dee ed to 'e the &nspector for the p!rpose of enforce ent of the provisions so app#ied "ithin the #oca# #i its of his /!risdiction.] 2 . Exe$ption o# e$ #ro$ lia/ilit. in +ertain +a&e&

Where an e p#o$er is charged "ith an offence against this Act, he sha## 'e entit#ed, !pon co p#aint d!#$ ade '$ hi , to have an$ other person "ho he charges as the act!a# offender, 'ro!ght 'efore the co!rt at the ti e appointed for hearing the charge% and if, after the co ission of the offence has 'een proved the e p#o$er proves to the satisfaction of the co!rt) *a+ that he has !sed d!e di#igence to enforce the exec!tion of this Act, and *'+ that the said other person co itted the offence in B!estion "itho!t his :no"#edge, consent or connivance, that other person sha## 'e convicted of the offence and sha## 'e #ia'#e to the #i:e p!nish ent as if he "ere the e p#o$er and the e p#o$er sha## 'e discharged( =>5?&@A@ that in see:ing to prove, as aforesaid, the e p#o$er a$ 'e exa ined on oath, and the evidence of the e p#o$er or his "itness, if an$, sha## 'e s!'/ect to cross)exa ination '$ or on 'eha#f of the person "ho the e p#o$er charges as the act!a# offender and '$ the prosec!tion. 24. 2ar o# &%it& No co!rt sha## entertain an$ s!it for the recover$ of "ages in so far as the s! so c#ai ed) *a+ for s the s!'/ect of an app#ication !nder section -< "hich has 'een presented '$ or on 'eha#f of the p#aintiff, or *'+ has for ed the s!'/ect of a direction !nder that section in favo!r of the p#aintiff, or *c+ has 'een ad/!dged in an$ proceeding !nder that section not to 'e d!e to the p#aintiff, or *d+ co!#d have 'een recovered '$ an app#ication !nder that section. 2). Contra+tin" o%t An$ contract or agree ent, "hether ade 'efore or after the co ence ent of this Act, "here'$ an e p#o$ee either re#inB!ishes or red!ces his right to a ini ! rate of "ages or an$ privi#ege or concession accr!ing to hi !nder this Act sha## 'e n!## and void in so far as it p!rports to red!ce the ini ! rate of "ages fixed !nder this Act. 2-. Exe$ption& and ex+eption& *1+ ,he appropriate govern ent a$, s!'/ect to s!ch conditions, if an$ as it a$ thin: fit to i pose, direct that the provisions of this Act sha## not app#$ in re#ation to the "ages pa$a'#e to disa'#ed e p#o$ees. *-+ ,he appropriate govern ent, if for specia# reasons it thin: so fit, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, direct that 8[s!'/ect to s!ch conditions and] for s!ch period as it a$ specif$ the provisions of this Act or an$ of the sha## not app#$ to a## or an$ c#ass of e p#o$ees e p#o$ed in an$ sched!#ed e p#o$ ent or to an$ #oca#it$ "here there is carried on a sched!#ed e p#o$ ent. -1 [*-A+ ,he appropriate govern ent a$, if it is of opinion that having regard to the ter s and conditions of service app#ica'#e to an$ c#ass of e p#o$ees in a sched!#ed e p#o$ ent genera##$ or in a sched!#ed e p#o$ ent in a #oca# area, 8[or to an$ esta'#ish ent or a part of an$ esta'#ish ent in a sched!#ed e p#o$ ent], it is not necessar$ to fix ini ! "ages in respect of s!ch e p#o$ees of that c#ass 8[or in respect of e p#o$ees in s!ch esta'#ish ent or s!ch part of an$ esta'#ish ent] as are in receipt of "ages exceeding s!ch #i it as a$ 'e prescri'ed in this 'eha#f, direct, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette,and s!'/ect to s!ch conditions, if an$ as it a$ thin: fit to i pose, that the provisions of this Act or an$ of the sha## not app#$ in re#ation to s!ch e p#o$ees.] *1+ Nothing in this Act sha## app#$ to the "ages pa$a'#e '$ an e p#o$er to a e 'er of his fa i#$ "ho is #iving "ith hi and is dependent on hi . 'xplanation( &n this s!')section, a e 'er of the e p#o$erDs fa i#$ sha## 'e dee ed to inc#!de his or her spo!se or chi#d or parent or 'rother or sister. 21. *o'er o# State Go,ern$ent to add to S+hed%le

,he appropriate govern ent, after giving '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette not #ess than three onthsD notice of its intention so to do, a$, '$ #i:e notification, add to either =art of the 4ched!#e an$ e p#o$ ent in respect of "hich it is of opinion that ini ! rates of "ages sho!#d 'e fixed !nder this Act, and there!pon the 4ched!#e sha## in its app#ication to the 4tate 'e dee ed to 'e a ended according#$. 28. *o'er o# Central Go,ern$ent to "i,e dire+tion& ,he 2entra# 3overn ent in the 4tate. a$ give directions to a 4tate 3overn ent as to the carr$ing into exec!tion of this Act

29. *o'er o# Central Go,ern$ent to $a4e r%le& ,he 2entra# 3overn ent a$, s!'/ect to the condition of previo!s p!'#ication, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, a:e r!#es prescri'ing the ter of office of the e 'ers, the proced!re to 'e fo##o"ed in the cond!ct of '!siness, the ethod of voting, the anner of fi##ing !p cas!a# vacancies in e 'ership and the B!or! necessar$ for the transaction of '!siness of the 2entra# Advisor$ Coard. 3. *o'er o# appropriate "o,ern$ent to $a4e r%le& *1+ ,he appropriate govern ent a$, s!'/ect to the condition of previo!s p!'#ication, '$ notification in the 5fficia# 3a6ette, a:e r!#es for carr$ing o!t the p!rposes of this Act. *-+ Witho!t pre/!dice to the genera#it$ of the foregoing po"er, s!ch r!#es a$) *a+ prescri'e the ter of office of the e 'ers, the proced!re to 'e fo##o"ed in the cond!ct of '!siness, the ethod of voting, the anner of fi##ing !p cas!a# vacancies in e 'ership and the B!or! necessar$ for the transaction of '!siness of the co ittees, s!')co ittees,17[...] and the Advisor$ Coard% *'+ prescri'e the ethod of s! oning "itnesses, prod!ction of doc! ents re#evant to the s!'/ect) atter of the enB!ir$ 'efore the co ittees, s!')co ittees, 17[...] and the Advisor$ Coard% *c+ prescri'e the ode of co p!tation of the cash va#!e of "ages in :ind and of concessions in respect of s!pp#ies of essentia# co odities at concession rates% *d+ prescri'e the ti e and conditions of pa$ ent of, and the ded!ctions per issi'#e fro , "ages% *e+ provide for giving adeB!ate p!'#icit$ to the ini ! rates of "ages fixed !nder this Act% *f+ provide for a da$ of rest in ever$ period of seven da$s and for the pa$ ent of re !neration in respect of s!ch da$% *g+ prescri'e the n! 'er of ho!rs of "or: "hich sha## constit!te a nor a# "or:ing da$% *h+ prescri'e the cases and circ! stance in "hich an e p#o$ee e p#o$ed for a period of #ess than the reB!isite n! 'er of ho!rs constit!ting a nor a# "or:ing da$ sha## not 'e entit#ed to receive "ages for a f!## nor a# "or:ing da$% *i+ prescri'e the for of registers and records to 'e aintained and the partic!#ars to 'e entered in s!ch registers and records % */+ provide for the iss!e of "age 'oo: and "age s#ips and prescri'e the anner of a:ing and a!thenticating entries in "age 'oo:s and "age s#ips% *:+ prescri'e the po"ers of &nspectors for p!rposes of this Act% *#+ reg!#ate the sca#e of costs that a$ 'e a##o"ed in proceedings !nder section -<% and * + prescri'e the a o!nt of co!rt)fees pa$a'#e in respect of proceedings !nder section -<% and *n+ provide for an$ other atter "hich is to 'e or a$ 'e prescri'ed.

( 3A. 8%le& $ade /. Central Go,ern$ent to /e laid /e#ore *arlia$ent

Aver$ r!#e ade '$ the 2entra# 3overn ent !nder this Act sha## 'e #aid as soon as a$ 'e after it is ade 'efore each Fo!se of =ar#ia ent "hi#e it is in session for a tota# period of thirt$ da$s "hich a$ 'e co prised in one session or in t"o s!ccessive sessions, and if, 'efore the expir$ of the session in "hich it is so #aid or the session i ediate#$ fo##o"ing, 'oth Fo!ses agree in a:ing an$ odification in the r!#e or 'oth Fo!ses agree

that the r!#e sho!#d not 'e ade, the r!#e sha## thereafter have effect on#$ in s!ch odified for or 'e of no effect, as the case a$ 'e, so, ho"ever, that an$ s!ch odification or ann!# ent sha## 'e "itho!t pre/!dice to the va#idit$ of an$thing previo!s#$ done !nder that r!#e.]

( 1. 9alidation o# #ixation o# +ertain $ini$%$ rate& o# 'a"e&

Where d!ring the period) *a+ co encing on the #st da$ of Apri#, 195-, and ending "ith the date of the co ence ent of the Mini ! Wages *A end ent+ Act, 1954 *-7 of 1954+% or *'+ co encing on the 11st da$ of @ece 'er, 1954, and ending "ith the date of the co ence ent of the Mini ! Wages *A end ent+ Act, 1958 *1< of 1958+% or *c+ co encing on the 11st da$ of @ece 'er, 1959, and ending "ith the date of the co ence ent of the ini ! Wages *A end ent+ Act , 1971 *11 of 1971+, ini ! rates of "ages have 'een fixed '$ an appropriate govern ent as 'eing pa$a'#e to e p#o$ees e p#o$ed in an$ e p#o$ ent specified in the 4ched!#e in the 'e#ief or p!rported 'e#ief that s!ch rates "ere 'eing fixed !nder c#a!se *a+ of s!')section *1+ of section 1, as in force i ediate#$ 'efore the co ence ent of the Mini ! Wages *A end ent+ Act, 1954 *-7 of 1954+, or the Mini ! Wages *A end ent+ Act, 1958 *1< of 1958+, or the Mini ! Wages *A end ent+ Act, 1971 *11 of 1971+, as the case a$ 'e, s!ch rates sha## 'e dee ed to have 'een fixed in accordance "ith #a" and sha## not 'e ca##ed in B!estion in an$ co!rt on the gro!nd ere#$ that the re#evant date specified for the p!rpose in that c#a!se had expired at the ti e the rates "ere fixed ( =>5?&@A@ that nothing contained in this section sha## extend, or 'e constr!ed to extend, to affect an$ person "ith an$ p!nish ent or pena#t$ "hatsoever '$ reason of the pa$ ent '$ hi '$ "a$ of "ages to an$ of his e p#o$ees d!ring an$ period specified in this section of an a o!nt "hich is #ess than the ini ! rates of "ages referred to in this section or '$ reason of non)co p#iance d!ring the period aforesaid "ith an$ order or the r!#e iss!ed !nder section 11.]

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