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Homework Assignment #6

Name __Mai Nhung
The following questions are based on Chapter 24 in your textbook, The Atomic Bomb
hapter !"#$T %2&, and 'ield Chapter ( !"#$T %2)&* +lease answer the questions in at
least , sentenes* -ou must use omplete sentenes* +ut the page number!s& of eah
answer on the line* .ah question is worth two points* This assignment is due at the
beginning of the lass*
/& 0esribe / reason why some 1merians supported isolationism in the /),2s and /
reason why some 1merians supported foreign inter3entionism before 44##* p.728-
The reason some 1merians supported isolationism in the /),2s was they wanted
to 5a3oid .uropean entanglements*6 #n general publi opinion, there was not so muh
5enthusiasm for war6, whih preferring to be isolated from the affairs of other ountries*
The reason some 1merians supported foreign inter3entionism before 44## was the
growth of fasism, known as the +opular 'ront in .urope* They 5grew uneasy with the
+opular 'ront beause of the rigidity of its Communist assoiates and the ynial brutality
and politial repression under $o3iet leader 7oseph $talin*6
2& .xplain in detail the two ways the federal go3ernment finaned 4orld 4ar ## and
state what the duties of the 4ar +rodution %oard were* _p.732-33________
The two ways the federal go3ernment finaned 4orld 4ar ## were by inreasing
taxes and borrowing money from their iti8ens* 4hen the 9e3enue 1t of /)42 inreased
the number of 1merian responsible for paying taxes due to inreasing indi3idual inome
tax rates and orporate tax rates, half the ost of the was paid* Then, the federal
go3ernment issued long:term Treasury bonds !war bonds& to who was interested in
in3esting it, whih used to pay the remaining of that ost* The wealthy or ordinary
1merians ould in3est it * The duties of the 4ar +rodution %oard were they 5awarded
defense ontrats, alloated sare resoures for military uses, and persuaded businesses
to on3ert to military prodution*6
The purpose of the board was to regulate the production and allocation of materials and
fuel during WWII in the U.S.
The War Production Board decided which companies would convert from peacetime to
wartime production and all allocated raw materials to ke industries.
,& 0esribe the powers of the National 4ar ;abor %oard and explain why many
1merian workers still felt heated and some e3en went on strike* _p.738
The National 4ar ;abor %oard 5established wages, hours, and working onditions*
They also 5had the authority to sei8e manufaturing plants that did not omply*6 $ine
1merian workers< wages were estimated by the National 4ar ;abor %oard, many of them
still felt heated and some e3en went to strike as they saw 5onsumer pries rose and
orporate profits soared*6
4& 1ording to "anson 4* %aldwin, explain !do not list& two reasons why it was not
neessary to drop the atomi bomb on 7apan to end the war* _p107-108
'irstly, 1merian military ould defeat 7apan by attaking at sea and on land, by
5the strangulation of the blokade of whih the priniple instrument was the submarine, or
by bombing with on3entional bombs*6 $eondly, the onfidential agent from 7apan had
let the =*$ intelligene authorities in 4ashington know the news that the 1dmiral %aron
$u8uki would want to 5initiate surrender proeedings6 soon after they sueeded* .3en
though 7apan dropped this matter due to the high ost of mediation that 9ussia asked for
it, 7apan already wanted to surrender* $o, it was not neessary to drop the atomi bomb
on 7apan to end the war*
>& %ased on the California legislature handout, explain 2 reasons why term limits ha3e
or ha3e not worked OR explain the path a bill takes to reah the go3ernor<s
4hen a bill is introdued, it will go through a omplex proess of ommittee
hearings until reahing the floor of the house of origin where it started* #t must go through
at least one ommittee and pass the full house* Then, it goes through the seond house<s
ommittee and floor* 1fter that, it will be sent to the go3ernor*

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