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Brianna Scire-Carratello, Rebecca

Forder, Bruce Roest, Natalie Cancinogonzalez.

Science overarching idea: Conservation organising/sorting/patterns Year Level: Foundation Sessions: 3 Date:
Overall aims o the !nit
At the end o this !nit st!dents "ill #e a#le$ca%a#le o:

Students will be able to connect their senses with the natural world, identi!ing
dierent te"tures, and aspects o their environ#ent.
Students will be able to use appropriate vocabular! or describing and co#paring
which leads to sorting, identi!ing and organizing living things.
Students will be able to create #eaning and values when thin$ing o conservation.
Teaching a%%roach assigned and short descri%tion:
&ioethics and com%assionate ed!cation:
%eaching students to #a$e their own conclusions when reerring to
controversial or diicult topics.
%eaching students to have their own values
'e( voca#!lar(:
'e( e)!i%ment $ reso!rces:
Boo$+ ,h! should ( protect
B! .en green and /i$e
Butcher paper
12 sheets
0lue stic$s
Coloured cra!ons
'e( A!stralian Science c!rric!l!m Standard *ta+en directl(
rom the "e#site,:
Biological sciences+
3iving things have basic needs, including ood and water.
'lanning and conduction+
9"plore and #a$e observations using their senses. 41CS(S6::8
Share observations and ideas. 41CS(S6:7
Nature and )evelop#ent o Science+
Science involves e"ploring and observing the world using the
senses 41CS;96:<
=uestioning and predicting+
Respond to >uestions about a#iliar ob?ects and events
'rocessing and anal!sing data and inor#ation+
9ngage in discussions about observations and use #ethods
such as drawing to represent ideas 41CS(S7<<8
Brianna Scire-Carratello, Rebecca
Forder, Bruce Roest, Natalie Cancinogonzalez.
Learning o!tcomes:
Students will develop an opinion on an ethical issue and conidentl! e"press their point o view.
Students will develop e#otions o co#passion towards nature.
Students will e"tend their thin$ing and produce ideas o conservation to then orall! share with their peers.
Brianna Scire-Carratello, Rebecca
Forder, Bruce Roest, Natalie Cancinogonzalez.
S%eciic activities session -
(ntroduction to students+ Beore beginning the lesson, it is i#portant to understand the children@s bac$grounds. 1s$ >uestions to get so#e ideas o where the! are ro#, i the!
understand basic words related to nature, what $ind o nature did the! grow up around, etc.
Brainstor#+ ,hat is nature- ,hat is sustainabilit!-
Flash cards+ Set o lash cards that contain pictures o positive and negative actions towards nature.
Show a lash card one at a ti#e to the students. )iscuss what the picture is displa!ing. (s this good or bad- ,h!-
%eacher will read the stor! A,h! should ( protect nature@ b! .en 0reen and /i$e 0ordon.
1ter the stor! the teacher will conduct a group discussion about whether or not we should protect nature.
Students will lead discussion based on their responses, >uestions and opinions.
Focus >uestions to help direct group discussion+
,hat did !ou thin$ about the stor!-
)o !ou thin$ we should protect nature- ,h!- ,h! not-
,ho thin$s we should be allowed to pic$ lowers ro# a tree- ,h!- ,h! not-
,hat about i !ou saw a lad!bug or butterl!, is it o$a! to pic$ it up- ,h!- ,h! not-
(s it then o$a! to pic$ a piece o ruit ro# a tree- (s that dierent-
,ho has ideas about how we should treat nature- Should we respect nature- ,hat does respect #ean-
1s$ students to close their e!es and to thin$ o how the! treat nature and whether the! believe !ou should be able to pic$ a lower ro# a tree.
'rovide a ew #inutes or the students to thin$.
1s$ students to open their e!es and to turn to the person ne"t to the# and share their thoughts.
1s$ students to $eep their idea in their head and wal$ over to their des$s to e"press their idea on paper whether it be through words or a drawing or both.
Students will respond to the stor! and displa! their understanding b! creating a drawing or a piece o writing that illustrates their idea o how the! believe nature should be
treated in their co##unit!.
1t the end o the lesson students will have the opportunit! to present their wor$ to their peers and share their opinion.
Standards met:
9ngage in discussions about observations and use #ethods such as drawing to represent ideas 41CS(S7<<8
Share observations and ideas 41CS(S6:78
Respond to >uestions about a#iliar ob?ects and events 41CS(S6:28
Brianna Scire-Carratello, Rebecca
Forder, Bruce Roest, Natalie Cancinogonzalez.
Brianna Scire-Carratello, Rebecca
Forder, Bruce Roest, Natalie Cancinogonzalez.
S%eciic activities session .
B%ree ;uggingC
%eacher will discuss the li#itations o e"ploring with the environ#ent. %he rules that were discussed in the previous class will be discussed. 1ter this discussion the teacher
will discuss what we will be doing during the lesson.
Students will go outsideD one o the students in the group will be blindolded while the other student directs the child to a tree. %he child that is blindolded begins to eel the
tree and describe what the! are eeling, what the! can hear and what the! can s#ell. &nce the student has described the tree the child is directed bac$ to the #eeting point.
;ere the students will use their describing s$ills and what the! $now about the tree to ind the tree that the! were riends with. %he students will use their senses to decide
whether the! have ound the right tree or not. %his will be repeated or the other children with their group. For students that have diicult! with describing words the teacher
will print the student with >uestions. For e"a#pleD what does the tree eel li$e, what can !ou hear, does i eel s#ooth or rough, what can !ou s#ell-
&nce all students have had a turn using the blindold and relocating the tree the! #ade riends with students will be as$ed to go with their group and collect #aterials ro#
under their tree and place the# in a zip loc$ bag. Students will be re#inded that ta$ing things o the tree is not acceptable. %hese #aterials will be used or the ne"t lesson.
Students will regroup together and a discussion o what the! elt, s#elt and heard during the discover!. Students will also discuss whether or not the! ound their tree when
the! didnEt have their blind old on. ,h! or wh! did the! not ind the tree-
Learning o!tcomes
Students de#onstrate the use o describing words to identi! ob?ects.
Brianna Scire-Carratello, Rebecca
Forder, Bruce Roest, Natalie Cancinogonzalez.
S%eciic activities session 3
-%ell students we are going to do rubbings using so#e o the #aterials collected last session. ( we do not do a rubbing, we can draw a picture.
-)e#onstrate doing a rubbing using cra!ons and paper.
-%ell students that once we have #ade our rubbing or drawn our picture, we will cut the# out and sort the# into groups 4natural/not natural8 and stic$ the# onto
butcher paper.
-1ter activit!, tal$ about the dierent things we have ound. 1re the! natural or unnatural- 1re the! part o a living thing or not a living thing-
-%ell students that we can also put things li$e trees, plants, ani#als and hu#ans into dierent groups to help us learn how to ta$e care o the#.
-&n butcher paper, have a colu#n or hu#ans and another colu#n or plants
-)iscuss with students what hu#ans and ani#als #a! need to live. ,hat do plants need to live- /a$e co#parisons.
,hat do hu#ans need- ;u#ans need ood. ,hat do hu#ans eat- F. ;u#ans need water, shelter, o"!gen
,hat do plants need- )o plants need ood- ,hat do the! eat- )o the! need water- )o the! need shelter-
)o the! need o"!gen- Carbon dio"ideF. #a$e connections
,hat else- SunlightF..
-Students draw pictures o things a hu#an #ight need to live and what a plant #ight need to live.
-3ater as$ students about the picture cards, right or wrong. ,h! is it wrong- )iscussF
Possible further inquiry -
What can we do to help take care of trees or plants? (look for - water them, dont pick off leaves
Why should we try to take care of trees? (look for - they provide us with oxyen to breathe, fruit rows on some trees, wood, paper!
What do you think would happen if we cut down all the trees in the world?
What can we do if trees are bein cut down? (look for - plant more trees""#
Learning o!tcomes:
Students will sort and group #aterials
Students will identi! what plants and trees need to survive
Students will urther e"plore bioethical values on environ#ental conservation
Brianna Scire-Carratello, Rebecca
Forder, Bruce Roest, Natalie Cancinogonzalez.
Attachments: *%lease %rovide all the hando!ts and other learning$teaching reso!rces to #e !sed and s%eci( i the( are to #e !sed in session -/ . and 3,

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