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Working Title: The Different Sides Of Love

Working Genre(s): Romance, Fanfiction
Working Point-of-View Specification: Neutral, though the point of view will switch from Zayn to
Perrie in each chapter
High-Concept Blurb:
Perrie is a rich socialite while Zayn is a struggling artist; they meet and help each other with their
struggles, quickly becoming some sort of confidents, sneaking out of the fancy event to tell each
other their deepest secrets and thoughts. But social difference proves to be an obstacle when
people in their circles quickly disapprove of their relationship.

Story Sparks:
1: Zayn and Perrie constantly run into each other during quick smoking breaks. Zayn is a waiter for
a catering company that attends high society events; Perrie is the pretty socialite that has to attend
them for a living. Their small talk soon evolutions to deep conversations, talking about the struggles
of their lives because its easier to confide in a stranger.
2: Realizing that by now, they are friends, they start taking more active roles in each other lives,
Zayn inviting Perrie to his kind of events. But his friends arent happy with the posh girl while her
friends just thing shes his boy toy, part of her rebellious phase.
3: Becoming more and more close, they realize about their deep feelings towards each other, and
start a romantic relationship. Soon word gets out that rich Perrie is dating a simple waiter, and they
have to face the wrath of Perries parents, whod do anything to separate them. Zayn also feels
conscious because his sudden success has to do with whom hes dating rather than his talent,
bringing a strain to the relationship.
4: Now that theyre happily together, they decide to take the next step and marry. End.

Estimated Length of Book/Number of Sparks

Identifying the Main Character(s)
Name: Perrie Louise Edwards.
Age: 20
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color/Length: Blonde, medium length.
Height: 53
Weight: 53 kgs
Job/Career: Business and public relations student at university. Expected to take over the
familys company and charities.
Physical Attributes: Piercing blue eyes, small tragus piercing.
Family/Friend History:
Perries parents (Alex and Debbie, both in their 50s) are loving and caring enough, always
spoiling her daughter and treating her like a proper princess. They are awfully aware of
social perception and want to keep their perfect family image at all costs, even hiding her
fathers slip with another woman and the resulting daughter from the public eye.
Her brother Jonnie tragically died in a car accident, he had a drug and drinking problem that
their parents successfully covered, instead of treating it. The result was Jonnie drugged and
drunk enough to crash his car against an abandoned building, dying in the process. Perrie
was extremely close to him, considering him her best friend, and was deeply affected by his
death, blaming his parents for it. Hes the reason Perrie started questioning her lifestyle and
felt like escaping.
Caitlin is Perries half-sister, shes always been curious about her as she is banned from
meeting her. Perrie doesnt even know where she lives, all she knows is their father gives
her mom enough money to maintain her and spoil her too, as he feels guilty for abandoning
her. Perrie has the suspicion his father actually loves Caitlins mother and whenever hes at
a business meeting hes actually with them.
Eleanor and Katherine had always been Perries friends, though sometimes theyre too
snobbish for her liking. All they talk about is superfluous topics and are known for being
extremely gossipy, even spreading false rumors about people they dont like.
Jade is a new addition to the high society, her parents becoming suddenly rich. Shes the
object of Eleanor and Katherines vicious ways most of the time. Although theyre not that
close, she appreciates Perrie a lot for always defending her and considers her a friend,
willing to help her if she needs to.
Harry is Perries childhood friend, hipster rich boy. Always willing to attend any underground
events and is also interested in art. Has the worst reputation because of his partying habits,
causing Perries mother to disapprove of their friendship, but deep down hes just a sweet
caring guy, highly loyal, that has the ability to befriend anyone in seconds.
Perrie was a privileged girl, born in an extremely wealthy family, money has always been
the last of her problems. Her perfect world cracked first when her mother discovered his
father was having an affair, and even had a daughter. Thats when Perrie first learned about
her familys obsession with a prefect clean public image, them paying off the childs mother
to not speak about her relationship with Alex Edwards and hide her daughter away. Her
mothers obsession with perfection grew; controlling her childrens every move, with little
success though. During his adolescence, Jonnie developed a drinking problem that grew
into a drug addiction, Perrie supported her brother through it all and tried to help him with
no luck and resented her parents when they decided to hide his problems instead of getting
him treatment, as they were too afraid of word getting out. She used to go to parties and
enjoy her lifestyle, up until her brother died on his way home after a party, and event that
marked her deeply.
Used to be very bubbly and happy, enjoyed traveling and partying. After Jonnies death,
shes become more secluded and questions the high society life, loves singing and animals.
She tends to overreact a lot, being over the top with her emotions, very loud. Not the
sharpest tool in the shed, very loyal to her friends and tries to be friendly with everyone,
loves bright colors and flowers, very eccentric sense of style, has a smoking habit that
became worse after Jonnies death.
Name: Zayn Jawaad Malik
Age: 21
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color/Length: Black styled in a quiff.
Height: Tall.
Weight: Skinny.
Job/Career: Drawing artist, part time waiter.
Physical Attributes: Lots of tattoos
Family/Friend History:
His parents (Yaser and Trisha, both in their 50s) highly disapprove of his career choice,
especially his father who tells him constantly hes wasting his life, causing Zayn to want to
prove him wrong. They both love him very much though, his mother always worrying about
him and calling constantly.
He has three sisters, Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa, whom he loves very much. Hes very
protective over them and misses them a lot.
Louis is his flatmate, a total mess that has no drive in life, very funny and a great friend,
cant keep a stable job for more than two months and dropped out of uni ages ago, still
keeping it a secret from his mother. Loud and inappropriate most of the time, though Zayn
confides in him 100% and considers him his best friend. They call each other partners in
crime, they like to go out together.
Niall lives in front of them; Zayn loves him like a little brother, has a heart of gold and is the
one usually getting Zayn and Louis out of trouble. Very sympathetic, always believes the
best of people.
Liam is Nialls flat mate, the only one capable to talk sense into Zayn, he always runs to him
for advice. Seems to have his life figured out and tends to be very judgmental.
Coming from a normal, working class family Zayn developed a love for art at a very young
age. Although his parents always wanted him to go to uni and get a useful degree, he had
another plans, he decided to make art his living.
Very successful with the ladies, seems mysterious and serious but in reality is a huge
goofball. A little resentful of the rich people, mostly because the spoil girls think they can
have their way with him and most of them treat him badly. Very proud, always tries to prove
everyone wrong, hard-working, disappointed because things arent going according to plan,
gives up easily, very reserved about his feelings, has strong family values, bottles up his
emotions, heavy smoker, enjoys his sleep a lot.

Character Introductions
Perrie Edwards Main character
Zayn Malik Main character
Louis Tomlinson Zayns best mate, the one to give him courage to ask Perrie out,
secondary character
Harry Styles Perries best friend, first to discover Perries relationship, secondary
Jade Thirlwall The one that helps Perrie sneak out and covers up for her, secondary
Niall Horan Zayns friend, the first one to befriend Perrie and Harry, always tries to keep
his group of friends together
Liam Payne Zayns friend, disapproves of Zayns relationship with Perrie
Eleanor Calder Perries friend, has trouble keeping her mouth shut and reveals Perries
secret. Deep down is a good girl but is blinded by prejudice (people marry into their own
class. It's called "assortative mating)
Katherine Spires Perries friend, although they arent as close as they used to due to her
snobby nature, supports her 100% with her choices
Leigh Anne Pinnock Perries new friend after she moves out of her house, lives next to
her with her friend Jesy.
Jesy Nelson Leighs flat mate, befriends Perrie after she moves next to them.

Description (outside POV)
Perrie Edwards: Pretty, rich, popular. Perries life was envied by millions, but the girl with
the bubbly personality felt empty inside. After her brothers death, she had not been the
same, her usual happy self was now bitter. You could still see a glimpse of her old self from
time to time though. The perfect definition of an English rose, her most outstanding feature
was her piercing blue eyes, capable of capturing anyones attention. Seemingly perfect, she
was the best example of how a lady should behave.
Zayn Malik: Handsome. That was the first thought anyone had on Zayn. Mysterious,
talented, only his true friends knew how Zayn actually was.

Description (self POV)
Occupational Skills
Symbolic Element (character and/or plot-defining)
Setting Descriptions
Character Conflicts (internal)
Evolving Goals and Motivations
Plot Conflicts (external)

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