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How important is friendship to you?

- Friends bring more happiness into our lives than virtually anything else. Friendships have a huge
impact on your mental health and happiness. Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy,
and prevent loneliness and isolation. Developing close friendships can also have a powerful
impact on your physical health.

In what way has your friends helped you in your life?

- Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent
isolation and loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can
also: Increase your sense of belonging and purpose.

What are the qualities of friendship that you look for?

- The qualities of friendship that I look for they are kind, honest, protective, trustworthy. A good
friend cares about your well-being. Even if they don’t always agree with every decision you
make, a friend should be empathetic and try to understand your perspective.

How much information can you confide to your friend?

- True friendships can be truly unfiltered you will feel comfortable telling your friend or best
friends you can give many information but always be careful in confiding it. Friends offers
support even he/she can’t help you. Your friend gives you positive thoughts, Even your non-
verbal clues tells you that they are trustworthy but the most important is you’re their best friend

When can you say that a friendship is healthy for you?

- I can say that a friendship is healthy when it has a positive influence in your life. It is a
relationship that encourages you to be your best, supports you through good and bad times and
allows you to blossom. Healthy friendships also mean learning to respect and trust each other.
People respect each other for who they are, People may disagree with each other, People also
should respect and trust themselves and their feelings so they can set boundaries and feel

How can you say that you have found your true friends?

- I say that I have found my true friends by having these signs. These are the signs that I have
found my true friends. They notice little things, whether it is a new haircut or in any things this
means that they are paying attention to you. They show up when it matters, true friends can step
up for you during important, stressful, sad, difficult times when you needed them the most. They
applaud your success, when you found your true friend, they will be able to applaud you from the
sideline and lift you up to your success. And the last sign is Being around them makes you feel
happy, not drained, Friendships should be a source of joy in your life, that energize you in
some way. If you feel drained by your friendships, or if your friendships are a source of stress
in your life, then they are not the real deal

Any last message that you have for our listeners about friendship?

- I will give my last message for our listeners about friendship with this quote “ A real friend walks
in when the rest of the world walks out”

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