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M.E. 3408430
Fertilizer industry in our country !s "l!yed ! "i#ot!l role in
$!%in& te n!tion sel'(reli!nt 'or its re)uire$ents o' "l!nt
nutrients !nd 'ood(&r!ins 'or te tee$in& $illions*
Fertilizers industry 'or$s te core o' Indi!n econo$y+
"roducin& ! ,ide r!n&e o' 'ertilizers -NP./* Ado"tion o'
ce$ic!l 'ertilizers 0y !&riculturist !lon& ,it te use o'
123 seeds !s contri0uted si&ni'ic!ntly in r!isin& country
!&ricultur!l yields $!ni'old*
N!tion!l Fertilizers li$ited ,!s set u" 0y 4o#t* o' Indi! on 56
!u&ust 789: to set u" t,o Fuel oil;lo, sul"ur 0!sed "l!nts !t
<!tind!-Pun=!0/ !nd P!ni"!t-1!ry!n!/* <ot o' te$ ,!s
co$$isoned in 7898* Te N!n&!l 'ertilizer "l!nt o' 'ertilizer
cor"or!tion o' Indi! !s 0een $er&ed ,it N*F*L* in 789> on te
reor&!niz!tion o' F*C*I-Fertilizer Cor"or!tion o' Indi!/ !nd
N*F*L* &rou" o' co$"!nies l!ter* N*F*L* e?ecuted its &!s 0!sed
"l!nt !t 3i=!y"ur+ in M*P*+ on 1<T &!s "i"eline* 3i=!y"ur "l!nt
!d &one in co$$erci!l "roduction in =uly 78>>* Most $odern
"l!nt is <io Fertilizer unit !t Indore -M*P*/* Tus N!tion!l
Fertilizr Ltd* Is no, o"er!tin& tree 'uel 0!sed "l!nt loc!ted At
N!n&!l+ <!tind! !nd P!ni"!t !nd ! &!s 0!sed "l!nt !t 3i=!y"ur*
Te c!"!city o' e!c o' tree 'uel oil 0!sed is 8@@MT;D!y o'
!$$oni!+7@@@MT;D!y o' Ure! !t N!n&!l !nd 7AA@MT;D!y o'
Ure! e!c !t <!tind! !nd P!ni"!t* Te c!"!city o' 3i=!y"ur
"l!nt is 9@@MT;D!y o' !$$oni! !nd 7AA@MT;D!y o' Ure!*
N*F*L* "roduces t,o "o"ul!r 0r!nds o' ce$ic!l 'ertilizers i*e*
.is!n .!d -CAN/ !nd Ure!* <esides te "roduct it
$!nu'!ctures !nd $!r%ets te industri!l "roducts li%e li)uid
o?y&en+ li)uid Nitro&en+ Nitric !cid + Ar&on !nd 0y "roducts o'
Sul"ur* It is !n ISO(7:@@7 B ISO(8@@7 certi'ied co$"!ny*
Tus co$"!ny !s e$er&ed !s te l!r&est "roducer o' 'ertilizers
in te Country*
Te P!ni"!t unit o' N!tion!l Fertilizers li$ited is situ!ted on
N!tion!l 1i&,!y No*7 !nd Deli(A$rits!r R!il,!y Trun%
Route* P!ni"!t is !0out 8@ .*M* 'ro$ Deli !nd is Co#ered in
N!tion!l C!"it!l Re&ion -N*C*R*/*
Te P!ni"!t "ro=ect ,!s !""ro#ed 0y 4o#t* o' Indi! on 7@ Fe0*
789A 'or te i$"le$ent!tion* Pri$e consult!nts 'or desi&n+
en&ineerin&+ erection !nd co$$issionin& o' te "l!nt ,ere M;S
En&ineers Indi! Li$ited* St!rtin& 'ro$ zero d!te 6@ A"ril 789A
te 'eed in ,!s !cie#ed on 7 Se"te$0er 7898* Te tot!l cost o'
te "ro=ect ,!s 557*56 Crore "er'or$!nce o' te unit in !ll te
!re!s o' its "er'or$!nce !s !lso 0een !c%no,led&ed*
Te unit !s encour!&ed te settin& u" o' !ncill!ry industries 'or
te $!nu'!cture o' Jute 0!&s B s!c%s* Tree !ncill!ry industries
'or $!nu'!cture o' Jute 0!&s B s!c%s* Tree !ncill!ry units o'
Jute 0!& $!nu'!cture !nd 0ottlin& o' CO
!#e 0een set u"*
Te unit !s &ot ! c!in o' ,ell(e)ui""ed l!0or!tories ,it
$odern so"istic!ted instru$ents !nd i&ly )u!li'ied tr!ined
st!'' to %ee" strict ,!tc on )u!lity o' te r!, $!teri!ls+
inter$edi!te "roducts+ 0y "roducts !nd 'in!l "roducts to ensure
teir s"eci'ied )u!lities*
N*F*L* P!ni"!t is te 'irst unit in te co$"!ny to i$"le$ent
tecni)ue o' co$"uteriz!tion ,it te o' $ini co$"uter syste$
-OR4(C@/ in 78>: 'or d!t! cre!tion !nd #!lidity o' "!yrolls+
In#entory+ S!les !nd Fin!nci!l syste$s*
Te unit is doin& its ut$ost e''orts to reduce te ener&y
consu$"tion 0y identi'yin& te !re!s o' loss !nd tus t!%in&
re$edi!l !ction on "riority 0!sis* Tis is !lso $uc concerned
!0out te s!'ety o' its e$"loyees !nd te "ersons in te
!d=oinin& !re!s*
It !s ! 'ull('led&ed s!'ety de"!rt$ent ,it ,ell()u!li'ied !nd
e?"erienced "ersons* Persons ,or%in& te "l!nt !re &i#en
"eriodic!l tr!inin& in s!'ety+ 'ire !nd !ccident "re#ention
"ro&r!$$es* 4ood ouse co$"etitions !re !lso or&!nized on
re&ul!r 0!sis*
Te unit is !lso conscious o' its res"onsi0ility to,!rds "ollution
!nd en#iron$ent control* E?istin& tre!t$ent syste$ is $eetin&
te Mini$!l N!tion!l St!nd!rds -MINAS/ l!id do,n 0y centr!l
"ollution control 0o!rd* Tere !re #!rious so"istic!ted
tre!t$ent syste$s in te "l!nt tus $!%in& zero disc!r&e le#el
'or te e''luents* To $!int!in ecolo&ic!l 0!l!nce !0out one l!%
trees !#e 0een !#e 0een "l!nted in !nd !round te '!ctory !nd
N*F*L* To,nsi" to $!int!in cle!n !nd e!lty !t$os"ere 0y
Potosyntesis* Tus N*F*L* o0=ecti#e is DZero Pollution 'or
Cle!n En#iron$entE*
M!ny oter "l!nts de#elo"ed 0y te unit includes "ro#ision o'
ouses to its e$"loyees in $odern residenti!l N*F*L* To,nsi"
,ic is itsel' ! to,n co$"risin& o' e!c !nd e#ery '!cility 'ro$
os"it!l+ scool+ "ost o''ice+ recre!tion centers to "l!y&rounds
Te unit !s 0een onored t,ice ,it NPC s "resti&ious
"roducti#ity !,!rds 'or 78>C B 78>9 'or !cie#in& i&est
&ro,t in "roducti#ity* It !s ,on nu$0ers o' !,!rds !nd
reco&nitions in te 'ield o' "roduction+ s!'ety+ ,el'!re+
inno#!tion en#iron$ent control etc* Four o' its Tecnici!ns !#e
0een onored ,it Pri$e Ministers DS!r!$ 3ir A,!rdE on
!ccount o' uncon#ention!l re"!ir o' Air Co$"ressor <l!des*
Tus N*F*L* P!ni"!t !s "ut te n!$e o' P!ni"!t on ,orld s
industri!l $!" !#in& one o' te $odern 'ertilizer "l!nts to
"roduce Ure!*
A Brief
T%e &'ri#(s
Te #!rious "l!nts in te ,ole l!yout !nd teir res"ecti#e
c!"!cities !re &i#en 0elo,F(
DEEA$$oni! Pl!nt 8@@MT;D!y
Ure! Pl!nt 7AA@ MT;D!y
Sul"ur Reco#ery Pl!nt 5C*A MT;D!y
Ste!$ 4ener!tion Pl!nt 6 0oilersG7A@
C!"ti#e Po,er Pl!nt 5G7A MH1
Co!l 1!ndlin& Pl!nt 7A@ B 5A@MT;r
De$iner!lised H!ter Pl!nt :@@$
R!, H!ter Pl!nt 5:@@$
<!&&in& Pl!nt :@@@MT;D!y
E''luent Tre!t$ent Pl!nt 5@@$
Te !$$oni! "l!nt is 0!sed on 'uel(oil !s 'eed stoc% !nd is
desi&ned to "roduce 8@@MT;D!y o' A$$oni!*
Te 'uel(oil is "!rti!lly o?idized in te &!si'ic!tion re!ctor !t
76A@ C 0y sell &!si'ic!tion "rocess* Te r!, &!s "roduced in
re!ctors $!inly consists o' 15+CO+CO5 !nd 15S* Te e!t
&ener!ted in te "rocess is reco#ered in te ,!ter e!t 0oiler to
"roduce i& "ressure ste!$ !t 7@@@.&;c$
1ydro&en Sul"ide -1
S/ in te r!, &!s is re$o#ed 0y
!dsor"tion in cold $et!nol in desul"uriz!tion section o'
Rectisol* Te c!r0on $ono o?ide -CO/ in te desul"urized &!s
is con#erted to c!r0on dio?ide -CO
/ 0y dou0le st!&e 1*T* si't
con#ersion* Te c!r0on dio?ide l!ter re$o#ed 'ro$ "rocess &!s
in dec!r0on!tion section o' Rectisol* 1
S !nd CO
'ro$ te r!,
&!s !re re$o#ed 0y lo, te$"r!ture $et!nol in te Rectisol
section !nd 0ot te &!ses !re reco#ered 0y re&ener!tion o'
$et!nol !t lo, "ressure* 1
S is te 'or$ o' cl!use &!s is send
to S*R*P* 'or reco#ery o' Sul"ur* Te CO
&!s is sent to Ure!
"l!nt 'or re&ener!tion in te Rectisol section is "ro#ided 0y !n
!dsor"tion re'ri&er!tion unit* Te "rocessed &!s 'ro$ rectisol
section is sent to te Nitro&en ,!s unit !nd re$o#es te tr!ces
o' i$"urities -CO+ Met!nol !nd Met!ne/ 0y li)uid nitro&en
,!s* Nitro&en is 'urter !dded to "rocessed &!s i*e* 1
to o0t!in
! r!tio o' 6F7 o' N
!nd 1
* Tis syntesized &!s $i?ture is
co$"ressed to 56@.&;c$
"ressure !nd syntesis o' N
B 1
c!rried out in te !ldor to"soe loo" in ! r!di!l 'lo, !$$oni!
con#erter !nd A$$oni! is "roduced*
O?y&en re)uire$ent -'or "!rti!l o?id!tion o' 'uel(oil/ !nd
Nitro&en re)uire$ent -'or syntesis &!s/ is $et 0y !n Air(
Se"!r!tion unit o' 8@@MT;D!y* In A*S*3* te co$"ressed !ir is
li)ue'ied* O?y&en B Nitro&en !re se"!r!ted in 1*P* B L*P*
distill!tion colu$ns !t cryo"! te$"r!ture*
At$os"eric !ir consist o' @*86I o' Ar&on &!s 0y #olu$e* Till
recently+ tis &!s !d 0een "!ssin& 0!c% to !t$os"ere ,itout
!ny use+ !lon& ,it te "ur!&e &!ses 'ro$ nortern loo" o' te
!$$oni! "l!nt* O' l!te+ !n ide! o' inst!llin& Ar&on reco#ery
"l!nt ,!s $ooted to reco#er te Ar&on &!s 'or s!le to !u&$ent
NFL s "ro'it $!r&in*
Te "l!nt !s ! c!"!city o' "roducin& @*8A $illion cu0ic $eters
"er !nnu$ o' Ar&on &!s 0!sed on 66@ stre!$ d!ys* Te "urity
o' te &!s "roduced is 88*88I*
Ar&on is !n inert &!s !nd 'inds its use "ri$!rily in second!ry
steel industry+ F!0ric!tion industry B <ul0 $!nu'!cturin& unit
!"!rt 'ro$ Rese!rc B De#elo"$ent sector*

Te Ure! "l!nt is desi&ned to "roduce 7AA@MT;D!y o' "rilled
Ure! in ! sin&le stre!$ 0!sed on DMitsui(To!tsu Tot!l Recycle
C I$"ro#ed "rocessE*
Te A$$oni! !nd c!r0on dio?ide "roduced in !$$oni! "l!nt
!re "ressurized to 5A@.&;c$
"ressure 'ro$ initi!l "ressure o'
!nd @*7.&*c$
res"ecti#ely* Te co$"ressors used to
co$"ress 0ot !re o' centri'u&!l ty"e* Syntesis t!%es "l!ce in
Tit!niu$ lined ure! re!ctor ,ere !$$oni! -N1
/ !nd c!r0on
dio?ide -CO
/ re!ct !t 5@@ C to "roduce Ure!* Te Ure! i*e* te
re!ctor outlet "roduct is ten co$"osed to only 6@I o' te
Te Ure! solution "roduced in "rocess is cryst!llized in te
#!cuu$ cryst!llizer* Te 9@I cryst!l slurry -0!sic!lly
/ is centri'u&ed to se"r!te cryst!l+ ,ic !re ten
dried in te drier !n "neu$!tic!lly con#eyed to to" "erilin&
to,er* Ure! cryst!ls !re $elted in te s$elter !nd s"r!yed
trou& !coustic &r!nul!tes 'ro$
C:$ i& to,er* Ure! is cooled !t te 0otto$ o' "erilin& to,er
on C*F*D* -Coolin& Fluidizin& Duct/ 0ed !nd cooled 0y !ir is
sent to 0!&&in& "l!nt*
Te "roduction o' ure! t!%es "l!ce in Ure! "l!nt* Te in"ut
$!teri!ls !ndled 0y te $!teri!l !ndlin& "l!nt* Also te $!in
tin&s needed 'or te ,ole "rocess to ,or%out is te
co$"ressed !ir !nd e#!"or!ted ste!$* Te units to "roduce te$
,ere e?tre$ely i$"ort!nt ,it te $ec!nic!l "oint o' #ie,*
Te "rocess in te "roduction o' ure! !re descri0ed in tis 'ile*
Tus te ,ole "rocess &oes in ! cycle* I' one or te oter
syste$ err t!n te ,ole "roduction ,ill !lt* Also te ,ole
"roduction is c!rried on ,it te ce$ic!ls so ! &re!t c!re is
needed ,ile doin& te tr!inin&* So$e ce$ic!ls !re i&ly
in'l!$$!0le !nd te oters !re i&ly "oisonous* Te
"roduction syste$ is !l$ost !uto$!tic* Tus te o0ser#!tions
,ere te $!in o"tion to study te ,ole tin&* Te
docu$ent!tion ,!s e!sily !#!il!0le in te se"!r!te de"!rt$ents
!s ,ell !s in te "l!nt s o,n li0r!ry too* Tus tr!inin& $!de $e
study lot ne, tin&s*
Te C!"ti#e Po,er Pl!nt !s 0een inst!lled to $eet te tot!l
"o,er re)uire$ent o' te "l!nt so t!t tere sould not 0e !ny
'luctu!tions in te "o,er su""ly so !s to e''ect "roduction* Te
"o,er "l!nt c!n run in "!r!llel ,it nortern &rid or in isol!tion*
Tus it is ! ty"e o' s$!ll ter$!l "l!nt t!t is "roducin&
electricity to 'ul'ill te needs o' "l!nt*
Te "l!nt "roduces 6@ MH o' ener&y ,it te el" o' t,o tur0o
&ener!tors e!c "roducin& 7A MH o' ener&y !t 77.3* Te
syste$ co$"rises o' <oiler o' ste!$ r!isin& c!"!city o' 57@ T;r
to su""ly ste!$ to te tur0o &ener!tors to "roduce electricity
,ic c!n 0e run on co!l or LS1S -Lo, Sul"ur 1e!#y Stoc%/*
Te entire control o' 0oiler !nd tur0o &ener!tor is
$icro"rocessor 0!sed t!t ensures o"ti$u$ o"er!tin&
"!r!$eters* Te 0oiler !s 0een su""lied+ erected+
co$$issioned 0y M;S Mitsui En&ineerin& B Si" <uildin& Co*
o' J!"!n*
S"eci!l 'e!tures o' 0oiler include ,or%in& !t 'ull lo!d !t 7@@I
co!l or oil or $i?ed 'uel 'irin&* It c!n use i& AS1 content !nd
lo, #ol!tile $!tter too* Also 'lue &!ses trou& its ci$ney
con'ir$s to nor$s l!id 0y "ollution control 0o!rd*
Te !d#!nt!&es t!t !ccrue 'ro$ te C*P*P-C!"ti#e Po,er Pl!nt/
include zero e''ect o' outside "o,er(cut+ econo$y o' 'urn!ce oil
!nd 0etter $!inten!nce o' 0oilers due to !#!il!0ility o'
!ddition!l c!"!city*
Ste!$ 4ener!tion Pl!nt consists o' 0!sic!lly 0oilers !nd its
$ountin&s B !ccessories* It !lso consist o' !s !ndlin& "l!nt+
,ic control te $i?in& o' 'lue &!ses !r$'ul in te
!t$os"ere 0y ci$ney*
<!sic!lly ,!t is te de'inition o' 0oiler* <oiler is te ty"e o'
de#ice t!t 'or$s ste!$ 0y e#!"or!tion o' !tle!st 7@ 4!llons o'
,!ter* <oilers !re $!inly o' t,o ty"esF(
7*/ Fire Tu0e <oilers
5*/ H!ter Tu0e <oilers
Fire Tu0e <oilers !re te 0oilers+ ,ic !#e 'ire inside te
tu0es !nd ,!ter outside te tu0es* Tese ty"e o' !re di''icult to
o"er!te due to teir cle!nin& "ro0le$* So+ tey !re only used 'or
s$!ll "l!nts* H!ter tu0e 0oilers !re te 0oilers ,ic !#e ,!ter
in te tu0es !nd 'ire outside te tu0es* Tese !re used 'or l!r&er
"l!nts !nd !#e l!r&er c!"!city tus 0oiler used ere in N*F*L*
"l!nt is i& "ressure i& te$"er!ture H!ter tu0e 0oiler* <ut it
is entirely di''erent 'ro$ s$!ll 0oilers li%e L!nc!sire etc*
Tese !re tree in nu$0ers+ $!inly t,o 0oiler ,or%s !t ! ti$e
te tird one is %e"t !s ! 0!c%u"* Te 0oiler consists o' tu0es+
,ic !lso 'or$s te c!sin& o' 0oiler* Te "i"es !re ,elded to
e!c oter 0y 'ins in 0et,een te$ tus $!%in& ! c!sin& 'or
0oiler* Tis 0oiler is ten co#ered 0y stu''ed insul!ted $!teri!l
so !s to reduce e!t loss* S$!ll ,indo, is under const!nt ,!tc
0y i&ly tr!ined o"er!tors* E#erytin& is $icro"rocessor
controlled 0ut te control $ec!nis$s used !re o' "neu$!tic
Hen "i"es !re 'illed 'ully ,it ,!ter ten 'ire is i&nited to co!l
or oil or $i?ture* A 'ire 0!ll is cre!ted !nd te co!l or 'uel oil or
!ir is in=ected in ! t!n&enti!l ,!y t!t it "roduces s)uis in te
'ire 0!ll tus &i#in& it i& tur0ulence to &o u",!rd direction+
tus e!tin& te ,!ter in te tu0es uni'or$ly tus "roducin&
ste!$* Te 0!sic '!ctors ,ic !''ect te 0oiler o"er!tion !re
-TTT/ Ti$e+ Te$"er!ture+ !nd Tur0ulence*
Att!ced ere ,it is te l!yout o' te 0oiler* Fro$ te le't in
te ,ind 0o? 'ro$ one side co!l or oil !nd 'ro$ te oter !ir is
'euded tus 'ire "roduced &et tur0ulence !nd $o#e u",!rds tus
e!tin& te ,!ter in "ri$!ry su"ere!t ten in 'inised
su"ere!t* Ten te &!ses 'ro$ u",!rd co$e do,nside 0y
"!ssin& trou& econo$izer tus utilizin& te e!t in it* Ten it
"ree!ts te !ir+ e!ter+ ,ic is to 0e in=ected in te ,ind 0o?*
Ten te 'in!l 'lue is "!ssed trou& electrost!tic "reci"it!tor*
Electrost!tic Preci"it!tor consists o' t,o electrodes+ ,ic
ionize te !s !t i& #olt!&e !nd tus de"ositin& te !s in te
0!''les !rr!n&ed in tese ESP s* Tese 0!''les !re ten stro%ed
,it !$$er const!ntly to de"osit te !s in te !s o""er+
,ic is ten re$o#ed 0y #!cuu$ "roduces ,!ter in=ection in
te series "i"e* Tus 'in!lly te !s $i?es ,it ,!ter !nd ten
dis"osed o''* Te re$!inin& 'lue &!ses trou& ESP s "!ssed
trou& ci$ney to te !t$os"ere ,ic is not t!t $uc
!r$'ul* Tese ESP s !re desi&ned on te 4o#t* nor$s 'or
"ollution control*
Te 0oiler ere !re <1EL $!%e Tirucir!"!lly* Te tecnic!l
code 'or te 0oiler is D3U:@ t!n&enti!l 'ire+ 0!l!nced dr!'t+
0otto$ dry+ "ul#erized co!l+ oil ,!ter tu0e 0oilerE* E!c ,ord
!s s"eci'ic $e!nin& e?"l!ined !s 0elo,F(
3 ((( 3ertic!l J Te 0oiler is #ertic!l in structure*
U ((( Utilities*
:@ ((( :@MH J Te 0oiler "roduces :@MH o' ener&y*
T!n&enti!l Fire ((( Te 'uel or co!l or !ir stri%es te 'ire
<!l!nced Dr!'t ((( As tere is 'orced dr!'t 'ro$ one side !nd
induced dr!'t 'ro$ oter side* I' tese !re not 0!l!nced !t te
'ire "l!ce te 'ire ,ill 0e suc%ed o'' to e?!ust* So it is c!lled
0!l!nced dr!'t*
<otto$ Dr!'t ((( Hen te co!l is in=ected in te 'ire "ul#erized
'ro$ te e!#y co!l "!rticles settle do,n !t te 0otto$* Hic
!re dryK So it is c!lled 0otto$ dry*
Pul#erized Dry ((( Te co!l is in te Pul#erized 'or$*
Oil ((( Oil used*
H!ter Tu0e <oiler ((( H!ter tu0e ty"e*
It is ! &rou" o' #!rious "l!nts t!t !re essenti!l to "roduce
!$$oni! !nd ure!* It co$"rises o' 'ollo,in& $!in "l!ntsF(
R!, H!ter Pl!nt
De$iner!lised H!ter Pl!nt
Coolin& H!ter Pl!nt
Sul"ur Reco#ery Pl!nt
Instru$ent !nd Ser#ice Air Co$"ressor
R!, ,!ter 'iltr!tion "l!nt is desi&ned to tre!t 5:@@$6;r o' r!,
,!ter* Te source o' ,!ter su""ly to N*F*L* is 2!$un! C!n!l
runnin& to,!rds te ,estern side o' te '!ctory ,it ! c!"!city
o' :@ Cusses o' ,!ter is "ro#ided to $eet te re)uire$ent o'
"l!nt* R!, ,!ter is collected in t,o t!n%s in ,ic ,!ter c!n 0e
stored 'or ! "eriod o' se#en d!ys in te e#ent o' sut do,n o'
,!ter su""ly 'ro$ 2!$un! c!n!l*
Te ,!ter c!n!l is "u$"ed in to t,o cl!ssi'iers* Alu$ is !dded
'or co!&ul!tion o' te sus"ended "!rticles "resent in r!,
,!ter* Te "rocess o' co!&ul!tion B 'loccul!tion de"ends
u"on #!rious '!ctors li%e P1+ Al%!linity+ Te$"er!ture
Tur0ulently !nd dosin& r!te o' !lu$ c!r!cteristics o'
sus"ended "!rticles !nd $i?in& "eriod* Te r!te o' !lu$
dosin& is !d=usted on te 0!sis o' l!0or!tory tests* Clorine
is dosed to %ill te 0!cteri! !nd to control to colloid!l silic!*
Function!lly te cl!ssi'ier is di#ided in to t,o zones
n!$ely 'loccul!tion !nd outside it is cl!ri'ier zone*
Sus"ended solids in te ,!ter $i?ed ,it co!&ul!ted 'ro$
$inuteLs 'loccus in te 'loccul!tion c!$0er*
<y $e!ns o' : No* rot!tin& "!ddles !n&in& 'ro$ te 0rid&e+
$inuteLs 'loccus !re ,ell 0ul% o' ,!ter in 'loccul!tion c!$0er
! "rocess el"s in te incre!se o' size o' 'loccus* <i&&er te
'loccus te $ore )uic%ly tese 'loccus ,ill settle do,n* H!ter
'ro$ te 'loccul!tin& zone enters te outer zone trou& te
!nnul!r o"enin&+ ,ic is c!lled cl!ri'yin& zone* In tis zone
l!r&er 'loccus settle do,n !t te 0otto$* H!ter is collected 'ro$
te zone trou& e)uis"!ced ori'ice o' A@ $$ di!$eter !lon&
te "eri"ery o' te cl!ri'ier in to !n !nnul!r l!uncer+ ,ic
ten "roceeds !s ! c!nnel to te r!"id s!nd &r!#ity 'ilters*
Te ori'ices $ust !ct !s su0$er&ed ori'ices* Slud&e settle !t te
0otto$ o' te 'loccul!tor !nd cl!ri'ier is scr!"ed to,!rds 0y
$e!ns o' scr!"ed 0l!des $i?ed ,it rot!tin& 0rid&e B disc!r&e
trou& te slud&e "i"es to slud&e "it 0y $e!ns o' $!nu!lly
o"er!ted &!te* H!ter 'ro$ te cl!ri('loccul!tors is sent to te
s!nd 0ed r!"id &r!#ity 'ilters tere !re > Nos* o' 'ilter 0eds e!c
'ilter 0ed consists o' : l!yers one !0o#e te oter* First l!yer is
o' &r!#el+ second o' &rit+ tird consist o' co!rse s!nd !nd l!st
consist o' 'ine s!nd* Filtered ,!ter is stored in reser#oir !#in& !
c!"!city o' :>@@ $6;r 0!c% ,!sin& o' te r!"id &r!#ity 'ilters
is c!rried !s !nd ,en "ressure dro" !cross te 'ilter 0ed
Tis "l!nt !s 0een "ut u" te "roduction o' D*M* ,!ter o' #ery
i& )u!lity 'or te "roduction o' i& "ressure ste!$ 0oiler*
Filter ,!ter 'ro$ te r!, ,!ter "l!nt is "u$"ed to te 'ilter
,!ter reser#oir* Te 'ilter ,!ter ten "used trou& !cti#!ted
c!r0on 'ilter -A nos*/ 'or re$o#in& te or&!nic $!ss 0e'ore
enterin& te D*M* "l!nt* Miner!ls sl!tes in te ,!ter !re re)uired
to 0e re$o#ed 0y usin& ion e?c!n&e tecni)ue in#ol#es
'i?!tion o' ionic i$"urities o' ,!ter in ! syste$!tic $!nner on
te ion e?c!n&e resin 0eds 'or te de($iner!liz!tion o' ,!ter
tere 0y !cie#in& te i&est de&ree o' "urity*
Te tree stre!$s o' de($iner!liz!tion units !re "ro#ided* E!c
stre!$ consist o' one c!t ion+ one stron& 0!sed !nion !nd one
"ri$!ry $i?ed 0ed de&!sser is co$$on in !ll te tree stre!$s*
In !ddition to te !0o#e+ iron re$o#!l 'ilters !re !lso "ro#ided to
re$o#e e?cessi#e iron 'ro$ return condens!te 'ro$ !$$oni! B
ure! "l!nt* D*M* ,!ter 'ro$ SM< e?c!n&ers 'or "olisin&* An
!ddition!l one stre!$ o' de($iner!liz!tion unit ,!s "ro#ided to
su""ly "olis ,!ter to c!"ti#e "o,er "l!nt*
Te ion e?c!n&e unit ru00er lined M*S* cylindric!l #essels ,it
dised ends !nd "ro#ided ,it necess!ry nozzle connection 'or
"i"e !tt!c$ent* Te 0ed su""ort syste$ consist o' ! M*S*
ru00er lined "er'or!ted steel "l!te* Te "er'or!tions !re 'itted
,it i& density "olytene str!iner s"eci!lly desi&ned to
recei#e disc!r&e ,!ter in orizont!l direction* Ion e?c!n&e
resin is "ro#ided in te e?c!n&er unit in te 'or$ o' 'ilterin&
0ed o#er te resin 0ed is #irtu!lly e$"ty B "ro#ides !de)u!te
s"!ce 'or te e?"!nsion o' resin durin& 0!c%,!s* Te resins
tr!" cu$ de'lector co$"onent "ro=ect inside te sell 'ro$ te
to" !nd ser#e te du!l "ur"ose* Te uni'or$ distri0ution o'
in'luent ,!ter in to te sell !nd te 0!rrier to te o#er'lo, o'
te resin* All connectin& "i"es !nd #!l#es !re ru00erized to ,it
st!nd duty conditions*
Tis is ru00erized M*S* #essel ,it intern!l !rr!n&e$ent o' to"
distri0utor !nd 0otto$ 0ed su""ort 'or restin& r!scin& rin&s* Air
0lo,er ,it suction 'ilters+ d!$"er #!l#es+ "ressure &!u&e #ent
!t te to" ere 0een "ro#ided* Te des!linized ,!ter ,ill enter to
te D*4* to,er 'ro$ to" !nd ,ill tric%le do,n trou& r!scin&
rin& !&!inst !n !scendin& current o' !ir* Te unst!0le c!r0onic
!cid 'ound in te c!t ion e?c!n&e 0re!%s u" in to 'ree CO
&oes to !t$os"ere*
Sul"ur is "resent in 'uel oil;LS1S+ used !s 'eed stoc% 'or
$!nu'!cture o' !$$oni!* Cl!use &!s ric in 1
S is o0t!ined in
rectisol section o' !$$oni! "l!nt* Sul"ur reco#ery "l!nt
"roduces ele$ent!l sul"ur 'ro$ 1
S in !cid &!s 0y cl!use
re!ction* Te !cid &!s 'ro$ rectisol section o' !$$oni! "l!nt is
co$"osed o' !0out :9*AI o' 1
S 0y #olu$e* A@*6 #olu$eI o'
! little or&!nic B c!r0on $ono(o?ide*
Since te concentr!tion o' 1
S in !cid &!s is not so i&+ ! s"lit
'lo, "rocess is cosen ,ic 0y "!ss ! cert!in "ortion o' !cid
&!s !round !cid 0urner* <ec!use "l!nt c!"!city is not so i&+ !
"!c%!&ed te e!t e?c!n&er is used 9@I 'lo, o' te 'eed !cid
&!s e!t e?c!n&er to t!t 'or 0y"!ss is controlled !nd 'lo, r!tio
o' te !cid &!s to te !ir in !cid &!s e!t e?c!n&er is strictly
controlled to %ee" $!?i$u$ reco#ery e''iciently* Follo,in&
re!ctions t!%es "l!ce ter$!llyF((
S M 6;5 O
(((((((((( SO
M 1
((((((((((( 1
Addition!l sul"ur is "roduced 0y c!t!lytic cl!use re!ction
(((((((((( 5 1
One o' te $ost so"istic!ted E''luent tre!t$ent "l!nts !s 0een
inst!lled in te unit+ ,ic $eets te l!test st!nd!rds+ l!id do,n
0y Centr!l <o!rd 'or Pollution B Control o' H!ter Pollution*
Tre!t$ent o' li)uid e''luent is c!rried out 0y Pysic!l+ Ce$ic!l
!nd <iolo&ic!l tre!t$ent "rocess*
Te oily ,!ste ,!ter e''luents !re tre!ted in te API se"!r!tors
'or re$o#!l o' oil* Te s%i$$ed oil is "u$"ed to te slo" oil
t!n% 'or reco#ery o' oil*
El!0or!te controls !re 0uilt in te syste$ !nd )u!lity cec%s !re
e?ercised 'or strict control o' "rocess "!r!$eters in E''luent
Tre!t$ent Pl!nt*
*)'ssifi'"i#$ #f &')/es
3!l#es !re e?tensi#ely used in "i"in& !nd on oter e)ui"$ents
to ,ic "i"in&Ls !re connected* So$e #!l#es !re used
continuously !nd oter inter$ittently* De"endin& u"on te
ser#ice tey "er'or$+ li%e isol!tion+ re&ul!tion+ 0!c% 'lo,
"re#ention+ "ressure relie' etc*+ te #!l#es !#e 0een cl!ssi'ied*
S"'r" #r S"#! F)#0--
Te interru"tion or st!rt o' 'lo, is te $ost ,idely "er'or$ed
'unction o' #!l#es* A 0!sic re)uire$ent in te desi&n o' tese
#!l#es is t!t tey o''er $ini$u$ 'lo, rest !nd "ressure loss
,en o"en* In so$e !""lic!tion+ li&t sut(o'' !t closure is !lso
!n essenti!l 'e!ture* In so$e !""lic!tion tis $!y not 0e critic!l*
4!te+ Plu&+ <!ll or <utter'ly #!l#es !re $ost ,idely used 'or te
interru"tion or st!rt o' 'lo,* Di!"r!&$ #!l#es $!y 0e "re'erred
in te corrosi#e !""lic!tion or in te ser#ice ,ere
cont!$in!tion o' te 'luid is not "er$issi0le+ suc !s in te dru&
!nd 0e#er!&e industry*
Re1()'"i#$ Of F)#0--
M!ny !""lic!tions re)uire t!t te 'lo, o' te 'luid or &!s $!y
0e re&ul!ted -trottled/ in #!rious ste"s 0et,een closed o"en
li$its* Tis is &ener!lly done 0y introducin& resist!nce to 'lo,
eiter 0y ! c!n&e in direction or 0y c!usin& ! restriction or 0y !
co$0in!tion o' tese* Co$$only used #!l#es desi&ns !re o' te
&lo0e+ An&le+ needle !nd 0utter'ly ty"es* Di!"r!&$ #!l#es !re
suit!0le* Closest control o#er'lo, is $ost re!dily o0t!ined ,it
&lo0e or !n&le ty"e #!l#es ,it c!r!cterized "lu&s or ,it
needle #!l#es*
Press(re Re1()'"i#$--
In so$e !""lic!tions+ te inco$in& or line "ressure $ust 0e
reduced* Te re)uired ser#ice "ressure ,ill ten !#e to 0e
!cie#ed !nd $!int!ined uni'or$ly+ e#en ,en sli&test
#!ri!tion occur in te line "ressure* 3!l#es used 'or tis "ur"ose
!re re'erred to !s "ressure reducin& #!l#es or re&ul!tors*
Press(re Re)ief--
Relie' #!l#es !re used in !""lic!tion ,ere e?cessi#e "ressure in
te syste$ c!n c!use d!$!&e or '!ilure* Te s!'ety+ or "o"
#!l#es &ener!lly !re s"rin& lo!ded+ tey o"en ,en te "ressure
e?ceeds te li$its sets 'or te #!l#es* A s"eci!l ty"e o' s!'ety
relie' de#ice in#ol#es ru"ture discs ,ic ru"ture ,en te discs
"ressure li$it is e?ceeded* Ru"ture disc relie' de#ices !#e te
!d#!nt!&es o' 0ein& le!% ti&t u" to te ru"ture "ressure !nd
ein& !0le to o"en !nd relie#e )uic%ly l!r&e cross section!l !re!s*
B'2f)#0 Pre/e$"i#$--
In so$e !""lic!tion it is essenti!l to "re#ent 0!c% 'lo,* For tis
"ur"ose+ cec% #!l#es !re &ener!lly used* Tese #!l#es !re %e"t
o"en 0y 'luid 'lo,* Tey close eiter 0y ! &r!#ity or 0y !
re#ers!l o' 'lo,* Te t,o $!=or ty"es !re &ener!lly desi&ned !s
li't cee%s !nd s,in& cee%s*
S!ei') &')/es--
M!ny s"eci!l ty"es o' #!l#es !#e !lso 0een de#elo"ed 'or
s"eci!l !""lic!tions in nu$erous industries*
E?"l!n!tion o' di''erent ty"e o' #!l#es*
+ATE &AL&E--
Te &!te #!l#e is c!r!cterized 0y ! slidin& &!te+ ,ic is
$o#ed 0y te syste$ "er"endicul!r to te direction o' 'lo,* Te
$ost ty"e o' $e$0er is ,ed&ed s!"ed* Te "ur"ose o' ,ed&e
s!"ed is to introduce ! i& su""le$ent!ry se!tin& lo!d ,ic
en!0les $et!l se!ted ,ed&e &!te #!l#e to se!l not only !&!inst
i& 0ut !lso lo, 'luid "ressures*
A3/'$"'1es-- Lo, "ressure dro" ,en 'ully o"en !nd
ti&t se!lin&*
7* C!uses #i0r!tion+ se!t !nd disc ,e!rer in "!rti!l o"en
5* 4!te #!l#e !s slo, res"onse c!r!cteristics !nd re)uires
l!r&e !ctu!tin& 'orce*
7* 4!te #!l#e is "ri$!rily 'or on(o'' !""lic!tion*
5* 4!te #!l#e is suited 'or i& te$"er!ture !nd i& "ressure
use ,it ,ide #!riety o' 'luid etc*
+)#4e &')/e--
In &lo0e #!l#e te closure $e$0er disc or "lu& is $o#ed on !nd
o'' te se!t o"enin& #!ries is "ro"ortion!l to te tr!#el o' disc*
Te se!t is rin& s!"ed* Te 'lo, "!sses 'ro$ te inlet "ort
trou& se!t to te outlet "ort* Te &lo0e #!l#e is c!r!cterized
0y sort ste$ tr!#el+ i& se!lin& c!"!city+ !nd l!r&e "ressure
Te tree $!=or #!l#es in te &lo0e '!$ily !re st!nd!rd "!ttern+
!n&el !nd y(ty"e #!l#es*
F!ster to o"en or close+ $ost reli!0le 'ro$ se!lin&+ trottlin& to
control te 'lo, to !ny desired de&ree+ "ositi#e sut(o''.
7* 4lo0e #!l#e is "ri$!rily used 'or trottlin& "ur"oses*
5* Hidely used 'or i& te$"er!ture !""lic!tion*
Press(re re)ief /')/es--
Te ter$ S!'ety 3!l#e !nd Relie' 3!l#e is )uite o'ten used
interc!n&e!0ly desi&n!te #!l#e t!t "rotects !&!inst e?cessi#e
"ressure* 1o,e#er tere !re cert!in di''erence 0et,een te$*
S!'ety #!l#e is desi&n to !#e ! 'ull o"enin& "o" !ction to
"ro#ide i$$edi!te relie'* Relie' #!l#e is desi&ned to o"en
slo,ly ,it incre!se in initi!l "ressure*
B')) &')/e--
Te 0!ll #!l#e is in i$"ro#is!tion o' "lu& #!l#e it is 0!sic!lly !
"orted s"ere in ousin&* Te se!t $!tcin& te 0!ll is circul!r
so t!t te se!tin& is circu$'erenti!lly uni'or$*
7* Lo, "ressure dro"s+ ti&t sut o''+ )u!rter turn o"er!tion*
5* E!sy to $!int!in !nd lo, tor)ue*
6* Tey !re s$!ll in size !nd lo, in ,ei&t*
5. Ouic% o"enin& $!y c!use ,!ter !$$er in so$e
6. Fluid tr!""ed in te 0!ll in te close "osition $!y
c!use "ro0le$ o' 0uild o' #!"our "ressure !nd
5. Tey !re used in ,ide r!n&e o' !""lic!tion
includin& 'lo, control+ "ressure control !nd sut o''*
6. Tey c!n 0e used !t i& "ressure !nd
Plu& 3!l#eF(
Te "lu& #!l#e consists o' ! 0ody+ "lu& !nd co#er* Te "lu& is
eiter t!"ered or cylinder !nd cont!in 'lo, "!ss!&e trou& 'luid
'lo,s in o"en "osition+ te 0ore in te "lu& connect te inlet !nd
te outlet end o' te #!l#e "ro#idin& te str!i&t(line 'lo,*
Te "lu& #!l#e is c!r!cterized 0y rot!ry #!l#e+ )uitter turn
7* Nor$!lly s$!ll in size re)uires less e!droo$*
5* Tey "ro#ide ti&t sut o''+ )uic% o"enin& !nd lo,(
"ressure dro"*
7* Plu& #!l#e $!y 0e su0=ected to &!llin&*
5* Lu0ric!ted #!l#e re)uires "eriodic lu0ric!tion*
6* O"er!tin& tor)ue is )uite i&*
Plu& #!l#e is e?tensi#ely used in re'inery !nd ce$ic!l
&')/e P'r'7e"er--
A #!l#e s"eci'ic!tion ,ould "ro$inently co#er te 'ollo,in&
#!l#e "!r!$eterF(
7* 3!l#e size* 5* 3!l#e ty"e*
6* Cl!ss(r!tin& o' #!l#e* :* End connection*
A* <ody $!teri!l* C* 3!l#e(tri$*
9* Ty"e o' o"er!tor* >* Construction!l 'e!tures
Co$$on "ro0le$ o' #!l#esF(
7* Mis!""lic!tion* 5* Tri$ $!teri!l*
6* Corrosi#e $edi!* :* Hire dr!,in&*
A* 3!l#e 0ody* C* Se!tin&;Se!lin& sur'!ces
9* Fl!n&e le!%!&e* >* Fl!n&e ,ire*
8* Stu''in& 0o? le!%!&e* 7@* Stor!&e*
Co$$on #!l#e "ro0le$s+ teir c!uses !nd conse)uences ,en
$!inten!nce is ne&lected !re &i#en 0elo,F(
7* M!ny sut o'' #!l#es !re ne#er o"er!ted durin& nor$!l
"l!nt cycles* Unless o"er!ted occ!sion!lly+ tese #!l#es
$!y deterior!te ,it ti$e !nd ,ill not 'unction ,en
needed* 1ence it is necess!ry to o"er!te e!c #!l#e durin&
its idle ti$e to see t!t tey do !ctu!lly ,or%* Tis ,ill
el" to detect trou0le 0e'ore co$"lete '!ilure+ s!#e teir
costs !nd to "re#ent d!$!&e to oter e)ui"$ents*
5* I' #!l#e "!c%in& is !llo,ed to le!% continuously+ ste$
d!$!&e $!y "ro&ress to te "oint ,ere no "!c%in& ,ill
old* Ten co$"lete ste$ re"l!ce$ent+ ,ic is $uc
e?"ensi#e+ is necess!ry*
6* A le!%in& ste$ 're)uently $e!ns ! c!tterin& #!l#e*
C!tter initi!tes oter trou0les ,it in te #!l#e* 3i0r!tion
e?tends to te ,or%in& "!rts !nd c!n d!$!&e ten 0eyond
re"!ir* Anoter serious tin& in ! c!tterin& #!l#e is !
sudden #!l#e closure -!ccident!l/* In ! critic!l !""lic!tion
suc !s ! "u$" suction line+ !ccident!ls closin& c!n c!use
e?tensi#e e)ui"$ent d!$!&e !nd "rocess do,n ti$e*
Anoter "ro0le$ is cronic!lly le!#in& #!l#es ,ic ulti$!tely
ruin te$sel#es* I' tey !d 0een re"!ired in ti$e+ cost ,ould
!#e 0een $ini$u$*

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