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Hassen Nigusie
ID NO. 983/03
Yesuf Abera building contractor

Internship Report 2006




I, Hassen Nigusie, hereby declare that this internship report is submitted by me under the
guidance of my mentor Ato Tadesse. I assure that the report contains actual events and
facts that was observed and performed during my internship practice program. All the
contents are my own and has not been submitted to any other institute.

Mentor: - Tadesse signature: _________________
Student: - Hassen Nigusie signature: _______________
Internship Report 2006


Figure 1- a) cement being stored .9
Figure 1 b) reinforcement storing .....................................................................9
Figure2 block arrangement of on the floor and ribbed beam .12

Figure 3 mesh bar arrangement on the ribbed slab...12
Figure 4 box of benching ......................14
Figure 5 CONCRETE Mixing.15
Figure 6 a) compacting and casting concrete column ....16
Figure 6 b) slab casting 16
Figure 7 Concrete spacers with cast in wires 17
Figure 8 Mould for making spacers 18
Figure 9 stair case formwork 19
Figure 10 slab formwork............19
Figure 11 column form work..20
Figure 12 a) mesh bar reinforcement 21
Figure 12 b) column reinforcement ...21
Figure 13 backfill of shear wall ...22
Internship Report 2006



Table 1- Machineries and Equipments owned by the company 5
Table 2- the first format for takeoff sheet for reinforcement bars 23
Table 3- The second format for takeoff sheet for reinforcement bars ..24
Table 4- Format for takeoff sheet for concrete and formwork 25s

Chart 1 Organizational structure .4
Chart 2 Work flow on the site .. 8


Acknowledgement VI
Executive Summary VII
1. Background of the hosting company ..1
1.1 company history .1
1.2 goals of the company ......2
Internship Report 2006


1.3 organizational structure ....4
1.4 facilities ....5
2. overall internship experience ..5
2.1. How I got the company ...5
2.2. The section that I have been working in 7
2.3. The workflow on the site 8
2.4. Some of the main construction materials used in the site is the ff8
2.4.1. Store keeping in the site ..9
2.5. Work task I have been executing ....9
2.5.1. Site work ......10 Supervising the works 10 Ribbed slab 11 Data collection 12 Checking and supervising the mix ratios of concert ..13 Materials for concrete 13 Benching 14 Concrete mixing 15 Casting of concrete ...16 Curing of concrete 17 Control the amount of concrete and ling the production and use of
spacers ............................................................................................17 Form work .18 Reinforcement work ..20 Backfill of soil on shear wall under the basement .21
2.5.2. Office works 22 Preparing takeoff sheet 22
Internship Report 2006

V Preparing of the amount of concrete and formwork required .24 To calculate formwork area needed for ..25 Bill of quantity ...26 Determining the manpower output .27
2.6. Challenges ...28
3. Overall internship benefits 28
3.1. Improvement of practical skills 29
3.2. Upgrading theoretical knowledge 29
3.3. Interpersonal communication 30
3.4. Team playing skills .31
3.5. Leadership skill ..32
3.6. Work ethics 32
3.7. Entrepreneurship skill .......33
4. Conclusion and recommendation .34
4.1. Conclusion .......34
4.2. Recommendation 35
5. Reference .....36

Internship Report 2006


First and foremost I would like to thank my GOD for his endless guidance in my life and for giving
me strength and ability to finish this internship period with love, success and happiness. He gives
me family and friends to support me all the time.
Secondly, I would like to thank my mentor for his serious and continuous supervision on
my work and reports, also to the project manager for his cooperation to allow me to spend the
internship period with their company, and lastly to the company worker for sharing me their
knowledge without any doubt.
I would like to thank BAHIR DAR UNVERSITY Institute of Technology for providing
this internship program for their student since it is a great opportunity for the student to get
practical knowledge.

Internship Report 2006


Executive Summary
It is a clear fact that the knowledge of construction engineering cannot be upgraded without
practical experience in each field of the subject matter. This paper is a written report about the
internship program which was planned to help apparent students grasp practical know-how of
engineering projects, their design, implementation, evaluation and management in general.

Thisreportis about the back ground of our hosting company including its history
and major achievements, our overall internship experience, tasks and the procedures we
followed, the practical and theoretical knowledge we gained including the challenges we faced
while performing those tasks.

The contents of the report have been divided into four chapters and the topics
covered include the company background, our overall internship experience, and the benefits
we gained from the program, our conclusions and recommendations for the company. To help
anyone reading this report better understands the discussed topics and ideas, figurative
illustrations and samples of works and different report formats which are attached at the end of
the topics.

Internship Report 2006


1. Background of the hosting company

1.1. Company history
As statistical evidence indicates that the population of Ethiopia has more than
doubled in the last 4 decades. This has resulted in the migration of millions people into
major cities, thereby causing shortage of normal services such as the provision of water,
electricity and shelter, among others. The housing situation lacks infrastructures and is
dominated by Chika type of construction (traditional type of construction with mud and
wood). The population growth of 2.8% per year and the accelerated migration to urban
centers (6 % and more per year) have dramatically increased the demand for affordable,
decent housing.
Because of these reasons our government has been inciating private sectors to be
involved in the construction industry, especially in low-cost housing projects. So the
government gives opportunities to small construction companies like Yesuf Abera
building contractor to be involved in construction projects.
Yesufe Abera building contractor is a privately owned construction firm with a
reliable track record and a bright prospect that matches its high aspiration. It is a class 4
building contractor. It was established in 2000 EC as a class 6 BC by Yesufe Abera (owner
and general manager), who has the experience of working in other construction companies
as a manager.
Yesufe Abera BC has shown an appreciable growth in such short period. It has a
vision of becoming an international construction company. To assure this vision the firm
has been working with great devotion and responsibility to fulfill the interest of the client
with an acceptable profit to company.

Internship Report 2006


Become an internationally competent Contractor and also an active and leading
actor in the Ethiopian economic landscape.
Play a significant role in the construction sector.
Increase its organizational strength by recruiting professionals, who will
have at their disposal advanced, state of the art machineries.
Take an active part in the nations real estate development thus ensuring
maximum customer satisfaction.
Contribute a major role in the hospitality industry of the country.
By making sure these objectives are met, the companys mission is to make its
presence felt in the development of the Countrys economy and the preservation of its
social values while remaining target full in the dynamism of the business world.
1.2. Goals of the company

Every company has a vision, but to attain their vision the firm must have a goal that
will be changed with time and progress. As every company Yesufe Abera BC has a vision
of becoming an international construction company and to participate in the poverty
reduction process. In order to do so the Yesufe Abera BC has the following goals:
To participate in the reduction of housing problems
To increase the work efficiency of the firm
To develop and practice cost reducing construction methods
To use modern construction technologies and machineries
To devise and practice a modern and effective organizational structure
To develop a highly professional management team
Internship Report 2006


In order to attain these goals the firm has been working and investing on:
training and motivating its technical staff, from the craftsmen to the senior
engineers, to achieve and maintain high standards
working hand to hand with Addis Ababa low-cost housing project and other
construction companies by studying and applying their experience
increasing its capital and capacity of taking projects at a time
making and developing a good communication skill with client

Internship Report 2006


1.3. Organizational structure

Chart: - 1 Organizational structure

General Manager
Yesufe Abera
and finance


Internship Report 2006


1.4. Facilities
The machineries and equipments the company owns:

Table 1: Machineries and Equipments owned by the company
2. Overall internship experience

2.1. How I got the company
The university industry linkage program is planned to create a good interaction
between universities and industries, and also create students that have the capability of
facing and solving practical problems. Because of these reasons Bahir Dar University has
given a great deal attention to this program in helping students, starting from searching
Type of Machineries Number
Dump truck 16m
Pick up Double cabin 2
Pick up Single cabin 1
Crasher 705kg-10 ton/hr 1
Mixer 350 lit 2
Hand compactor 1
Water pump 1
Vibrator 2
Winch 1
Internship Report 2006


companies that are willing to be part of this program to giving essential documents and
The companies that were made available for civil engineering students were very
much limited in number and most of them were outside the major cities. So because of this
reason we were requested to
Search companies by our own that were suitable interns of place of work,
transportation availability, the companys acceptance and availability of work that were
good. If a student could not bring any companys acceptance the student would be forced
to work on companies that were made available by the university industry linkage office.
Because of the above-mentioned reasons, I spent the semester break trying to find
construction companies that are willing to be part of the program and make the necessary
arrangements. Thats when Yesufe Abera Building Contractor comes. I found the
company with the help of the peoples I know.
When I first went to the company I found a good service from the general manager
and owner of the firm Ato Yesufe Abera, and also from other employees. I tried to
illustrate and give information about the internship program, so that they should give
special attention to it, because the firm will also gain some advantageous from the program.
As I went to the firm on the first day of the internship, I had to wait for the general
manager and give the necessary documents and papers that will be filled by the firm. So as
to make my stay on the firm according to the universitys program. On the second day I
have been introduced to my supervisor and other employees of the firm. When they heard
where I came from and for what reason I came, they were very much happy to show me
around, give me the necessary information about the work and cooperate with me.

Internship Report 2006


2.2. The Sections That I have been working in

On the company there were two working sections, office and site. I was placed on
the conterceter side. I choose to work on the site because it the only place where I can
develop and improve my practical skills.
The contractors sides, I have been serving as a: -
1- Site engineer and
2- Forman

As a Site engineer, which is: -
To lead, guide and manage the overall construction activities in the site.
Identify mistakes and take corrective measures
Check the accuracy the construction process and ensuring it to be as per the
Giving orders and suggestions to the Forman
Evaluating the designs and consulting the designers if there is any discrepancy
between the architectural drawing and the structural drawings or between the
sanitary drawing and the structural drawing etc.

As a Forman, which is:-

laborers, masons and carpenters during the construction
Assigning the workers on their specific tasks in the site
Internship Report 2006


Rectifying any possible faults that can happen during construction
Follow carefully the concrete mixing and insuring the quality of concrete etc.

2.3. The workflow on the site

Chart: - 2 Work flow on the site
2.4. Some of the main construction materials used in the site is the

Cement Reinforcement bars Sand
Selected materials Admixtures Water stopper
Gravel Nail vibe rater
Mixer etc.

Site engineer

Site manager

Supervisor of the
consulting company

Design office

Internship Report 2006


2.4.1.Store Keeping In the Site

These store in the site was a hall constructed from Galvanized Iron Sheet (GIS). An
elevated floor of timber structure covered by a plastic mat was construct ed to store the
construction materials such as cement, pipes and labor equipment, etc. to protect them from
moisture, from possible flood, and from any direct contact with the soil that can damage
the quality of the construction materials

Fig: -1 a) cement being stored Fig: -1 b) reinforcement storing

2.5. Work task I have been executing
The work task I have been executing on both sites was as an assistance site engineer.
In addition to this I was executing other tasks as a machine operator, data collector and
general Forman.
At first, on the Enkulalfaberica site I usually spent the day observing and trying to
do small jobs like preparing takeoff sheet and collecting data. But after a while I was given
a small portion of the site, in order to manage and take the responsibility of the work. This
enables me to gain a good experience.
Internship Report 2006


At the post office project I was still working as an assistance site engineer. My job
was to supervise the works and suggest or recommend solutions to design problems.
The work task that I have been executing as an assistance site engineer and on others
working sectors was:
Supervising the works that have been done
Discussing on design problems and giving a solution
Preparing takeoff sheet
Making bar schedules for the bar benders
Checking and supervising the mix ratio of concrete,
Collecting data from the site
Controlling the casting of concrete
Controlling the production and use of spacers
2.5.1.Site work
Before I came to this site I havent any opportunities to see how a given design is changed
to a real structure. Here I see how the slab together with the beam is casted. The big thing I
recognize here is carpenters play a significance role in erecting the design. They do the
important thing like false work and formwork for the structure, which gives the structure to get
the right shape and desire acquiring the correct dimension for the beam the
column and elevation of the slab and the stair case. Supervising the works
By supervising I mean checking the work, if it is according to the design. If it is not
according to design, it must be corrected by any means necessary considering the cost, the
time and the quality of the work.
Cost - if it costs too much, another solution will be searched to correct it. If
not, the work will be corrected or done again with the cost of the contractor
or sub-contractor. Sometimes, some works can cause an extra strength to the
structure but will create an extra cost to the company.
Internship Report 2006


Time time should be considered so that the demolishing and building
process wont waste much time. As time is the main criterion in any
construction companies.
Quality- the dependence of the works should be considered, if it weather
affect the quality of the work that will be done or had been done.
Strength- the work done should be checked if it whether or not affect it the
structural strength.
So the correction process should be done after considering the above terms and
discussing it with the consultant. If the work done doesnt create any problem on the above
terms, it can be passed with the agreement and approval of the supervisor.
Checked and controlled:
The dimensions of the formworks.
The arrangement of bars before casting of concrete.
The bending of the bars, weather it is according to the bar schedule. Ribbed Slabs
Ribbed slabs comprise closely spaced concrete joists which are monolithically built
with thin concrete slabs. These are economical for buildings where there are long spans
and light and moderate live loads.
We are talking about in situ concrete slabs, not slabs consisting of pre-cast concrete
ribs with in fill blocks between them, on top of which is cast a concrete topping. Where the
block do contribute to the structural strength they will be referred as structural-type blocks.
Internship Report 2006


Fig: - 2 block arrangement of on the floor and ribbed beam

Fig:- 3 mesh bar arrangement on the ribbed slab Data collection
The work that has been done should be quantified to check if it is going according to the
schedule or to prepare takeoff sheet. In order to do so, a data collector should measure and
record each and every work and pass it to the site engineer.

Internship Report 2006

13 Checking and supervising the mix ratios of concert
. Concert
Concrete is a workable plastic mixture of cement, aggregate & water which can be cast in
to any desired shape or convenient size. Concrete when set and cured resemble stone in
weight, hardness, brightness & strength.
The property of concrete varies depending on the quality of the constituent, proportion of
the concrete mix, quality of the workmanship & curing. In concrete each and every
aggregate must be completely surrounded by the paste of cement. The paste binds the
aggregate together and forms a solid mass. Materials for Concrete:
i. Aggregate
ii. Sand
iii. Cement and
iv. Water
Water is an important ingredient of concrete as it actively participates in the chemical
reaction with cement. Since it helps to form the strength giving cement paste, the quantity
& quality of water is required to be looked very carefully.
Generally water used drinking is suitable for making good concrete.
Aggregates are the most important constituent on concrete. They give body to the concrete,
reduce shrinkage, and effect economy. The fact that aggregate occupy 65 - 75 percent of
the volume of concrete, their impact on various mixes and properties of concrete is
considerable. Therefore choosing attention should be given to four general requirements.
a) Economy of the mixture
Internship Report 2006


b) Potential strength of hardened mass
c) Probable durability of the concrete structure
d) Workability when fresh
Cementing materials are inorganic substances (mineral fine powders) that are capable of
producing a plastic pasty mass when mixed with water and hardens under the effect of
different physical and chemical processes.
Sand is the second constituent of concrete. The grain size of sand is less than the aggregate. BATCHING
Prior to the mixing of ingredients it is essential to measure the materials accurately to
ensure the right proportions. The concrete may be batched either by weight or by volume.
But the site is to do by volume. When concrete is batching by volume there is always
variation between one batch & another. This is due to the fact that the quantities of solid
materials in a container very much depend on its degree of compaction, more over volume
of most sand in a loose solution weight much less than the same volume of dry compacted
sand. Because of this batch, wt batching is prefer than volume batch especially on
important works, however, because it is simple & convenient volume batching is used at
most construction sites.

Fig:-4 box of benching
Internship Report 2006

15 CONCRETE Mixing
The usual types of concretes used in the construction of beams, columns, slabs, foundation,
and other structures are C15-C30 types. On the sites where I worked on only C30 type of
concrete is used. As it is described in EBCS-2 concrete types above C20 needs the use of
mechanical mixers for mixing. C30 has a mix ratio of 1:2:3 with the appropriate amount
of clean water. For every bag of cement we used 2 box of sand and 3 box of gravel.
Machine mixing obviously gives better and uniform mixes than hand mixing and because
of this reason, it is generally recommended. The site also use to mixing is by machine
The mixing ratio of concrete is depend on compaction strength of concrete.
For or site to use the compaction strength is C30 that means to use 1:2:3, ratio is used.
The meaning of 1:2:3 is
1 one bag of cement
2 it indicate two box of sand and
3 is three box of aggregate.

Fig:-5 CONCRETE Mixing

Internship Report 2006

16 Casting of concrete
No concrete will be placed until the Engineer gives approval to do the executed work.
We will inform the engineer in sufficient time to enable him to inspect the reinforcement,
formwork and surface on which the concrete is to be placed and also we provide all facilities
for such inspection.
Reinforced concrete of class C30 with 360kg/m
of cement content will be filled and
vibrated in the formwork around bar reinforcement.
In footings
In foundations columns
In ground
In grade beams
In 150mm thick ground slab

Fig: - 6 a) compacting and casting Fig: - 6 b) slab casting
Concrete column
Once the concrete arrives at the project site, it must be delivered to its final positions
without segregation. While placing the concrete, the compaction is done using a vibrator.
The compaction helps to avoid any segregation. They place the mix of concrete in
appropriate amount to avoid difficulties in compaction.
Internship Report 2006

17 Curing of concrete
The curing time may depend on concrete type, the type of the structural element and
environment of the working station. There are two setting times of concrete namely, initial
setting time and final setting time. The former one is setting time from placing of concrete up
to dismantling of the formwork. It is 24 hrs for columns, slabs and beams. The final setting
time is the time from dismantling of formwork to the final setting of concrete. It is 7 days for
columns and beams and 21 days for slabs. Controlling the production and use of spacers
In the execution of foundations, slabs, beams, columns and other concrete requiring
structures concrete spacers are used to hold reinforcement in position and to assure the
required cover. Cast-in wires are used to fix them to the reinforcement bars. I happened to
experience two kinds of spacer production these are:

Fig: - 7 Concrete spacers with cast in wires
Using timbers that are used as a formwork with a thickness of 2.5cm. It is done using
three timbers, one placing under and the other two on top of it with a space between
them. During filling of the mortar the thickness of the mortar should be equal with
the thickness of the timber (2.5cm). Wires should be placed on the mortar during
the filling process. This helps the wire to be fixed on the spacer. The filled in mortar
Internship Report 2006


should be divided into many parts when it is fresh, so as to make it breakable into
the required sizes and numbers.

Fig:-8 Mould for making spacers FORME WORK
All forms will be of wood or metal shall be built to prevent distortion due to the
pressure of the concrete and other loads incidental to the construction operation.
All formwork will be of such accuracy, strength and rigidity as to carry the weight and
pressure from the concrete to be placed on or against it, together with all constructional and
other loads. All formwork will be sufficiently tight, without plugging, to prevent loss of
grout during the vibration of the concrete.
Internship Report 2006


Faces of the formwork will be clean, free from projecting nails, adhering grout and
other imperfection or defects, which could prevent the specified surface finish from being
attained. It will be treated with approved mould oil before positioning. All forms will be
treated with approved mould or similar oil or be soaked with water immediately before
placing concrete to prevent adherence of concrete.
The dimensions must be checked before proceeding to any work.

Fig: - 9 stair case formwork Fig: - 10 slab formwork

Fig:- 11 column form work
Internship Report 2006

20 Reinforcement work
The entire necessary reinforcement bar for this project is prepared in the site.
According to the design the maximum bar diameter is 24mm. That is why the ferayoo
accomplish the task by using hand tool like bega and simple cutting machine. If there is
a bar have a diameter greater than 24 mm it is difficult to bend it with bega there for they
sa machine capable of doing this. Unfortunately I havent got a chance to saw it.
During my stay I see the construction stage for stair case, beam, column and slab.
Starting from slab locally called soleta once the false work (in our case we use special
kinds of scaffolding) is constructed to desire elevation the form work (panel) is put
appropriately and the form work of the beam is fixed at the right position simultaneously.
Here the beam formwork locally called the fondo(the bottom formwork in which the
RC concrete is laid on ) and the two side support are called sponda The panel gets
painted to easily dismantle the panel from the concrete at the end. Then the beam
reinforcement placed suspended on the bar and the stirrups (Staffa) is tied according to
the design then the beam reinforcement is put in the right position by considering the
spacing needed. Here I saw the ferayoo put the stirrup weak side upside down with the
opposite arrangement at a time.
The mesh is done as per the design; here I see the reinforcement which hasnt any
structural uses, which use to separate the bottom bar with the top bar locally called the
kebeleto. Once the bar gets their position installation conduit sanitary pipe is put as
per the drawing. Finally the slab and the beam spacer are put after all, the dust is going
off from the form work by using the compressor and casting process is getting on.
Manually the casting process take 4 - 6 days while by using crane it takes only six hour.
The crane can deliver about .5m
concrete to any floor at a time. But now it not working.
Internship Report 2006


Fig: - 12 a) mesh bar reinforcement Fig: -12 b) column reinforcement Backfill of soil on shear wall under the basement
Backfill is a selected and approved material that is used to fill a void/depression/pit/or trench dug. And
backfilling is the process of filling a depression or void with a selected material and compacting it.
A backfill should not have organic material such as pieces of wood and roots embedded within it. If
the soil on the site is capable of being compacted and forming a stable filling, it is useful/better to do the
backfilling with material excavated on the site.

Fig: - 13 backfill of shear wall
Internship Report 2006


2.5.2.Office works
Most of the time many office works are executed in the office which is found in the
underground of the site. Office works that are done most of the time are; Preparing takeoff sheet
The second and main task we were handed was something totally new for us. It is
clear that the reinforcement bar is one of the essential units of a certain structural element
and for these reason it is important to determine the type and amount of steel required
for a certain project.
We were first shown how to prepare a takeoff sheet for bar reinforcement required
to erect a particular component of a building. First one should know to prepare the
takeoff sheet for the reinforcement bars there are two formats in use, the first one results
in the mass of a particular type (i.e. in terms of bar diameter) of bar in kilograms. And
the second format results in the number of berga (i.e. equal to 12 meter in length). I have
tried to show both of these formats below courtesy of sunshine construction company.
In order to fill out the above table properly the following steps should be taken.

(mm) Le
Total length (m)

8 10 12 14 16 20 24

Total length(m)
Internship Report 2006


Table 2.. The first format for takeoff sheet for reinforcement bars
Identify the type bar present
Then calculate the number of bars present based on the spacing and the length
on which these bars are placed
Calculate on how many members these bars are present on a single floor
Then calculate the total length by multiplying the total number of bars with
the length of single bar
Now based on predetermined conversion factor we can calculate the total
mass of bar in kilograms.
The second table format is shown below. The only difference between the first format
and this one is this result in the number of berga required to complete a certain structural

Table 3 the second format for takeoff sheet for reinforcement bars
Weight(kg/m) .2
.617 .88
2.467 3.55
Total weight(kg)

Type of

Internship Report 2006

24 Preparation of the amount of concrete and formwork
Then we come to the takeoff sheet for the amount concrete required and the
formwork necessary to carry out the construction effectively. Before I move on any
further I should just state the definition of some terms that I would be using throughout
my report.
Formwork is a temporary structure that is required to support and form concrete
False work is the complete structure erected to support the wet concrete
Scaffolds are steel or timber structures build to give access to different parts of a
building, mainly to external walls
This task was relatively easy to carry out since its just calculating the surface area
for the form work and calculating the volume for determining the amount of concrete
needed, Of course the calculation may get tedious when the structure has an irregular
shape and the volume and surface area are not easy to determine.

Table 4. Format for takeoff sheet for concrete and formwork

Internship Report 2006

25 To calculate formwork area needed for:

(A) Beam
Summing up the length of each beam
Reading its depth & width
Multiplying the length with the width & twice the depth
for the sides
Adding the above products

(B) Column
Reading the clear height
Multiplying the height with surface area of the column

(C) Slab
Reading the length and width excluding the beams
Multiplying the two dimensions for each panel

The above procedures were followed to quantify formwork panel needed to complete the job and
in order to crosscheck and do the work part by part detail description of the axis are given as a
reference on the take of sheet.

Internship Report 2006

26 Bill of quantity

It is called bill of quantity. It includes the type of quality, the amount of the quantity,
the rate and the cost. The rate is the price for a unit amount of quantity which was handed
to me by the company. The rate is the result of the breakdown, since I didnt do the
breakdown I was given a list of rate for each quantities I have calculated prior.
The bill of quantity is preferably divided in two main parts, substructure and
superstructure. The substructure part includes three main parts the first one is Excavation
and earth work this involves from clearance of top soil to the 250mm thick hardcore
blinded with crushed stone. All quantity is measured in m
except when the thickness is
known and then it is measured in m
. The next one is concrete work and the last one is
masonry work. I only did the concrete part since I have calculated the amount of volume
required previously.
The superstructure portion involves different type and amount of work; these are
concrete work, block work, woodworking and joinery, metal work, plastering and
painting, finishing, glazing, sanitary and electrical installation. I must admit I only did it
for few of them like the concrete and block work. This is because I only had data for
those which I previously calculated the quantity for. I tried to understand how the rest
was done from the sample work I was given from the company. Determining the Manpower Output
My assignment included going out on the site at the start of the day and record the name
of the employee, the equipment used during the day and the number of assistants involved
if there are any. And then I will go out at the end of the day and record the daily work. This
task is important for it can help you determine how quick the project can be done. And if
one has to lay off some works it will help you determine which employee to keep.
Internship Report 2006


This task was not that hard but it gave me a great opportunity to improve my
communication skills with the employees working on the site, not to mention that I was
able to familiarize myself with the equipment local terminologies and their application.
The first manpower output I did was for the block work. Block work has two aspects:
lay out and filling up the wall in accordance with the layout. The layout was done by a
more skilled person than the later since the rest of the block work is done on top of the
layout. From by observation one mason and two helpers can cover up to 3 unit houses
in a single day. It can be more or less depending on which floor it is or on how well
acquainted the mason is with the plan. For filling the wall according to the layout can
then be done. One mason and two helpers can cover up to 30m
in a single day.
The second manpower out I did was for the second cote plastering. Second cote
plastering requires more care than first so it will not be done short amount of time. One
person plastering and one assistant can cover 32m
of wall surface.
The last work I had observed was the chiseling part. I have to say it is by far one of
the hardest jobs I have encountered on the site. Not only is it tiring but also dangers to
the workers eye because they did not use any safety material. I suggest safety gasses
should be provided in this type of work. A single worker can cover about 60m
of area
to be chiseled.
2.6. Challenges
As an assistance site engineer I was faced with many challenges. These are:
Language problem as it was my first work; this is because the kind languages they
use were different from the construction languages that we use in the class.

From the early beginning, the communication with the site workers was so tough
initially, because, they use different site words which I never heard about. As a
result, I started jotting most of these words down and used them in executing my
Internship Report 2006


Some of the workers were over-confident believing that they know well everything
and used not to follow my instructions such as when I told them not to leave the
vibrator for a long period in the concrete. This caused failure of the grade beam
formwork. As a result, I contacted the Forman and the problem was fixed.
Disagreement between the contractor and consultant about architectural drawing
Lack of office equipment like computers on the site. This has created a problem on
improving my computer skills.
For something that takes inputs there is something in return, a benefit. In my internship
too, there were some benefits those are gained accordingly. The benefits are:
Practical skills
Theoretical knowledge
Interpersonal communication skills
Team playing skills
Leadership skills
Work ethics related issues
Entrepreneurship skills
These aspects are discussed below.

3.1. Improvement of practical skills

My four month stay in the sites equipped me with a lot of practical capability that enables
me to perform any task that is given to me. The followings are some of what I learned
Concrete mixing procedure
Different concrete mix ratios
Improved my ability of understanding and reading working drawings
Internship Report 2006


Concrete casting and curing
Formwork and Reinforcement placement
Preparing takeoff sheet
3.2. Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge
Since the practice depends first on theory, it was easy to correspond with each other.
It is not very challenging to change the theory into practice. Theoretical knowledge i s
dependable on principles, logic and calculations. It is interesting when the theoretical
knowledge & the practice meet exactly as you wanted to. Sometimes this relationship fails
to some degree. Theoretical knowledge doesnt show you the tasks, which are processed
in the site. Generally speaking, my theoretical knowledge got strengthens more by those
practical techniques invested on site. This is because I had to refer every time when I came
across a problem.
In addition the practical knowledge upgrades my theoretical knowledge by
Understanding every single work with satisfactory scientific reasoning
Referring different books and web sites whenever I encounter difficulty
Asking the site engineer and the supervisor when I come across a problem
Observing different construction works
Learning different kinds of construction machineries
Learning the methodologies used during construction
Reading and interpreting of working drawings
Calculating reinforcements for the bar cutters and benders

3.3. Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is a way of communication that a person have with
other people who might have contact with. Meeting with the staffs was a little tough. Then
after time has passed I let myself to them by reasonably talking on issues those are related
Internship Report 2006


to the site or not. Then step-by-step when I got into the work, there comes the opportunity
to communicate on work related talks.
Every day I was connecting with specific working class. This improves
understanding the thinking of the peoples around me. And finally I was the one who
communicate with everyone in the site even with the daily laborers. This was one of the
main things that helped me to improve my practical skills.
Internship Report 2006


On the other hand, during my internship program I used to have a lot of contacts with
students from different universities, engineers and also other responsible peoples. Thus I
used to ask them different questions in order to understanding their point of view too. Thus,
the communication skill is very important, because it helps us in
Guiding and managing the workers in their respective field of expertise
Generating fruitful ideas
Respecting other attitude
Speaking ability
Developing persuasive and decision making capability.

3.4. Team Playing Skills

It is a skill of a person to work with other people co-operatively. This skill was
developed easily and rapidly. It begins when I was in campus. Some assignments given
were done in groups. This helps me to handle different characters of the persons I worked
The reason behind this is my work tasks did not allow communicating with colleagues
only, but also co-operated me with the persons I worked with. Even each work task was
done and completed as a team. The work that I have been engaged was more of as
assistance Site Engineer, I have to communicate and work with both the Site Eng. and the
project manager and more over I communicate with all the site organizational structure
directly or indirectly.
Thus, in the site I improve my team playing skills by
Communicating constructively
listening actively
sharing ideas openly & willingly
Trusting others in a respective and supportive manner.
Internship Report 2006


Accuracy during task performance.

3.5. Leadership Skill

It is very important to control and monitor the peoples in the project site. During my
internship program I saw how the project manager monitors the peoples specially, the
Forman, the store keeper and as well as other team leaders. It is the portion of the work that
acquires managing skill in different aspects such as managing work flow, assigning the
Forman and the team leaders to their respective tasks, properly allocating and insuring the
proper management of it, and also controlling everything in the site.

3.6. Work Ethics

The principles of ethics are values which are expected to be possessed by all people in their
life, and contribute good interaction between individuals. It also referred to the standard or
a set of moral principles for regulating behavior of a certain defined professions. In order
to consider that and activity to be a profession, it should be carried out by one who has
advanced education, knowledge and skills. Thus for developing healthy working
environment and increase productivity.
Some of ethics I gained during the interns are:-

Punctuality: - means keeping the companies work beginning time to compete the given
task on the given period.

Honesty: - being trust worthy and restrain from cheating, corruption and bias.
Cooperation: - being interactive and cooperate with the others.
Office discipline: - in work place you dont have to disturb the working condition.
Internship Report 2006


Reliability: - the workers should be quantified for the pate he is supposed to be performed
Cooperation: - each worker should interact with each other while working. This is because
it is through such system the problem of impartiality, transparency and openness, integrity,
avoiding apparent conflict of interest accountability could be easily solved.

3.7. Entrepreneurship Skills
Seeing Ato Yesufe Abera the owner of the company who made me realize the
success he had made in such few years with a small experience he had before. This made
me realize the reasons behind his success. These were technical experiences he had on the
field, determination, taking risks, studying the business and good management skill. So
because of this I tried to develop my skill on such terms during the internship period.

Internship Report 2006


4. Conclusion and Recommendation
4.1. Conclusion
It is obvious that the aim of the internship is to make the students acquainted with the site
situations and so that the students possess practical skills. This will help the students to
carry out their job easily after their graduation as experts. It was really a golden opportunity
on the sites where I have developed my practical knowledge and experiences by comparing
and contrasting it with my previous theoretical knowledge. So, I found the internship
program to be highly essential to upgrade my theoretical knowledge and gain practical
There might be different ways of learning. However, I wasnt acting as an observer on the
site; rather I was personally involved in the construction activities and put my finger point
on it.
In line with this, it was my opportunity to be assigned under different contractor companies
who were involved in different construction activities, because, I used to work with them
at the same time used to work with the supervisors from the client side. Thus I was endowed
because I was working on both the client side and also on the contractor side, thus gaining
my experience from both sides point of view.
In fact, it is difficult for me to mention all the benefits I gained during my stay on the site.
However, it is my pleasure to say that it has equipped me with the practical knowledge of
understanding and implementing field exercises in my field of study, civil engineering. It
helped me develop self-confidence and introduced us to the world of construction. It made
me know how site problems are tackled with the least loss. It made me know the procedural
steps in the construction activity. It also acquainted me with the knowledge required to
monitor construction sites. It gave a great opportunity to be creative and inventive.
On the other hand, it was really a period where I have reconstructed myself and learned
different work ethics and disciplines and generated a leadership skill and team work
Internship Report 2006


Lastly, internship plays a crucial role in our study. As a result, it should be maintained and
a greater emphasis should

4.2. Recommendation
By studying the company organization structure and work flow I would like to
recommend the company the following terms:
Hire highly professional skilled man powers, this enables the firm to attend
projects with a lot of speed and accuracy.
Use modern machineries and equipment, this will enable the projects to be
finished with a lot of speed and will save a lot money that will be taken out
for hiring labors. And also has the advantage of using the machineries for a
longer period of time.
Use steel form works as much as possible, since steel form work has good
strength and quality of work it can be used for many projects without any
problem. But when we come to timber, it can only be used for one project.
Arrange the necessary materials and office for interns, this will help the
interns to incited and work with responsibility.
Provide the necessary row materials, these will the firm to avoid
unnecessary termination of projects due to shortage of raw materials.
Avoid miss communication between the employees, this can be done by
arranging company meetings at least ones a month.

Internship Report 2006


Ethiopian building codes of standards (EBCS-1995).
Wikipedia, Encyclopaedia.
Foundation analysis and design, Joseph E. Bowles.
Reinforced concrete-I hand out.
Yesufe Abera construction company profile

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