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In Canada, a writer visits the Indian storyteller Pi

Patel. The writer asks ................. to tell his life
story. Pi tells the story of his childhood in
Pondicherry, India, and the origin of ..................
nickname. One day, his father, a zoo owner,
explains that the municipality is no longer
supporting the zoo. ecause of this, !!!!!
decides to move to Canada. In Canada, the animals
of the family are going to "e sold. !!........ are
traveling on a #apanese cargo ship with the animals
and, out of the "lue, a storm "egins, followed "y a
shipwrecking. Pi survives in a life"oat with a ze"ra,
an orangutan, a hyena and a male engal tiger
nicknamed $ichard Parker. .................. are adrift
in the Pacific Ocean, with the aggressive hyena and $ickard Parker getting hungry. Pi needs to
find a way to survive.
Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(Available at:, acceed on !arch "#th "$%&'
%riter& escritor
'toryteller& contador de est(rias
)ickname& apelido
Owner& propriet*rio
+unicipality& cidade, comunidade
'old& vendidos
'hip& navio
Out of the "lue& de repente
'torm& tempestade
'hipwrecking& naufr*gio
,ife"oat& "ote salva-vidas
.drift& / deriva
1 Choose the "est option to complete the text&
a0 1e - his - he - 1e - They
"0 1im - his - he - They - They
c0 1im - their - he - They - They
d0 1e - his - he - They - They
e0 1is - his - he - They - They
The underlined pronouns are referring to words from the text. Choose the correct alternative.
2 It is Pi.
a0 1is nickname "0 The writer c0 The tiger d0 The family e0 The life"oat
3 . ze"ra, an orangutan, a hyena and a engal tiger survive in a life"oat with him.
Professora: EVA
Aluno(a) ________________________________________________ n
! ano " Ens#no $un%a&en'al II Tur&a: _______ En(l#s) T* + II un#%a%e

Da'a: _____"_____" ,-./ Ass#na'ura %a Professora:A
a0 The writer "0 $ichard Parker c0 Pi d0 The storm e0 The family
4 The writer listens to his life story.
a0 the hyena "0 the zoo c0 the ze"ra d0 The family e0 Pi
5 Pondicherry is located in it.
a0 Canada "0 the life"oat c0 #apan d0 India e0 the ship
Choose the correct option with (ub)ect and *b)ect +ronoun to su"stitute the underlined words.
6 The writer visits the Indian storyteller Pi Patel .
a0 1e 2 him "0 'he 2 them c0 It 2 me d0 They 2 us e0 %e 2 it
7 Pi tells the story of his childhood.
a0 1e 2 him "0 'he 2 her c0 1e 2 it d0 %e 2 it e0 1e 2 them
8 The municipality is no longer supporting the zoo.
a0 I 2 me "0 1e 2 them c0 %e 2 me d0 They 2 her e0 It2 it
9 Pi survives in a life"oat with a ze"ra, an orangutan, a hyena and a male engal tiger.
a0 1e 2 him. "0 1e 2 them c0 It 2 us d0 1e 2 us e0 'he 2 them
Complete with possessive pronouns&
10 #ohn and I see 3333333333 mother every day.
a0 my "0 her c0 our d0their e0 his
11 'ara writes in 3333333333 "ook class.
a0 your "0 their c0 my d0 his e0 her
12 The "oy is smart. 3333333333 exam result is very good.
a0 4our "0 +y c0 1er d0 1is e0 Their
13 In the sentence 5%e are going to study tomorrow.6 Choose the correct alternative in the
interrogative negative form&
a0 .re we going to study tomorrow7
"0 .ren8t we going to study tomorrow7
c0 %e aren8t going to not study tomorrow7
d0 %e are not going to not study tomorrow7
e0 %e aren8t going to study tomorrow7
14 In the 'entence 5They are going to school next +onday6. Choose the correct alternative in
the negative form&
a0 They are not going to school next +onday.
"0 .re going to school next +onday.
c0 .re they going to school next +onday.
d0 )ext +onday are going to school.
e0 They isn8t going to school next +onday.
15 Identify the sentences in the future with 9OI)9 TO, and choose the correct alternative.
:;<330- I am going to work in my garden next weekend.
:=<330- I am working in her garden
:><330- 'he isn8t going to work in my house next +onday.
:?<330- 4ou are going to watch his T@ show tonight.
:A<330- Bo you play "all with her son7
:C<330-+ary is very "eautiful.
:D<330- %e go to the li"rary on 'aturdays.
:E<330-Is he going to talk with Peter tomorrow7
a0 ;, ?, A, C, D "0 =, >, ?, E c0 ;, =, ?, C d0 >, A, C, D e0 ;, >, ?, E
Complete with future going to&
16 +ary and Paul 3333333333 dance with an FT in two minutesG
;. is going to "0 are going to c0 going to d0 isn8t going to e0 am going to
HuestIo Fxtra <:,A0
17 Hual a formaJIo do futuro com going to7
Good Luck!
; = > ? A C D E K ;: ;; ;= ;> ;? ;A ;C
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. E
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. E
9. B
10. B
11. A
12. E
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. E

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