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Offic e of
Vice PreSident " ReV,or wl Ol((JClOr
Region /I February 9, 1998

Hen. Joseph L. Bruno

Senate Majority Leader
Room 909, Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12207

Dear Joe:

Enclosed are copies of my letter of support

to Governor Pataki, the announcement letter to
locals in Region Two, the press release, and a copy
of a letter to President Cleary 0 r the New York
State AFL-C10.

I want to thank you once again for the help

you extended in all of the situations cited in my
letters. J know that the position you hold and the
integrity with which you fulfill it is a large part of
what has given, and will continue to give, this
admin istration its strength.

GOVERNMENT Warmest regards,


Mario Scarselletta, Jr.
Enclosures (
7 1 BAY STRE E • GLE NS FALLS. NY 1280 \.
MS/fg Onice 1518) 79:1-.1069 ' FA X (5 181793 .: 188

0 6 ~:t5
71 Bay Street • Glens Falls. New York 12801

MARIO 5CAR5ELLETTA) JR. Office: (518) 793-4069

Vice President & Regional Director February 9, 1998 FAX : (518) 793-4188

Han. George E. Pataki, Governor

Executive Chamber
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Pataki:

Thanks to your vision and leadership, New York State is far better off than it was just three
years ago. That is why the United Paperworkers International Union, Region Two, is
endorsing you for re-election to another term as Governor. A press release to that effect will
be issued by my office later this week.

The United Paperworkers Intemational Union represents 250,000 workers in the United
States and Canada, including 25,000 members in New York State.

In the late 1980's and early '90's, New York lost half a million jobs and businesses were
forced co leave the Slate because of high taxes, over-spending and over-regulation. However,
during your first term, you have made New York a better place for businesses, their
employees and their families.

You may recall that in late 1996 and early 1997, we were faced with the closure of a plant
in Fulton which employs upwards of 400 of our members . Sealright's executives had
informed us that they planned co consolidate its Kansas, Fulton and Los Angels frozen food
paperboard packaging operations into two facilities. With 35-40 percent of the company's
business coming from the west cost, Sealright quickly decided co keep that plant, which
meant either the Kansas or New York facility would be closed. In less than a month, your
staff, together with county officials, puc together an incentive package which retained the
operation in Fulton and has added over 100 jobs, bringing our membership there to 505 at
the end of 1997.

Secondly, for some years UPI U has had a joint training program funded by the state through
Hunter College. Some very valuable training and publications have emerged from that
cooperative effort, including a booklet on the prevention of ergonomic injuries in the
workplace which was printed in both English and Spanish and distributed co our members.
However, budget cuts planned for 1997 threatened co eliminate this ongoing t raining, and
it was only after my appeal to you citing the important benefits of this education co the
workers that it WJS allowed to continue.

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Governor George Pataki February 9, 1998

These two examples leap immediately to mind, however, there is no denying the
concentrated effort that has been exerted during your administration ro keep jobs in our state
and ro cut taxes to help the working men and women of our state.

You have proven to be a very accessible leader. You have listened closely to, and addressed,
many of our concerns, and the concerns of labor in general. Your policies of reducing taxes,
protecting our environment and making low-cost power available has helped retain jobs and
create new opportunities for working men and women.

You deserve another term to build on your success and lead new York State into the new


Mario Scarselletra, ]1'.
Vice President and Director
Region Two


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