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Picture Ideas: Fareed Zakaria Portrait,

Paul Namkoong
Word Count: 504
Draft 1
[Intro to Publications B4]
October 24, 2013

As referenced in news publications the likes of Time Magazine, the Washington Post, and
CNN, Fareed Zakaria has guided a multitude of rulers, advisors, and heads of state on
international affairs, often regarded as one of the top experts on foreign policy.

Born in Bombay, India, on January 20, 1964, Dr. Fareed Zakaria had received all the
opportunities he needed to reach success in the academic field. His parents were extremely
established, his father a leading politician in the Indian congress, his mother being the editor
of the Sunday Times of India, as referenced in an interview with Harvard University. We
knew everybody, said Fareed Zakaria. We saw the best architects, government officials,
and poets all the time. Nothing seemed out of our reach.

Starting from elementary school, Zakaria would only attend the elite private schools of the
country, receiving the best education possible. Fareed Zakaria would then proceed to study in
Yale University as an undergraduate, finding his calling card in politics. He had many
executive positions in political clubs, such as being president of the Yale Political Union.
Zakaria then proceeded to earn his PhD in political science from Harvard University.

Dr. Zakaria became the youngest managing editor in the history of Foreign Affairs, the
leading journal of international politics and economics, at the age of 28. By writing op-eds
for the New York Times, he continued to build his reputation until becoming editor of
Newsweek International in 2000. The Washington Post, Newsweek, and Newsweek
International all published his columns, raising his status as one of the most widely
distributed columnists of his specialty in the world, becoming one of the 21 most important
people of the 21
Century, in Esquire Magazine.

Although his columns were published in many papers, Fareed Zakaria still remained in
relative obscurity. The political scholar first came into the international spotlight through his
Newsweek cover essay on Islamic terrorism, titled Why They Hate Us, on 2001. A deep
political analysis on the culture, history, and demographics of Islam culture, placed it on the
recommended reading lists of political officials, journalists, and even people working at the

For the next decade, he would be the top voice in foreign affairs, appearing in many TV spots
like ABCs This Week with George Stephanopolis. In 2010, Zakaria became the Editor-at-
Large and columnist of Time and a top columnist for the Washington Post. The Wall Street
Journal, the New York Times, and the New Yorker have all published his columns on
different subjects.

However, according to the New York Magazine, his career was subject to much controversy
when he was suspended from publishing while his primary publishers, Time and CNN,
investigated his articles for possible plagiarism in 2012. I made a terrible mistake, Zakaria
apologized in a public statement. It is a serious lapse and one that is entirely my fault.

Regardless of his error, both publications have reinstated him, giving him another chance.
CNN had restored his own show, Fareed Zakaria GPS and still remains a columnist in

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