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Sarvabhauma SatakaSrila Sarvabhauma

One Hundred Magnanimous Verses
Glorifying Sriman Mahaprabhu (!
Verse 1
O Gaura! May the devotees of the entire world accept these verses in glorification of You
which are born of the pure pleasure potency.
Verse 2
Overwhelmed by love of God !riman Mahaprabhu initiates everyone into the worship of
"adha #rishna by floating in ecstasy while engaged in the san$irtana movement.
Verse %
&hanting in the sweet mood of "adharani 'is names are given to the world engulfed in
maya. (ue to 'is unprecedented love for #rishna tears are seen flowing from 'is eyes
)ust as streams of water form in and out of e*istence. !eeing 'is limbs shivering li$e the
wind 'is body perspires li$e never before. &ompassionate towards those who are
tormented by the age of #ali 'e is always eager to teach the living entities about how to
unify with #rishna in the mood of the Vra)a gopis.
Verse +
,alling into the filthy ocean of this present degraded age why be bewildered by the
gunas or -ualities of nature. /bsorbed in family life Gauranga thin$s about how to
deliver them from the nescience of conservative and bland servitude. /ppearing as a
mendicant of renowned splendor within the town of 0avadvipa 'is beautiful body is
soulfully alive.
Verse 1
!riman Mahaprabhu is the sole savior of the age of #ali because only 'e is interested in
pure devotional service based on pure spiritual reali2ation of the purest of the holy
names. 3urning in hell because of re)ecting 'is form of bha$ti burned by passion and
ignorance are they who have no life in the spirit.
Verse 4
5layfully dancing with Gadadhara 5andita'e thus continues 'is pastimes that 'e
pleasantly demonstrated before the liberated )ivas when 'e was called by the names
"adha #rishna.
Verse 6
3itten by the sna$e of poisoned reali2ations that results in more of the same old habits of
unconsciousness chanting the holy names and serving the Vaishnavas is the sole
medicine worth consuming.
Verse 7
8he sweet candy of divine love for the spiritual master is a delicious treat to melt the
foolishness of a heart consumed by material desires.
Verse 9
: offer myself wholly to !ri #rishna &haitanya the ocean of mercy that is unending and
unlimited. O ;ord of the universe transform my soul into the infinite glories of servitude.
Verse 1<
Marveling at how You are so engaged in saving the fallen souls from themselves their
families and their false heroes and leaders : repeatedly as$ You to accept me as one of
Your insignificant surrendered servants.
Verse 11
,allen because of being absorbed in the mentality of birth and death You can do
anything to deliver me from the dangers of forgetting You. You are most e*pert in dealing
with the wic$ed. : thus desire to surrender unto Your magnanimous grace.
Verse 12
/s the ;ord of all You bestow all forms of spiritual wealth $nown to the liberated and to
the aspiring devotees of Your ;ordship. Maintaining the universe all by Yourself ma$e
my life worthy of mention by successfully protecting me from the enemy of greed and
Verse 1%
'earing about the other Vishnu incarnations glorified in the 5uranas and how 8hey were
able to deliver the devotees of 8heir time : have full faith that only You in Your present
form can remove the stain of sin which ma$es my heart into a place of pilgrimage for so
many demoniac -ualities.
Verse 1+
(ancing li$e the stars do when with 'is devotees in 0ilachala the divine sound
emanating from the san$irtana movement enchants everyone who hears it with an open
heart and mind.
Verse 11
Ga2ing upon ;ord =agannath and desiring to embrace 'is form 'e falls to the ground in
'is molten form of gold stunned by 'is own ecstasy unable to move 'is eyes away
from 'im.
Verse 14
(uring that euphoric meeting between the moving and immobile ;ord tears of love are
all that can be seen. !hivering all over and 'is voice unable to pro)ect the holy names
'e remains unconscious as if for eternity.
Verse 16
>orshiping "adha #rishna for hundreds of lives in order to appreciate Gauranga?s style
of bha$ti firm in love are they who see "adha #rishna in that One /vatara of 5rema.
Verse 17
:ncreasing your devotion to !riman Mahaprabhu by increasing your appreciation for
"adha #rishna worshiping either one is not e*clusive or separate from the worship of
the other.
Verse 19
8he charming nature of 'is eternally smiling lotus face subdues all an*ieties in the mirror
of the heart and 'is throat is as smoothly shaped as a divinely used conch shell.
Gaurachandra?s strong limbs are capable of any type of feat imaginable.
Verse 2<
8he abode of love every feature of 'is form has a transcendental -uality attached to it.
Verse 21
O friend of the ocean of pure love! ,ull of craftiness and unable to understand anything
about Your pastimes with me You must be merciful to me in order to live up to Your title
as patita pavana.
Verse 22
"aising 'is arms out of transcendental pride 'e re-uests everyone to )ust surrender to
the chanting of the holy names. (ancing for hours on end out of great love for every part
of God 'e stri$es 'is chest out of an*iety and rolls in the dirt which has been blessed
by 'is devotees.
Verse 2%
: wish to be with the !upreme 5erson who is so enthusiastic for the holy names that
everyone willingly wants to chant alongside 'im. 'is holy name is auspicious to the
e*tent that all obstacles of the mind and body are disintegrated in mere seconds of pure
ecstatic feelings.
Verse 2+
'is curly hair is a feast for the spiritual eyes of all spirituali2ed flowers offered to 'im. On
'is forehead is a nicely decorated sign of the Vaishnava faith and 'is ears sportively
display long )eweled earrings.
Verse 21
: worship the !upreme 5erson Gaura 0itai who is covered with sandalwood paste and
other scented flavors of divinity. !weetly wal$ing with an$le bells around 'is legs and
bangles on 'is wrists everything about this incarnation is meant to remind you of the
glorious and blissful form of unified "adha #rishna.
Verse 24
8he friend of all poor souls 'e wears a saffron cloth on top of 'is transcendentally
captivating body of eternal bliss. 'e alone being the auspicious abode of bha$ti 'e
alone is worshipable for the purely honest.
Verse 26
5raying to the blissful luminosity that is !ri #rishna &haitanya 'e leaves 'is former self
as #rishna to appear in a new golden form for the iron li$e who cannot appreciate a
spiritual form that is much older than them and their families of ancestors.
Verse 27
8a$ing shelter at the feet of Gauranga why has the Godhead e*changed 'is yellow
cloth for an orange cloth indicating the renunciation of worldly desires. 8he only shelter
within the three worlds 'is renunciation of 'is family gives transcendental life to all
families that are favorable to 'is cooling moon li$e face.
Verse 29
Observing how the cosmic manifestation eventually became dominated by the sinful
propensities of the fallen the eternity of #rishna descended into 0avadvipa as the most
merciful Gaura. @nable to swim out of the ocean of repeated sufferings ;ord &haitanya
is born for the deliverance of the wretches who try to ma$e #ali yuga even more
unbearable to the sensitive and awa$e.
Verse %<
>hen 'e decided to manifest 'imself the most low and cra2ed were instantly reformed
by 'is presence and became the greatest of Vaishnavas.
Verse %1
8he already purified Vaishnavas were ta$en to a new height of devotional ecstasy.
!eeing how everyone is bound by material visions of a false reality the Vaishnavas are
so full of compassion that they solely want to tell others about the holy names.
Verse %2
/s soon as Gauranga opened up 'is mouth and let loose the auspicious sounds of what
is $nown as congregational chanting everyone within 'is radius became stunned by the
wonderful -ualities of the ;ord. >hether pure or sinful they all ran to &haitanya
Mahaprabhu and danced in a maddened fashion when around the ;ord.
Verse %%
:t is more than wonderful that even the elderly sic$ childish and womanly became
attracted to being attached to the holy name of Gauranga.
Verse %+
'is appearance causing the prisoners of #ali yuga to set themselves free by glorifying
the -ualities of ;ord &haitanya everyone is most foolish because of being divinely mad.
Verse %1
Aven more astounding than Gaura?s character is the character of 'is devoted servants.
>ith their collective purity they can easily convert the entire world to the graces of
prema bha$ti.
Verse %4
!piritually attractive because of all of the care 'e puts into 'is bodily image 'is pride is
transcendental because of 'is desire to draw in new souls to the bha$ti lata bi)a waiting
to grow within the soul.
Verse %6
>anting to remember 'is -ualities pastimes name and form through the instrument of
the mind my friends sons and relatives shall serve 'im for hundreds of lifetimes to
Verse %7
O God! My tongue is destined to chant Your spiritual potencies. My ears are destined to
hear Your -ualities. My mind is destined to focus on the hidden meanings of Your
adventures in the spiritual world. My eyes are destined to see Your eternal form and my
head is destined to offer humble obeisances.
Verse %9
/ll of !ri #rishna &haitanya?s devotees are diamonds of absolute perfection. 8hey are
the personified forms of bliss especially meant for the propagation of the san$irtana
movement. 3urning in hell love of God is the solution to all problems.
Verse +<
/ particular country or nation may become very degraded very fast and may distance
themselves from all sound religious principles but if the people ta$e to ;ord &haitanya?s
san$irtana movement and perform hari nama daily then they will surely attain all
success in all endeavors related to morality and social betterment.
Verse +1
:f opposed to the bona fide sampradayas ;ord &haitanya has come to help the most
unfortunate reBgain a strong foothold in the spiritual world of eternity $nowledge and
Verse +2
:n other ages 'e selectively chose certain souls to further 'is mission of spiritual love
but due to the magnanimity of the holy names this time 'e does not discriminate
between the devotees and the nonBdevoteesC thus allowing everyone to serve 'is
stunning golden lotus form of absolute transcendental purity.
Verse +%
(estroying their misconceptions about 'im with every loud shout their minds are as if in
samadhi every time they see 'im humbly serve the drun$ards who have lost their minds
due to cheating themselves out of the supreme goal of life.
Verse ++
8he saddest creatures of the earth re)oiced and )oined the ;ord in 'is san$irtana
movementC $nowing that congregational chanting is the essence of all devotional
Verse +1
!taunchly devoted to 'is grace the character of a Vaishnava is one of pure sweetness.
0ot offended by the faults of the cowardly and pretentious they wipe away the mud of
the sinful living entities. Ma$ing 0avadvipa the center of godly nectar 'is mercy defeats
the glories of the Vedas by a long shot.
Verse +4
&rushed and belittled by the tall and fearsome waves of maya ;ord &haitanya catches
hold of the )iva soul?s feet so as to clearly teach that fortunate particle of God about the
mercy inherent in listening to the Vaishnavas who give discourses on the science of
repeating the holy names belonging to Godhead.
Verse +6
3y 'is order the sublime among the Vaishnava communities spend their time traveling
to every town and village interested or not in God consciousness to elucidate on the
meanings of being an atmarama.
Verse +7
Gauranga is the master of everything while still being a friend to everyone. 'e )ump
started a new mood of ecstasy throughout the great land of :ndia.
Verse +9
=oyously participating in the ocean of soul inspired delight everyone who used to get
drun$ on cheap wine now becomes into*icated by the wine of ;ord &haitanya?s form. 0o
longer having to suffer from the poison of ignorance a bright lamp of $nowledge now
shines throughout the cosmic manifestation.
Verse 1<
,inding no other means of obtaining mercy completely absorb yourself in the natural
happiness which constantly e*udes from the frame of Gauranga?s transcendental
Verse 11
8he most sinful who are caught between the torments of pains and false pleasures such
as gambling illicit se* life material into*ication and meat eating are -uic$ly purified by
the transcendental arrow of the holy name specifically aimed by the erudite mouth of
Gaura. ;ord &haitanya is the universe within every universe and is the controller of
everyone?s spiritual progress into the cosmos of ever fresh bha$ti.
Verse 12
!olely desiring to teach about the 0ame 'e befriends those who have a similarly deep
attraction to the sound which came before Om. 'is bright appearance is supremely
sweet because of being eternally relishable or en)oyable. Anchanting everyone with one
glance of eternal splendor 'is words are very cooling to the soul burnt asunder by the
rage of mundane terrestrial forms of !hiva.
Verse 1%
'e is most compassionate because of 'is choice to eternally descend through 'is
transcendental sound vibration whenever it is accepted as a friend. &ausing the cosmic
manifestation to implode upon itself when 'is body starts to shiver with the speed of
!hiva?s e*hausting rage 'e is the only giver of devotional love because of being the
sole living entity to taste it more than once. 3est among the dancers may 'e $indly
dance upon my heart.
Verse 1+
8he scintillating moods of prema e*hibited by Gauranga perfectly e*emplified the
teachings of the Vedas thus defeating the need to study the worship of mundane
elemental gods who are more than puffed up. 8he !ource of all incarnations 'e burns
to ashes the rotting bodies of former so called demigods and rulers controllers and idol
ma$ers by giving them a new spiritual body made of the vibrations of prema. /lways
immersed in pastimes of samadhi with 'is friends 'e is the best of dancers for a divine
Verse 11
:ncomparable and hard to find an e*act duplicate li$e all other created things 'e
relishes transcendental rasas as a favorite hobby of sorts. Avery living entity falls into
trance upon seeing 'im in 'is infinity of play. Of the most profound degree of pure
goodness who can beat 'im in 'is dance of love in separation.
Verse 14
'is tears accentuated by eyes which are as large as infinite universes release all )iva
souls from the prison house that is liberation and bondage. /gitating thousands upon
thousands of goddesses of fortune with 'is transcendental good loo$s may 'e bless
me to dance with 'im upon a full moon night.
Verse 16
Gaurachandra is now sharing 'is essence with all natures whether fallen or care free.
'is nectar thus effectively wipes out the plague of ignorance of spiritual reali2ation that
has now become fashionable to blindly believe in. 8he warrior of God for the poor and
destitute 'e is the ultimate realm of transcendentally true realism. 8he seer within the
realm of Vra)a is reminded of 'is original sight upon seeing the self same ;ord
populari2ing the hare $rsna maha mantra.
Verse 17
;ord &haitanya is the crown resting upon the heads of all $nowers of transcendental
mellows and is thus the center of the gravity of rasa. 3ewildered by #rishna?s name 'is
-ualities are deeper than more oceans that are countable by the best of minds.
A*tremely sobering and grave there is no comparison to 'is beautiful conceptions of
Verse 19
/ fruit of wonder for everyone who tastes 'is nectar form by chanting and serving 'is
lotus feet everything about 'im is as fresh as a lotus flower.
Verse 4<
'e brings an end to the age of #ali by being the essence of loving dealings with all the
peoples of the world. 8he supreme glory there is no other glory worth counting on.
Verse 41
God is the ultimate grace. Ma$ing everything that 'e adorns 'imself in into an ob)ect of
some )iva soul?s liberation even once favorably loo$ing upon the descriptions of
Godhead?s personality is enough to ensure a total change of heart upon awa$ening to
the personal beauty of the untouchable and uncontaminated 'ighest /bsolute
"eali2ation of Aternal #rishna &onsciousness.
Verse 42
&onverting everyone left and right by the sheer graciousness of 'is presence the holy
name has never been so popular as it is now. Avery single )iva seen sporting a garland
of 'is names and a Vaishnava tila$a that is as fresh as the perspiring blades of grass O
;ord 'ari continue to lead us out of the consciousness of blasphemy.
Verse 4%
5raying to #rishna for the sa$e of manifesting 'is mercy 'e prays thus DO ocean of
eternity! 5lease $indly remove the living entities who are unnecessarily burning in the
mode of ignorance that is the forest fire of material life. Mercifully distribute Your
personal wealth of prema bha$ti.E Only !acinandana can praise God in this way while
praying to 'im.
Verse 4+
>anting to -uic$ly awa$en the morose and sullen living entities of #ali yuga no longer
frightened are they who enthusiastically ta$e to chanting the name of God while playing
musical instruments and dancing in a fren2y of ecstatic emotions conductive to self
Verse 41
Gaurasundara instructing 'is disciples 'e commands them to personally install "adha
#rishna deities in every household and hut in order to relish the sight of Govinda?s three
fold bending form.
Verse 44
'is eyes are as stunning as every other part of 'is formC for the Godhead is the
culmination of billions of years of a sublime spiritual evolution that is $nown only to 'is
associates who possess similar bodily features. : offer all that my intelligence possesses
in order to as$ 'im where 'e $eeps running off to when out of my view.
Verse 46
8he beauty of 'is bashful face draws in the innocent from all corners of the cosmos
because of radiating a pale moon li$e glow that is as irresistible to loo$ at as it is difficult
to draw your eyes away from.
Verse 47
'is teeth are li$e strings of shiny pearls that at once causes envy in the hearts of thieves
and soulful ecstasy in the hearts of those who have affection for 'im. !ometimes
assuming the royal internal posture of a lion 'e is wal$ing about as if nothing can harm
Verse 49
=ust as the soul never dies similarly the flowers covering Gaura?s broad chest never
wilts or loses its aesthetic value. 'earing only Dbha$ti bha$tiE instead of Dmu$ti mu$tiE
'is ears are our ears when we approach 'im to save us from being so fallen.
Verse 6<
'is waist and thighs are as slim and strong as the punctured s$y is by the dar$ness of
the night and the ensuing mysticism of stars bleeding to be born again into more noble
creations. 'is feet resembling the shell of a healthy tortoise no one can wal$ on 'im
without feeling the absolute heaviness of space.
Verse 61
O Gaurasundara! : will lose my composure and desire to live if You do not allow me to
surrender and to have Your lotus feet as my divine shelter. May : repeatedly pray to You
in this mercy begging fashion.
Verse 62
Averything that You do including loo$ing down upon Your )ewel li$e nails is an act of
transcendence that can only be relished by those who treat You as being better than
Verse 6%
0ot having to fear any mortal friend or for because of having seen a flag and thunderbolt
imprinted upon the soles of Your lotus feet You are the perfection of someone who has
managed to fully surrender to God without feeling ashamed of e*clusively loving the
truth of the reality of the ultimate effectiveness of bha$ti yoga.
Verse 6+
8errified of the tragedies of #ali yuga and too wea$ to obtain Your mercy by certain
spiritual practices aimed at liberation through $nowledge may : be one of those fallen
souls who is cleared of all offenses and lapses in spiritual perception. >hat more can :
say to convince others of Your mercy. You are the shelter which all eventually turn to
when face down in the mud of sinful activities.
Verse 61
/ character such as Yours could have only been the result of !aci (evi?s intense pining
for the ;ord. (irectly instructing the people about the holy names You are primarily
teaching them about how it is good to be e*clusively attached to God and to God
&onsciousness. 3efore listless and depressed now they dance within the circle of the
san$irtana movement with ecstatic loving feelings. &rying because of recogni2ing their
great fortune they teach others about ;ord 'ari through their living e*ample of
enthusiasm in relation to devotional service.
Verse 64
>ith the appearance of Gauranga within the vision of the ripened heart of mysticism
every )iva soul spontaneously ta$es to the fundamental spiritual practice of always
spea$ing about #rishna to the e*tent that no living entity is ever going to be tormented
by the cruel tric$s of maya devi. >hile in ecstasy they most happily discuss the
importance of vibrating 'is name.
Verse 66
!ome who are inclined towards more difficult paths have appeared in the prior ages and
have reached the type of perfection desired by their soul through punishing their senses
and rendering everything into a void of impersonal speculation.
Verse 67
,ortunately for the people of #ali yuga they attain the merciful vision of Govinda by
chanting the names and by obtaining the darshan of &haitanya (eva.
Verse 69
!crubbing the universe of its desire to fall from its original position of transcendental
servitude !ri #rishna &haitanya offers everyone a garland of the holy names of #rishna
so that they can smell 'is essence within their hearts of innocent pure li$e tendencies.
Verse 7<
8hey who aware of the internal identity of ;ord &haitanya glorify 'im by singing about
the pastimes and activities of ;ord 'ari and serve the Vaishnavas who are eternally
blessed by Vishnu?s grace. 8hey alone are seen to be greedy for the ;ord?s devotional
Verse 71
#nowing for certain that Gauranga is God 'is devotees spend all of their time in hearing
topics centered on associating with sadhus who are holy because of chanting the name
with all of their attention.
Verse 72
!ri #rishna &haitanya opens up the mar$et place of the holy names by preaching
directly about them through indulging in the nectar of bha$tiC which is of the variety that
is auspicious for every living entity inside and outside of this world. Ma$ing God available
to all the receiver of the grace of the holy name becomes -ualified to deliver others from
their ignorance of the practical and sublime uses of God?s san$irtana movement.
Verse 7%
/ conditioned soul may have great respect and reverence for the community of
Vaishnavas and may engage in daily san$irtana practicesC but if undesirous of the
personal association of !riman Mahaprabhu that person is not to be recogni2ed as a
real devotee.
Verse 7+
:t is utterly useless to worship ;ord 'ari with an undivided mind and be the best of
brahmins or ta$e pride in being a frustrated $armi if averse to Gaurasundara. 0either
glorious nor a $nower of God Gaura can fulfill all desires by fulfilling the one desire to
love God.
Verse 71
>hy should you desire to love the Godhead when completely overloo$ing the desire to
love the Golden /vatara who is the !ource of all ephemeral and bright lights in the
material and spiritual s$ies. !uch )ivas are only misleading themselves into delusional
states of so called superiorityC thin$ing that they can ta$e birth into this world without
wanting to surrender to the most recent divine incarnation of the personali2ed form of the
5ersonal /bsolute.
Verse 74
: eagerly await the day when : will muster up the courage to surrender to the reddish
lotus feet of Gauranga. O beloved Vaishnavas! You are my one eternal family that : can
count on in all circumstances of an elevated and degraded nature. 5lease loo$ upon this
poor and foolish suffering soul and elevate me to the point of being able to chant 'is
names. My mind will finally be soothed by the san$irtana movement of ;ord &haitanya.
Verse 76
;osing all taste for fame fortunes followers faithful servants and family members all of
these so called benedictions are no better than attempting to $iss a ferociously vicious
sna$e. 8he one benediction that : do as$ for is to serve Your lotus feet lifetime after
Verse 77
O lotus born ;ord of the infinite universe! : am tormented and weighed down by the
miseries of a worldly mind which is bereft of all transcendental memories of Govinda.
Verse 79
'ating to spend another lifetime in forgetfulness of You why have : been permitted to
swim in so many universes for such a long and dreadful amount of time. Out of
transcendental an*iety may : approach Your lotus feet for one last time.
Verse 9<
: am now in a lowly condition of an already overly conditioned life. Averyone whom You
come across has fallen in love with You. >hy is it that You continue to mercifully neglect
me the way You so characteristically choose to do.
Verse 91
Other powerful and elevated personalities may be able to deliver others but You O
Gaura are my only !avior since You are the only 'ero who cares for the fallen souls of
every fallen universe.
Verse 92
/t the e*pense of my life or at the cost of my own many deaths may : gladly continue to
remember Your transcendentally resplendent golden form of prema bha$ti pure and
Verse 9%
You come to teach about Your loving pastimes by inaugurating a whole new series of
pastimes for people li$e me to remember You by.
Verse 9+
>hatever : have been able to say about You is an offering of pure love on my part.
8hough not -ualified may : be fortunate enough to stic$ to Your lotus feet as "adharani
stic$s to #rishna?s beloved flute.
Verse 91
You are the !upreme :ndependent Antity. 3eing such a great transcendental personality
You have $indly accepted a form which is full of love for the living entities bound to You
or to maya devi.
Verse 94
O friend of the forsa$en! ;oosen my shac$les of worldly desires and let me approach
You without delay. /llow me to chant Your spotless name and visit the hearts of all who
have seen You in Your primeval glory.
Verse 96
5lease pardon me of anything which : may have said done or thought throughout the
vast e*panse of eternity. 5lease allow me to be $ind enough to $indly worship You in a
way that is both pleasing to You and the forsa$en )iva souls.
Verse 97
Giving up all material conceptions of shame and anguish : humbly pray for Your loving
service that is nothing but a primeval event of eternal forms of mercy. #eep me at Your
lotus feet by $eeping me busy with Your devotional outpourings of love in separation.
Verse 99
8ired of drowning in oceans of misery and self defeat You are the answer to all of my
forlorn and desperate prayers. &hanting Your holy name is the only prayer worth saying
because You are the only ;ord worth loving.
Verse 1<<
0on different from Vra)endranandana : offer my soul as my final prayer to You and Your
associates in 0avadvipa and !vetadvipa. : only as$ to one day be -ualified to serve You
in Your love incarnation.

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