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no fear!
Facing our fears with courage
Trials and difficult situations are facts of life. Often, we find ourselves face
to face with giantsproblems that seem overwhelming to us. These could
be problems at home, with relationships, or other difficult circumstances.
This study examines what it took for David to defeat Goliath, and how to
apply those principles to our own lives. No fear! No problem!
key verses
Saul replied, You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight
him; you are only a boy . . . but David said to Saul . . . The LORD who de-
livered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me
from the hand of this Philistine (1 Samuel 17:33-34,37).
biblical basis
Joshua 1:9; 1 Samuel 17; Psalm 56:3-4; Matthew 6:25-32; Romans 8:31-32,
37-39; 1 John 5:4-5
the big idea
No matter how big your enemies, you can face your fear with courage with
God on your side!
aims of the study

Examine the story of David and Goliath.

Help students discover why David was able to defeat Goliath and how
they can overcome the Goliaths in their lives.

Help students implement a plan for defeating the giants in their lives.
For the first part of the introduction, you will need a deck of cards (or
a prepackaged card trick) and a card-trick book. You will need to select
a trick and practice it before the meeting.
For the second part of the introduction, you will need three pieces of
poster board and several felt-tip pens. Write one of each of the follow-
ing questions on a separate piece of poster board:
What are some of the Goliaths in life?
What are some of the Goliaths in the lives of your friends?
What are some of the Goliaths in your life?
For the challenge: you will need note paper, envelopes and pens or
no fear!
Introduce the lesson by doing the card trick you selected. Do the trick a cou-
ple of times, or another trick if time permits. Explain to your group that
what often seems to be insurmountable odds can be overcome. What looks
impossible can actually happen! Then ask the students, Have you ever had
a situation in your life that seemed to be impossible to overcome? What was
it, and what happened? After a few minutes of discussion, tell the students
that today you are going to look at David as he faced what seemed to be an
impossible situation and how he was able to overcome it.
in the word
Read 1 Samuel 17.
I. Whos Your Goliath?
A. When David faced Goliath, it seemed like he was up against an
impossible situation. What Goliath didnt understand was that
God was on Davids side.
B. With Gods help, David was victorious. Remember that God is
the God of the impossible. He specializes in making impossible
situations possible!
C. Have the students tape the three pieces of poster board on the
wall. Set out the felt-tip pens. Ask the students to write their
answers to the following questions on the poster boards:
1. What are some of the Goliaths in life?
2. What are some of the Goliaths in the lives of your friends?
3. What are some of the Goliaths in your life?
D. Read several of their answers, and then discuss the following:
1. Have you ever been in a situation that seemed too big
for you?
2. When was a time that you faced a trial or problem that
seemed impossible, yet you were victorious in solving that
trial or problem?
3. If you were David, what would be going through your
mind during this situation?
E. David defeated Goliath by hurling a stone at the giant. We will
now look at a few stones the students can use to slay the giants
in their lives.
II. Stone One: Attitude (1 Samuel 17:32-37)
A. David didnt focus on the size of the giant but instead on the
size of his God!
B. Discuss the following:
1. What are you focusing on: the size of the problem or the
size of your God?
2. Why is it easier to focus on the trial or problem rather than
on God?
3. How can your attitude help or hinder you when you are
fighting your giants?
4. What is your attitude mostly like when you are facing
tough situations?
III. Stone Two: Faith (1 Samuel 17:45-47)
A. David had faith in his God. He knew who was in charge!
B. David knew that the God he put his faith in knew his heart.
C. David trusted in Gods strength, not in his own strength
(see vv. 45-47).
D. Discuss the following:
1. What are you relying on to win your battle with your giant?
2. How does faith help in fighting the giants of tough times?
3. How does going through tough times help to strengthen
your faith?
IV. Stone Three: Action (1 Samuel 17:48-49)
A. David didnt wait for Goliath to come to him. He faced the giant.
B. David had a plan to defeat the giant.
C. David wasnt afraid to go after the giant because he knew that
the Lord was on his side.
1. What is your plan of attack for facing the giants that are
in your life?
2. What things keep you from taking action in tough times?
D. God is big enough to defeat any giant that may come into your
life. You can stand up and defeat any problemno matter how
bigwhen you are on Gods side. The battle belongs to God and
He will fight for you!
E. Assign the following verses to different students. Have them
read the verses aloud and then discuss how each passage applies
to defeating the giants in their lives:
1. Joshua 1:9
2. Psalm 56:3-4
3. Matthew 6:25-32
4. Romans 8:31-32
5. Romans 8:37-39
6. 1 John 5:4-5
action steps
To conclude the study, give each student a piece of notepaper, an envelope
and a pen or pencil. Ask them to write a letter to God, expressing how they
feel and what they have learned from the lesson. They can either write the
letter to God or they can write the letter as though God is writing to them.
When they have finished, have them put the letter in the envelope, address
it to themselves and return it to you. Mail the letters out to them in a few
weeks or a month.

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