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Exercise 1: Put the words into the correct order to !"e ! e!nin#$u% sentence&
1. years twenty-five I old. am I ! twent'($i)e 'e!rs o%d&
2. We from are Peru. *e !re $ro Peru&
3. My Zeynep and name a I'm student. is M' n!e is +e'ne, !nd I- ! student&
4. is my boo. !"is This is ' .oo"&
#. ni$e day a today. It's It-s ! nice d!' tod!'&
%. &'an . brot"er's name is (er /er .rother-s n!e is O0!n&
). en*ineer. +rdin, is an Erdin1 is !n en#ineer&
-. My .avid. name is "usband's M' hus.!nd-s n!e is 2!)id&
/. address new of is top t"e at letter. My t"e M' new !ddress is !t the to, o$ the %etter&
Exercise 3: M!"e sentences in Present 4ontinuous Tense usin# the ,ro,ts .e%ow& 5ou c!n !dd
!n' necess!r' words&
1. I0"ate0 live0 1i'e0 be$ause0 it0 always0 rain.
I h!te %i)in# in Ri0e .ec!use it !%w!'s r!ins&
2. 2"e0usually0wear0sun*lasses.
She usu!%%' we!rs sun#%!sses&
3. 2ome students0 drive0 very0 fast0 s$"ool0 $ampus.
.Soe students dri)e )er' $!st !t schoo% c!,us&
4. !"ey0 $ome0 s$"ool0 minibus.
The' coe to schoo% .'
#. 3eli'0never0$oo0 meals0 us0"ome.
5e%i0 ne)er coo"s e!%s to us !t hoe&
%. (e0 spea0 two0 lan*ua*e0+n*lis"04ren$".
/e s,e!"s two %!n#u!#es6 En#%ish !nd French&
). &mer0 play0 $omputer0 *ames0 "ome.
Oer ,%!'s co,uter #!es !t hoe&
-. 5emre0 *o0 bed0 /0 every0 ni*"t.
4ere #oes to .ed7 !t 8 e)er' ni#ht&
/. .ile0 play0piano0 very0 well.
2i%e"7 ,%!'s the ,i!no )er' we%%&
16. My mot"er0 do0 all0 t"e "ouse wor0 alone.
M' other does !%% the house wor" !%one&

11. +ven0 best0 students0 mae0 mistaes0 final0 e7ams.
E)en .est students !"e ist!"es in $in!% ex!s&
Exercise 9: M!"e sentences in Present 4ontinuous Tense usin# the ,ro,ts .e%ow& 5ou c!n !dd
!n' necess!r' words&
1. I 0 read 0 t"e boo 0 Tom Sawyer. I ! re!din# the .oo" Tom Sawyer.
2. 8a$0 Peter0 wor0 late0 today. :!c" !nd Peter !re wor"in# %!te tod!'&
3. I0not *o0 wit"0 t"em0 be$ause0 t"ey0 always0 $omplain&
I ! not #oin# with the .ec!use the' !re !%w!'s co,%!inin# .
4. W"y0 not0 you0 do0 your0 "omewor9 *h' !ren;t 'ou doin# 'our hoewor"<
#. Maria0 sit0 ne7t0 Paul. M!ri! is sittin# next to P!u%&
%. W"ose parents0 wait0 t"e tea$"er9 *hose ,!rents !re w!itin# $or the te!cher<
-. We0 not *o0 +*ypt0 summer "oliday.
*e !re not #oin# to E#',t on suer ho%id!'&
/. I0 $an:t0 "ear0 w"at0 you0 say0 be$ause0 everybody0 tal0so loudly.
I c!n-t he!r wh!t 'ou !re s!'in# .ec!use e)er'.od' is t!%"in# so %oud%'.
Exercise =: Put the words into the correct order to !"e ! e!nin#$u% sentence&
1. for *lasses. my looin* I'm
I- %oo"in# $or ' #%!sses&
3. ind you readin*9 are W"at boo of
*h!t "ind o$ .oo" !re 'ou re!din#<
9. $ryin*9 is Pamela W"y
*h' is P!e%! cr'in#<
4. studyin* Middle Murat +ast at !e$"ni$al e$onomi$s ;niversity. is
Mur!t is stud'in# econoics !t Midd%e E!st Technic!% Uni)ersit'.
#. is lau*"in*9 W"y everyone
*h' is e)er'one %!u#hin#<
%. for me9 waitin* <re you
Are 'ou w!itin# $or e<
). are you leavin*9 W"en
*hen !re 'ou %e!)in#<
-. t"e worin* moment. is 8o"n at <rabia 2audi in
:ohn is wor"in# in S!udi Ar!.i! !t the oent&
/. you9 as Is t"e $ompany 8ennifer for same worin*
Is :enni$er wor"in# $or the s!e co,!n' !s 'ou<

16. 2aturday party $ome9 "avin* want ne7t you to I'm do a
I- h!)in# ! ,!rt' next S!turd!'& 2o 'ou w!nt to coe<
Exercise >: Put e!ch )er. in .r!c"ets into the ost suit!.%e tense& Use ,resent si,%e or ,resent
I wor in a lar*e offi$e wit" about t"irty ot"er people. I =1> "now =now> most of t"em ?uite well. We =2>
s,end =spend> most of t"e day to*et"er@ so we are *ood friends. In fa$t@ most of my $ollea*ues are so
interestin* t"at I =3> ! thin"in# =t"in> of writin* a boo about t"emA !ae (elen Watson@ for e7ample.
(elen =#> runs =run> t"e a$$ounts department. <t t"e moment@ s"e =%> is #oin# out =*o out> wit" !om
Ballantine@ one of t"e sales representatives@ and t"ey =)> see =seem> very "appy to*et"er. But everyone
=e7$ept (elen apparently> =-> "nows =now> t"at !om =/> is !%w!'s !"in# =always mae> eyes at 2usan
Porter. But I =16> h!,,en ="appen> to now t"at 2usan =11> dis%i"es =dislie> !om. CI $an:t stand people
w"o =12> !,o%o#i0e =apolo*i'e> all t"e timeAD s"e told me. <nd plenty of ot"er interestin* t"in*s =13> !re
#oin# on =*o on>. 4or instan$e@ every wee money =14> dis!,,e!rs =disappear> from t"e petty $as" bo7.
W"en you =1#> re!%i0e =reali'e> t"at someone in your offi$e is a t"ief@ it =1%> u,sets =upset> you at first.
But I =1)> ! !%so tr'in# =also try> to $at$" w"oever it is before t"e poli$e are $alled in. I:m not *oin* to
tell you w"o I sus,ect =suspe$t>. Well@ not yet anywayA
Exercise ?: Put the )er.s in .r!c"ets into the Present Si,%e or Present 4ontinuous &
1& 2tuart runs =run> "is own p"oto*rap"y business. (e really enjoys =enEoy> "is wor as it is also "is
favourite pastime. ;sually@ "e works =wor> at "is s"op. (e sells =sell> all inds of p"oto*rap"i$
e?uipment t"ere. !"is afternoon@ "e is taking =tae> p"oto*rap"s of "is friend:s weddin*. Fe7t wee@
2tuart is flying =fly> to <ustralia to tae some wildlife p"oto*rap"s.
3& !ra$y is a stewardess. 2"e wears =wear> a uniform at wor. &n "er days off@ "owever@ s"e dresses
=dress> in a $asually ele*ant way. 2"e prefers =prefer> to wear desi*ner Eeans and pullovers wit" $olourful
s$arves wrapped around "er ne$. But tomorrow s"e is going =*o> to a dinner party so s"e is planning
=plan> to wear somet"in* more formal.
Exercise @: 4hoose the correct $or o$ the )er.s&
.ear Garen@
Im having / I have a *reat time "ere in +n*land. My university term isnt starting/ doesnt start until t"e
autumn@ so Im taking / I take t"e opportunity to improve my +n*lis". Im staying / I stay wit" some
+n*lis" friends. !"ey are owning/ own a farm. &n weedays Im catching / I catch a bus into !or?uay to
*o to lan*ua*e $lasses. Im making / I make *ood pro*ress@ I t"in. My friends say / are saying my

pronun$iation is mu$" better t"an w"en I arrived@ and Im understanding / I understand almost everyt"in*
now. <t weeends Im helping/ I help on t"e farm. <t t"e moment theyre harvesting / they harvest t"e
$orn and theyre needing / they need a lot of "elp. It:s ?uite "ard wor@ but Im liking/ I like it. <nd Im
developing / I develop some stron* mus$lesA
Do you come/ Are you coming to visit me at 5"ristmas9 Im spending / I spend t"e winter "oliday "ere at
t"e farm. My friends are wanting/ want to meet you and t"ere:s plenty of spa$e. But you must brin* your
warmest $lot"es. Its getting/ It gets very $old in t"e winter.
Het me now as soon as youre deciding/ you decide . <nd tell me w"at youre doing / you do t"ese days.
.o you miss me9
Exercise A: 5omplete t"e te7t wit" the present simple or the present progressive of t"e verbs in
In t"is pi$ture@ my brot"er and I are at t"e Ho$al 3out" 5lub
wit" some friends. I am playing =play> table tennis wit" my
friend 2ally. My brot"er is sitting =sit> on t"e floor and "e is
reading =read> a boo. We usually go =*o> to t"e 3out" 5lub at
t"e weeends be$ause durin* t"e wee we have ="ave> a lot of
"omewor to do. We meet =meet> our friends t"ere and play
=play> table tennis or board *ames. I also read =read> boos and
ma*a'ines@ but my brot"er prefers =prefer> surfin* on t"e
Internet. <t t"e end of every s$"ool year@ t"e 3out" 5lub
organises =or*anise> a $ampin* trip for its members. +a$" time we spend =spend> a wee at a different
pla$e and we visit =visit> all t"e interestin* si*"ts. Isn:t it *reat9
!"ere are some verbs in +n*lis" t"at are not normally used in t"e 5ontinuous !ense@ be$ause t"ey
des$ribe a state rat"er t"an an a$tion. !"ey are $alled st!te )er.@ st!ti)e )er.s or non(,ro#ressi)e )er.s.
!"e verbs t"at $an be used in t"e 5ontinuous !ense are $alled !ction )er.s& 2ome verbs $an be bot" st!te
and !ction )er.s dependin* on t"eir meanin*.(ere are some verbs t"at !re not normally used in
t"e 5ontinuous !ense.
%i"e ,re$er e!n need
dis%i"e see "now
%o)e $or#et underst!nd .e%on#

h!te .e%ie)e w!nt own
I "ate "orror films. =I am "atin* "orror films. IF5&11+5!>
I own a motorbie. =I am ownin* a motorbie.IF5&11+5!>
(ere are some verbs t"at $an be bot" st!te and !ction )er.s dependin* on t"eir meanin*.
2tative Meanin* <$tion Meanin*
!"is soup smells *ood. (e is smellin* t"e soup. = I sniffin* at>
3ou loo awfulA (e was looin* out t"e window w"en I saw "im.
5an you see me9
I see w"at you mean. =see I understand>
I'm seein* my dentist t"is afternoon. = I meetin*@
I "ave two $ars. ="ave I possess@ own> I am "avin* my lun$" now. ="ave I eat>
I I t"in you made a mistae. =t"in I believe> I am t"inin* about my mum now. =t"in I
mental pro$ess>
I feel t"at you are wron*. = I t"in>
I don't feel well today =I am a little si$.>
!"e massa*e feels *reat. =!"e massa*e "as a
pleasant feelin*.>
I am not feelin* well today. =I am a little si$.>
!"e $offee tastes *ood.=!"e $offee "as a *ood
I am tastin* t"e $ae. =I am tryin* t"e $ae to see
w"at it tastes lie.>
8oe is very rude. =(e is a rude man.> 8oe is bein* very rude. =8oe is be"avin* very
Exercise 8: /ere !re soe )er.s th!t c!n .e .oth st!te !nd !ction )er.s Use the )er.s in present
simple or present continuous&
!D (eJJhasJJJJfour $ars@ all of t"em 1olls-1oy$es.
.D IJJam havingJJJJJlun$" wit" my mot"er tomorrow.
!D W"atJdo...youJJthinkJ.of 2tep"en 2pielber*:s last film9
.D 3ou are daydreamin*. W"atJareJ..youJJthinkingJJJabout9
!D 2omet"in*JsmellsJJJJ.*ood in t"e it$"en.
.D W"yJareJJyouJJJsmellingJt"e meat9 .o you t"in it:s *one off9
!D IJJseeJJ.w"at you mean@ but I don:t a*ree.
.D 2"eJJis seeingJJa soli$itor about "er aunt:s will.
!D .on:t tae any noti$e of "im w"ile "eJJis beingJJJ..$"ildis" lie t"at.
.D I "ave never met an adult w" $"ildis" as "im.

!D A: <re you wat$"in* t"e do$umentary9
C: &" yes. Fow t"e mountaineer Jis feelingJJt"e ro$ above "er to find a "and-"old.
.D W"en you are wet@ t"e air temperatureJJfeelsJJJJmu$" lower.
!D I "ave $ome to t"is restaurant twi$e and I now t"at t"is dessert reallyJtastesJJ*ood.
CD A: W"at:s t"e $"ef doin* ri*"t now9 C: (eJJis tastingJJt"e soup.
!D I "ave never seen <nn lie t"at. !oday s"e JlooksJJJJvery sad.
.D !"is $urious ladyJis looking .......out of t"e window as usual.
Exercise 1G: 4h!n#e the st!teents to Huestions usin# the Huestion word in ,!renthesis& 4hec"
)er. tense&
Ex!,%e: !"e train arrives at ten o:$lo$. =w"at time> What time does the train arrive?
1& !"e $ar is a$ross t"e street from t"e "ouse. =w"ere>
here is the car!
3& I lie t"e red blouse@ not t"e blue one. =w"i$">
hich blouse do you like!
9& (e studies piano at t"e university. =w"at>
hat does he study at the university!
=& !"e man wit" t"e w"ite "at is my brot"er. =w"o>
ho is the man with the white hat!
>& I don:t *et up early be$ause I lie to sleep late. =w"y>
hy dont you get up early!
?& We "ave an +n*lis" $lass every day. ="ow often>
"ow often do you have an #nglish class!
@& !"ey are sin*in* popular son*s. =w"at ind>
hat kind of songs are they singing!
Exercise 11: Rewrite e!ch sentence so th!t it cont!ins the word in c!,it!%sI !nd so the e!nin# st!'s
the s!e&
1. W"at:s your opinion of <ndy:s new paintin*9 !(IFG
*h!t do 'ou thin" o$ And'-s new ,!intin#<
2. 2unrise is at 4K36 tomorrow mornin*. !(+ 2;F
The sun rises !t =&9G&

3. W"at:s on your mind at t"e moment9 !(IFG <B&;!
*h!t !re 'ou thin"in# !.out !t the oent<
4. W"at is t"e meanin* of t"is word9 M+<F
*h!t does this word e!n<
# W"at time is t"e train for Fottin*"am9 H+<L+
*h!t tie does the tr!in $or Nottin#h! %e!)e<
%. W"ose wat$" is t"is9 B+H&FM !&
*ho does this w!tch .e%on# to<
Exercise 13: Re!d the con)ers!tion .etween two students& Then %oo" !t the !nswers .e%ow !nd
write the correct !nswer in e!ch s,!ce&
Lisa W"o is Mi$"elle talin* to9
!my I $an:t see Mi$"elle.
Lisa 3ou 1& JJJ..J looin* in t"e ri*"t pla$e. 2"e is over t"ere.
!my &"@ t"at:s <drian. (e:s new "ere.
Lisa 1eally9 W"ere 3& JJJ..J "e live9 9& JJJ..J you now9
!my Fo@ I =& JJJ..J now anyt"in* else about "im.
Lisa W"at >& JJJ..J t"ey talin* about@ I wonder9
!my Well@ "e ?& JJJ..J loo very interested. (e:s *ot a very bored e7pression on "is fa$e. <nd
"e @& JJJ..J sayin* anyt"in*.
are .D do cD does dD is
1& !
arent .D doesn:t cD don:t dD isn:t
3& !
are .D do c
does dD is
9& !
<re b$ %o cD .oes dD Is
=& !
aren:t .D doesn:t c
dont dD :m not
>& a
are .D do cD does dD is
?& !
aren:t b$ doesnt cD don:t dD isn:t
@& !
aren:t .D doesn:t cD don:t d$ isnt

Exercise 19: 4o,%ete the sentences .' usin# the words in ,!r!ntheses& Use the Simple &resent or
&resent &rogressive.
1& 2""". !"e baby =sleep> is sleeping . !"e baby =sleep> sleeps for ten "ours every ni*"t.
3& 1i*"t now I:m in $lass. I =sit> am sitting at my des. I usually =sit> sit at t"e same des in $lass
every day.
9& <li =spea> speaks <rabi$. <rabi$ is "is native lan*ua*e@ but ri*"t now "e =spea> is speaking
=& &ur tea$"er =stand@ not> isnt standing up ri*"t now. 2"e =sit> is sitting on t"e $orner of t"e des.
>& It:s %K66 p.m. Mary is at "ome. 2"e =eat> is eating dinner. 2"e always =eat> eats dinner wit" "er
family around si7 o:$lo$.
?& It =rain@ not>is not raining ri*"t now. !"e sun =s"ine> is shining and t"e sy =be> is blue.
@& =1ain@ it> %oes it rain in 2out"ern 5alifornia9
A& Hoo out of t"e window. =1ain@ it> Is it raining 9 2"ould I tae my umbrella9
8& It is )K36 a.m. and t"e Wilsons are in t"e it$"en. Mrs. Wilson =sit> is sitting at t"e breafast table.
2"e =read> is reading t"e mornin* paper. 2"e =read> reads t"e newspaper every mornin*. Mr.
Wilson =pour> is pouring a $up of $offe. (e =drin> drinks two $ups of $offee every mornin*
before "e *oes to wor. !"ere is a $artoon on !L@ but t"e $"ildren =wat$"@ not> arent watching it.
!"ey =play> are playing wit" t"eir toys instead. !"ey usually =wat$"> watch $artoons in t"e
mornin*@ but t"is mornin* t"ey =pay@ not> arent paying any attention to t"e !L.
1G& <li$e =tae@ not> doesnt take t"e bus to s$"ool every day. 2"e usually =wal> walks instead.
=!ae@ you> %o you take t"e bus to *et t"e s$"ool every day@ or =wal@ you> do you walk 9
Exercise 1=: 2enise is t!%"in# to her $riend on the ,hone& 4o,%ete the con)ers!tion& Use the ,!st
tense $or o$ e!ch )er. in ,!rentheses&
(ello@ +lenore9 I called =$all> you t"is mornin*. 3ou werent =be@not> at
I was =be> at t"e ban. I was =be> t"ere for two "ours t"is mornin*. 4irst@ t"ere
was =be> a lon* line. !"en t"e teller made =mae> a mistae. W"en I showed
=s"ow> "er t"e mistae@ s"e got =*et> an*ry. !"en t"e ban:s $omputer didnt
work =wor@ not>.
(ow terribleA W"at did you do =do>9
I complained =$omplain> to t"e mana*er.
%id s"e help ="elp>9

Fo@ s"e laughed =lau*"> and said =say>@ CPut your money under your
W"at did you do =do> t"en9
I took =tae> all my money out of my a$$ount and put =put> it in anot"er ban.
Mood for youA
Exercise 1>: M!"e sentences in Si,%e P!st Tense usin# the ,ro,ts .e%ow& 5ou c!n !dd !n'
necess!r' words&
1. William 2"aespeare0be born02tratford-on-<von01#%4.
*i%%i! Sh!"es,e!re w!s .orn in Str!t$ord(on(A)on in1>?=&
3& 4at"er0 send0 William0 lo$al *rammar s$"ool01#)1.
/is $!ther sent *i%%i! to ! %oc!% #r!!r schoo% in 1>@1&
3. W"en0 "e0only014 years old0"e0 leave0 s$"ool.
*hen he w!s on%' 1= 'e!rs o%dI he %e$t schoo%&
4. (e0marry0<nne (at"away0t"e dau*"ter0a ri$" farmer0near 2tratford.
/e !rried Anne /!th!w!'I the d!u#hter o$ ! rich $!rer ne!r Str!t$ord&
#. !"ree years later0 2"aespeare0*o0 Hondon.
Three 'e!rs %!ter Sh!"es,e!re went to London&
%. 1#-)0"e0be$ame0 a member0 a t"eatri$al $ompany.
In 1>A@I he .ec!e ! o$ ! the!tric!% co,!n'.
). <round01#/60 "e0 be*in 0write plays.
Around 1>8GI he .e#!n to write ,%!'s&
-. !"ere0be0not0female0a$tors0t"eatres0t"ose days.
There weren-t $e!%e !ctors in the!tres in those d!'s&
/. Boys 0play0 all0 female parts.
Boys played all t"e female parts.
16. 2"aespeare0$ontinue0write0about0two0play0a year.
Sh!"es,e!re continued to write !.out two ,%!'s ! 'e!r&
11. (e die0a fever0 "is birt"day0 1%1%.
/e died o$ ! $e)er on his .irthd!' in 1?1?&
12. (e0be0t"e *reatest writer0+n*lis" lan*ua*e.
/e is the #re!test writer o$ the En#%ish %!n#u!#e&

Exercise 1?: 4o,%ete the sentences with the words in ,!rentheses& Use the simple past or the past
1& <t %K66 p.m.@ Bob sat down at t"e table and be*an to eat. <t %K6#@ Bob w!s e!tin# =eat> dinner.
3& W"ile Bob was eating =eat> dinner@ <nn came =$ome> t"rou*" t"e door.
9& In ot"er words@ w"en <nn came =$ome> t"rou*" t"e door@ Bob was eating =eat> dinner.
=& Bob went to bed at 16K36. <t 11K66 Bob was sleeping =sleep>.
>& W"ile Bob was sleeping =sleep>@ t"e p"one rang =rin*>.
?& In ot"er words@ w"en t"e p"one rang =rin*>@ Bob was sleeping =sleep>.
@& Bob left "is "ouse at -K66 a.m. and began =be*in> to wal to $lass.
A& W"ile "e was walking =wal> to $lass@ "e saw =see> Mrs.2mit".
8& W"en Bob saw =see> Mrs.2mit"@ s"e was standing =stand> on "er front por$". 2"e was holding
="old> a broom.
1G& Mrs. 2mit" was waving =wave> at Bob w"en s"e saw =see> "im.
,uestions with an au-iliary ,uestions without an au-iliary
Fuestion Au7iliary SubEe$t Infinitive SubEe$t Berb
do you read9 W"o drove t"e $ar9
W"i$" sirt did s"e buy9 W"at "appened after t"e film9
W"o did you visit9 W"i$" bus *oes to t"e airport9
(ow many
did you see9 (ow many
$ame to t"e $on$ert9
(ow mu$" oil did you buy9 (ow mu$"
*ot into t"e river9
Exercise 1@: *rite the Huestions&
1& W"o JJJJJJJ... you9 2imon $ame to see me.
*ho c!e to see 'ou<
3& W"o JJJJJJJ... last ni*"t9 8ulie met Barbara.
*ho did :u%ie eet %!st ni#ht <
9& W"at JJJJJJJ... you JJJJJJJ... readin*9 I lie readin* novels.
hat do you like reading!
=& W"o JJJJJJJ...9 8oe made t"e $ae.
ho made the cake!

>& (ow mu$" JJJJJJJJ9 4ifty pounds went missin*.
"ow much money went missing!
?& W"at JJJJJJJ...9 < $i*arette started t"e fire.
hat started the fire!
@& (ow mu$" JJJJJJJJ9 .o$tors earn a lot of money.
"ow much money do the doctors earn!
A& W"o JJJJJJ you9 5aroline told me.
ho told you!
8& W"i$" JJJJJJJJJ..9 !"ose flowers loo lovely.
hich flowers look lovely!
1G& W"i$" JJJJJJJJJ..9 !"ey $an eep t"ose p"otos.
hich photos can they keep!
11& (ow many JJJJJJJ..9 8ulie "as four $"ildren.
"ow many children does .ulie have!
13& (ow many JJJJJJJ..9 !en people sent $ards.
"ow many people sent cards!
Exercise 1A: 5omplete t"e $onversations. ;se was/were@ the past simple =I did et$.> or the past
continuous =was doin* et$.> of t"e verb in bra$ets.
1& "#LI$%&!' W"at were 'ou doin# =you0do> w"en t"e a$$ident h!,,ened ="appen>9
$#LI' I w!s at t"e bus-stop. I w!s w!itin# =wait> for a bus.
"#LI$%&!' %id you see =you0see> t"e a$$ident9
$#LI' Fo@ be$ause I was reading =read> t"e newspaper.
3& 'I$#L! I telephoned =telep"one> you at / o:$lo$ last ni*"t but you were not at "ome.
&!(TI' / o:$lo$9 I was sitting =sit> in a $afN@ drinking =drin> "ot $"o$olate.
'I$#L! as 8ane wit" you9
&!(TI' Fo@ s"e was working =wor> in t"e library.
'I$#L! W"ere did you go =you0*o> after t"e $afN9
&!(TI' I went =*o> "ome.
9& &)& &" noA My beautiful new plate. W"at "appened9
!'*%L! I:m really sorry@ Mum. I broke =brea>it w"en I was washing =was"> it.
&)& (ow9
!'*%L! My "ands were wet and I dropped =drop> it on t"e floor.
=& S#"+I% %id you think =you0t"in> yesterday:s e7am was diffi$ult9
%DW!(D Fo@ not really@ but I didnt write =not0write> very mu$".
S#"+I% W"y not9

%DW!(D Be$ause I was daydreaming =dream> about my "olidays.
Exercise 18: Put t"e verbs in bra$ets into t"e past simple or past continuous.
! (ow 1(D was =be> your trip to Heeds 5astle last 2aturday9 3(D %id you enjoy =you0enEoy> it9
, &"@ yes. We 9(D had ="ave> a *reat time. It:s a fantasti$ pla$e@ alt"ou*" t"e staff =(D closed =$lose>
part of it Eust before we >(D arrived =arrive>.
! &"@ w"at a pityA
, Well@ yes@ but do you now w"y9 < television $"annel ?(D was making =mae> a film about t"e life
of Gin* (enry LII@ and 8eff 2prin*er @(D was playing =play> t"e part of t"e in*A
! (ow e7$itin*A
, 3es@ it A(D was =be>. !"e sun 8(D was shining Ks"ine> too@ so you $an ima*ine "ow fantasti$ t"e
$ostumes 1G(D looked =loo>. But somet"in* really ama'in* 11(D happened K"appen> on t"e way
!K &"9 W"at was t"at9
, Well@ we 13(D were driving =drive> down t"e motorway towards Hondon@ w"en suddenly t"e $ar
19(D broke down =brea down>. Muess w"o 1=(D saw =see> us and 1>(D gave =*ive> us a lift to t"e
servi$e stationA
! W"o9
, 8eff 2prin*er "imselfA
Exercise 3G: *rite Huestions $or the sentences .e%ow& The words in bold shou%d .e the !nswer to
'our Huestion&
Mrs Crown wants to see 2ally. *ho w!nts to see S!%%'<
8o"n and Gelly are meetin* An#e%! toni*"t. ho are .ohn and /elly meeting tonight!
!"is re$ord $osts L 8. "ow much does this record cost!
5"ris saved ! %itt%e #ir%. ho did 0hris save!
4%!re lies eatin*. ho likes eating!
2"aespeare wrote /!%et. hat did Shakespeare write !
Sh!"es,e!re wrote (amlet. ho wrote "amlet!
!"e mat"s test was di$$icu%t. "ow was the maths test!
R!che%-s *randmot"er was an a$tress. hose grandmother was an actress!
!"e ti*er lives in the Mun#%e. here does the tiger live!
Exercise 31: Me#!n wrote ! %etter to her $riendI :!nice& The %etter #ot wetI !nd now :!nice c!n-t
re!d soe ,!rts o$ it& *h!t Huestions does :!nice !s" to #et the issin# in$or!tion<


.ear 8ani$e@
(iA I Eust moved to 1................... . I left 5"i$a*o be$ause 2................... . 3................... moved wit"
me@ and we are s"arin* an apartment. I *ot a Eob in a 4................... . It started #................... . !"e people
seem ni$e. &ur apartment is *reat. It "as %. .................. rooms. .).................. of t"e rooms $ame wit"
$arpetin*@ but two of t"em "ave beautiful wood floors. !"e rent isn:t too "i*"@ eit"er. We ea$" pay O -.
.................. a mont".We need to buy some /................... . 16..................:s brot"er wants to visit "er@ so we
really need an e7tra bed.By t"e way@ 11.................. $alled last 2unday. I also spoe to 12................ . !"ey
want to visit us in 13.................... .Would you lie to $ome too9 Is t"at a *ood time for you9 !"ere:s
plenty of room be$ause 14.................. . Write and let me now.
1(D *here did 'ou o)e<
3(D hy did you leave 0hicago!
9(D ho moved with you!
=(D here did you get a job!
>(D hen did it start!
?(D "ow many rooms does it have!
@(D "ow many of the rooms came with carpeting!
A(D "ow much do you each pay!
8(D hat do you need to buy!
1G(D hose brother wants to visit her!
11(D ho called last Sunday!
13(D ho did you speak to!
19(D hen do they want to visit you!
14-> hy is there plenty of room!
Exercise 33: 4h!n#e the )er. in .r!c"ets into the !,,ro,ri!te tense&
I h!d ="ave> a terrible time last 2aturday. It was rat"er $old but ?uite sunny. 2o@ after lun$" I decided
=de$ide> to wal into town. W"ile I w!s w!%"in# =wal> past a $lot"es s"op I s!w =see> a beautiful
pullover in t"e window. I entered =enter> t"e store and to%d =tell> t"e salesman t"at I w!nted =want> to
buy t"e pullover. But Eust as I w!s ,!'in# =pay> I re!%i0ed =reali'e> t"at I h!d %e$t =leave> my wallet at
"ome. I $e%t =feel> so embarrassed. I still w!nted =want> t"e sweater so I w!%"ed =wal> "ome. W"ile I
w!s w!%"in# =wal> it st!rted =start> to rain. I !rri)ed =arrive> "ome $old@ wet and miserable. I too" o$$

=tae off> my $lot"es and #ot =*et> into t"e s"ower@ but t"ere was no waterA Feedless to say@ last 2aturday
w!s =be> t"e worst day in my life.
Exercise 39: Fi%% in the .%!n"s with the simple present1 the past simple1 the present continuous $ors
o$ the )er.s&
!D !"ere was an old man in t"e par. (e saw =see> a youn* *irl wit" a lar*e do*. (e went =*o> up to
t"em and asked =as> C%oes your dog bite! =your do*0bite>9 D C&f $ourse not@D said =say> t"e *irl. !"e
man smiled =smile> at t"e do* and held ="old> out "is "and@ and t"e do* immediately bit =bite> "im.
C&wA D "e shouted =s"out>. C3ou said your do* didn:t biteAD CIt doesn:t@D t"e *irl answered =answer>.
C!"at isnt =not be> my do*AD
.D < man went into a restaurant and ordered =order> lun$". !"en t"e waiter served =serve> t"e food
and it was =be> terribleA !"e man couldnt eat =$an0not> eat it. (e called =$all> t"e waiter and said
=say> CWaiter@ t"is food is =be> terribleA I want =want> to see t"e mana*er.D C2orryAD t"e waiter replied
=reply>. C!"e mana*er went =*o> out to "ave lun$" ten minutes a*o.D
cD P&ne mornin* a man found a pen*uin outside "is front door. (e took =tae> it to t"e poli$e
station@ and t"e poli$eman told =tell> "im to tae it to t"e 'oo. !"at evenin*@ t"e poli$eman came
=$ome> out of t"e poli$e station and saw =see> t"e man and t"e pen*uin. !"ey were =be> at t"e bus
stop. C(ey@D "e said =say>. CI told =tell> you to tae t"is pen*uin to t"e 'oo t"is mornin*.D C3es@ sir. I
took =tae> it to t"e 'oo@D t"e man replied =reply>@ CFow we are going =*o> to t"e $inema.D
dD !"ere was a youn* boy and "is fat"er in t"e $ar. !"ey were =be> on t"eir way "ome. !"e man
turned =turn> left and t"e driver be"ind t"em "ooted at t"em. !"en t"ey turned =turn> ri*"t@ and
anot"er driver shouted =s"out> at t"em. CAre my indicators working =my indi$ators0 wor>9D said t"e
man@ and "e stopped =stop> "is $ar. (is son got =*et> out. !"en "e turned =turn> on "is left indi$ator
and asked =as> "is son C!ell me. Is it working =it0wor> ri*"t now9D and "is son replied =reply>@ CFo@
yes@ no@ yes@ no@ yes@ no@ yes@ no.D
Exercise 3=: Fi%% in the .%!n"s with can1 cant1 could1 couldnt&
1. N!odd was a very talented $"ild.D CI now. (e could play t"e piano well w"en "e was seven.D
2. !ommy couldnt tell t"e time w"en "e was a baby.
3. C5an you fi7 my $omputer9D CI don't t"in t"at I can fi7 it but I'll try.D
4. 2uddenly all t"e li*"ts went out. We couldn2t see a t"in*.
#. I learnt to read musi$ as a $"ild. I could read it w"en I was five.
%. I could play t"e piano mu$" better w"en I was a $"ild t"an I can now.

). 0an you stand on your "ead9
-. <lt"ou*" s"e was not very tall@ s"e could rea$" t"e boo s"e wanted by standin* on a $"air.

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