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Data model
Decision tables
Checking the logical design
Test Strategy
As we Model the logical system to meet the requirements, we have several techniques to use.
Several modelling tools that can be used:
Use case model
Data flow diagrams
Data model
Decision tables
Data Model:
Put requirements gathered needed for the system, put these into a
Case Model
Need to analyse requirements from fact finding
eg interviews
Need to model the data stores outline what does in them
Whats in a DATA STORE:
Anything we need ti know (must be relevant)
o Things the processes work on
o Books
o Dinner orders
o Railway ticket requests


Info needed by processes:
o Title, author, desc, price etc
o Order number, table number, menu items etc
o Passenger name, start station, dest

These are all requirements from analysis

Data Modelling Overview:
o Data modelling gives us shape of what goes in Data Stores
o Data stores in a computer system are the tables of its database

Questions to Ask when modelling the Data:
o What things is the system dealing with?
o What do we know about the things?
o How are the things linked together?

What things is the system dealing with?
The things the system deals with are the things that are relevant:
o Books, Modules, Status
o Ticket requests, tickets, passengers
o Vehicles, drivers, service records
They become the entities in a data model and the tables in a Database:
o Books, Modules, Status
o Request, Ticket, Passenger
o Vehicle, Driver, Service

What do we know about the things?
Characteristics or details we record
o Title, author, module name, module code
o Ticket number, date travel, request date, address
o Vehicle number, make, driver name, service date


Characteristics we call attributes, they become fields or columns in a Database table
o Title, Author, ModuleName, ModuleCode
o TicketNo, TravelDate, RequestDate, Address
o VehicleNo, Make, Driver, ServiceDate
How are the things linked together?
o How do they relate?
o Books link modules
o Books link to status
o Vehicles link to drivers
o Vehicle link to services
o Passengers link to requests
o Tickets link to requests
o The links are called Relationships
o Help the system to find the right info in right Database

Data Model for System:
Consists or ERD

.. and the Tables to be used in the database
o Table names and attributes
o Book (BookNo, Title, Author, Description, Price)


Data model summary:
o Data model is part of the logical for system
o Shows things that are relevant to the system, called entities
o Shows what details are needed about the things, called attributes

Structures English:
o One way of describing steps in carrying out a process
o Can be used as part of Use Case Description
o Describes the logic of a business process
o Looks similar to pseudocode
o Pseudocode describes the logic in a piece of code
o Clear and unambiguous

Structured English BASICS:
o Threes rules
o Use the four constructs
o Indent to make it clear which statements go together
o Limit the vocabulary
Standard words and commands
Names of entities and attributes from data model
Structured English SUMMARY
o Describes logic of business process
o Simple language constructs
o Clear and Unambiguous

Decision Tables:
o Shows what actions should be taken in different combinations of circumstances
o Clear and unambiguous way of specifying what to do
o Can be used as part of use case description Not always needed
o Very useful when complex decisions need to be made and acted on


Decision tables BASICS
o Conditions
o One-or-other questions
o Rules
o Combinations of answers to Questions
o Actions
o What will happen each case
o Decisions
o Which actions apply to which rules ie in which circumstances
Decision tables BUILDING
To build Decisions Table:
o ID Conditions
Write most important one first
o ID possible actions
Write most frequent one first
o Work out the rules ie combinations of conditions
Combinations of Y/N
2 conditions give 4 rules, 3 conditions give 8 rules etc
o Record which actions are relevant to each rule
Put an X in that box of the decision table
o Check you have all the rules
Combinations of Y/N
Decision tables EXAMPLE
To calculate ticket fares
Concession (child, senior), return ticket
No discount, 10% discount, 50% discount

Concession Y N Y N
Return N Y Y N
No Discount X
10% Discount X
50% Discount X X


Decision tables SUMMARY
o Decision table summaries what happens in combinations of circumstances
o Shows
o Conditions
o Actions
o Rules
o Decisions
Checking the logical model:
o We have now put together the logical model
o Use Case Model for Process outline
o Data flow diagrams for process breakdown
o Data model for data requirements
o Structures English for process logic
o Decision table for combinations of circumstances
How to check the logical model:
o Go back to people you talked to when doing the detailed fact finding
o Bring requirements specification along
o Go through all the diagrams and models with them
o Check understanding
o Get any corrections
o Revise diagrams and models
o This can take time but worth it
o Any mistakes found at this stage can be easily corrected
o Anything found later is harder to correct

Designing the test strategy:
o One logical model approved, test strategy can be designed
o Users may be involved for testing
o System testing
o User acceptance testing


o Agree with users
o Who will write cases
o Who will write test scripts / expected results
o Who will carry out tests
o Who will analyse test results
o Joint effort between devs and users
Inputs to test strategy:
o Test Strategy based on:
o Requirements
o Use case model
o Data flow Diagrams
o Data Model
o Structured English
o Decision Tables
o End-to-end operation
o A System can process info from initial input to final output
o Eg input a book and follow it through it purchase

Unit Testing:
o Unit testing part of System Construction
o Tests program code and access Database
o Unit tests plans typically written when program logic being developed
o Task for developers
o Users do not get involved
Test Strategy Summary:
o Test strategy and test cases written based on logical system design
o Tests are carried out after system has been developed
o Testing is Team Effort with Developers and Users

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