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Instructions to Fill in Cash/Work Plan

The Cash Plan has to be prepared on the basis of allocations ade in
the PS!P for the ne"t financial #ear$
Pro%ide nae of the inistr#/di%ision alon&'ith Pro(ect and PS!P
allocations$ The serial nuber of the pro(ect as reflected in the PS!P
a# also be pro%ided$
The actual e"penditure are the e"penditure actuall# incurred on the
pro(ect$ The funds transferred to PW!/C)W departent are not
e"penditure rather it is deposited 'ith the departent to be spent on
behalf of e"ecutin& a&enc#$ The e"penditure incurred b# PW!/C)W
departent a# be sho'n as an e"penditure$
*b(ect/Functional Classification
The classification and head of e"penditure as &i%en in the chart of
account of PIF+A
Ites of ,"penditure
The a(or coponents of e"penditure ha%e been identified in the Cash
Plan$ Ho'e%er the ites of e"penditure a# %ar# fro pro(ect to
pro(ect$ The e"ecutin& a&enc# a# incorporate an# additional ite of
e"penditure as per appro%ed ites of e"penditure &i%en in the PC-I
The e"ecutin& a&encies can further bifurcate an ite of e"penditure if
Appro%ed Cost as per PC-I
Pro%ide ite-'ise appro%ed cost as reflected in the PC-I$
Cuulati%e ,"penditure
Pro%ide ite-'ise/ cuulati%e e"penditure upto the end of last
financial #ear$
0uarterl# Financial Tar&ets
The cash re.uireents be 'orked out on the basis of .uarterl#
ph#sical acti%ities proposed to be undertaken in the ne"t financial #ear$
,nsure a relationship bet'een ites of Work Plan and cash
re.uireents of different ites of 'ork$
The Work Plan has to be prepared on the basis of acti%it# chart
anne"ed 'ith the Work Plan$
Identif# the acti%ities to be undertaken on the basis of PS!P
allocations for ne"t financial #ear$
The acti%ities ha%e to be de%eloped in line plan or bar$
In case/ PS!P releases are not lapsable/ the e"ecutin& a&enc# is
re.uired to prepare a separate Work Plan for the unspent releases$
Ites of Work
The ites of 'orks are the sae as indicated in the Cash Plan$ In case
of addition of an# ite in cash plan/ it a# also be added in the Work
Please indicate the 2nit of easureent$ It can be kanals/ acres/
hectare for land and s.$ ft$ for ci%il 'orks etc$
Scope of Work
The appro%ed scope of 'ork in .uantifiable ters as per PC-I be
Ph#sical tar&ets/ites of 'ork be pro%ided in absolute fi&ures and not
in percenta&es$
Cuulati%e Ph#sical Pro&ress
Ite-'ise cuulati%e Ph#sical pro&ress uptill 34
5une of the last
financial #ear be pro%ided$
0uarterl# Ph#sical Tar&ets
The .uarterl# ph#sical tar&ets are de%eloped on the basis of acti%ities
identified and tie allocated for each acti%it# in acti%it# chart$
The acti%it#-'ise tar&ets de%eloped be reproduced under .uarterl#
Ph#sical tar&ets$
*ut Put Indicators
Indicate output of the pro(ect in .uantifiable ters 6if applicable7
durin& the financial #ear$
Acti%it# charts ha%e been de%eloped to identif# the tie re.uired in
undertakin& an acti%it#$
+elationships bet'een different acti%ities ha%e to be de%eloped$ An
acti%it# can be undertaken after copletion of pre%ious acti%it# or a
nuber of acti%ities can be undertaken siultaneousl#$
Tie re.uired to undertake an acti%it# can be identified b# line or bar$
Acti%it# chart 'ill not be de%eloped for
i$ P*L/ repairs and aintenance$
ii$ Stationer# utilities etc$
iii$ Contin&encies$
Cash/Work Plan Proforas
Cash/Work Plan Proforas can be do'n loaded fro
In case of an# incon%enience/clarification/ please contact:
Nae ) !esi&nation Telephone No$
;$ <r$ Ashraf Ali 1han 4=;->?4;@4>
?$ <r$ <ohaad Shahid 4=;->?4@4?;
5$S/!G6Social Sectors7
3$ <r$ Salee Per%aiA Siddi.ui 4=;->?4@B@>
5$S/!G6*thers Sectors7

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