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Chrls Perlan
SporLs lnLernaLlonal, Camp ersonnel ulrecLor
(301) 373-9400

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LlSLL, lL., !une 27, 2014 -8oberLo Carza, !on 8osLlc and members of Lhe 8ears are scheduled Lo lnsLrucL a fooLball
camp Lhls summer for newcomer and seasoned players allke Lo learn lndlvldual and Leam Lechnlques on boLh
offense and defenslve poslLlons aL Lhe 8oberLo Carza and !on 8osLlc looLball Camp held on !une 29-!uly 2.

1he fooLball camp, offerlng boLh overnlghL and day camp opLlons, wlll be held aL 8enedlcLlne unlverslLy and wlll
feaLure 8ears' cenLer 8oberLo Carza and llnebacker !on 8osLlc. 1he camp ls deslgned for players ages 7 Lo 18 and
wlll feaLure dally lnsLrucLlon, lecLures, and demonsLraLlons by Carza and members of Lhe Chlcago 8ears. 1he
college and hlgh school coaches on sLaff wlll ensure each pracLlce wlll be fllled wlLh ln-depLh lnsLrucLlon, lecLures,
and demonsLraLlons. Campers wlll be grouped by age, poslLlon, ablllLy and experlence Lo allow coaches Lo
progresslvely Leach baslc and advanced Lechnlques Lo besL beneflL each group.

Lach aLhleLe learns Lhe fundamenLals of fooLball aL Lhls camp, whlch ls very lmporLanL," says Carza.
looLball newcomers and seasoned players allke wlll also experlence Leamwork, self-dlsclpllne, selecLlng Lhe correcL
role models, and how Lo aLLaln Lhelr sporLs and llfe poLenLlal. Lven Lhough Lhls ls noL an auLograph camp,"
members of Lhe 8ears wlll be avallable for auLographs.

ln 2013, Carza anchored an offenslve llne LhaL allowed runnlng back MaLL lorLe Lo rush for 1,339 yards, second ln
Lhe nlL, whlle 8osLlc sLarLed nlne games ln hls rookle campalgn.
Cn uecember 4, 8osLlc made a season-hlgh nlne Lackles agalnsL Lhe vlklngs, and also conLrlbuLed hls flrsL career
sack. Pe sLarLed ln nlne games ln hls rookle campalgn.
CbLaln more lnformaLlon and requesL a camp brochure LhaL lncludes an appllcaLlon by calllng 301-373-9400, or by
vlslLlng Space ln Lhe fooLball camp ls llmlLed and reglsLraLlons wlll be accepLed on a flrsL
come, flrsL served basls.

:);<= >?;-=> @A=B-A:=@;A:C - SporLs lnLernaLlonal organlzes fooLball camps headllned by currenL and former
professlonal fooLball players. SporLs lnLernaLlonal has provlded youLh fooLball players across Lhe unlLed SLaLes
wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo learn from Lhe professlonals wlLh Lhe flnesL fooLball camps for 30 years. llnd ouL more by
vlslLlng onllne aL

CapLlon: Chlcago 8ears' cenLer 8oberLo Carza worklng wlLh a camper ln a drlll.

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