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Typical Job Levels and Job Titles

Records Manager
Director Of Records Management
Records Administrator
Forms Supervisor
Forms Analyst
Records Center
Records Analyst
Records Supervisor
Records Clerk

Job Description:
Micrographics Services Supervisor - As a Micrographics Supervisor your role is to perform supervisory duties that involve the provision of
micrographics services to municipal departments for the retention and preservation of records. An employee in this class is responsible for
performing tasks which are supervisory in nature and involve the provision of micrographics services to municipal departments for the retention
and preservation of records. Under general supervision, the employee performs work of more than average difficulty in ensuring that quality
micrographics services are provided on a timely basis. The employee must exercise reasonable initiative and independent judgment in complying
with state standards for microfilm and microfiche quality. Work is reviewed while in progress through conferences and reports submitted and
upon completion through results obtained.

Micrographics Technician - Performs advanced (senior-level) micrographics work. Work involves monitoring, scheduling, coordinating, and
overseeing micrographics production; and coordinating the maintenance of processing and duplicating equipment. The employee occupying the
position of this class is responsible for performing various routine records management work, including the preparation of
microfilming/scanning, storage, retrieval of Borough records, and assists the Records Management Officer on projects with departments,
including training and the day-to-day activities of the records management program. This is a bargaining unit position.
Records Supervisor - Under general supervision, performs, coordinates, and supervises the work of records staff involved in the implementation
and maintenance of a specialized records program; and performs related duties as assigned. This classification is distinguished as having
supervisory level responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of records retention schedules, conducting records studies, making
recommendations with regard to records systems, and supervising the operations of records staff.

Records Clerk - A records clerk is responsible for accurately organizing, filing, and retrieving information regarding a company's records and
accounts. He or she ensures that records are kept up to date and that any necessary changes or additions are made in a timely manner. Many
modern offices exclusively keep electronic records, which require that a records clerk be proficient with word processing software, spreadsheet
applications, and data entry methods. Most records clerk jobs are found in medical offices and hospitals, government agencies, and businesses
of all types.

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