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Reflections on the
Integral Mission of
the Church
How to Become a Kingdom

Session 11
In each of the following questions, circle the number that most closely
reflects the practice in your personal " life, and put a box around the number
that most reflects the practice of your church:
Read the following quote and decide whether your Church is a “Lake” or
“River” Church: “ere are two kinds of Churches – lake and river
Churches. ese are not physical locations, but philosophies of ministry.
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A lake, though it may be large, is limited by what it can do – it can grow
! shrink. It can become stagnant. Rivers, however, go somewhere. ey
" momentum; they can change course; and they carry people where
are going. A lake Church is a place to collect more and more people,
"and success is measured more by the size of the lake than by whether the
people in it grow in character and service. River Churches impact people
while they are in the channel – and they spill over their banks. ‘How
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many people were there?’ is a lake question. ‘What happened to the ones

The Integral Mission of the Church 2 Living the Story Series

who came?’ is a river question. ‘How many people attended the program?’
is a&<!#$%(
CI&5( %0'( !"+>"#<( lake thought. ‘Did the
#)5( $0#)>'( !'+!.'-F( program
.&8'-EF( &-( #( "&8'"(impact and
G,'-%&+)9J change
K !B0*! %! 5(9!peoples’
%3(0#7! lives?’ is a *'%*! 4(1*!
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river question.” Put a box around the number that most reflects the
! practice of your church:

personal reflections

• Look at the numbers you circled. What do your answers tell you about
yourself and your daily life?
• Look at the numbers you placed in boxes. What do your answers
indicate about your church?
• Add all the numbers in circles, and add all the numbers in boxes. Now
spend some time in prayer and ask God to reveal how to “change your
score.” What steps could you personally or your church take to
become more like the Church was intended to be?
• If you have identified your church as a lake church, how could you
help your church move from being a lake church to a river church?

application journal:

The Integral Mission of the Church 3 Living the Story Series

The Integral Mission of the Church 4 Living the Story Series
group dialogue

• Look at the numbers you circled. Share your responses with each
other. What do your answers tell you about yourself and your daily
life? Discuss your responses with one another.
• Look at the numbers you placed in boxes. Share your results with each
other. What do your answers indicate about your church? Discuss
your responses with one another.
• Add all the numbers in circles, and add all the numbers in boxes.
What steps could your church take to become more like the Church
was intended to be?
• If you have identified your church as a lake church, how could you
help your church move from being a lake church to a river church?

The Integral Mission of the Church 5 Living the Story Series

1 Bob Moffitt, If Jesus Were Mayor, 183

The Integral Mission of the Church 6 Living the Story Series

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