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Invoice #: 12000

Date: May 24, 2012

Amount Due USD: $2,325.00
Task Time Entry Notes Rate ($) Hours Line Total ($)
Initial Memo
and Research
[Jack Connelly Campaign 05/01/12] Kevin Hulten: Darneille
background check and intial memo
0.00 6 0.00
Voting Record
[Jack Connelly Campaign 05/01/12] Jon Rudicil: Pre-meeting
0.00 3 0.00
Client Meeting [Jack Connelly Campaign 05/03/12] Initial Meeting at Connelly
Law offices
0.00 2 0.00
General [Jack Connelly Campaign 05/08/12] Kevin Hulten: 3:00 8:30pm
AIDS foundation, Poll questions, expenses, media, etc.
100.00 5 500.00
General [Jack Connelly Campaign 05/15/12] Kevin Hulten: 1.0 At TR/JW
request, produced talking points for endorsement meeting.
Conducted conference call.
100.00 1 100.00
General [Jack Connelly Campaign 05/16/12] Kevin Hulten: Research and
writing of response to Don re polling. Document including multiple
attachments and graphs.
100.00 3 300.00
Voting Record
[Jack Connelly Campaign 05/18/12] JR: Analyzed bills at client
request. Crafted pieces around budget vote and law and justice
100.00 1 100.00
General [Jack Connelly Campaign 05/19/12] Kevin Hulten: 3.0 hours Wrote
Sex Criminal/Felon piece.
100.00 3 300.00
General [Jack Connelly Campaign 05/20/12] Kevin Hulten: Research,
conducted Jolibois background at candidate request, exchanged
emails with candidate and DNA, wrote Jolibois background check
and proposal, candidate requested further Jolibois research.
100.00 5 500.00
General [Jack Connelly Campaign 05/23/12] Kevin Hulten: Answered
questions from DNA, researched budget votes, created "Key
Votes" budget doc, emailed info to DNA.
100.00 2.25 225.00
Item Description Unit Cost ($) Quantity Price ($)
Travel Rate K and J Everett to Tacoma initial meeting 50.00 6 300.00
Work Product Darneille background/initial memo 0.00 1 0.00
Work Product Polling questions 0.00 1 0.00
Work Product Response to initial polling questions 0.00 1 0.00
Thomas and French LLC
PO Box 2002
Granite Falls WA 98252
Phone: (425) 679-9110
TR Strategies
Terry Thompson
1612 Springwood Ave. NE
Olympia WA 98506
Subtotal: 2,325.00
Total: 2,325.00
Amount Paid: -0.00
Balance Due USD: $2,325.00
This invoice was sent using
NOTES: Waived initial research and analysis (9+ hours) resulting in initial memo, background check and analysis. Waived
fees on initial client meeting. Charged flat $50/hour travel fee for round-trip travel to Tacoma.
Thank you for contracting with Thomas and French. If you have questions about the billing or work product, do not
hesitate to contact us. Please remit payment within 30 days.
Thank you for your business.
Work Product Darneille analysis Early Release of Sex Criminals and Felons 0.00 1 0.00
Work Product Darneille analysis Spend it all, raise taxes 0.00 1 0.00
Work Product Jolibois Background check: proprietary report with seven
0.00 1 0.00
Work Product Political Courage test: Darneille supports income tax (screenshot
and document)
0.00 1 0.00
Work Product Key Votes: Budget Bills 0.00 1 0.00

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