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The mirror

The hall - mirror causes troubles to me. It distorts me; I cant see my true reflection. Im
afraid to look in it, but I cant resist, for it attracts me with its cruel humor.
The mirror has no right to play tricks with me, Im angry because it does from me whatever it
wants. Im standing in front of him and I cant recognize myself. Is this really me I wouldnt
like to be a clown at whose grimaces the audience laughs their head of.
I spent hours and hours in front of him, I try to ignore its distortions, and in my mind I picture
my true reflection.
!ust when I imagine my left ear as it really is, when I ignore all its distortions and size which the
satirical mirror had magnified beyond any proportion, my right ear goes mad, sticks out of my
imaginary self, grows and curves to the utter amusement of the invisible audience. If I make even
a slightest move with my head, lips spread on one side like an accordion which the accordionist,
being tired, let loose. I can leave the hall, but the accordion like mouth will remain, greening like
an idiot.
Im on my way to leave the hall and the sneering mirror there, but I always go back because of
the stretched mouth, shapeless ears and missing nostril. I stand in front of it I say" I give up. Then
start playing tricks with myself and my reflection. I #erk my head back and forth and I make
amazing facial e$pressions. %ou wouldnt believe what you can do with your face. I move it in
the corner and my mouth turn into a tape, glued with all its wideness. &astily I move my profile
towards the mirror, and then my ear turns into a huge mountain which casts the shadow on the
hall, or I stand with my forehead I front of it, and gently sway with my head. I see it splitting my
nose which turns into the puffs of cigarette smoke.
I care to see my true reflection, but the mirror is of no use. 'n the contrary, it makes me
miserable whenever I have a look in it before I go out to play with other children. It isnt my
ally; I have to rely on my personal artistic skills.
The bedroom ( mirror doesnt distort me, but my aunt doesnt allow me to use it. Im
condemned to this horrible hall ( mirror which feels like playing with me, and Im not always in
the mood for #oking.
I stand in front of it and beg it for help. There are girls outside who want to see boys spending its
vacation at aunts. I need to make myself pretty. I say to him"
- &elp me, mirror)
It does nothing. It stretches my mouth, magnifies my forehead, I dont even dare to move in
order not to make everything worse. *nd I would so love to try different e$pressions and
gestures which will impress the girls and make them madly fell in love with me.

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