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Since the time the Earth was created it was always about maintaining balance on it. There were many
war fought between God and the Demon cult. Every time so happened the Demons were pushed back
into underworld without mercy. Every time they were defeated they grew desperate of their failure but
also learned from it. Every time they would use new method, strategy and tricks to win over Earth. But
every time so happened the God stood for the good of the Earth and its being.
But Gods made one mistake they gave man the power of will to differentiate good from bad, but the
human used to trick each other and the gods too. The men were now of free will and now defend
themselves of any evil or might choose to align with it. Any choice it be they did not need the God to
show them way to protect them. So, they stopped loving and worshipping God. And the God, who
thrived on earth because of this love and worship, became weak. When the Gods grew weary of mans
treachery and lie they left the earth and disloyalty, they left earth and resided in heaven.
The Demon sect. got what they wanted and attacked earth with full power and started, chaos and
mayhem, kingdom ruined villages destroyed. The God disheartened by humans ill treatment and
weakened by their disbelief, watched over this wrecking. The demigods who chose to stay on Earth were
either drained of their power and left to live normal human life. The humans in order to save themselves
started yajnas and ritual to empower the gods again but the demon had a solution for it, they created a
powerful entity called the Havees kalash that would absorb the power of prayers, rituals and yajnas,
into itself and would seal them in it. The demon couldnt have it as it would turn them into God, but
they couldnt let Gods even have it, as they would grow powerful and comeback.
When the humans came to know about this, they tried to get to the kalash. Some in order to bring back
Gods and some to become Gods themselves. The kings and generals made many brave marches to the
place but none came back. Many of them were demigods and many humans.

The kingdom of Akshayapura was one of those kingdoms, who made an effort to get the kalash, but
lost. The king Adheesh Adhiraj Rai had lost his sons, Kumar Atmaj and Kumar Abhay. The kingdom
would have been demolished by the demons, if not for princess Aadrika. The demon king was
astonished by the beauty of the princess, that he wanted to marry her and in return would let the
kingdom live. The king and the kingdom just moaned on to their fate and loss. But, a demigod Adhrit
was also attracted towards the princess and so was the princess. The king knew the nature of demon,
that they would never keep their word.
The people of the kingdom left it the very night before the marriage. The king married the couple, in
secret. The couple was send off to the jungle, with some small group of soldier and kings personal
bodyguard and general Vidhuresh. The Demon knew of the trick and conquered and raided what left
of it. The king and his army engaged them for enough a time that the couple and the people would be
out of sight. But they were not big enough to defeat them. The couple with soldier, some of their
subject settled in the forest, where the demons wouldnt likely come in search of them. As the time
passed by the couple gave birth to a son child. The child was charismatic as he was born in the
constellation great sage Purshuram. The child was accounted to be a great warrior. He was named as
Veerbhadra. And the couple was happy in their small kingdom.
But, the demon was not able to forget of her beauty, so continued for her search. And one day so
happened that a patrolling party was able to sight the settlement of the couple. They informed to their
king who himself came upon it to take her away. Adhrit and soldiers fought very tough, at the brink of
loosing Aadrika entrusted Vidhuresh with the job of escaping with the child and nurturing him. As
Vidhuresh left, the couple lost their battle to the demon.
Vidhuresh as promised took the child to the harsh and arid regions of Adripat. A place where cast out
of demons, demigods and humans lived together but not so much in harmony. He protected him,
nurtured him and trained him against the demon. The child having seen the death of his father mother
at the hand of the demon devoted himself to the very cause. The child grew within the demons that
were either a cast out or were criminal to their very kind, and so he knew how to defeat them mentally
and physically. He wasnt all enemy to them and all of them were enemy to him. He made friend with a
imp who was very resourceful and could change identity. The child grew better on both the part as
human he had strong will and as a god could bear any pain. As the child reached at his end of the
training. Vidhuresh called upon the left out demigods to bless him with his skills and weapon that were
useless to them without their demigod powers.
The boy received two swords that would cut through any metal and would come to him on his
summoning, a shield that could defend arrows of an entire army, an armor that heal him of any injury.
At last Vidhuresh gifted him with his own bow, which could shoot thousands of arrows with one pull. At
last the imp presented him with a bag that could hide anything small or big and any amount of it. After
have been received the blessing they started their journey to the very kingdom where it all started.

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