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On Sunday, 8th November 2009 a thanksgiving service was held at the

Synagogue Church Of All Nations, Lagos Nigeria, for the duo of Sani
Emmanuel and Ogenyi Onazi both of My People FC and members of the
Golden Eaglets team that lost to the Switzerland team.

It was pomp and pageantry all the way, from the beginning of the service to
the end. The duo of Sani Emmanuel and Onazi Ogeni walked into the church
auditorium to give their speeches and thanks to the members of the church,
the nation Nigeria and the world at large for their support and
encouragement before, during and after the tournament.

Accompanied by some members of the U17 team, Sani Emmanuel and Onazi
Ogenyi walked into the church auditorium. Standing beside two giant cakes
for the celebration and thanksgiving, they both gave their speeches.

Sani Emmanuel said: “I am Sani Emmanuel. Number 14 striker.”

“People of God, where can we go from His presence?”

“I want to say thank you for your prayers and support for the Under 17 World
Cup. Although we did not win the Cup, in every situation God has something
to say. God is still saying something.”

“I am here today to show you what God’s ability can do. As we all know,
going by what happened on the field, I am undeserving. Yet, by the grace of
God, today I am the best Under 17 player, all over the world. Here are the
golden ball and the silver shoe.”

“He continued saying: Don’t forget that I was once a needy. I mean, I know
what it is to be poor. I dedicate these awards to all the needy. I am going to
start a foundation where scholarships will be given to the deserving ones and
every proper means will be used to discover the talented – just as I was
discovered by my father in the Lord, Prophet T.B. Joshua.”

“People of God, my documentary will speak better. I would like to leave the
rest ‘til I go to my future club.”

“Thank you once again for your prayers for the Under 17 World Cup. No
matter what happens, God is still saying something.”
“Finally, I would like to have a meeting with the youth, hopefully before I go
to my future club. The purpose of the meeting is:

1. To encourage the youth that there is hope. Jesus is the hope.

2. I, without strength, fast legs, smoothness of tongue, if it can happen to

me, it can happen to anyone who believes in Jesus.”

He concluded by saying: “Remember, better is not good enough; the best is

yet to come.”

Onazi Ogenyi declared: “I am Onazi Ogenyi Number 4 – Midfielder.”

"We are here today to thank you all for your prayers and support around the
world. Without repeating ourselves, my brother has more or less said it all.
We shall leave the rest ‘til we go to our future clubs.”

“Thank you again for your prayers and support for the Under 17 World Cup.
We are here today to show you what God’s ability can do.”

Continuing he said: “As Emmanuel has said, we would like to have a meeting
with the youth.”

“The time and date of the meeting will be announced in many news media,
e.g. Emmanuel TV and every available channel. We shall consider those who
would be coming from outside the country to give them enough time to
come. God bless.”

“Remember, better is not good enough; the best is yet to come.”

They both cut the cakes immediately with their teammates from the U17;
the duo standing by one cake, while their teammates stood beside the other
cake. They all cut the cake on the count of JEUSU CHRIST.

The members of the church stood up to thank God for the duo as the SCOAN
choir filled the air with wonderful praise and worship to God.

Personalities on ground to celebrate with the duo included: Former President

of Zambia, Honourable Federick Chiluba, Ace flautist Tee Mac Omatshola
Iseli, Goalkeeper of the U17 team Dami Paul Danjuma, and a host of others.

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