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Reintegrating Ex-Convicts into society through Education, Self-Sustainability, and Mentoring

Group 1:
Phebe Abraham
M. Jawwad Baig
Faith Crockett
Hanin Qattan
Kevin Yang


Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3
J.P. Morgan Chase 4
Goodwill Industries International, Inc. 5
Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce 7
Program Background 8
Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative Program 10
Roles and Benefits 13
Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative Budget 14
Vegas Night Fundraiser 15
Fundraiser Invitation 19
Fundraiser Agenda 20
Guest List 21
Vegas Night Event Budget 22
Letters of Recommendation 23
Works Cited 25


Executive Summary
The Cause:
In 2013, around 20,000 inmates will be released from DFW prisons. According to the Department of Justice, nearly two
thirds of these inmates are rearrested within a year. The main reason they are being rearrested is due to the lack of proper
aid and resources to move on to the next step, reintegrating into society. Chase NEXTSTEP Initiatives (CNI) main goal
is to provide support to ex-convicts so they can break the cycle and become productive members of society. J.P. Morgan
Chase hopes to achieve this by coming together with Goodwill Industries International, Inc., a nonprofit organization.
A fundraiser dinner will be held to raise funds needed to implement an existing program created by Goodwill. The plan
aids individuals with criminal backgrounds to get back on their feet through programs aimed at finding jobs and
obtaining basic skills required to achieve independence.
The Program:
With a $500,000 donation and funds raised from a fundraiser, the Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative will give a one-time
donation to Goodwill Industries. Goodwill will utilize their experience in the community and their affiliations with local
businesses to manage the donation from Chase and the revenue from the fundraiser to implement their current program at
more locations in Dallas. The program is currently offered at Goodwills Fort Worth Headquarters. The expansion of the
program will last 12 months, serving 100 people. The Chase Nextstep Initiative will aid people with criminal
backgrounds in receiving an education, job skills, finding job leads, and developing basic life skills required to take the
next step after release from prison. Our aim is to help these people obtain fulltime and self-sustainable employment
Increasing awareness of the Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative will be done through a Vegas Night themed fundraiser.
Guests, numbering 300, will be made up of prominent Dallas business executives, as well as prominent members of the
Dallas Regional Chamber. The event will be held at the Four Seasons Hotel on September 7
, 2013. Moreover,
awareness will be raised through radio ads and Dart ads targeted at the family members of those to be released from


J.P. Morgan Chase
J.P. Morgan Chase is a financial holding company that operates globally providing customers with:
Investment banking solutions
Commercial banking
Financial transaction processing
Asset management
Private equity
Financial services
Chase collaborates with a variety of non-profit organizations to help the low-income population in the cities where they
are located. The goal is to improve educational opportunities, job opportunities, reduce crime, and greatly increase the
quality of life.
Chase Bank Supports:
1. Resident-focused programs addressing:
Workforce development
Asset building
Financial literacy
2. Community-focused programs addressing
Economic development
Affordable housing
Chase community involvement in past years includes:
A $200 million donation in community development loans and investments in Texas the year 2010.
Provided $10 million in loan financing for a program that would improve air quality in low-income
neighborhoods in New York the year 2012.
Committed $7 million to the TRANS4M Boyle Heights initiative, which provided financial counseling and small
business assistance to those in the East Los Angeles neighborhood in 2012.


Goodwill Industries International, Inc.
In 1902, Rev. Edgar J. Helms, a Methodist minister, established Goodwill Industries International, Inc. Goodwill started
out by training the less fortunate to repair used household goods and clothing received from wealthier areas, and giving
them out to the poor or allowing those who repaired them to keep them. The philosophy established was that of a hand
up, not a hand out. Today, Goodwill is a $4 Billion non-profit organization successfully providing employment,
training, and rehabilitation.
Goodwills Goals:
Enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and their families.
Strengthen communities.
Eliminate barriers to opportunity.
Allow individuals to thrive by providing them with skills and knowledge.
Provide job training and employment to those with disabilities and disadvantaging conditions.
Goodwill Helps:
People with criminal backgrounds / ex-convicts: They are reintegrated into society as contributing members to
their local communities.
Immigrants: Through language and cultural awareness classes.
People with disabilities: through support services, specialized training, and assistive technology.
Seniors: Through coordinating job readiness programs, supportive services aimed at independence and pursuit of
employment goals.
Veterans and Military Families: Aid military families in finding employment and provide health services and job
skills for those reentering the workplace.
Youth: Through preparation for a successful educational and financial future.


Goodwill Industries International, Inc.
Goodwills Revenue Sources:

2011 Achievements:
Served 4.2 million people through employment and training programs
Provided 107 million mission services
Helped 189,000 people find jobs
Estimated total earnings of people who earned a job with Goodwills help: $2.95 billion
Personal and family support services provided: 10 million
Total revenue generated by Goodwill organizations: $4.43 billion
Total revenue spent directly on programs: 82%
Total number of donors (includes repeat donations): 79 million
Total number of retail stores: Over 2,650 and an online auction site,

Retail sales: $2.59 billion
Industrial and service contract work:
$641 million
support for mission services: $71
Government support for mission
services: $467 million
Other revenue: $45 million


Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce
For over a hundred years, the Dallas Chamber of Commerce (DCC) has served as a gateway to make a positive impact
on local businesses and the community. DCC represents businesses and institutions in the DFW area. As a prominent
corporation with headquarters in Dallas, Chase Bank is delighted to have an opportunity to work with the Dallas
Regional Chamber of Commerce in order to show true social responsibility and community engagement. Chase Nextstep
Initiative was created with the mission of breaking the re-arrest cycle for ex-convicts by helping them attain educational
and life skills needed to rejoin society and become self-sustaining members of Dallas. Our plan includes an alliance with
Goodwill Industries to implement a program that has been proven successful in Fort Worth. Local businesses will be a
major part of this project; we hope these businesses will be the ones to hire the demographic we choose to work with
after they have received the proper training. It will be a mutual benefit for businesses and ex-criminals, because
employers will hire determined and hardworking employees with certified skills, while ex-convicts will escape the
brutality of being re-arrested. Our plan will be submitted to the DRCC on April 19, 2013. Chase looks forward to
working with the chamber and creating a long lasting alliance for future endeavors.


Program Background
Currently in DFW, employees conduct a criminal background check for any job applicant before granting him/her an
interview. For this reason, most individuals with criminal records are denied an interview as a form of passive
punishment that continues long after they leave prison.
According to the Department of Justice:
Two-thirds of inmates are re-arrested within 12 months
Of the 650,000 inmates expected to go back into society this year, nearly 25,350 are expected to be
released in DFW.

Due to todays saturated job markets, finding a job is difficult. High school and college graduates are competing with
experienced professionals, leaving individuals with a criminal background in the dust.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires that no company place a blanket restriction on their
hiring process based on previous incarcerations. Unfortunately, when it comes to employment, those convicted of a
misdemeanor offense are facing the same difficulties finding full-time jobs as those convicted with a felony.
When ex-convicts cannot find jobs the following occurs:
They go back into or join gangs; leads to violence and drugs abuse.
Commit crimes to go back to jail because they cannot afford food and shelter due to lack of jobs.

For example, last year, a man robbed his local bank for $1 after being released in order to go back to prison. His
reasoning was that in prison, he received free health care and a meal.
Providing ex-convicts with job opportunities and the same treatment as other individuals benefits not only them, but the
families behind them. Employment will allow them the opportunity to sustain their expenses, provide adequate food,
shelter, education, and medical needs for themselves and their families. Denying one person a job due to their criminal
record is to deny a family of the increased income that would have been the result of employment.
Goodwill Industries International, Inc. has a program that is already set up and working to help inmates obtain jobs and
become self-sustainable. Unfortunately, not many inmates take advantage of this arrangement due to being unaware that
such a program exists. Moreover, Goodwill provides ex-convicts with the skill of turning their record into a positive
learning experience in both their eyes, and those of future employers.


Program Background
Skills Goodwill currently provides to ex-convicts in their Fort Worth location:
Pre-release services: Getting an early start on building work skills and obtaining necessary
documentation for job searches prior to release.
Educational services and basic skill development: Educational services include GED prep and certification,
ESL classes or basic education classes, financial and computer literacy, basic education and work adjustment
Employment readiness training: Learn soft skills that help you succeed at work, including interviewing and
workplace communication skills.
Job training services: Goodwill offers a full spectrum of job training services to ensure success.
Occupational skill training: Learn a skill or trade to help get back to work or move on to a better job.
Job placement assistance: Open doors to employment opportunities with the help of Goodwill employment
Life Skills: Acquire skills required for self-dependence as well as relationship skills.
People who have been incarcerated find many barriers when it comes to job opportunities as well as a successful
reintegration into society. Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative and Goodwill aim to provide the above services to men, women
and youth who have served their time and are trying to get back on track.
Initially, Chase NEXTSTEP will allow for the expansion to a single additional location. This location will assist the first
100 customers as it is a one year pilot program. The success of the program will be measured through keeping tabs on
our customers after they have gone through the program. Customers will be asked to continually provide updates on their
contact information. We will contact them a few months after they have completed the program and conduct a phone
interview. They will be asked the following:
Are you currently employed?
How has the program helped you?
What additional benefits have you received due to the program?
What more could have been done by the program that would have allowed for better results?
Currently, only one Goodwill store has been implementing the program to aid people with criminal backgrounds located
about 50 miles away from Dallas in Fort Worth.


Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative
Single additional location will be:
Goodwill Industries of Dallas, INC. (DALLAS HQ)
o 3020 N. Westmoreland Road
Dallas, TX 75212
o Accessible by DART
Marketing / PR:
Banners / Posters to put in Goodwill stores and affiliate organizations
Flyers to be passed out in local jail and prisons / workshops once every three months.
Radio and DART Rail Ads.
Goodwill will hire:
1 Supervisor for the implementation of entire program @ $50,000 / year
4 Fulltime licensed practicing counselors (LPC) @ $45,000 / year
o Divided by counties
o 3 Part-time workers for booth directors / coordinators @ $12,000 / year
o 2 Full time coordinators @ $36,000 / year
o Legal resources will be used through current Goodwill legal team of lawyers and ethical boards. The
Goodwill legal team will handle all legal aspects.


Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative
Initial / Pre-release Services:
Submit paperwork and go through required testing to be accepted into the program.
Coordinators will set up informational workshops in county / local prisons that provide in-depth detail on what
services Goodwill provides and what to expect.
Get the necessary documentation ready for job searches as well as build a resume.
Building basic work skills will begin prior to release.

Educational services and basic skills development:
Enroll in a GED program or enroll in local community colleges Goodwill is affiliated with.
Goodwill has alliances with Collin County Community College, Dallas County Community College, and Tarrant
County Community College to help with financial aid.
Adult training education: Classes help improve skills in math, reading, communication, and comprehension so
that the individual can achieve success in vocational training.
Computer literacy: Update computer skills with hands-on instruction. The class uses Microsoft products such as:
XP operating system, word processing, spreadsheet applications, and financial planning. It also covers the
internet, email systems, resume writing, job applications, and sending documents as attachments.
Financial literacy topics covered include:
o An introduction to bank services
o How to manage a checking account, borrowing, and introduction to credit
o The importance of saving
o Safeguarding tools and consumer protection rights
o How your credit history will impact your future
o Know what you are borrowing before you sign a contract
o The basics of home ownership


Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative
Employment Readiness and Job Training:
Obtain soft skills needed to get a job.
Workplace communications skills
How to deal with questions about having a criminal record
Warehouse job skills- training at an employer site
Work/Vocational adjustment training (building communication skills)
Personal and social adjustment training (coming to terms with their situation).
Resume development
Interview skills
Occupational skills training
Job placement and retention service
Job Placement Assistance:
Clients work with the placement staff to identify jobs that suit their employment goals. Staff follows up with the
client and interacts with the employer to provide retention services.
Application Process:
Apply to receive services
Factors that determine eligibility:
o Resident of Wise, Denton, Collin, Parker, Tarrant, Dallas, Rockwall, Johnson, Ellis, Kaufman, and/or
Hunt County.
o Volunteer within the community
o Pass drug tests; all ex-convicts receiving help must be drug free prior to receiving any help.
o Residency status. Assistance will only be provided to legal residents of the counties mentioned above.


Roles and Benefits
Chases Role:
Provide a one-time, tax deductible donation of $500,000
Host a prepaid dinner fundraiser to raise awareness and money for the cause.
Chases Benefits:
Tax receipts / deductibles
Promote marketing value
Build positive relationships with local DFW
Increase company spirit
Aid people who may become potential future clients be clients of Chase Bank
Requested of the Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce:
Provide a speaker for the fundraiser
Provide raffle prizes for fundraiser
Attend the fundraiser
Benefits of the Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce:
Helps small businesses in DFW
Positive PR
Goodwills Role:
Implement Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative
Goodwills Benefits:
New / renewed source of income
Positive PR
More donations
Expansion of business
Societal Benefit:
Taxes can be spent in more effective areas, such as education and welfare for the elderly rather than on
prisons and county jails.


Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative Budget


Amount Comments
Chase One Time Donation: 1 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 Given by Chase
Fundraiser Donations 150 $250.00 $37,500.00 Tax Deductible Donations
Raffle Ticket Donations 150 $50.00 $7,500.00 Prizes Donated by DRCC Members
Ticket Profits 300 $350.00 $105,000.00 Expensed Paid By Chase
Total Donation Revenue: $650,000.00
Salary & Administration Expense
Supervisor Salary 1 ($49,500.00) ($49,500.00)
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) 4 ($44,900.00) ($179,600.00)
Full Time Coordinators 3 ($35,500.00) ($106,500.00)
Professional Liability and General Liability
Insurance 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Blanked Policy
Legal Team $- Provided by Goodwill Industries
Total Salary Expense ($334,100.00)
Education Expenses $-
Community College / GED / Additional
Education 100 ($2,000.00) ($200,000.00)
Textbooks 70 ($200.00) ($14,000.00)
Monthly DART Passes 70 ($800.00) ($56,000.00)
Total Expenses ($270,000.00)
Marketing / PR
Banners 18 ($650.00) ($11,700.00)
Posters 39 ($50.00) ($1,950.00)
Flyers 250 ($1.00) ($250.00)
DART Ads 40 ($500.00) ($20,000.00)
Radio Ads 6 ($2,000.00) ($12,000.00)
Total Marketing / PR ($45,900.00)

Total Budget to Miscellaneous Expenses $-


Vegas Night Fundraiser
Vegas Night is an event aimed at raising funds in order to aid Goodwill in implementing an existing program directed
at helping people with criminal backgrounds. This is an invite only event providing our guests with the chance to leave
their office desks and enjoy a Vegas themed casino night. Our guests will use play money as they enjoy themselves at the
game tables. This will be a formal event including: dinner, guest speakers, a raffle, a DJ, and dancing.
We ask the Chamber to help us in our cause through:
Donating raffle prizes
Providing a guest speaker
The Four Seasons Hotel
Location: 4150 N MacArthur Blvd. Irving, TX 75038
September 7
, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Four Seasons Ballroom
Venue Occupancy: Up to 800 guests
Area: 7,992 square feet
Includes a banquet hall, a stage, audio and video system, silverware, waiters, 5 course buffet,
and three hour bar service


Vegas Night Fundraiser
Number of Invites: 300
Our guest list includes
Prominent corporate members of large businesses
Prominent corporate members of businesses Goodwill is associated with:
Wal-Mart, Bon-Ton, and Rotary International
Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce Board Members
Goodwill Board Members
Vegas Night is an invite only event. We are inviting 150 guests with a plus one. We will be sending out our invitations
through the Presidents of the corporate companies being invited. At the door, we will have a member of the Chase
NEXTSTEP Initiative with the guest list, admitting only those who have RSVPd along with their plus one.
Tickets will be sold online at Each ticket will cost $350.
Once RSVPd, the guests names will be transferred to the guest list.
The RSVP website will inform guests that it is a formal, Vegas themed event.
Texas Casino Parties will be providing the casino night entertainment. The company will be arriving 4 hours in advance
in order to setup the game tables in the hotel ballroom. The company will provide the proper number of dealers required
to staff the event. The entertainment provided will include:
16 Blackjack tables (each accommodating 7 to 8 guests)
2 Roulette tables (each accommodating 6 to 7 guests)
2 Craps tables (each accommodating 14 to 16 guests)
2 Texas Holdem Poker tables (each accommodating 9 guests)
Funny Money (Play Money which will be used for gambling)


Vegas Night Fundraiser

The Raffle prizes will be donated by local Dallas companies. We will also be requesting raffle prize donations from the
Dallas Chamber. In return, the companies will be listed as sponsors of the Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative. Moreover, they
will be receiving positive marketing as supporters of a worthy cause. Some of the raffle prizes that will be provided are
the following:
Wal-Mart Gift Card
Donated by Wal-Mart
Value: $500
Seven Day Cruise to the Bahamas for two
Donated by Carnival Cruise
Value: $1,000
A free mobile upgrade for a family plan
Donated by AT&T
Value: $4,500
DLP Home Theater Projector
Donated by Texas Instruments
Valued at $700
Bon-Ton Gift Card
Donated by Bon-Ton
Valued at $5,000
Free Two Year Gym Membership
Donated by LA Fitness
Valued at $750
Free One Year Membership at Stonebriar Country Club
Donated by Blub Corp.
Valued at $25,000

Raffle tickets will be sold at the door for $50 per ticket. Estimated number of raffle tickets to be sold will be kept at a
minimum of one ticket per person, total number of tickets expected to be sold is 300 tickets.


Vegas Night Fundraiser
DJ Trix
Working at $500 a night
Hotel Staffing
Provided by The Four Seasons Hotel
75 waiters and bar tenders in total
5 Ushers
Provided by Texas Casino Parties
22 Dealers
Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative Committee
Event Committee Chair
o Oversee event, starting from the DJ and Casino setup till the departure of final
Logistics Coordinator
o Makes sure that the event goes according to the agenda and that guest speakers are
aware of when they are to go up and speak.
Financial Officer
o Oversees financial aspects of the event such as the budget, raffle ticket revenue, as
well as putting together a financial statement of all event gains and expenses.
Ten members of the Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative
o Four members will be in charge of welcoming guests and directing them to the
event ballroom along with the hotel ushers
o Three members will be in charge of the guest list
o Three members will be selling raffle tickets at the door.


Fundraiser Invitation


Fundraiser Agenda
Event Agenda:
7:00-7:30: Guests will have a chance to mingle, as well as buy raffle tickets at the door.
7:30-8:00: Welcoming speeches given by a Dallas Chamber member, Goodwill
member, and Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative member.
8:00: Dinner is served while guests enjoy our DJs entertainment
8:30: Bar opens for our guests
8:00: Casino entertainment available for those wishing to postpone dinner
9:00-9:30: Raffle prizes given out and a thank you speech given by a Chase member
11:00-11:30: Thank you speech by a Chase NEXTSTEP Initiative member,
providing information on how guest can donate to our cause.
11:30: Bar closes


Guest List

Dallas Chamber of Commerce Forty Eight guests Twenty Four DCC members plus 1
AT&T Thirty guests Fifteen AT&T members plus 1
Texas Instruments Thirty guests Fifteen TI members plus 1
Wells Fargo Thirty guests Fifteen WF members plus 1
Baylor Health Care System Thirty guests Fifteen BHCS members plus 1
Good Will Forty guests Twenty GW members plus 1
Wal-Mart Thirty guests Fifteen WM members plus 1
Bon-Ton Twelve guests Six BT members plus 1
Rotary International Ten guests Five RI members plus 1
Chase Forty guests Twenty Chase members plus 1
Total Guest in Attendance Three Hundred Guests


Vegas Night Event Budget
Detailed Event Budget
Description Units Price Total Price Comments

Four Seasons Ball Room 300 $ - $ -
Free with Dinner
DJ (whole night) 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00
Dinner Package 2 300 $ 88.00 $ 26,400.00
Bar (Three Hours) 300 $ 38.00 $ 11,400.00
Parking 300 $ - $ -
Sub Total $ 38,300.00
Taxes & Fees $ 11,180.00
Subtotal with Taxes & Fees $ 49,480.00

Casino Party Expense

Black Jack 16 $ 160.00 $ 2,560.00

Roulette 2 $ 160.00 $ 320.00

Craps 2 $ 375.00 $ 750.00

Texas Hold'em Poker 2 $ 175.00 $ 350.00

Props 1 $ - $ -

Sign 1 $ - $ -
Funny Money 1 $ - $ -
Sub Total $ 3,980.00

Total Event Expense $ 53,460.00

Ticket Sales 300 $ 350.00 $ 105,000.00
Donations 150 $ 250.00 $ 35,700.00
Raffle Tickets 150 $ 50.00 $ 7,500.00
Revenue From Fundraiser $ 150,000.00

Total Revenue $ 150,000.00


Letters of Recommendation
Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity
2800 N. Hampton Road
Dallas, TX 75212

April 10, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:

The Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity provides affordable housing to low-income families. Providing housing removes a
huge financial burden on these underprivileged families and allows them to save money for basic necessities such as
food, health care, and clothing.
We have held fundraisers with many wonderful companies including Chase Bank. Chase stood out in its consistent
ability to successfully achieve its fundraising goals. Chase has been transparent, accessible, and knowledgeable every
step of the way. Due to the positive attitude of the Chase team members we have had the privilege worked with, we were
able to coordinate an auspicious fundraising event last year, raising enough money to build fifteen homes in the DFW
We highly recommend Chase and look forward to working with them in the years to come.
Best Regards,

Randy Golden
Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity


Letters of Recommendation
Family Gateway
3000 San Jacinto Street
Dallas, TX 75204
(214) 823-4500

April 12, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:

Family Gateway is a Dallas based organization dedicated to helping homeless families in becoming self-sufficient. This
is achieved through the provision of housing, supportive services, and education. We provide individualized counseling
and training to break the generational cycle of poverty.
Last year, Chase hosted a fundraiser for our organization and amazed us with their talented team of event planners. Their
drive to make the event a success helped bring in more than $200,000 in donations. The success brought upon by the
Chase team has allowed us to hire four more counselors and provide assistance for more than thirteen additional families
in need in the Dallas area.
Moreover, we worked with Chase to implement and fund a new wing to our business just a few months later. Chase team
members were very flexible in their attitude when we continually requested changes to the event and program. They have
a positive attitude and stick to the timeline given.
We are excited about working with Chase again in the future. The team we worked with truly believed in our cause
which made all the difference. I highly recommend Chase as not only as a business, but as a team. If any additional
information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact me at (212) 823-4500.
Best Regards,

Therese Johnson
Associate Director of Development & Finance
Family Gateway


Works Cited
Baker, J. (2013, April 8). My story: Dwayne Hodges. Retrieved from
Goodwill for you- Who we serve. (2013). Retrieved from
History of our firm. (2013). Retrieved from
J.P. Morgan Chase Press Releases. (n.d.). Retrieved from
State and Federal prisoners and prison facilities. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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