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Strategic Initiative Paper

Nydia Valdez, Olivia Black, Pal Alder!er, "igel #ernandez, Parker $ind
*aren +e "ic,eli-
April (, .)1/
Strategic Initiative Paper
Strategic planning i- a key c01p0nent t0 driving -cce-- in a 2-ine-- and 3ill a--i-t
1anage1ent t0 carry 0t 0perati0n- t0 generate revene !0r t,e !tre4 Strategic planning
c0incide- 3it, !inancial planning4 T,e-e critical planning t00l- all03 a 2-ine-- t0 1ake -,0rt
and l0ng5ter1 g0al-4 +i-ney tilize- t,e-e t00l- diligently t0 c0ntine t0 2e 0ne 0! t,e large-t and
3ell5kn03n !a1ily entertain1ent c01panie- in t,e 30rld4 In t,i- paper, $earning Tea1 C 3ill
!0c- 0n t,e relati0n-,ip 2et3een -trategic and !inancial planning4 Additi0nal t0pic- t,at 3ill 2e
di-c--ed are a- !0ll03ed6 a -trategic planning initiative !0r +i-ney, an initiative di-c--ed in
+i-ney7- annal rep0rt, ,03 t,e initiative a!!ect- +i-ney7- !inancial planning, ,03 t,e initiative
a!!ect- c0-t and -ale-, and t,e ri-k- a--0ciated 3it, t,e initiative and !inancial e!!ect- t,ey 1ay
A Strategic Planning Initiative for Disney and Identified Strategic Plans
Annal rep0rt- -,03 -2-tantial -cce-- !0r t,e +i-ney C01pany4 T,ere are -0 1any
!act0r- t,at tie t0 t,e -cce-- 0! t,e 2-ine-- -c, a- t,e c01pany7- e1pl0yee-4 An e8cellent
-trategic initiative !0r t,e +i-ney C01pany 30ld 2e t0 0!!er pay incentive- 2a-ed 0n
per!0r1ance4 Staying 2e-t5in5cla-- i- n0t an ea-y ta-k4 It i- crcial !0r e1pl0yee- t0 !eel
appreciated, and 3it, a -cce--!l c01pany -c, a- +i-ney, t,ere -,0ld 2e incentive- 0!!ered t0
10tivate e1pl0yee- t0 p-, t,e envel0pe even !rt,er4 Ba-ed 0n per!0r1ance, e1pl0yee- can
earn 20n-e- 0r park ticket- !0r t,eir !a1ilie-4 T,i- i- -trategic planning 2eca-e it i- -etting p
e1pl0yee- t0 30rk even ,arder t0day and in t,e !tre4 Initiative- di-c--ed in +i-ney7- annal
rep0rt are -trategy devel0p1ent- t0 ,elp t,e1 l00k !0r3ard and -ave 10ney 3,ile pr0viding a
p0-itive i1pact 0n t,e envir0n1ent9 !0r e8a1ple, +i-ney i- l00king t0 c0n-erve 3ater energy,
2ec01e greener, and 1ini1ize 3a-te4 +i-ney !0re-ee- t,e-e initiative- a- 2eing an integral part
0! t,eir planning and deci-i0n 1aking pr0ce--4 +i-ney 3ant- t,i- t0 2e a -tandard !0r all level- 0!
t,e 2-ine--4 E--entially, t,e-e initiative- 3ill all03 additi0nal !nd- t0 2e pt !0rt, el-e3,ere4
How the Initiative Affects the Organizations Financial Planning
T,i- -trategic initiative 0! per!0r1ance 20n-e- c0ld i1pact -everal di!!erent area- 0!
t,e +i-ney 0rganizati0n4 T,i- 20ld initiative 3ill i1pact 20t, c0-t- and -ale-4 I! e1pl0yee-
e12race t,i- p0--i2ility 0! a 20n- 2a-ed -peci!ically 0n t,eir per!0r1ance, t,e c,ance- 0!
e1pl0yee- earning t,i- 20n- i- g0ing t0 c01e t0 !riti0n, t,- payr0ll 3ill increa-e4 A- payr0ll
increa-e- -0 -,0ld t,eir per!0r1ance4 :it, t,i- increa-ed per!0r1ance, 0tpt -,0ld increa-e
a- 3ell4 A- 0tpt increa-e-, e!!iciency increa-e-4 B0n-e- 3ill increa-e payr0ll, 2t t,e
e!!iciency 0! a tig,ter c0ntr0lled 0tpt -,0ld -ave 0n payr0ll at t,e -a1e ti1e4 :it, increa-ed
0tpt !r01 every e1pl0yee ;ideally<, a 2etter e8perience !r01 every vi-it0r -,0ld 2e 02tained
al-04 A- t0 t,e !inancial planning 0! t,e +i-ney C0rp0rati0n, little 1-t 2e c,anged regarding t,e
c0-t- 0! t,i- ne3 initiative4 Increa-ed revene i- e8pected 0ver a l0nger peri0d 0! ti1e4 :it, t,e
increa-ed pr0!iciency and e!!iciency 0! t,e t,0-and- 0! +i-ney e1pl0yee-, 30rd 0! 10t, 3ill
eventally -pread t0 !riend- and !a1ily 0! vi-it0r- t,at en=0yed t,eir ti1e in t,e park4
How the Initiative Affects Costs
The initiatives that Disney will take to contine to !e sccessfl are
rewarding e"#loyees for good work and !eco"ing greener for the environ"ent$ These two
strategic initiatives cold affect costs a lot at first !t the #ay off in the long rn will !e
worth it$ The e%tra "oney s#ent on e"#loyee incentives cold cost a lot throghot the
year !t the #ayoff will !e greater csto"er satisfaction reslting in "ore ticket sales$
Disneys #lans to !eco"e "ore environ"entally friendly "ay cost a lot at first for
e&i#"ent and s##lies !t the #ayoff will !e worth it$ 'eaving a s"aller car!on foot#rint
as sch a !ig co"#any is very i"#ortant to kee# !siness o#en$ This will show csto"ers
that Disney cares a!ot the environ"ent and "ay also ct costs for energy !ills$
How the Initiative Affects Sales
A ,appy e1pl0yee i- a g00d e1pl0yee and g00d e1pl0yee- 1ake 0rganizati0n-
2etter t,r0g, ,ig,er per!0r1ance, e!!iciency, 0tpt, and a ,ig,er >ality 0! 30rking
envir0n1ent4 T,i- in 1any 3ay- i- acc01pli-,ed t,r0g, t,e -e 0! incentive-4 T,ere!0re, 2y
+i-ney C0rp0rati0n i1ple1enting per!0r1ance 2a-ed incentive- !0r it- e1pl0yee-, e1pl0yee
per!0r1ance, e!!iciency, 0tpt, and >ality 3ill increa-e4 T,i- in retrn 3ill ,ave a p0-itive
i1pact 0n -ale- generated 2y t,e +i-ney C0rp0rati0n4
By !0c-ing 0n t,e -ati-!acti0n 0! 0r e1pl0yee- and generating a ,ig,ly en=0ya2le 30rk
envir0n1ent, +i-ney C0rp0rati0n 3ill ,ave e1pl0yee- 3,0 !eel re-pected and appreciated !0r
t,e 30rk t,ey per!0r14 T,i- tran-late- int0 t,e e1pl0yee- giving ,ig,er c-t01er -ervice, 3,ic,
t,en p0-itively a!!ect- t,e c-t01er7- e8perience4 A ,ig,er level 0! c-t01er e8perience 0r
-ervice level- t,en lead t0 generating 10re -ale- and increa-ing +i-ney7- revene-4
"0re0ver, 0!!ering per!0r1ance incentive- t0 e1pl0yee- al-0 give- t,e1 10tivati0n t0
-trive !0r ,ig,er per!0r1ance4 In retrn, e1pl0yee- 3ill per!0r1 at ,ig,er level-, 3,ic, 3ill
increa-e e!!iciency and 0tpt t,r0g, ,ig,er >ality and a10nt 0! 30rk 2eing per!0r1ed4
#ig,er e!!iciency relate- t0 l03er c0-t-, 10re 0tpt relate- t0 greater 0pp0rtnity !0r -ale-4
T,ere!0re, increa-e in e!!iciency and 0tpt all03- +i-ney t,e 0pp0rtnity t0 ct c0-t- and
increa-e -ale-4
(isks Associated with the Initiative and Financial )ffects they "ay have
T,ere are ri-k- a--0ciated 3it, ,aving an incentive52a-ed pay -trctre4 One e8a1ple i-
t,e incentive- 1ig,t 2e need ad=-t1ent t,r0g,0t it- ti1e !ra1e4 C01pany initiative- c,ange
and t,e !0c- t,at incentive- place 0n certain 2e,avi0r- 0r acti0n- 1ig,t n0t 2e a- -e!l a- t,ey
0nce 3ere4 E1pl0yee- 1ig,t ,ave 1a-tered t,0-e 2e,avi0r- and e8tra !0c- 1ig,t 2e 2etter
-ed el-e3,ere4 T,e ri-k inv0lved i- t,e !act t,at t,e incentive- c0ld 2e a2-ed 2y net,ical
e1pl0yee-4 Certain per!0r1ance52a-ed incentive- c0ld ,ave e1pl0yee- acting di-,0ne-tly t0
increa-e t,eir pay0t4 T,i- c0ld ,ave t,e negative e!!ect 0! tarni-,ing t,e c01pany7-
reptati0n4 Additi0nally, t,ere i- a ri-k t0 t,e e1pl0yee, e-pecially 3,en t,e incentive- are -t0ck
2a-ed4 Since -t0ck vale i- n0t garanteed, and !lctate- depending 0n t,e c01pany7-
pr0dcti0n, t,e -t0ck 0pti0n- t,ey get c0ld ,ave n0 vale4 T,i- i- a ri-k t,at e1pl0yee- are
3illing t0 take and -0 i- t,e c01pany4 T,i- i- de t0 t,e !act t,at i! t,e e1pl0yee- ,ave a ve-ted
intere-t in t,e per!0r1ance 0! t,e c01pany, t,eir 03n 30rk et,ic 3ill 2e 200-ted4

T,e :alt +i-ney C01pany .))A C0rp0rate Re-p0n-i2ility Rep0rt4 ;.)1/<4 Retrieved !r01

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