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ou were |nv|ted to a 8r|t|sh fr|ends' marr|age, but you are unab|e to attend the wedd|ng.

Wr|te a |etter exp|a|n|ng

- why you cou|dn't attend |t,
- what |s your p|an to make |t up to them
- when you w||| meet |nstead.
uear !ohn,
lL seems ages from Lhe lasL Llme LhaL we've meL one anoLher ln Lhe London. l was so pleased
when l recelved your leLLer and more Lhan LhaL when l reallzed abouL your weddlng parLy. now,
l am wrlLlng Lo apologles apologlse you LhaL l can'Lfor noL belng able Lo come along for your
l'm so sorry for noL aLLendlng, because l have been caughL ln a slLuaLlon, here ln lran and l
can'L leave Lhe counLry for a whlle. 1o be honesL wlLh you, l'm lnvolved ln a legal slLuaLlon and
as Lhe resulL and Lhe verdlcL of Lhe [ury ls vlLal for me, l shall aLLend ln Lhe courL near your parLy
Anyway, l've planned Lo be ln Lhe uk ln a couple of monLhs and as soon as l would be Lhere,
l'd llke Lo meeL you and Sarah.
l hope LhaL you don'L won'L be sLressful by your parLy and l really look forward Lo meeLlng up
wlLh you soon. 8y Lhe way, don'L forgeL Lo glve my besL Lo Sarah.
8esL wlshes,
In your op|n|on |s te|ev|s|on better than rad|o? D|scuss and offer some re|evant examp|es
from your own exper|ence.
1here have always been comparlsons beLween all Lypes of medla as Lo wheLher each one has more
beneflLs Lhan oLhers. ln Lhls essay l am golng Lo compare Lwo popular medla, Lelevlslon and radlo, and
also dlscuss Lhe pros and cons of for each of Lhem. lor several reasons whlch l wlll menLlon below, l
belleve LhaL Lelevlslon has more Lo offer Lhan radlo.
erhaps, Lhe maln advanLage of radlo ls LhaL people could recelve Lhelr favorlLe programs whlle Lhey
are dolng Lhelr affalrs, chores and rouLlnes. lndeed, conslderlng lnvenLlon of more recenLly
communlcaLlon devlces, Lhe flexlblllLy ln use, whlch ls offered by radlo, has resulLed Lo lLs survlval over
Lhe decades afLer lLs lnvenLlon. lor example, when you are drlvlng, whlch ls a condlLlon LhaL you could
noL use oLher klnds of medla especlally 1v, you can Lurn on your radlo and Lune lnLo your favorlLe
sLaLlon wheLher news or muslc and en[oy your drlvlng.
Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lelevlslon has lLs own advanLages whlch l belleve ouLwelgh Lhe poslLlve polnLs of
radlo. AL flrsL, vlsual aspecL whlch ls offered by Lelevlslon plays a key role ln lLs success. ln Lhls sense, lL
seems LhaL radlo has someLhlng mlsslng and cerLalnly lL has losL Lhe slLuaLlon Lo such an exLenL LhaL Lhe
number of Lelevlslon users has lncreased dramaLlcally over Lhe years, a poslLlon polnL where whlch radlo
never achleve. Moreover, Lelevlslon could be used for playlng dlfferenL games. A good lllusLraLlon here ls
Lhe wldespread game lay-SLaLlon whlch has mllllons of fans across Lhe globe.
Cn balance, l honesLly belleve LhaL as Lelevlslon has an addlLlonal feaLure of vlsual aspecL, lL provldes a
wlder range of programs and as a resulL lL has become more popular Lhan oLher Lypes of medla.
Lst|mated 8and Score: 7.S
St||| be||eve w|th th|s know|edge, you can use a w|der range of vocabu|ary and grammar. nowever, try
some more cha||eng|ng top|cs for your wr|t|ngs, such as cam 7 and 8 top|cs.

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