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Para indicar la situacin de los elementos de la foto

- On the right/on the left
- At the top/at the bottom/In the centre
- In the background/in the middle/in the foreground
- in the top left-hand corner /in the bottom right hand
Para describir personas
- Shes/Hes about 20 years old/middle-aged/in her
thirties/in his forties
- Shes/Hes got brown hair/blue eyes
- She/He looks happy/sad/excited
- She/He looks like a fisherman/a student/an actor
- Shes/Hes wearing smart clothes/winter clothes/
sports gear
- They might be at work/at a party
Para decir lo que puede representar la foto
- Its probably
- They might be
- Perhaps/Maybe
- I think he/she has just asked a question/arrived/
- They might/must/could/cant have had an
argument/had an accident/got some good news
- It looks like/It looks as if
Para describir cosas cuyo nombre desconoces
- Its a thing/an object/a machine/a gadget for
- Its a type of sport/food/clothing
- Its made of wood/metal/fabric/glass
- Its used for heating/moving things/making
- You use it to
- Im not sure of the word in English, but
- I cant remember what its called, but
- I dont know what its called, but
Para comparar
- The room in picture A is smaller than the room in
picture D.
- The sofa in this photo looks more comfortable than
the other sofa.
- This boy here is as tall as the boy in the other picture.
Para hablar sobre semejanzas
- In both pictures
- Both pictures show different aspects of
- The common theme is
- The people look equally
- The.. is/are the same in both pictures.
Para diferencias
- Although
- However,/but
- On the one hand On the other hand,
Para expresar una opinion
- Id say that the message of this photo is
- It seems to me that
- I imagine that
- In my opinion/I think is a good idea, because
- Im sure that is better, because
- I think he/she should, because
- I think the best thing for him/her is, because
Para empezar la conversacin
- Shall we talk about first?
- OK, lets start with this picture, shall we?
- Shall I start?

Para pedir opinin al compaero
- What do you think?
- Do you agree that?
Para expresar acuerdo con el compaero
- Yes, I think youre right.
- I totally agree with you.
- Thats a good idea, because
Para expresar desacuerdo con el compaero
- Im not sure about that, because
- I dont think so.
- I disagree with you about, because
Para concluir la conversacin
- Lets decide which ones are best now
- I think, we agree that . Is/are best, dont we?
Preparing to speak
The place
- Is it inside or outside?
- What can you see in each part of the photo? (e.g. On the
- What type of place is it? (e.g. house, street, building,...)
The people
- How many people are there?
- How old are they?
- What do they look like?
- What are they wearing?
- What is the relationship between them? (e.g. family,
The activity
- What are the people doing?
- Why are they doing it?
- Is it an everyday activity or a special occasion?
The time
- What time of the day is it? How do you know?
- Can you guess the season? How? (e.g. winter, because
theres snow)
The other things
- What other objects can you see? furniture, parts of a
room, buildings, scenery, vehicles, objects, animals
- What are they there for?
- Are there any important details that are missing
although they should be there?
(A room without windows? A door without a handle?)
Describe everything you can see
Las preguntas anteriores te ayudan a describir cualquier fotografa.
Recuerda que no debes parar de hablar, intenta describirlo todo!
Si te atascas en algo, no te quedes callado, habla sobre otra cosa de la
Mientras haces la descripcin, puedes dar ideas sobre por qu (why)
est ocurriendo lo que muestra la foto.
Recuerda que lo importante no es que sea verdad, sino que utilizas un
vocabulario y unas estructuras lo ms variados posibles.
What to do if you dont know the word
Si no sabes el nombre de un objeto, no te quedes callado.
Simplemente descrbelo y explica para qu sirve.
Giving your opinin
Es buena idea que, cuando compares fotos y hables de las diferencias de
ellas, expreses tu opinin personal.
Recuerda que puedes inventrtela; siempre y cuando digas algo, no
importa lo que pienses realmente.
Discussing the pictures
Cuando hables sobre una foto con un compaero debes:
- Argumentar tus opiniones
- Pedirle su opinin al compaero

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