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Wattyl Ltd.
Date: 29
May 2009.
Dear Judy Taylor,
Enclosed is the Financial Statement nalysis o! Wattyl Ltd as on 29 May 2009. This re"ort is #ased on
nnual re"orts o! last !i$e year. %t is cate&ori'ed mainly as acti$ity analysis, li(uidity analysis, sol$ency
analysis, "ro!ita#ility analysis and &ro)th analysis. nalysis is #ased on some ad*ustments in ori&inal
data )ith lo&ical assum"tions and rele$ant ratios and &ra"hs. Em"hasis is &i$en on understandin& and
com"arison o! com"any+s "er!ormance in these !i$e years.
% ho"e my analysis deli$ers ans)er to your (ueries. For any other in!ormation or clari!ication "lease
!eel !ree to contact me.
Than, you,
Financial nalyst
E.ecuti$e Summary 1
1 %ntroduction 4
1.1 /ur"ose 4
1.2 Sco"e 4
1.3 Methodolo&y 4
1.4 Limitations 4
2 0om"any 1$er$ie) 5
3 2atio nalysis 6
3.1 /ro!ita#ility 2atios 6
3.2 cti$ity 2atios 8
3.3 Sol$ency 2atios 10
3.4 Li(uidity nalysis 13
3.5 3aluation 2atios 15
3.6 0o$era&e 2atios 16
4 Du/ont nalysis 18
5 0om"arati$e nalysis 19
6 /ros"ecti$e nalysis 21
Executive Su!"#
The "ur"ose o! this re"ort is to analy'e the !inancial re"ort o Wattyl Ltd to understand the soundness
and smoothness o! com"anies #usiness. nalysis is used to determine the !uture "ros"ects o! the
com"any+s #usiness.
nalysis is "urely #ased on ration analysis o! com"any+s accounts. lthou&h most o! the data is ta,en
!rom !inancial re"orts issued #y the com"any in "u#lic !or years 2004506 to 2007508 there are some
alterations made in them to determine the true !inancial "osition o! the com"any. d*ustments and
assum"tions ta,en are #ased on ustralian %nternational Financial 2e"ortin& Standards. 2e"ort &i$es in
de"th analysis o! li(uidity, sol$ency, "ro!ita#ility and acti$ities o! com"any )ith "ro"er reasonin& !or
any chan&es in trends.
%n the later "art some em"hasis is &i$en on com"arison )ith com"etitors and !uture "ros"ects o! the
1.1. &%R&OSE
The "ur"ose o! this re"ort is to analy'e the !inancial "osition o! Wattyl Ltd. Main !ocus is &i$en to ratio
analysis o! last !i$e years to chec, the current "osition o! #usiness and !orecast the u"comin& &ro)th.
1.2. SCO&E
2e"ort !ocuses mainly on !inancial analysis o! Wattyl Ltd com"arin& it )ith its other com"etitors in
"aint industry. %n this re"ort % used 2atio analysis, Du/ont analysis, 0om"arati$e analysis and
/ros"ecti$e analysis.
1.3. MET'O$OLO()
Data used in this re"ort is "urely #ased on !inancial re"orts issued #y the Wattyl Ltd !rom 2006 to 2008
)ith some minor chan&es to reco$er true !ace o! the com"any. Data !or com"etitor com"anies and
industry in!ormation is &enerated !rom the data a$aila#le on res"ecti$e com"any+s )e#site.
Due to limited a$aila#ility o! data there are lots o! calculations )hich are done on assum"tion #asis.
Data used in this re"ort is totally #ased on annual re"ort a$aila#le to "u#lic.
Wattyl Ltd is one o! the second lar&est ustralian o)ned "aint manu!acturin& com"any. %ts o"erations
s"read across )hole ustralia and 9e) :ealand. 0om"any manu!actures "aints, $arnishes, lac(uers
and other s"ecial "ur"ose coatin&s. %t started its o"erations in -9-; )hen Mr. <.2. Walters de$elo"ed a
"roduct named 0rystal 3aneer !or !urniture "olishin& and it #ecome a &reat success
. The com"any has
already !aced &reat de"ression o! -980s and #oom o! !i!ties. 9o) com"any is !acin& the current
!inancial recession in mar,et. Wattyl &rou" consists o! Sol$er /aints, Wattyl 9e) :ealand and Wattyl
ustralia. %t &i$es em"loyment to o$er -000 )or,ers. 0om"any "roduces di!!erent #rands !or domestic,
commercial and industrial uses. So !ar it has sho)n &reat results e.ce"t under current recession. %ts
share "rice is runnin& lo) #ut constant !rom this year. Due to recent introduction o! international
com"anies li,e Ja"anese com"any 9i""on in ustralian mar,et and risin& ra) material cost Wattyl+s
mar,et share has !allen do)n. lso its #i& retailer =unnin&s has sto""ed shel$in& its "roducts. With
these "ro#lems com"any+s "er!ormance has &one do)n.
1 Wattyl Ltd, Wattyl nnual 2e"ort 2008: 20 u&ust 2008
/ro!ita#ility analysis is done to &et the "ro!ita#ility o! #usiness. This analysis tells a#out the trend in
"ro!it and its &ro)th. %t tells a#out the o$erall return on e(uity
2ET>29 19 E?>%T@
2eturn on e(uity sho)s the com"rehensi$e return earned #y shareholders. %t doesn+t include de#t
ca"ital #ecause )hile calculatin& return )e deduct the cost o! de#t ca"ital !rom re$enues. Wattyl earned
an almost constant return in last !i$e years as 2.;A, 2.BA, -0.BA and 8.9A in 200; to 2008
. lthou&h the !i&ures sho) there is a si&ni!icant increase in year 2007 and 2008 #ut that is
not only #ecause o! hi&h earnin&s. %n year 2007 com"any slashed almost 22 million in its cost in a
ma*or reconstruction "ro*ect. %n s"ite o! hi&h earnin& in year 2007 com"any issued hi&h di$idend also
and its retained earnin&s is in ne&ati$e )hich a!!ected the shareholder e(uity in$ersely and increased
the return on e(uity. s in 2008 net income )ent do)n due to economic do)n!all return on e(uity !all
do)n shar"ly.
2ET>29 19 SSETS C T1TL 0/%TL
2eturn on assets is the total return di$ided #y total assets. Li,e 2eturn on E(uity 2eturn on ssets is
also hi&h in year 2007 and 2008.
2 ""endi. ;
The "attern o! return on asset is similar to return on e(uity.
E=%T M2D%9
E=%T mar&in ratio sho)s the relationshi" #et)een E=%T and total sales. This ratio sho)s ho) much
com"any is earnin& a!ter deductin& direct cost. 0om"any sho)s a constant increase in E=%T mar&in. %n
Wattyl there is a decreasin& trend in sales due to !all in housin& industry in ustralia #ut rise in
earnin&s has ,e"t it hi&h
s in the &ra"h E=%T mar&in is lo) in initial years #ut rose (uite incredi#le due to hi&h "ro!its in year
D21SS M2D%9
This ratio so)s the mar&in o! "ro!it earned #y the com"any. %t only includes o"eratin& e."enses. Wattyl
sho)s a constant mar&in around 69A in last !i$e years.
3 Wattyl Ltd, nnual 2e"ort 2007, 22 u&ust 2007
%ts cost o! sales is also $ery constant )ith an a$era&e o! ;0.7A o! sales )hich ,e"t &ross mar&in in a
constant ro)
cti$ity analysis sho)s the ca"acity o! com"any to &enerate return !rom its resources and assets. This
ratio )ill hel" in calculatin& e!!iciency o! #usiness acti$ities and mana&ement.
These ratios analyse short term acti$ities o! com"any li,e return on current assets an accounts
recei$a#le turno$er.
%93E9T12@ T>2913E2
%n$entory turno$er tells ho) (uic,ly com"any is a#le to con$ert its in$entory into mar,eta#le &oods
and sold out. <i&h $alue o! this ration sho)s &ood e!!iciency o! mana&ement. 2atio is calculated #y
di$idin& cost o! sales to a$era&e in$entory. %n$entory turno$er !or last !our year o! Wattyl is 2.B, 2.7,
2.B and 2.B res"ecti$ely
. %t sho)s that com"any+s "er!ormance in this acti$ity has not chan&ed a lot in
recent years. %n s"ite o! rise in ra) materials in recent years com"any is a#le to continue its "roduction
to same le$el. This can #e com"ared )ith a$era&e num#er o! days in$entory stays in stoc,.
4 ""endi. ;
5 i#id

s )e can see that turno$er in days is &oin& do)n #ecause o! entrEe o! some international com"anies
in ustralian mar,et. %n 2008 one o! the #i&&est retailer =unnin&s sto""ed sellin& !or Wattyl.
001>9TS 2E0E%3=LE T>2913E2
This ration sho)s ho) (uic,ly com"any can reco$er its cash !rom de#tors. <i&her the ratio #etter !oe
the com"any as slo) reco$ery leads to hi&h chances o! #ad de#ts. %! )e loo, to)ards Wattyl it is doin&
a#out !ine. Last !our year ratio )as on an a$era&e o! 7.7 times #ut reco$ery in days is !allin& as )e can
see in the chart. This is due to recent do)nturn in "ro"erty mar,et
. Lots o! constructors are sellin&
houses in $ery lo) rate so they can+t "ay#ac, (uic,ly. This can+t #e said as #ad "er!ormance o!
com"any as this trend is common in all other com"etitors.
Lon& term acti$ity ratios ta,e consideration o! lon& term assets. These ratios are #ased on assets o! lon&
li!e and )hich a!!ects the !uture trends o! com"any.
6 Wattyl Ltd, nnual 2e"ort 2008, 20 u&ust 2008
SSET T>2913E2
This ratio sho)s ho) e!!iciently com"any+s assets are used in #usiness. %t also tells i! there is
o$erin$estment or underin$estment in assets. <i&her the ratio #etter it is. <i&h !i.ed asset turno$er
sho)s that com"any is usin& e!!iciently its assets to &enerate sales )here as lo) ratio sho)s
o$erin$estment in !i.ed assets. This can #e calculated #y di$idin& sales to a$era&e assets. Wattyl+s data
sho)s that there is an o$erin$estment in its assets. For analytical "ur"ose )e can com"are total asset
turno$er )ith !i.ed asset turno$er. Data !or "re$ious years is dis"layed in the &ra"h.
We can see that total asset turno$er is $ery lo) as com"ared to !i.ed asset turno$er. %n year 200B and
2007 com"any made ma*or reconstruction in the com"any structure
. We can also say that com"any has
$ery hi&h current assets as com"ared to !i.ed assets.
%n this analysis )e analy'e lon& term sol$ency o! the com"any. We com"are com"any+s de#t )ith its
share ca"ital. Some com"anies choose to" ha$e hi&h de#t than share ca"ital as it may sa$e ta.. Some
com"anies "re!er hi&h share ca"ital as it is much chea"er !inancin& method. Moreo$er in this analysis
)e also *ud&e the "ayin& ca"acity o! com"any.
T1TL DE=T T1 T1TL 0/%TL%ST%19
%n this ratio )e calculate the "ercenta&e o! de#t in total ca"itali'ation. <i&h de#t in ca"ital can #e a ta.
sa$in& instrument #ut it can increase e."ense #urden on com"any.
%t is calculated #y di$idin& total de#t )hich includes #oth short and lon& term de#t #y total ca"ital.
Total ca"ital includes short term de#t, lon& term de#t and shareholder e(uity. %! )e loo, at the data o!
Wattyl it has an a$era&e 2BA o! de#t in its ca"ital. %n year 2007 and 2008 it increased #ecause in au&ust
7 Wattyl Ltd, nnual 2e"ort 200B, 22 u&ust 200B
200B Wattyl rene&otiated o$erdra!t !acility )ith #an, and increased it to -00 million
. Wattyl increased
its lon& term #orro)in& in year 200B. There is also some e!!ect o! decreasin& shareholder e(uity.
s in the &ra"h )e can see it decreased in 200; #ut it increased in year 200B and 2007 )hen there are
lar&e lon& term #orro)in&s. lso in these later years share ca"ital !all shar"ly due to decrease in share
L19D TE2M DE=T T1 T1TL 0/%TL%ST%19
%n this ratio )e com"are lon& term de#t to total ca"itali'ation. This ratio considers only lon& term
sol$ency as"ects. %! lon& term de#t is hi&h it sho)s that com"any has a hi&h ris, o! outsider "ayments
!or a lon& term. %! outside #orro)in&s is chea" than raisin& shareholder e(uity then this ratio can #e
considered as &ood. s in this case com"any is &oin& to sa$e money in ta. also. Lon& term de#t can #e
de#entures or lon& term loan !rom #an,s. %n Wattyl )e ha$e a a$era&e 2-A o! lon& term de#t in total
ca"itali'ation. =ut there are lots o! u"s and do)ns.
s in the &ra"h there is stee" !all in year 200B and a sudden increase in year 2007. %n year 2007
com"any #orro)ed almost 70 million )here as there )as only -.; million o! #orro)in&s in year 200B.
8 Wattyl Ltd, nnual 2e"ort 2008, 20 u&ust 2008
%n au&ust 200B com"any increased its o$erdra!t !acility to -00 million !or three years )hich hel"ed it to
raise more #orro)in&s as com"ared to "re$ious years.
DE=T T1 E?>%T@
De#t to e(uity com"ares "ro"ortion o! outsider to money to shareholder money in com"any !inance.
This ratio is used to set the ca"ital structure o! the com"any. <i&h de#t e(uity ratio sho)s there is more
de#t than shareholder e(uity. This sho)s com"any is ha$in& hi&h ris, o! de#t on lon& term. %n Wattyl
)e ha$e an a$era&e de#t e(uity o! 47A )hich is &ood. This sho)s that com"any is ha$in& less ris, o!
lon& term sol$ency, althou&h there is a sli&ht !all in year 2008.
s )e can see in the &ra"h there is a constant &ro)th !rom 200; to 2007 then a sli&ht !all in year 2008.
s )e ha$e already loo,ed in other ratios that there is an increase in #orro)in&s in year 2007 )hich
caused de#t e(uity ratio to rise. s the recent !all in share mar,et com"any has !elt o! maintainin& its
ca"ital structure )ith the hel" o! outsider money. %n year 2007 Wattyl too, around 70 million o! lon&
term loan to !und its #usiness.
sset le$era&e sho)s the "ro"ortion o! total assets to shareholder e(uity. %t sho)s ho) much o! assets
are !inanced !rom direct shareholders !und. %! this ratio is hi&h it sho)s more o! !inance is !rom e(uity
than outside #orro)in&s. Lo)er the ratio #etter it is as it sho)s com"any is !unded lar&ely #y e(uity
!unds. %n Wattyl a$era&e asset le$era&e is -.9 )hich is (uite &ood. =ut i! )e loo, at the trend there is an
risin& trend in this ratio )hich is not &ood.
s )e can see ratio is increasin& &radually )hich could #e the e!!ect o! !allin& $alue o! shareholders
e(uity. %n recent economic do)nturn com"any has lost too much $alue in its e(uity. E$ery year
com"any is loosin& its shareholder e(uity at a rate o! -0 million. Due to current economic do)nturn
share "rices o! com"any are in all time lo). 0urrently it is tradin& at around 0.60 cents as com"ared to
4.2; in 2007
3.4. LI.%I$%T) ANAL)SIS
s sol$ency analysis is #ased on lon& term li(uidity as"ect o! com"any in same )ay li(uidity analysis
chec,s i! com"any is a#le to meet its short term !inancial constraints. Li(uidity analysis hel"s in
chec,in& the short term li(uidity means )hether com"any ha$e enou&h !unds to meet its short term
lia#ilities or not. %ts main t)o ratios are current ratio and (uic, ratio.
0>22E9T 2T%1
0urrent ratio analy'e a#out the ca"acity o! #usiness to "ay o!! its lia#ilities arisin& )ithin a "eriod o!
one year. <i&her the ratio #etter it is as it sho)s com"any is ha$in& enou&h cash to "ayo!! its lia#ilities,
althou&h $ery hi&h current ratio also sho) o! lac, o! "ro"er usa&e o! com"any !unds. n ideal current
ratio is 2:- that is t)o times current assets and one times current lia#ilities. %n Wattyl also this ratio is
9 i#id
on an a$era&e remains to 2.0B )hich is a &ood indication. =ut o$er the "eriod there are re&ular
!luctuations in the ratio.
s )e can see there is a re&ular #ut slo) !all in current assets due to !allin& le$el o! cash in Wattyl.
There is a sudden rise in current lia#ilities )hich re"resents the short term loan ta,en #y com"any o!
nearly 62 million and rest o! them is (uite same.
?>%0F 2T%1
?uic, ratio is one ste" ahead o! current ratio. %t sim"ly narro)s the conditions o! li(uidity
re(uirements. Whereas current ratio su#sidi'ed its li(uidity re(uirements !or around one year, (uic,
ratio analy'e it !or much shorter "eriod and also it narro)s the de!inition o! current assets to cash and
cash e(ui$alent only. Li,e current ratio here also hi&her the ratio #etter it is. %n Wattyl this ratio is not
so stron&.
s )e can see in the &ra"h most o! the time it is near -. Moreo$er in year 200B it )ent e$en lo) to 0.B;
)hich means com"any had !ar more lia#ilities than its recourses. <o) e$er )ith increase in "ro!it in
year 2007 and 2008 it im"ro$ed a lot. Still there is sli&ht reduction in year 2008 due to economic
do)nturn. %n "re$ious years !rom 2006 to 200B it !ell shar"ly. %n these years com"any+s returns also !all
es"ecially in year 200; and 200B )hen com"any re"orted "ro!it o! around 6.2 million only. lso in
these years there is shar" !all in return on e(uity.
3aluation analysis is used to chec, the "er!ormance o! com"any+s #usiness. This analysis is mainly
used #y in$estors to !ind out the $alue o! #usiness.
E29%9D /E2 S<2E
Earnin& "er share re"resents the allocation o! earnin&s "er share. This ratio hel"s in *ud&in& the $alue
o! com"any as it also sho)s the net return o! com"any. Wattyl is &i$in& return on an a$era&e o! 0.-0
cents "er share. =ut there are lots o! u"s and do)n in "re$ious !i$e years. %n earlier years E/S )as $ery
lo) e$en ne&ati$e in 2006. %n year 2006 com"any su!!ered hu&e losses due to discontinuation o! its
o"erations in >nited States. %n later years com"any increased it &radually to -6 cents, althou&h )e can
see there is a sudden *um" in 2007 due to hi&h "ro!its earned in this year. Later on in year 2008
com"any !ailed to maintain that &ro)th due to economic do)nturn.
D%3%DE9D /E2 S<2E
s an in$estor di$idend is $ery im"ortant #ecause this is the only return shareholder &ets holdin& that
share. hi&h di$idend "ayin& com"any is o!ten attracti$e !or in$estment "ur"ose than a non di$idend
or lo) di$idend "ayin& com"any. Wattyl &a$e (uite !luctuatin& di$idends in these !i$e years. From
2006 to 200B it &a$e -7 cents, 29 cents and -6 cents res"ecti$ely #ut in year 2007 it &a$e a )hoo"in&
;- cents a share. @ear 2007 )as $ery contro$ersial !or com"any as t)o com"anies tried to ta,e o$er its
#usiness. %n year 2007 Wattyl announced that it )ill &i$e 60 cent di$idend i! lco E(uity "artner !ails
its ta,eo$er #id as Wattyl )as not con$inced )ith lco+s #id "rice
s in the a#o$e &ra"h )e can see com"any &a$e hi&h di$idend in 2007 #ut a&ain it !all do)n in 2008
due to shrin,in& economy. %! )e com"are it to the income earned in corres"ondin& years )e can see
that com"any "aid hi&h di$idend in 200; )hich also caused lo) retained earnin&s in later years. Where
as in 2007 )hen com"any "er!ormed #rilliantly &a$e di$idend on same "ro"ortion as in 200B. @ear
2008 )as not &ood !or com"any, its earnin&s !all and in antici"ation o! comin& recession it &a$e lo)
0o$era&e ratio sho)s ho) much earnin&s )e ha$e to co$er com"any+s e."ense.
This ratio sho)s "osition o! earnin&s to co$er interest e."ense. %! this ratio is hi&h it sho)s com"any
has enou&h earnin&s to co$er its interest char&es. Wattyl sho)s (uite handsome co$era&e ratio o! 4.09
on an a$era&e, althou&h it came a!ter lots o! !luctuation.
10 2och!ort Scott, Glco retreats !rom Wattel DuelH, htt":II)))
retreats5!rom5)attyl5duelI200BI04I29I--6466-2-B4B9.html J0ollected on 2B May 2009K.
s )e can see in the &ra"h it )as ne&ati$e in year 2006 due to hi&h losses su!!ered #y the com"any in
this year a!ter discontinuin& its o"eration in >nited States. Later on it a&ain !all a #it in 200B #ecause o!
#ad "er!ormance in 200B #ut "lun&ed u" a&ain in 2007 )ith o$er)helmin& results in this year. @ear
2008 )as the startin& o! another di!!icult trend o! de"ression in housin& industry in ustralia.
Du/ont analysis is used to loo, return on e(uity in a more ela#orate )ay. ccordin& to !i$e !actors
Du/ont model return on e(uity is #ased on !i$e !actors. These are
Ta. =urden: This !actor calculates ta. e!!ect on earnin&s. Ta. #urden remains moreo$er
%nterest =urden: %nterest #urden calculates "ro"ortion o! interest in E=%T
1"eratin& Mar&in: This mar&in calculates o"eratin& e."ense "ro"ortion to sales.
sset Turno$er: This ratio sho)s the e!!iciency o! assets. <o) e!!iciently assets are used to
&enerate returns
Le$era&e: Le$era&e calculates ho) many assets are internally !unded.
F!ct/" F/"u0! 2004 2005 2006 2001 2008
Ta. =urden 9et %ncomeIE=T -.69 0.B2 0.92 0.B7 0.B9
%nterest =urden E=TIE=%T -.-2 0.7- 0.;; 0.79 0.74
1"eratin& mar&in E=%TISales 50.04 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.0;
sset Turno$er SalesI$era&e Total ssets -.44 -.68 -.69 -.;-
Le$era&e $era&e Total ssetsIE(uity -.90 -.84 2.-9 2.-7
ROE 0.04 0.04 0.-2 0.09
%! )e com"are return on e(uity &enerated #y Du/ont analysis )ith return on e(uity calculated #y
normal ratio, )e can+t much di!!erence e.ce"t in year 200; and 2007. %n #oth o! these years there is
hi&h !luctuation in net income. %n year 200; ta. #urden and interest #urden decreased and o"eratin&
mar&in is $ery lo) due to !all in sales. %n year 2007 a&ain there is increase in interest #urden )hich
caused in "ullin& 21E do)n)ard.
%n com"arati$e analysis )e )ill com"are Wattyl )ith its other com"etiti$e com"anies in mar,et. Wattyl
is a #i& com"any and is ran,ed as second #i&&est "aint manu!acturer o! ustralia. We can com"are
Wattyl )ith 1rica 0onsumer /roducts. 1rica 0onsumer /roducts controls other #i& #rands li,e Dulu.,
=ritish /aints, =er&er etc in ustralia and 9e) :ealand
. 1rica 0onsumer /roducts has $ery $ast
#usiness structure and it holds &ood "osition in ustralian mar,et. =y com"arin& )ith this com"any
)e can analy'e ho) other com"anies are "er!ormin& under current industry trends as com"ared to our
<ere )e )ill calculate the trend o! sales re$enue in these t)o com"anies. Due to limited a$aila#ility o!
data !or 1rica 0onsumer /roducts )e )ill #e com"arin& !or t)o yeas only.
S!0e2 Reve3ue 2001 2008I3c"e!2e4
1rica 0onsumer /roducts 82B.4 87;.6 BA
Wattyl 62B.8 620.4 52A
s in the ta#le )e can see that there is a hu&e &a" in the sales o! 1rica and Wattyl. 1rica is a #i&
com"any and data a$aila#le here includes lots o! other com"anies controlled #y 1rica. So instead o!
com"arin& directly )e can com"are the increase or decrease in these !i&ures. %n s"ite o! decreasin&
trend in housin& industry 1rica mana&ed to increase its sales #y BA as com"ared to Wattyl )hose sales
!all #y 2A. The reason #ehind this may #e in year 2008 =unnin&s sto""ed sellin& Wattyl+s "roduct
)hich caused a hu&e set#ac, on its sales !i&ures moreo$er !all in ustralian <ousin& %ndustry added
some more "ressure on sales.
E=%T is the income earned #y com"any #e!ore "ayment o! any interest and ta.. This is a &ood measure
to com"are earnin&s o! t)o com"anies as it also &i$es a si&ht o! internal e."enses o! com"any. Due to
lac, o! in!ormation )e can+t analy'e the E=%T o! 1rica )ith E=%T o! Wattyl. =ut )e can chec, the
chan&e in E=%T to com"are the trend o! earnin&s in #oth com"anies. We can com"are it !or "ast !i$e
11 1rica Ltd, 1rica =usiness 1$er$ie) 2008, 9o$em#er 2008
%n the chart )e can see a consistency in the trend o! 1rica. There is a sli&ht increase in #oth com"anies
in year 2007 #ut !luctuation in Wattyl is more than in 1rica. s )e can see Wattyl had $ery lo)
earnin&s in year 2006 and 200;. 0om"any su!!ered some losses in these years due to discontinuation o!
its o"erations in >.S. so its E=%T )as in ne&ati$e as com"ared to its com"etitor. s in 2007 Wattyl
increased its earnin&s to a &reat e.tent.
%n "ros"ecti$e analysis )e !orecast the !uture earnin&s and &ro)th o! com"any. %n current conditions
)hen economy is )orsenin& day #y day it is su""osed to &o !ar do)n till year 20-0 )e can only e."ect
that Wattyl mi&ht not "er!orm )ell in these conditions. s )e ha$e already seen that com"any+s sales
ha$e started to !all !rom year 2008. From year 200B sales &ro)th rate is continuously !allin& and in
year 2008 it )ent in ne&ati$e
. 0om"any+s re"ort sho)s that there is more to come and till mid year
com"any is sho)in& si&ns &oin& in hu&e losses #ecause o! mar,et do)n!all
. lthou&h there are some
&ood o!!ers comin& to Wattyl as its #rand Dranosite is chosen !or Sails Lu.ury "artments at Forster at
9SW coast also the ne) tele$ision sho) G<ome madeH on channel nine can #oost its sales
. With
these !eatures )e can say that its sales )ouldn+t &o as lo) #ut it still it )ill #e in ne&ati$e -A. s o!
E=%T it could &o lo) in comin& years. %n year 20-2 it is !orecasted to #e $ery )orse as in this year it
could &o in loss. The same trend )ill #e !ollo)ed in net income and it )ill diminish in comin& years. %n
#alance sheet % ha$e too, short term de#t as #alancin& !i&ure so it )ould #e ina""ro"riate to do any
analysis re&ardin& that. ccount recei$a#les are tendin& to #e increased as de#tors )ill ta,e more time
to re"ay due hard times in their #usiness also. 1ther assets )ill remain moreo$er constant. 1n an
a$era&e there is a tendency o! do)n !all in o$erall #usiness.
12 ""endi. ;
13 2och!ort Scott, GFears !or Wattyl a!ter another do)n&radeH,
874e.html J0ollected 27 May 2009K
14 htt":II))).)!". J0ollected 27 May 2009K
1. Wattyl Ltd, nnual 2e"ort 2008, 20 u&ust 2008
2. Wattyl Ltd, nnual 2e"ort 2007, 22 u&ust 2007
3. Wattyl Ltd, nnual 2e"ort 200B, 22 u&ust 200B
4. 1rica Ltd, 1rica =usiness 2e"ort 2008, 9o$em#er 2008
5. 2och!ort Scott, GFears !or Wattyl a!ter another do)n&radeH,
874e.html, J0ollected 27 May 2009K
6. Wattyl Ltd, htt":II))).)!". J0ollected 27 May 2009K
7. 2och!ort Scott, Glco retreats !rom Wattel DuelH,
duelI200BI04I29I--6466-2-B4B9.html J0ollected on 2B May 2009K

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