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A (Anna Collins)

My twin sister, Lucy, and I have an identical interest in BMX racing. We got into riding competitions by accident
really, when Lucy entered a cross-country cycle race and came second. She came home full of the thrill of it
all, and started going regularly. I was bored staying at home while she was getting all the excitement, so I
decided to take it up too. It didn't take long before I found the speed and element of danger it involved as
exciting as she did. There are only about twenty girls who race in the UK compared to over 300 boys, but we
like being treated the same as the boys. We're not stupid, but we do like taking risks - and we both want to be
BMX champions one day!

B (Jenny McCormack)
In adventure racing, you're in a team covering vast distances out in the wild, doing different things - swimming,
canoeing, running and so on. I had a very lucky introduction to it - I was a last-minute replacement for someone
in a team going to Nepal. I'd never been in an adventure race before, but I'd lived in Nepal for two years and
done a lot of mountain climbing there as well as mountain biking and white water rafting. In the race, we
covered 900 km and the winning team finished in just under five days. Our team did it in seven, which wasn't
bad, although of course it would have been great to come first. What I love about adventure racing is that you
often compete in exotic places that you might never get the chance to visit otherwise. I also live the fact that it
is a very friendly world - even the top athletes mix with the beginners.

C (David Bellamy)
My lifelong addiction to walking began when I was a child. I used to meet up with my friends and go on long
walks. I remember standing in the country one day with everything covered in frost. Then the sun suddenly
came out and all the frost melted off the trees in a matter of seconds. It was the sort of thing you'd never see
from a motor car. That kind of experience made me the person I am. I still walk whenever I can, although I'm
often too busy for day-long walks now. My main concern now is encouraginig people to take greater care of the
world's most important and popular sites of natural beauty.

D (Laura Jeans)
My dad and I wanted to do something different one weekend so we decided to try hang gliding, and my first
lesson was brilliant! The more I did, the more I enjoyed it and soon I forgot to be scared. I started by taking off
from small hills but now I can go as high as 1000 metres and I'm getting more adventurous and confident all
the time. It's not as dangerous as people think and I've never hurt myself doing it. My friends think I'm crazy but
I love the sense of freedom I get when I'm gliding up there in the air. Unfortunately, it isn't great for meeting
people of my own age as most people I glide with are older than me, so I wouldn't recommend it for anyone
who wants to find a boyfriend!

E (Peter Beaumont)
My brother had started mountain climbing and when I heard about it from him it seemed to me that it was
something I simply had to do. So he arranged to take me when he next went climbing locally. It was raining, so
we tried climbing in the rain, slipping about on wet, polished stone. It was hardly the best start, but I loved it.
When the winter came, we went to the mountains in North Wales to try climbing on ice. I climbed by instinct,
just picking it up as I went along, but these days most people start safely indoors, and learn the basics there.
You'll find a lot of sport centres nowadays have indoor climbing walls so newcomers can get a feel for the sport
and build up their confidence before they tackle a real mountain. As a result, climbing is becoming an
increasingly popular activity - but it remains one of the most dramatic sports on the planet.

A (Anna Collins)
Sora mea geamn, Lucy, i am un interes identic n curse BMX. Am intrat n competiiile de echitatie
accident ntr-adevr, atunci cnd Lucy intrat ntr-o curs cross-country ciclu i a venit al doilea. Ea a venit
acas plin de fiorul de toate, i a nceput s merg n mod regulat. Am fost plictisit sejurului lor la
domiciliu n timp ce ea a fost obtinerea tuturor entuziasmul, aa c am decis s-l ia prea. Nu a durat mult
timp nainte de a-am gasit viteza i elementul de pericol a implicat la fel de interesant ca ea a facut.
Exist doar aproximativ douzeci de fete care concureaza in Marea Britanie, comparativ cu peste 300 de
biei, dar ne place s fie tratai la fel ca i bieii. Noi nu suntem proti, dar ne facem ca asumarea de
riscuri - i ne-am dori sa fie campioni BMX o zi!

B (Jenny McCormack)
n curse de aventura, eti ntr-o echip care acoper distane mari n slbticie, face lucruri diferite -
not, canotaj, care ruleaz i aa mai departe. Am avut o introducere foarte norocos s-l - am fost un
nlocuitor de ultim moment pentru cineva ntr-o echip de gnd s Nepal. Niciodata nu am fost ntr-o
curs nainte de aventur, dar mi-ar trit n Nepal timp de doi ani i a fcut o mulime de alpinism acolo,
precum i ciclism montan i rafting. n cursa, am acoperit 900 km i echipa ctigtoare a terminat n mai
puin de cinci zile. Echipa noastr a fcut-o n apte, care nu a fost ru, dei, desigur, ar fi fost minunat s
vin mai nti. Ce-mi place la curse aventura este c vei concura adesea n locuri exotice pe care
niciodat nu s-ar putea avea ansa de a vizita altfel. Eu triesc, de asemenea, faptul c aceasta este o
lume foarte prietenos - chiar i de sus se amestec cu sportivii nceptori.

C (David Bellamy)
Dependenta mea pe tot parcursul vieii pentru a mers pe jos a nceput atunci cnd am fost un copil. Am
folosit pentru a se ntlni cu prietenii mei i du-te la plimbri lungi. mi amintesc cum stteam n ar de
o zi cu totul acoperit cu ger. Apoi, brusc soarele a ieit i tot nghe topit de pe copaci ntr-o chestiune de
secunde. Acesta a fost genul de lucru pe care nu ar vedea de la o masina cu motor. Acest tip de
experien mi-a facut persoana sunt eu. Am mers n continuare ori de cte ori pot, cu toate c eu sunt
de multe ori prea ocupat pentru o zi lungi plimbri acum. Principala mea preocupare acum este
encouraginig oamenii s aib grij mai mare de site-uri din lume cele mai importante i populare de o
frumusee natural.

D (Jeans Laura)
Tatl meu i am vrut s fac ceva weekend-ul unul diferit asa ca am decis sa incerc planorul, i prima mea
lecie a fost genial! Mai mult am fcut, mai mult m-am bucurat i n curnd am uitat s-i fie fric. Am
nceput prin a lua off de dealuri mici, dar acum pot merge la fel de mare ca 1000 de metri i eu sunt
obtinerea mai aventuros i ncreztor tot timpul. Nu e la fel de periculos ca oamenii cred i eu n-am ranit
eu o fac. Prietenii mei cred c sunt nebun, dar eu iubesc sentimentul de libertate primesc atunci cnd
am aluneca acolo n aer. Din pcate, acesta nu este mare pentru a ntlni oameni de vrsta mea ca
majoritatea oamenilor am aluneca cu sunt mai n vrst dect mine, aa c nu l-ar recomanda pentru
oricine care vrea s gseasc un iubit!

E (Peter Beaumont)
Fratele meu a nceput alpinismul si cand am auzit despre ea de la el mi sa prut c era ceva ce pur i
simplu a trebuit s fac. Deci, el a aranjat s m ia, cnd a mers apoi urca la nivel local. Ploua, aa c am
ncercat urcarea n ploaie, alunecarea pe piatra despre umed, lefuit. A fost greu cel mai bun start, dar
l-am iubit. Cnd a venit iarna, ne-am dus la munte, n nordul rii Galilor pentru a ncerca alpinism pe
ghea. Am urcat din instinct, doar o iau ca m-am dus de-a lungul, dar n aceste zile cei mai muli oameni
ncep n condiii de siguran acoperit, i s nvee elementele de baz acolo. Vei gsi o mulime de
centre sportive din zilele noastre au perei interiori alpinism, astfel nou-venii se poate obine o simt
pentru sport i construi ncrederea lor nainte de a aborda un munte real. Ca urmare, alpinism devine o
activitate din ce n ce mai populare -, dar rmne unul dintre sporturile cele mai dramatice de pe

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