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1.What is dot net?

2.why dot net is used?

3.Explain code execution processin dot net? many languages dot net supports?
5.Is dot net platform independent?
6.what is platform?
7.what is platform dependency?
8.what is platform independency? many times code is compiled in dot net?
10.which code compilation is faster and why?
11.what are the componets frame work?
12.what is CLR and explain its role?
13.what is CLS and explain its role?
14.what is language interoerability?
15.what is managed code and managed code excution?
16.what is unmanaged code and unmanaged code excution?
17.which code excution is faster managed/unmanaged?
18.what is CTs and explain its role?
19.what are the categories of data types in CTs?
20.what are value types explain?
21.what are reference type explain?
22.differentiate between value types and reference types?
23.what is Boxing explain?
24.what is unboxing explain?
25.differentiate between boxing and unboxing?
26.what is the role ofGC explain?
27.what is automatic memory management?
28.explain the working nature of garbage collector?
29.what is Generation? many generations are maintained? generations sizes are alloted?
32.Explain why automatic memory management in .net is efficent? much time does GC will take for the collection of generation 0?
34.what is the role of JIT compiler,explain?
35.list out the types of Jitters available?
36.what is a class Library/Assembly explain? which form a class Library/Assembly in .net exists?
38.what is the difference between a DLL and an EXE?
39.why DLL can not execute itselof and EXE excute itself?
40.why DLL does not contain main function?
41.why assemblies in .net are called self describing in nature?
42.what are the contents of assembly?
43.what is mainfest explain?
44.what dxoes manifest contain?
45.what is MSIL explain?
46.what does MSIL contain?
47.what is type metadata explain?
48.what are user defined class libraries?
49.what are base class libraries/frame work class libraries?
50.what is the physical location of BCL?
51.List out types of assemblies?
52.what is a private assembly explain?
53.what is a public assembly explain?
54.what is GAC Explain?
55.what is the physical location of GAC>
56.what is strong name explain?
57.what is the purpose of sn.exe tool/what tool is used to build strong name?
58.what is public key?
59.what is the purpose of Gacutil.exe/how do you copy an assembly into GAC?
60.List out tools used to copy assembly into GAC?
61.what is PE file?
62.what is the format of PE file?
63.what is COFF?
64.what is sattic assembly explain?
65.what is dynamic assembly explain?
66.what tool is used to generate PE file/explain the purpose of ILASM.exe tool?
67.what tool is used to convert PE file to twxt file /explain the purpose of ILD
ASM.exe tool?
68.what is satellite Assembly explain?
69.what is culture information ?
70.what does culture information contain?
71.what is DLL hell explain?
72.what is CCW explain?
73.whbat is RCW explain?

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