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Software: Hardinfo -> for checking hardware information

to run -> hardinfo on terminal

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To install TLP in Debian 6/7 or Debian based distributions open terminal and ent
er following commands in Terminal:
echo "deb lucid main" >> /
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 02D65EFF; apt-k
ey adv --keyserver --recv-keys 02D65EFF
apt-get update
apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To install DraftSight on debian7/ubuntu 64bit:
sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module:i386 libcanberra-gtk0:i386 libglu1-m
dpkg -i [DOWNLOAD_PATH] or gdebi [DOWNLOAD_PATH]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Changing interface modes:
ip link set wlan0 down
iw dev wlan0 set type monitor
ip link set wlan0 up
iw dev wlan0 set channel 6
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wifi PSK crack

Set interface to monitor mode

airmon-ng start wlan0
airodump-ng wlan0
airodump-ng c 10 w /home/mk/wifi-crack/packets --bssid [bssid of AP] wlan0
aireplay-ng -0 1 -a [bssid of AP] -c [bssid of client to deauthenticate] wlan
aircrack-ng w ./wordlist.lst /home/mk/wifi-crack/packets.cap

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disabling bluetooth at startup:

gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local
Add this line:
rfkill block bluetooth
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Install ubuntu software center in kali:
apt-get install software-center

nano /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
How to decrease increas brightness:
I was able to fix it by adding a file (if it didn't already exist) called bright
ness to the folder /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight, and putting a value in
the file lower than that of the value in the file /sys/class/backlight/intel_bac
klight/max_brightness. On your system, the folder may not be called "intel_backl
ight", so just use whatever folder is there.
sudo nano /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
sudo nano /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Installing asterisk:
sudo apt-get install asterisk
sudo asterisk -r
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creating a SIP account (Asterisk + Zoiper)
To add SIP accounts follow this procedure:
1. Open terminal to your Asterisk server
2. Open for editing your sip.conf, which is located in /etc/asterisk/ by using y
our favorite editor.
3. On the bottom of the file add the account information:
4. When you are ready save the file and reload Asterisk SIP configuration by:
#service asterisk restart
#asterisk -rx "core restart now"
------------------------Asterisk commands
sip show peers -> Shows registered users
dialplan reload -> Reloads dialplan
dialplan show users -> shows the dialplan
To ensure that your SIP phones are registered, type sip show peers at the Asteri
sk CLI.
To see which context your SIP phones will send calls to, type sip show users.
To ensure that you've created the extensions correctly in the [users] context in
the dialplan, type dialplan show users.
To see which extension will be executed when you dial extension 6002, type dialp
lan show 6002@users.

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