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The group1 consists of 19 participants. The experiment was conducted in the CEIT building. All of them
participated well in the experiment. They divided the group into 4 small groups because in each trial they
have to sell 4 items.
In the first trial the group1 got 13 customers where 9 of them rejected the offer even if they employed
visual gaze and a mild physical contact. They rejected the offer because some of them were too busy that
they could not manage to take the offer. Some of them are not interested on the product that the group is
selling because it is non-food.
As I said they formed the group into 4 small groups where the first group sold the product to their first
customer. The second group also sold the product to their first customer. The third group sold the product
to their tenth customer meaning that the first 9 customer rejected their offer. While the last group sold the
product to their first customer like what the first and second group achieved.
On the second trial the group1 got 6 customers. Only 2 of them rejected the offer even if they employed
visual gaze and intense verbal persuasion. As the same reason in the first trial customer rejected the offer
because they have no time to entertain.
The first group sold the product to their first customer. The second group sold the product to their second
customer meaning that the first customer rejected the offer. The third group also sold the product to their
second customer like what the second group achieved. The last group sold the product to their first

First trial
Giving in Rejecting offer Other

a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact

Second trial
Giving in Rejecting offer Other

a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact x
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact x
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact
a)visual gaze x
b)physical contact x

Based on the table 1, it could be interpreted that the prospective customers impression towards the
entrepreneur are affected with the facial expression (visual gaze) verbal appeal and gestures. It is shown
in the first trial that they received more reject because they only established visual gaze and a mild verbal
while in the second trial where only 2 reject received because they established visual gaze and an
intense verbal persuasion and gestures.
Procedure: The experiment will start at 10:30am to 12:30pm. The participants supposedly 58 students,
but because of deficit in facilitator, 1 participant will be used as an experimenter in this experiment. Fifty
seven students will be divided into 3 groups; they will act as entrepreneur/salesman in this experiment
that will run for two hours. They need to sell their assigned product, but beforehand they will be
delegated into different strategic places inside the RTU campus.

First trial -on the first trial each group will act as entrepreneur where they have to sell the item
(keychain) into an specific price that will be given to them. They must sell it to random persons (e.g. to a
person that is stranger to them) in their area of responsibility to randomized the prospect
customer,their aim is to sold out the product they have by convincing the customer by means of physical
intimacy. In negotiating they must consider these factors below:
Gazing directly in the eyes.

Employing mild physical closeness, like brushing or stroking the shoulder of the person.
Second trial another trial of the experiment follow the same procedure but time they have to be more
persuasive verbally in selling, by using intensive verbal persuasion.
Example: please buy some of our product, you will surely not regret for buying it (their reason can be
optional according to their preference).

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