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By Steven. G.

Bestiarium of the Black Goat
The Egadingfly
by Steven G. Saunders
"Aye, Ive seen an egadingfly. !asty little "issers, they are. Got #onas one of the last times $e
$ere out... %uodens tears, I can still hear him begging for us to come back. They $ere in those
ruins, you see, the ones about eleven miles to the north. !ah, I dont kno$ $ho built them. &eah,
Ill have another... So, any$ays, $e left #onas. I guess hes "erished no$, aint he' (e has to be.
)e got a$ay though. It $as close, I gotta say. Those "issers are fast, and $e hardly kne$ $hat
$as ha""ening... I mentioned #onas, right' (ey... (ey, you kno$ $ho has a better account'
*hilli". (e kno$s this better than me. (es out $ith the horses. +ome on, follo$ me. (ey, you
dont need to look like that... alright, one more drink. But you dont need those man,stickers. )e
aint gonna rob ya or nothin. Its -us that *hil kno$s better than I, good "eo"le. .ook, you $anna
go out... out to the ruins, youll have to kno$ about these things. &ou have to. And $e have
something to sho$ you... about them... Im "retty drunk,, $hoa/ Thanks for the assist, maam..."
- As told to a small group of explorers who were never seen again.
I. +ursory Survey
Where this critter is introduced.
II. Environs
Where this critter lives and can be found.
III. +on-ugation (abits
Even terror flies have a dating life...
I0. Gaming Gristle
Ideas, rules, and stats for your game of choice
0. .ast 1ites
Steve's afterword.
2then theres the re3uisite credits "age $ith thank yous and such4
+ursory Survey
Ty"e: Terrifying, nightmarish insect.
Si5e: About as big as your hand.
Tem"erament: Devious, Depraved, Spiteful, Cruel, Egomaniacal
Intellect: Smarter than your average apothecary, for certain.
6ealings 6ifficulty: Depends on how aware you are to its motives and nature.
%sually 7ound: utdoors, near swamps, near people. Anywhere, really.
Times Best 7ound: !hen you find them. Sometimes they find you.
E8"ect to Encounter: ne or more. A swarm is rare and means you"re in trouble.
9ther !asty Bits: #ou become a hatchery$ Controlling Disease$ %ies Terrible %ies.
Also :no$n As: Egadingsfly, Steerfly, &egelnwan'e, (ad'orcreep, )oimluuti*as,
+rainbreeder, ,indlayer, -udgefly, .arbinger /ests, and Dread /isser.
Simply put, the egadingfly is a creature best wiped out completely. There are some very few
who would argue that it is a life form deserving of existence and not extinction, but those
sorts are usually not ones who have been victimi'ed by the egadingfly and survived, or had to
*ill their loved ones in order to save entire populations from infestation.
At first glance, the egadingfly is already somewhat intimidating$ loo*ing li*e a strange, large0
bodied horsefly. 1t can stretch its wings to be as wide as a man"s hand, with most of its species
fitting into a person"s palm. Egadingflies can be heard from a considerable distance when they
are flying about, as their wings create a resounding bu''ing noise... which many consider fair
warning to avoid an area 2hence the appellation 3.arbinger /est34. As far as being an
immediate physical threat goes, egadingflies are virtually harmless, unless one happens to be
a small, frail child with a serious heart condition. These terrible pests are no match for little
dogs, let alone a group of well0armed argonauts. +ut it is this very outwardly nonthreatening
nature the egadingfly uses to its purposely evil advantage.
5nli*e most other insects, the egadingfly is intelligent. (ot 6ust 3can teach it a few tric*s3 and
3remember a path it"s ta*en many a time3 intelligence00 wic*ed, desirous understanding
bordering on a savant level of psychopathic epistemology. The egadingfly"s sole biological
purpose is to propagate its *ind, and do so in the most entertaining manner possible.
nce the egadingfly has happened upon a suitable candidate 2determined by traits such as
intelligence, sanity, societal means, and personal resolve4, this horrible creature will begin its
vile wor*. 1t will first emit a pheromone that will ma*e it seem harmless in the minds of those
nearby. Then, it will try communicating with its victim and perhaps its victim"s companions
in such a way as to ma*e the egadingfly be amusing. !hilst acting in a 3cute3 manner, even
performing silly tric*s and other acts long0eared, furry rodents might do, the egadingfly will
then see* out a direct lin* with the mind of its victim.
#ou see, everyone who encounters them is a victim of the egadingfly, whether they care to
admit it or not. The egadingfly *nows that their desired outcome is only a matter of time.
1t has wor*ed many angles already, and has many plans and expected possibilities in place.
The egadingfly can live on its own, consuming the minds of small animals, for decades upon
decades. All it has is time to prepare for the perfect snac* and 3hatchery carriage3.
1f the egadingfly manages to invade the mind of the poor intended victim, it will then allow
for its ,ind Disease to do the dirty wor*. 1nitially, the victim might get away after the
invasion$ but it"s too late. The egadingfly will simply control it remotely. r, if there are more
of them around, another egadingfly will ta*e over and start the process of wrenching the
victim"s mind and will away from them.
&egardless of what exactly happens, the final outcome is the victim"s brain becoming an egg0
nest. The victim"s body enters a 'ombie state, whereas the victim him or herself can be written
off as dead. !ithin a period of time 2a wee*, month, even a year$ times inexplicably vary4, the
eggs hatch and the new egadingflies struggle for freedom through whatever holes they can
find or ma*e themselves. The victim, although dead, will have a moment of 3re0life3 as the
baby egadingflies escape their charnel host, and so the host will feel excruciating pain... even
if they were en6oying an afterlife somewhere.
This is but one example of the cruel nature of these creatures, as they have discovered a way
to ta*e control of sentient beings, use them for egg incubation, *ill them, and then bring them
bac* to life 6ust so they can be *illed again through sheer, torturous agony.
(ot only that, but many egadingflies delight in breeding through children, with one of their
first items of discussion when greeting another of their *ind 2who is unfamiliar to them4
being who and where they murdered innocent young and infant sentients. 1t isn"t strange for
an egadingfly to develop an obsession with this practice. Than*fully, in the most horrid way
possible, this is often the undoing of many an egadingfly and its friends and family. ,any
people believe these monsters feed and use only children, and this is because these monsters
are incredible liars.
Another ability the egadingfly possesses is the innate power of untruth. They will lie and lie
and lie and they won"t care, as they are biologically incapable of caring. They will also seem
as if they are telling the truth, spea*ing directly into the minds of others, sometimes even
using their bu''ing noises to tric* their prey into subliminally receiving messages. The
egadingfly will say anything to ensure its survival. 1nterestingly, the only thing it does seem to
care about is others of its *ind. Seasoned egadingfly hunters readily and happily exploit this
trait$ one which these merciless creatures would consider a flaw in other species, ironically
enough. h, irony.
A person under the control or influence of the egadingfly is very hard to spot in the early
stages. ver a short period of time, though, what was left of the original personality will be
gone, and in one way or another, the person"s fate will be meted out. !hether because others
were aware of the egadingfly and its nature, or because they erroneously thought the victim
had become an undead being. Either way it"s sliced, the outcome is the same7 dead victim.
Canines are the bane of the egadingfly"s deliriously sadistic lot in life, as dogs and similar il*
have a sense for them. (o one 8uite *nows why yet$ or why it"s 6ust dogs, wolves, and other
canines. They"re certainly effective at rooting .arbinger /ests out, however, and they also
greatly en6oy eating them. Egadingflies, in turn, loathe anything canine, and even despise
depictions or even mention of them. 1f the intended victim has the scent of dog all over them,
the egadingfly will do their damnedest to avoid them, or anything else reminding them of
canines, specifically.
+y a nasty twist of fate, dogs are often put down because people mista*e their aggressive
behavior towards host0victims for rabidity. !hile this fact is very sad, it is of good news that
many dogs loyally serve people as 3Termigadinators3, a common name for that type of highly
trained and deeply motivated dog.
!erewolves and other canine0inclined lycanthropes act as their dog and wolf brethren do,
and it hasn"t been unheard of for a werewolf to become driven Termigadinators. They are
8uite effective in this role... except when they"re not. This particular tragedy can be grimly
evidenced by the occasions where a fully transformed werewolf has been victim0hosted by
marginally insane and fearless egadingfly. 1t"s 8uite nasty, really.
The egadingfly can be found anywhere it can spread its desires. Since they must avoid the
notice of sentients who will do them harm, they tend to reside in caves, near marshes and
swamps, in ruins, in forbidding mountains, or anywhere dar* and lends to better
concealment. ne of them could also be right down the nearby alley, waiting for you, having
6ust victim0hosted that beggar you generously gave a schilling to, along with a rind of bread...
!hile human cities might seem li*e the perfect place for egadingflies to do their awful
business, they *now that once people become wise to their nefarious ways and plans that
extermination is soon to follow. To be honest, these horrible creatures can be found 6ust about
anywhere. So, in order to be as helpful as possible, here"s a table you can roll on or 6ust pic*
from. Either way, you should get some decent ideas bouncing around in your noggin.
Environs Table
;. In a remote hovel, controlling a small family< d= "eo"le.
>. In a co"se of trees not far from a village. The trees are 3uite foreboding.
?. In a small to$n $ith an odd name, like Gilden"uckle or Blasgogorn.
@. In a large to$n full of "eo"le $ho s"eak a strange dialect.
A. In a field near the road $here the *+s are located.
=. In an absolutely irresistible cave "ur"orted to have a rare artifact.
B. 9ne is actually controlling an !*+ $ith the "arty,, or $ill be soon...
C. They live in a nearby burial site, such as a graveyard. Shuffling noises...
D. An abandoned building is home to d= sneaky egadingflies.
;E. In an old cha"el on the edge of a cree"y forest.
;;. In a $arehouse run by a local criminal cartel.
;>.Theyve taken over "art of a slum, controlling d;> ruffians.
;?. The nearby #agovs +lassy S$ill bre$ery is fully run by Egadingfly slaves...
;@. The +lucking +ockhorse roadside inn is -ust lousy $ith Egadingflies.
;A. The regional Beggars Guild has been taken over by a (arbinger *est brood.
;=. A riverboat has been commandeered as a breeding ground...
;B. A local "o$erful mage has come under the influence of an Egadingfly...
;C. >d>E 5ombies or ghouls are being controlled by a "articularly nasty Egadingfly.
;D. Theres a do""elganger $ho is no$ under the influence of a (arbinger *est...
>E. The city $atch has been infested. 9h, dear/
+on-ugation (abits
The breeding cycle of egadingflies is uni8ue. They actually have no sex, and thus reproduce
asexually. Egg0laying 2Eggwarding4 is something that relies purely on opportunity and not
romance for it to manifest itself within this creature. 1f the circumstances are right, an
egadingfly can produce and lay its eggs within minutes.
The young of the egadingfly hatch from their tiny eggs as tiny versions of the adults who
begat them. .aving 6oyously completed their nightmarish and unsettling 6ourney to the
outside world from the insides of their host0victim, the baby egadingfly will run off to either
6oin its own *ind for protection, of simply feed off the stray emotions of others until it reaches
maturity a fortnight later. These insects emerge into life fully intelligent and self0aware, even
possessing some of the memories of its ancestors. 9rom the very start, the egadingfly will
eagerly 6ump on any chance it can to sup the myriad rewards of its constant tenebrosity.
1n other words, these creatures are terrible bastards straight from the get0go.
#ou may be wondering 6ust how egadingflies reproduce using other creatures. !ell, it"s 8uite
horrifying, truth be told. 9irst, the prospective parent see*s a host. Then they 3woo3 the host,
creating a bond of sorts with them, using ,ind :rip, %ies Terrible %ies, and other special
actions and abilities. nce the host is secured, the eggs are laid through any available orifice,
though the mouth is usually preferred. Since all Egadingflies have distinct personalities and
proclivities, it is very possible they may prefer the host"s nostrils, earholes, and... other spots.
The eggs will hatch rather 8uic*ly, and tiny maggots will enter the host. The host will be
unaware of their new boarders and the maggots will begin growing by combining and
merging with other maggots within the host"s bloodstream. Eventually up to four egadingsfly
young with emerge from the host, usually from the hole they entered from00 because they
can remember that sort of thing.
1t really doesn"t matter by that point, as far as the victim is concerned... for they"re already a
form of wal*ing dead. Though it"s believed that the searing, tearing pain of baby egadingflies
escaping the the host"s body can even be felt in the realm of the dead; 1t should be noted that
it"s rumored some hosts actually manage to survive the process somehow.
They are not to be envied.
(ow, there can be some variation in the young. The breeding process isn"t always perfect.
.ere"s a table to help you decide what bi'arre deformities or traits the young egadingfly has.
&oll a d< to see which chart you start with;
Egadingfly Traits Chart One
;. Its eyes cant focus correctly< is >EF less observant.
>.The young is too hostile and horrifyingly foolish< reckless beyond com"are.
?. It is curious and friendly, 3uite unlike the ma-ority of its s"ecies.
@. It is missing its legs and needs to rely on its $ings for mobility< $ings ?EF tougher.
A. Its blind because its entire "face" is a "roboscis that shoots out "o$erful acid< >d;> damageG.
=. It emits an eerie noise that can entrance othersGG< cant turn it off, making it very noticeable.
B. %"on e8amination, its obvious its eyes are made u" of a multitude of human eyes.
C. (y"er,genius and a hy"er,"sycho"athic serial killer. !eeds a ne$ victim every d@ days.
D. Huite "acifistic. 0iolence of all kinds sickens it... and its vomit is a form of acid.
;E.Tele"ortation "o$ers. +an body,meld $ith others if they touch them and tele"ort.
;;. All si8 of its legs have human hands. Is 3uite ade"t at using them.
;>. (as d;> tentacles. ;AF chance theyre barbed< if so, ;EF chance theyre highly "oisonous.
2Gr a similar amount of damage. Thin* 3heavy acid damage300 it"s a deadly gusher.4
2GGSomething li*e a &esolve or !ill save or chec* is needed.4
Egadingfly Traits Chart Two
;. +om"ulsively sings -aunty numbers. @EF chance theyre disturbing in some $ay.
>. E8traordinarily rude. This youngster is the *rince of 1udeness.
?. .ooks as if its made entirely from bone. =CF more frightening.
@. Is a giant maggot $ith $ings. +oughs out "utrid bubbles. 1ather un"o"ular $ith its kind.
A. (as d@ e8tra heads. All of $hich have their o$n antennae, resulting in some insanity.
=. The creature has =d>E e8tra legs. 9ddly, its considered more interesting by its o$n.
B. Emits a literally face,melting screech. This one is es"ecially deadly.
C. (as "otent acid for blood. Tends to s"latter $hen creature is harmed.
!ear dar" gods of gore and butchery, they're everywhere and everyone#
,.ast $ords of Baneful :nife"resser, cenobite of Iayy5
Egadingfly Traits Chart Three
;. Al$ays bur"ing.
>. 0iolently "ungent.
?. (as t$o heads $ho argue $ith each other.
@. *refers to fight over reci"es $henever "ossible.
A. Actually breeds maggots... $ho gro$ into maggot "eo"le.
=. Is obsessed $ith human children and $ill never hurt them.
B. *refers to have >d;> "et cats at any given time.
C. Iust eat at least one sentient creature "er day.
D. 7ire, fire, 7I1E/ .oves fire.
E. #ust $ill not sto" talking about ma"s.
Egadingfly Traits Chart $our
;. Iakes a constant $ailing noise.
>, (as a "rehensile tail< ;EF chance the tail has a gibbering mouth.
?. (as d= e8tra legs< AF chance they are of a metallic substance.
@. (as d@ additional eye,stalks< >EF chance eye,stalks are full of acid.
A. (as a human face< ;EF chance characters might think it resembles a relative.
=. The egadingfly is a hy"notic yodeling master.
Egadingfly Coloring Chart
These creatures can be brilliantly beautiful and utterly ugly. 6o $hat you $ant, but this chart may hel"/
;. Blue $ith black $ings and green eyes.
>. *ur"le $ith green s"ots, yello$ish $ings, black eyes.
?. Eerily translucent.
@. Bright orange $ith $hite $ings and blue eyes.
A. Black $ith chromatic, translucent $ings and metallic, "ur"lish eyes.
=. Bro$n $ith $hite $ings and yello$ eyes.
B. The same color its host,""arent" $as, $ith "ink $ings. Eyes and everything.
C. A lovely shade of verdant green, $ith "eri$inkle stri"es, mauve $ings, and teal eyes.
Gaming Gristle
The egadingfly can be used to great effect in your games, with many different options
available to you as to how to go about doing so. #ou can taunt your players, playing up the
cruel, insidious nature of these horrors. r you can ma*e them more subtle and evilly
cunning. 1f your group has never encountered anything li*e this before, 1 recommend you
have a bit of fun introducing this beast as a curiously interesting large fly that they"ll ta*e on
as a pet. The egadingfly can communicate subtly, as mentioned, using bu''ing, body
language, and the character"s nature to its malicious ends. And it doesn"t have to be about
breeding, either. Egadingflies having a greater, more sinister purpose is rather appealing$ and
one cannot rule out the possibility of egadingflies using powerful sentients li*e tools, all the
while the person of power having no idea they are a marionette for a fly0li*e creature with
gruesome proclivities.
There are treatments for trying to rid victim0hosts of the egadingfly"s control and budding
progeny, and they are all shoc*ingly awful. ne such method isn"t that dissimilar to water0
torture, and often results not only in the loss of the egadingfly"s grasp on the victim, but in the
death of the victim, as well. The most effective method has always been to *ill the victim0host,
burn the remains, and search out the egadingfly if it"s the last thing they do. As it often is.
%ust a little more&& 'O(! 'I) !OW*, !+)* ,O-&& come on, %ohannis, hang in there#
,Elberta ven Sigglesnutt, +hiurgeon in Aalee
Egadingflies can swarm, or so it"s rec*oned. Scattered tales and old legends indicate that if
they do swarm, the egadingflies wor* effectively as a team, and, if given the chance, can
control groups of people, perhaps even villages. 1f this were to occur, it would be the perfect
chance to create a scenario 1 have often played with, which 1 affectionately call )illage of the
Damned 9lies.
The only nourishment an egadingsfly needs is the minds and misery of others. The utterly
mad are avoided primarily because the .arbinger /est fears insanity themselves, being
cautious to feed on the strong or at least reasonably minded. They are also victims to their
own growing egos, and as times passes, the aging egadingfly is unli*ely to pass up what it
considers a substantial challenge to lavish its attention upon.
Since this is a system0neutral offering, the following attributes are merely suggestions, and
should assist in helping you fit the egadingfly into any fantasy roleplaying game.
Scores are = to =>, with => indicating the highest potency. 9or games that have a =0?> scale,
multiply the scores by two. 9or =0=>>, by ten. Though you might want to fudge it a bit, tin*er
around, and so on. Don"t worry, 1 won"t tell anyone.
Generic Stats/ (u55ah/
B1A)!: ;
(A16I!ESS: >
+(A1I: D
A619IT!ESS: =
1ES9.0E: C
791T%IT&: A
I don't very much en.oy being boiled down to mere trivialities, human...
,Bothered Egadingfly
Abstract 6efense Score
Because while physically puny and wea*, they"re 8uic*.
h, so godsdamned 8uic*; This should be reflected in
whatever defense score you"re using. -ust *eep in mind
that 8uic* doesn"t exactly mean nimble 2see Adroitness4.
S"ecial Attacks
The /uguiling7 Target must resist becoming enamored by the fascinating fly0creature$
which re8uires a sense of smell.
)ind 0ri17 Target must attempt to resist or hesitate, confused for =d< minimum game0
time units$ if successful Controlling Disease can be employed.
)ind"iller7 Can only be used once a day, roughly, this causes simultaneous terror and =d@
damage$ used as a last resort, usually to escape.
S"ecial Abilities
(ies Terrible (ies7 Target must resist or believe everything told to them$ effect is cumulative00 and
as it gets worse, the target will believe things more and more...
Controlling !isease7 Target must already be under the influence of ,ind :rip$ the target can now
be infectedAinvaded with the mind and bio0psyche of the egadingfly$ The process is gradual, with
the victim still in partial control$ whatever passes for 1nsight is lost at a rate of = per hour. !hen
1nsight reaches 'ero, the egadingfly is in complete control.
Eggwarding7 nce controlled, the target is a victim0host and the eggs can be laid. The host, since
they"re still alive, gets to resist and frustrate their new master.
)iserycording7 :iven a little time and concentration, the egadingfly can replenish its energy and
even .ardiness /oints by drawing emotions from others around it00 fear, distress, and woe are the
preferred flavors.
0od's 0ift )aggots7 1nside the host, telepathic maggots grow... all of them turn into mind0lin*ed
Egadingfly young, combining to form d< 9inal Stage ,aggots. The parent Egadingfly can
communicate with these creatures. These maggots are found in parts of the brain and are
considered delicacies in some degenerate andAor enlightened cultures.
.ast 1ites
Essentially, 1 came up with the egadingfly on a whim$ the the idea resulting from a comment 1
made to someone 2hi, Ed;4 where 1 said 3egad3, thought of the word 3gadfly3 and then let my
mind run wild. !ithin a short period of time a new terror had sprang forth from my brains.
Even when 1 was young, 1 was intrigued by insects, especially flies. They always seemed to get
a bum rap when it came to praise of insects. ,aggots rated higher, it would appear. At least
3maggot3 was used as an insult. ,aggots could also be useful. +ut fliesB !ell, flies 6ust gave us
maggots and otherwise pestered us. !hat if flies had thoughts and desiresB !hat if... what if
flies wanted to do the e8uivalent of pulling their wings off for amusement... with usB
Sometimes the most frightening monsters are the ones you don"t expect, the ones who 6ust
seem li*e they"re on the wall, watching and waiting to die$ maybe birth some maggots
beforehand. The egadingfly doesn"t need maggots00 we are its maggots. -ust imagine these
creatures mixed up in more fantastical monsters, li*e a bugbear 2brings a whole new
meaning to its name;4, or a .arbinger /est managing to tame a dragonB The possibilities, of
course, are endless. And ours to explore.
Than* you for reading, and game the hell on.
Steve Saunders
all $ritten material >E;@ Black Goat Games and Steven G. Saunders
editing and layout by SGS
"roofreading and additional editing by 1yan S"eck and !icole Turner
BGG tentacle,goat sigil by !icole Turner
fly image courtesy of 1etro0ectors
other images are historical andJor in the "ublic domain
some images have been mani"ulated by SGS
Steve $ould like to thank..
!icole Turner, Iom and 6ad, the :ids and our family, 1yan S"eck and +heria +oram,
6anielle )hitman and her family, #eff )ike and the a$esomeness that radiates from him,
+harlie and Ielissa 7alcone, 6aniel Gallaher and his family, Aaron Besson 2read his $ork/4,
the absolutely mighty and unsto""able :elvin Green,
Adam :ennes K Taryn Bro$nell and their eternal hate for the 7alse Em"eror
Seith :eogh and 1ebecca 6aSilva, the incom"arable and beautifully gifted Ann :oi
Sean 6emory, Anthony Bird, .arry )hite , Iatt and !icole Edmonds, Scott and #uana Gilbert
Ed :aye, Iike and Angela Gruber, Ale8 7lagg and his $onderful family,
#ason Soles, 1afael +handler, 6ave Allso", 1ob Sch$alb, and *atrick :a"era...
...and all of the rest of the magnificent creative bastards $hove influenced me...
LB 0or"al Thanks goes to all my gaming "als throughout the years
A!6 G996 .916, S9 IA!& 9T(E1S/
But, most of allM T(A!: &9% 791 *I+:I!G T(IS %*. I do ho"e you en-oyed it.

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