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Send the completed form to enortheast@gmail.

You can also fll the form online at
Please ensure that flled in text is not repeated in the responses against the items in Part I,
Part II and Part III.
Please fll the form liberall and attach extra documents and lin!s so that the "ur gets
ade#uate information about our pro$ect in the best possible manner.
Please pro%ide at least & letters / certifcates of appreciation or recommendation from third
part benefciar for the nominated pro$ect.
'omination pro$ect has to be at least on ground for ( months.
)uestions mar!ed with asteris! * are mandator. +owe%er, we recommend flling all felds.
Part I - Overview
1 Name of the Project/Product/
a!icatio" Nomi"ated #i" $"%!i&h'()
* Name of the Project/Product/
a!icatio" i" Ori%i"a! La"%ua%e)
+ La"%ua%e#&' of the Product()
, URL #If O"!i"e')
- Cate%or.( /C0OOS$ ON$1
i. e,-o%ernance . /iti0en Ser%ices
ii. e,Infrastructure
iii. e,2earning . 3ducation
i%. e,+ealth
%. e,2i%elihood . 3nterprise
%i. e,/ommerce . 4usiness
%ii. e,/ulture . +eritage
%iii. e,3n%ironment . 5ourism
ix. e,'ews . 6edia
x. e,3ntertainment
xi. e,Inclusion
xii. 6obiles for Ser%ices 1eli%er
5 Short de&critio" of the
a!icatio" /&ervice /i""ovatio"()
7less than &88 9ords:
Part II - Tech"ica! 6etai!&
7 Tech"ica! de&critio" of roduct/
&ervice& / !atform # Not more tha"
*44 word&'(
5echnolog 7+ardware, Software,
;eature 2ist
+osting 71etails and explanation on how
it is fast, scalable, reliable and secure<:
/o%erage area
=alue added ser%ices, if an
Ser%ice . Support 7In terms of software,
or hardware, if applicable:
8 I"&ta!!atio" rocedure/Tech"ica!
Re9uireme"t& of the
roduct/roject for te&ti"% :. ;ur.()
>e.g. ?ser name . Password/steps /
special browser/plug,in/ 1e%ice / an
other information re#uired to access .
test the product/pro$ect@
Part III - Product/Project 6ata < 6etai!&
= Chro"o!o%.(
=>1 Lau"ch 6ate of the Project)
=>* Project Com!etio" 6ate)
=>+ Other Imorta"t date& < eve"t&
duri"% the jour"e. re&o"&i:!e for
re&e"t &tate of the
14 ?hat do .ou de!iver
#Co"te"t/Service&' to u&er& throu%h
.our i"itiative@( 7/omplete list of
deli%erables to the customer/target group
through this initiati%e:
11 6e&cri:e the &u&tai"a:!e mode!
#Not more tha" *44 word&'
1* 6etai!ed 6e&critio" of the
a!icatio" / &ervice/ i""ovatio"()
71escribe the pro$ect in detail, mentioning
all the rele%ant information, in about A888

1+ Aua"titative < 9ua!itative imact of
roduct/roject i" diver&e !ocatio"&
a"d eo!e( 72ist Begional areas and
number of people benefted b this
product/pro$ect , 'ot more than &88 words:
1, ?hat wa& the :acB%rou"d < the
motivatio" :ehi"d deve!oi"% the
a!icatio" /&ervice /i""ovatio") 7less
than &88 9ords:
1- Ce&t wa.& to u&e or the :e&t u&a%e
&ce"ario& of the roduct/roject() 7'ot
more than C88 9ords:
15 0ow do .our a!icatio"/ &ervice/
i""ovatio" rovide i"teractivit. a"d
ea&e of u&e to the u&er&@ 7+ow is our
product/pro$ect able to sol%e the purpose of
its inception with ease to the user: 7'ot
more than &88 words:

17 Provide at u& !ea&t - u&er
eDerie"ce o" how .our roject ha&
imacted their !ife(@ 7;eedbac!s,
comments b the users , Please pro%ide
user details including contact number:

18 0ow i& .our roject u"i9ue@
71escribe the ?ni#ueness of our
Inno%ation in terms of Driginalit of Idea /
6ethod/ 4usiness 6odel/ 5echnolog /
Epplication / Implementation that our
product/pro$ect has which ma!es it
1= I& .our roject &u&tai"a:!e o" it&
ow"@ 0ow &ca!a:!e i& it@ P!ea&e eD!ai"
o" the via:i!it. a"d &u&tai"a:i!it. of
oEeri"%( #Not more tha" *44 word&'
*4 ?hat i& .our vi&io" of FICT for
6eve!ome"t i" North $a&t I"diaG@ 0ow
do .ou thi"B i"formatio"
commu"icatio" tech"o!o%.
a!icatio"& ca" :e u&ed toward&
who!e&ome a"d i"c!u&ive deve!ome"t
i" the re%io"@ >5his note mabe published
in our publications with due credit@ A888
Part IH - Producer #I"dividua!/Or%a"iIatio"' i"formatio"
*1 Name of Or%a"iIatio" #Nomi"ee&'(
** Co"tact Per&o"(
*+ Street 2ddre&&(
*, Cit.(
*- Po&t Code(
*5 State(
*7 Cou"tr.(
*8 Mo:i!eJ Te!eho"eJ 3aD(
*= $mai!#&'(
+4 URL/?e:&ite
0ead&J Team Mem:er&J I"ve&tor&J C!ie"t&J Part"er& < He"dor& who have &i%"iKca"t!.
He"dor - Bharat Technical Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Name $mai! Pho"e/Mo:i!
Locatio" Ro!e
m Mem:er/
He"dor /
Note: Please provide additional testimonials like project images, small video clip, news
coverage, certificates of appreciation etc.

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