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Paper 1 Set B Solutions

Regn No: _________________

Name: ___________________
(To be written by the candidate)
ENER! MANAERS " ENER! A#$ITORS O%to&er' 2(11
PAPER 1) eneral Aspe%ts o* Ener+, Mana+e-ent " Ener+,
$ate) 1/01(02(11 Ti-in+s) (1)2(312)2( 4RS $uration) 2 4RS Ma50 Mar6s) 1/(
Se%tion II) S4ORT $ESCRIPTI7E 8#ESTIONS Mar6s) 9 5 / : ;(
(i) Answer all Ei+ht questions
(ii) Each question carries Fi<e marks
S31 List an, *i<e %lip3on = porta&le instru-ents use. in ener+, au.itin+0
Ans Power analyser !lue gas analyser non"contact !low meter lu# meter thermocou$les
hygrometer $sychrometer anemometer tachometer strobosco$e in!rared
thermometer etc
Note: E%aluator may look into any !i%e instruments
S32 The ratin+ o* a sin+le phase ele%tri% +e,ser is 2((( >atts' at 22( 7olt0
a? Rate. %urrent
&? Resistan%e o* the +e,ser in Oh-s
%? A%tual po@er .ra@n @hen the -easure. suppl, <olta+e is 21( 7olts
Ans a)Rated &urrent o! the 'eyser ( ) P*+) ,---*,.- ) /01 Am$ere
b)Resistance +alue R ) +*( ) ,.-*/01 ) ,203 4hms
c)Actual Power drawn at ,5- +olts ) (+*R)6+ ) (,5-*,203)6,5-
) 521- 7att
4R (,5-*,.-)6(,5-*,.-)6,--- ) 521- 7att
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set B Solutions
S32 Cal%ulate the net present <alue o<er a perio. o* 2 ,ears *or a proAe%t @ith one
in<est-ent o* Rs /('((( at the &e+innin+ o* the *irst ,ear an. a se%on.
in<est-ent o* Rs 2('((( at the &e+innin+ o* the se%on. ,ear an. *uel %ost sa<in+s
o* Rs ;('((( ea%h in the se%on. an. thir. ,ear0 The .is%ount rate is 1;B0
NP+ )

) " 9---- : ,2.52 ; .-11< ; ,2<<< ) " Rs0 5/9./
S3; In a heat e5%han+er the inlet an. outlet te-peratures o* the %oolin+ @ater are
C an. 2C
C0 The *lo@ rate o* %oolin+ @ater is /(( litres=hr0 The pro%ess *lui.
enters the heat e5%han+er at C(
C an. lea<es at ;/
C0Fin. out the *lo@ rate o* the
pro%ess *lui.DECp o* pro%ess *lui. is (09 6Cal=6+
ANS =eat trans!erred to cooling water ) m c$ t
) 9-- # 5 # (.2".-)
) .--- kcal*hour
>low rate o! $rocess !luid ).---*(2-"39)6(0/)
),9- kgs*hr
S3/ 8rie!ly e#$lain the di!!erences between $reliminary and detailed energy audit
Preliminary energy audit which is also known as 7alk"Through Audit and ?iagnostic
Audit is a relati%ely quick e#ercise and uses e#isting or easily obtained data0 The
sco$e o! $reliminary energy audit is to:
Establish energy consum$tion in the organi@ation (sources: energy bills and
4btain related data such as $roduction !or relating with energy consum$tion
Estimate the sco$e !or energy sa%ings
(denti!y the most likely and the easiest areas !or attention (e0g0 unnecessary
lighting higher tem$erature settings leakage etc0)
(denti!y immediate (es$ecially no"*low"cost) im$ro%ements* sa%ings
Aet u$ a baseline or reference point !or energy consum$tion
(denti!y areas !or more detailed study*measurement
?etailed energy audit is a com$rehensi%e audit and results in a detailed energy $roBect
im$lementation $lan !or a !acility since it accounts !or the energy use o! all maBor
equi$ment0 (t considers the interacti%e e!!ects o! %arious $roBects and o!!ers the most
accurate estimate o! energy sa%ings and cost0 (t includes detailed energy cost sa%ing
calculations and $roBect im$lementation costs0
4ne o! the key elements in a detailed energy audit is the energy balance0 This is based
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
" 9----
.---- 3---- 3----
Paper 1 Set B Solutions
on an in%entory o! energy"using systems assum$tions o! current o$erating conditions
measurements and calculations o! energy use0
?etailed energy auditing is carried out in three $hases: a) Pre Audit Phase b) Audit
Phase and c) Post Audit Phase0
S3C A %otton -ill .ries 2((( 6+ o* @et *a&ri% in a .rier *ro- /;B initial -oisture to 1B
*inal -oisture0 4o@ -an, 6ilo+ra-s o* @ater are re-o<e. .urin+ .r,in+
ANS 8asis: ,--- kg*hr o! wet !abric
?ry !abric ) ,--- # -032 ) <,- kg
7eight o! !inal !abric ) <,-*-0<5
) 5-55 kg
7ater remo%ed ) ,--- : 5-55
) </< kg
S3F 7hat is ?emand Aide Canagement (?AC)D 8rie!ly list down the bene!its o! ?AC with
?emand Aide Canagement (?AC) means managing o! the demand !or $ower by
utilities * ?istribution com$anies among some or all its customers to meet current or
!uture needs0
?AC $rograms result in energy and * or demand reduction0
?AC also enables end"users to better manage their load cur%e and thus im$ro%es the
Potential energy sa%ing through ?AC is treated same as new additions on the su$$ly
side in C7s0
?AC can reduce the ca$ital needs !or $ower ca$acity e#$ansion0
Re$lacement o! ine!!icient $um$s by star rated $um$s under agricultural ?AC
Esing time o! the day tari!! to shi!t the demand !rom $eak to o!! $eak hours
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
CF0 CF1 CFn n CFt
NPV = _
------------- + -------------- + - - - + ------------- = -----------
(1 + )
( 1 + )
( 1 + )
t = 0 ( 1 + )
Paper 1 Set B Solutions
S39 8rie!ly com$are NP+ and (RR method o! !inancial analysis0
Net Present 7alue
The net present value method calculates the present value o! all the yearly cash !lows
(i0e0 ca$ital costs and net sa%ings) incurred or accrued throughout the li!e o! a $roBect
and summates them0 &osts are re$resented as negati%e %alue and sa%ings as a
$ositi%e %alue0 The sum o! all the $resent %alue is known as the net present value
(NP+)0 The higher the net present value the more attracti%e the $ro$osed $roBect0 The
net $resent %alue takes into account the time %alue o! money and it considers the cash
!low stream in entire $roBect li!e0
For %o<erin+ &rie*l, the %on%ept o* NP7 20/ Mar6s
EEGuation is not a -ust?
Internal Rate o* Return Metho.
8y setting the net $resent %alue o! an in%estment to @ero (the minimum %alue that would
make the in%estment worthwhile) the discount rate can be com$uted0 The internal rate
o! return ((RR) o! a $roBect is the discount rate which makes its net $resent %alue (NP+)
equal to @ero0 (t is the discount rate in the equation:
&>- &>5 &>n n &>t
- )
""""""""""""" ; """""""""""""" ; " " " ; """"""""""""" ) """""""""""
(5 ; )
( 5 ; )
( 5 ; )
t ) - ( 5 ; )
7here&>t ) cash !low at the end o! year FtG
) discount rate
n ) li!e o! the $roBect0
------- End of Section - II ---------
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set B Solutions
Se%tion III) LON $ESCRIPTI7E 8#ESTIONS Mar6s) C 5 1( : C(
(i) Answer all Si5 questions
(ii) Each question carries Ten marks
L31 An e<aporator is to &e *e. @ith C((( 6+=hr o* a solution ha<in+ 1 B soli.s0 The *ee. is
at 29
C0 It is to &e %on%entrate. to 2B soli.s0 Stea- is enterin+ at a total enthalp, o*
C;( 6Cal=6+ an. the %on.ensate lea<es at 1((
C0 Enthalpies o* *ee. are 2901 6%al=6+'
pro.u%t solution is 1((09 6Cal=6+ an. that o* the <apour is C;( 6Cal=6+0 Fin. the -ass
o* <apour *or-e. per hour an. the -ass o* stea- use. per hour0
ANS Mass o* <apour
>eed ) 2--- kg*hr H 5 I solids
Aolids ) 2--- # 5*5--
) 2- kg*hr
Cassout # ,*5-- ) 2-
Cassout ) 2---*, ) .--- kg*hr
+a$our !ormed ) 2--- : .---
) .--- kg*hr
Thick liquor ) .--- kg*hr

Stea- %onsu-ption)
Enthal$y o! !eed ) 2--- # ./05 ) ,,0/ # 5-
Enthal$y o! the thick liquor ) 5--0/ # .--- ) .-,3-- k&al
Enthal$y o! the %a$our ) 23- # .--- ) 5<,---- k&al
=eat 8alance
=eat in$ut by steam ; heat in !eed ) heat out in %a$our ; =eat out in thick liquor
JC # (23-"5--) ; ./05 # 2---K ) (5<,---- ; .-,3--)
C # 93- ) ,5<<93-
Cass o! steam required ) ,5<<93-*93-
) ;(F2 6+=hr
L32 A paper -ill has t@o in<est-ent options *or ener+, sa<in+ proAe%ts)
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set B Solutions
Option ) A In<est-ent en<isa+e. Rs0;( la6hs ' annual return is Rs0/ la6hs' li*e o*
the proAe%t is 1( ,ears' .is%ount rate 1(B 0

Option ) B In<est-ent en<isa+e. Rs02; la6hs' annual return Rs09 la6hs' li*e o* the
proAe%t is 9 ,ears' .is%ount rate is 1(B0
Cal%ulate IRR o* &oth the options an. su++est @hi%h option the paper -ill shoul.
sele%t %onsi.erin+ the ris6 is sa-e *or &oth the options0
Option A
IRR : ;029 B
Option B
IRR : 29019 B
8ased on (RR 4$tion A has higher (RR and the mill may o$t !or option B

8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
5 x 10
5 x 10

-40 x 10
= + -------------- + - - - + -------------
( 1 + X )
( 1 + X )

8 x 10
8 x 10

-24 x 10
= + -------------- + - - - + -------------
( 1 + X )
( 1 + X )

Paper 1 Set B Solutions
#se C#S#M te%hniGue an. %al%ulate ener+, sa<in+s *or *irst C -onths o* 2(11 *or those
ener+, sa<in+ -easures i-ple-ente. &, a plant prior to Hanuar,'2(110
The a<era+e pro.u%tion *or the perio. Han3Hun 2(11 is 1((( MT=Month
The plant .ata is +i<en in the ta&le &elo@0
A%tual Spe%i*i% Ener+,
Consu-ption' 6>h=MT
Pre.i%te. Spe%i*i%
Ener+, Consu-ption'
Han 12(2 1(21
Fe& 119F 11F9
Mar 1;(1 1;F1
Apr 1;/( 1;/(
Ma, 122; 119;
Hun 1222 1122
The table abo%e gi%es %alues o! A$eci!ic energy consum$tion monitored +s $redicted !or each
month0 The %ariations are calculated and the &umulati%e sum o! di!!erences is calculated !rom
Actual"Predicted &EAEC
Lan 5,-. 5-,5
182 182
>eb 55/1 551/
9 191
Car 53-5 5315
-70 121
A$r 539- 539-
0 121
Cay 5.,3 55/3
140 261
Lun 5,.. 55..
100 361
Aince the &umulati%e sum is $ositi%e the $lant has consumed more energy than it should ha%e by
$rediction (calculated)
Energy loss ) .25 k7h*CT # 5--- CT
Energy loss !or si# months ) .25 k7h*CT#5--- CT
L3; In a te5tile plant the a<era+e -onthl, ener+, %onsu-ption is /'(('((( 6>h o*
pur%hase. ele%tri%it, *ro- +ri.' ;( 6L o* *urna%e oil E spe%i*i% +ra<it,:(012? *or
ther-i% *lui. heater' C( tonne o* %oal *or stea- &oiler' an. 1( 6L o* 4S$ E sp0+ra<it,:
(099/? *or -aterial han.lin+ eGuip-ent0
i<en .ata)
E1 6>h : 9C( 6%al' C7 o* %oal: 2;/( 6Cal=6+' C7 o* *urna%e oil: 1('((( 6Cal=6+'
C7 o* 4S$: 1('/(( 6Cal=6+' 16+ oil eGui<alent : 1('((( 6Cal?
a? Cal%ulate the ener+, %onsu-ption in ter-s o* Metri% Tonne o* Oil EGui<alent
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set B Solutions
EMTOE? *or the plant0
&? Cal%ulate the per%enta+e share o* ener+, sour%es use. &ase. on %onsu-ption in
MTOE &asis0
%? Co--ent @hether this te5tile plant Guali*ies as a noti*ie. .esi+nate. %onsu-er the Ener+, Conser<ation A%tD
ANS a)
(3---- #-0<,# 5----) ; (2---- # .39-) ; (9----- # /2-) ; (5----# -0//9 # 5-9--)
CT4E ) (.20/ # 5-
) ; (,-01 # 5-
) ; (3. # 5-
); (<0,<,9 # 5-
) 5-<0/ Cetric Tonnes o! 4il Equi%alent $er month
b) Electricity I) .<0, >urnace oilI)..09 &oal I )5/0/9 =A?I )/032
c) Annual energy consum$tion o! the te#tile $lant ) 5-<0/ # 5, ) 5.5102 CT4E which is
less than .--- CT4E cut o!! limit as noti!ied under the E& act0 There!ore this te#tile $lant is
not a designated consumer !or the $resent energy consum$tion le%els0
L3/ >rite short notes on an, t@o
National Mission *or Enhan%e. Ener+, E**i%ien%,
ISO /(((1
$istin%tion &et@een ener+, %onser<ation an. ener+, e**i%ien%,
ANS National Mission *or Enhan%e. Ener+, E**i%ien%,
It is one o! the eight national missions under National Action Plan on &limate &hange
(NAP&&)0 To enhance energy e!!iciency !our new initiati%es will be $ut in $lace0 These are:
A market based mechanism to enhance cost e!!ecti%eness o! im$ro%ements in
energy e!!iciency in energy intensi%e large industries and !acilities through
certi!ication o! energy sa%ings that could be traded0
Accelerating the shi!t to energy e!!icient a$$liances in designated sectors through
inno%ati%e measures to make the $roducts more a!!ordable0
&reation o! mechanisms that would hel$ !inance the demand side management
$rogrammes in all sectors by ca$turing !uture energy sa%ings0
?e%elo$ing !iscal instruments to $romote energy e!!iciency0
ISO /(((1
The !uture (A4 9---5 standard !or energy management was recently a$$ro%ed as a
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set B Solutions
?ra!t (nternational Atandard (?(A)0 (A4 9---5 is e#$ected to be $ublished as an
(nternational Atandard by early ,-550
(A4 9---5 will establish a !ramework !or industrial $lants commercial !acilities or entire
organi@ations to manage energy0 Targeting broad a$$licability across national economic
sectors it is estimated that the standard could in!luence u$ to 2-I o! the worldMs energy
The document is based on the common elements !ound in all o! (A4Ms management system
standards assuring a high le%el o! com$atibility with (A4 <--5 (quality management) and
(A4 53--5 (en%ironmental management)0 (A4 9---5 will $ro%ide the !ollowing bene!its:
$istin%tion &et@een ener+, %onser<ation an. ener+, e**i%ien%,
Energy &onser%ation and Energy E!!iciency are se$arate but related conce$ts0 Energy
conser%ation is achie%ed when growth o! energy consum$tion is reduced in $hysical terms0
Energy &onser%ation can there!ore is the result o! se%eral $rocesses or de%elo$ments
such as $roducti%ity increase or technological $rogress0 4n the other hand Energy
e!!iciency is achie%ed when energy intensity in a s$eci!ic $roduct $rocess or area o!
$roduction or consum$tion is reduced without a!!ecting out$ut consum$tion or com!ort
le%els0 Promotion o! energy e!!iciency will contribute to energy conser%ation and is there!ore
an integral $art o! energy conser%ation $romotional $olicies0
L3C $ra@ PERT Chart *or the *ollo@in+ *or the tas6' .uration an. .epen.en%, +i<en
Fin. out)
i0 %riti%al Path
ii0 e5pe%te. proAe%t .uration
Tas6 Pre.e%essors Tas6s

E5pe%te. Ti-e as
A 3 2
B 3 /
C 3 F
$ A 9
E B /
F C /
E ;
4 F /
I $ C
H 3 4 ;
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency
Paper 1 Set B Solutions
(0 The critical $ath is through acti%ities & > = L
((0 The e#$ected $roBect duration is ,5 weeks (1;9;9;3)

-------- End of Section - III ---------
8ureau o! Energy E!!iciency

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