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In the bright afternoon a pair of student went around through the

bridge want to go home. In several paths, they found a poter about singing
contest on a wall magazine while they were chatting.

Indri : OMG im so tired today
Sandy : Why?
Indri : I got dizzy for phsyc today, so many things i should memorize today,
and anything about formula
Sandy : Dont take it hard let it go

A few minutes later.....

Sandy : Hey look!! There is a sing competition (Sandy pointed a poster in
front of him)
Indri : great, when is that?
Sandy : i dontt know, but lets a part

After a few minutes Indri and Sandy went away, came a student with the
same uniform. He looked at the poster and got intrested for joining

Farhan : hey, there is singing competition. Hmm, the prize look so good. Its
my change to get money to buy a sport shoes if i could win.

On the Sunday Indri and Sandy start it to prepare a music for being

Indri : how about we choose all of me by John Legand?
Sandy : that sounds good. I will find chord.

So did Farhan he prepared him self for joining the competition.

On the day at competition sudenly Indri and Sandy met with farhan in
the venue of competition.

Sandy : hey Farhan, do you join this competition too?
Farhan : hey, yes i hope i could win and i will use the prize for buy sport

The competition just began....

Peris : good afternoon ladies and gentlemen . This time, you guys would
start singing competition. Are you ready a competitor?
Competitor : YES
Anisa : And then please welcome, The 3rd Competitior!!!

The Contest just ended, and The MCs announced the winner

Peris : Finally, all the contestan has performed their talent so great
Anisa : Yes, they do their best even they feel nerveous i guess
Peris : So, are u curious who will be the winner, arent u? Nah, the judges
have passed hard time to choose the winner of this contest
Peris & Anisa : And the winner is.................... The 3rd Contestan

One Day

Sandy : hey, Farhan. Whats going on? You look so bad today. Are u okay?
Farhan : Yes, dont think of me. Im okay
Sandy : Oh comeon. Just tell me whats wrong with you
Farhan : I just feel so dissapointed cause i didnt win singing competition.
I hope i could win and buy new sport shoes
Sandy : Oh i see. By the way your talent is so great
Farhan : Anyway, congrats for your winning in contest
Sandy : Thank you, i like your perform Farhan

Sandy called up Indri.......

A few minutes later

Sandy : So, heres the problem. I just met Farhan a couple days ago, and he
felt so bad. Cause he didnt win the contest like we got, this was how he
hoped that he could win so he would by new sport shoes. So i thought
that our prize i mean money from we won the contest we could give it
to Farhan, what do you think?
Indri : Oh, i feel so sorry. Thats ok. Let tell him that we want to meet with
him this afternoon

Sandy and Indri went meet up with Farhan

Sandy : Farhan, heres the money from us. You could buy your new sport
shoes now. Dont feel hard, we are our friends
Farhan : I just feel make you all so hard, i couldnt take your money
Indri : Thats ok Farhan, take it please. We give wholeheartedly
Farhan : Hmm, so big thankyou i say to you all my friends
Sandy : Our pleasure bro..

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