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Course Outline
LOAN (Articles 1933-1961 NCC)
General Provisions (Arts. 1933-1934 NCC)
People vs. Concepcion (44 Phil. 126)
Chapter 1. Commodatum (Arts. 193-192 NCC)
!e"tion 1. Nature o# Commodatum (Arts. 193-194$ NCC)
Republic vs. Bagtas (6 !C%A 262)
!e"tion 2. &'li(ations o# the )ailee (Arts. 1941-194 NCC)
!e"tion 3. &'li(ations o# the )ailor (Arts. 1946-192 NCC)
Quintos and Ansaldo vs. Beck* 69 Phil. 1$+)
Chapter 2. !imple ,oan or Mutuum (Arts. 193-1961 NCC)
Republic vs. Jose Grijaldo (1 !C%A 6+1)
State nvestment !ouse" nc. vs. CA (19+ !C%A 39$)
#astern S$ipping %ines" nc. vs. CA (234 !C%A -+)
Joven de Cortes vs. &enturan'a" -9 !C%A -$9)
Ri'al Comm(l Banking Corp. vs. CA (2+9 !C%A 292)
The Usury Law (A"t No. 26* as amended)
DEPOSIT (Articles 1962-2009 NCC)
Chapter 1. .eposit in General and /ts .i##erent 0inds (Arts. 1962-196- NCC)
Chapter 2. 1oluntar2 .eposit (Arts. 196+-199 NCC)
!e"tion 1. General Provisions (Arts. 196+-19-1 NCC)
!e"tion 2. &'li(ations o# the .epositar2 (Arts. 19-2-1991 NCC)
Roman Cat$olic Bis$op o) Jaro vs. *e la Pena (26 Phil. 144)
CA Agro+ndustrial *evt. Corp. vs. CA ,219 !C%A 426)
Javellana vs. %im ,-- P$il. -.-/
Gavieres vs. 0avera (1 Phil. -1)
*elgado vs. Bonnevie and Arande' (23 Phil 3$+)
Baron vs. *avid (1 Phil 1)
1S vs. gpaura (2- Phil 619)
!e"tion 3. &'li(ations o# the .epositor (Arts. 1992-199 NCC)
Chapter 3. Ne"essar2 .eposit (Arts. 1996-2$$4 NCC)
Chapter 4. !e3uestration or 4udi"ial .eposit (Arts. 2$$-2$$9 NCC)
The Warehouse Receipts Law (A"t No. 213-* as amended)
GUARANT AND SURETS!IP (Articles 20"#-20$" NCC)
Chapter 1. Nature and 56tent o# Guarant2 (Arts. 2$4--2$- NCC)
Pic'on vs. Pic'on (61 !C%A 6-7 G.%. No. ,-29139* Nov. 1* 19-4)
Palmares vs. CA (2++ !C%A 422)
Castellvi de !iggins 2 !iggins vs. Sellner (41 Phil.142)
Reiss vs. Memije (1 Phil.3$ 8191$9)
Mac$etti vs. !ospicio de San Jose" (43Phil29-)
Severino and &ergara vs. Severino (6 Phil. 1+)
Municipalit3 o) Gasan vs. Marasigan (63 Phil.1$)
Plaridel Suret3 2 nsurance Co. vs. Arte4 *evt. Co." nc. (12$ !C%A +2-)
Pa"i#i" )an:in( Corp. vs. /AC (G.%. No.-22-* Nov. 13* 1991)
Common;ealth o# the Phil. 1s. <ar 5astern !uret2 and /nsuran"e Co. (+3
Phil. 3$)
PN) vs. CA* ,u=on !uret2 Co.* (G.%. No. 331-4* 4ul2 4* 1991)
#l &encedor vs. Canlas (44 Phil. 699)
BP vs. 5orester (9 Phil. +43)
Standard 6il Co. o) 7e8 9ork vs. C$o Siong (2 Phil.612)
Municipalit3 o) %emer3 vs. Mendo'a and Blas (4+ Phil.41)
:ise and Co. vs. ;ell3 (3- Phil. 696)
Paci)ic 0obacco Corp. vs. %oren'ana (1$2 Phil. 234)
Reparation Commission vs. 7ort$ern %ines" nc. (34 !C%A 2$3)
7ational Bank vs. #scueta ($ Phil. 991)
0e4as Co." nc. vs. Alonso (-3 Phil. 9$)
Poblete vs. %o Singco (44 Phil. 369)
Pastoral vs. Mutual Securit3 nsurance Corp. (14 !C%A 1$11)
#state o) !emad3 vs. %u'on Suret3 Co. nc. (1$$ Phil. 3++)
Chapter 2. 5##e"ts o# Guarant2 (Arts. 2$+-2$- NCC)
!e"tion 1. 5##e"ts o# Guarant2 )et;een the Guarantor and the Creditor
(Arts. 2$+-2$6 NCC)
:ise 2 Co. vs. 0anglao (63 Phil. 3-2)
Mira !ermanos" nc. vs. Manila 0obaconists" nc. (-4 Phil. 36-)
!e"tion 2. 5##e"ts o# Guarant2 )et;een the .e'tor and the Guarantor
(Arts. 2$66-2$-2 NCC)
0uason" 0uason" nc. vs. Mac$uca (46 Phil. 61)
Saen' vs. 9ap C$uan (16 Phil. -6)
Gid8ani vs. *omestic nsurance Co. o) t$e P$ils. (122 !C%A -32)
;uen'le 2 Strei)) vs. 0an Suico (16 Phil. 6-$)
General ndemnit3 Co." nc. vs. Alvare' (1$$ Phil. 1$9)
!e"tion 3. 5##e"ts o# Guarant2 as )et;een Co-Guarantors
(Arts. 2$-3-2$- NCC)
Chapter 3. 56tin(uishment o# Guarant2 (Arts. 2$-6-2$+1 NCC)
J.&. !ouse vs. *ela Costa (6+ Phil. -42)
P7B vs. Manila Suret3 2 5idelit3 Co." nc. (14 !C%A --6)
#. <obel" nc. vs. CA (29$ !C%A 1)
Chapter 4. ,e(al and 4udi"ial )onds (Arts. 2$+2-2$+4 NCC)
P7B vs. Manila Suret3 2 5idelit3 Co." nc. (supra.)
Chapter 1. Provisions Common to Pled(e and >ort(a(e (Arts. 2$+-2$92 NCC)
*uran vs. AC (13+ !C%A 491)
Arenas vs. Ra3mundo (19 Phil. 46)
Alcantara vs. Alinea (+ Phil. 111)
13 0ong vs. CA (161 !C%A 3+3)
*BP vs. CA (2+4 !C%A 14)
Bustamante vs. Rosel (319 !C%A 413)
Chapter 2. Pled(e (Arts. 2$93-2123 NCC)
9uliongsi vs. P7B (22 !C%A +)
#state o) G. %itton vs. Mendo'a (163 !C%A 246)
Cru' and Serrano vs. C$ua A.!. %ee (4 Phil 1$)
Chapter 3. >ort(a(e (Arts. 2124-2131 NCC)
Soriano vs. Bautista (6 !C%A 946)
Santiago vs. *ionisio (92 Phil. 49)
Rural Bank o) Caloocan" nc. vs. CA (1$4 !C%A 11)
5iestan vs. CA (1+ !C%A -)
*imasacat vs. CA (2- !C%A 1$1)
%im vs. CA (13- !C%A -+2)
Chapter 4. Anti"hresis (Arts. 2132-2139 NCC)
*i'on vs. Gaborro (+3 !C%A 6++)
Chapter . Chattel >ort(a(e (Arts. 214$-2141 NCC)
Belgian Cat$olic Missionaries vs. Magallanes Press (49 Phil. 64-)
2236-22'1 NCC)
Chapter 1. General Provisions (Arts. 2236-224$ NCC)
Chapter 2. Classi#i"ation o# Credits (Arts. 2241-224 NCC)
*e Barretto vs. &illanueva (1 !C%A 2++)
State nvestment !ouse" nc. vs. CA (2-- !C%A 2$9)
%ipana vs. *evt Bank o) Ri'al (14 !C%A 2-)
Chapter 3. &rder o# Pre#eren"e o# Credits (Arts. 2246-221 NCC)
*e Barretto vs. &illanueva (supra.)
P7B vs. %antin (124 !C%A 4-6)
T!E INSOL)ENC LA* (Act N+, 19'6% -s -.e/0e0)
Chapter 1. ?itle and General !u'@e"t o# the A"t (!e"tion 1* A"t No. 196)
Chapter 2. !uspension o# Pa2ments (!e"tions 2-13 A"t No. 196)
Chapter 3. 1oluntar2 /nsolven"2 (!e"tions 14-19* A"t No. 196)
Chapter 4. /nvoluntar2 /nsolven"2 (!e"tions 2$-2+* A"t No. 196)
Chapter . Assi(nees (!e"tions 29-4-* A"t No. 196)
Chapter 6. Classi#i"ation A Pre#eren"e o# Creditors (!e"tions 4+-$* A"t No.196)
Chapter -. Partnerships and Corporations (!e"tions 1-2* A"t No. 196)
Chapter +. Proo# o# .e'ts (!e"tions 3-62* A"t No. 196)
Chapter 9. Compositions (!e"tion 63* A"t No. 196)
Chapter 1$. .is"har(e (!e"tions 64-69* A"t No. 196)
Chapter 11. <raudulent Pre#eren"es and ?rans#ers (!e"tion -$* A"t No. 196)
Chapter 12. Penal Provisions (!e"tion -1* A"t No. 196)
Chapter 13. >is"ellaneous Provisions (!e"tions -2-+2* A"t No. 196)
-nothin( #ollo;s-

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