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Trng thcs Nga


thi chn i tuyn- 1
Hc sinh gii mn ting anh lop 9-
vong 2
Nm hc 2008-2009- 120 phut
I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the othe
1. A. rose B. disclose C. chosen D. whose
2. A. ocean B. decision C. cushion D. patient
3. A. though B. laugh C. cough D. rough
4. A. one B. follow C. horror D. across
5. A. myth B. truth C. both D. northern
II. Choose the best answer from A,B, C or D:
1. han! you "ery much for that# $ %ell& ............
A. you're welcome B. of course C. than! you D. ( don't mind
2. (t's no use..........children.......... )uiet. hey are always noisy.
A. to as! * to !eep B. as!ing *!eeping C. to as! * !eeping D. as!ing *to !eep
3. %e finally................. our teacher to go on a camping trip with us
A. persuaded B. argued C. pleased D. li!ed
4. %ho+s responsible! o"er my boo!.
A. putting B. spreading C. spilling D. pouring
5. ,inda was the last person...... the classroom yesterday
A. lea"e B. to lea"e C. left D. lea"es
-. (f it's raining tomorrow& we shall ha"e to ......... the match till .unday.
A. put away B. put out in C. put off D. put on
/. 0eter will only pass his e1ams if there is a* an 2222in his class wor!.
A. progress B. increase C. rise D. impro"ement.
3. he noise .................. from the boat engine might disturb sea animals.
A. comes B. coming C. came D. has come
III Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meanings:
1. ( should li!e someone to ta!e me out to dinner.
%hat ( should 2222222222222222222222.
2. 4artin may not be "ery well but he still manages to en5oy life.
4artin+s poor 222222222222222222222.
3.hey+ll ha"e to ta!e the dog on holiday with them.
hey can+t lea"e 2222222222222222222..
4.4y aunt got hea"ily stressed because her marriage bro!e up.
he brea!$up of the marriage .................2222222222
5. ( can+t belie"e that he passed the e1am.
( find22222222. 22222..........................................
-. his is the fastest way to get to the city center.
here 22222222222222..........................................222
/.(f anyone succeeds in sol"ing the problems& it will probably be him.
6e is the most 2222222222222222222222
I. Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A,B, C or D:

( had feared that my companion would tal!& but it was soon plain 7r rng) that there
was no such danger. wo days passed during which we did not e1change a single word. 6e
seemed& indeed& absolutely unaware of my presence. 6e neither read nor wrote& but spent
most of his time sitting at the table and loo!ing out of the window across the pleasant
par!land that surrounded the house. 6e sometimes tal!ed to himself and said things half
under his breath. 6e bit his nails and once he produced a pen!nife and dug holes in the
furniture until one of the attendants 7nh8n "i9n: too! it from him. ( thought at first that
perhaps he was mentally ill. During the second day ( e"en began to feel a little ner"ous of
him. 6e was e1tremely large& both broad and tall& with "ery wide shoulders and enormous
hands. 6is huge head was usually sun! low between his shoulders. 6e had dar!& rather
untidy hair and a big shapeless mouth which open "ery now and then. ;nce or twice he
began singing to himself& but bro!e off abruptly 7b<t ng=: on each occasion $ and this was
the nearest he seemed to get to noticing my presence.
By the e"ening of the second day ( was completely unable to go on with my wor!.
;ut of a mi1ture of ner"ousness and curiosity& ( sat& too loo!ing out of my window and
blowing my nose& and wondering how to set about establishing the human contact which
was by now becoming an absolute necessity. (t ended of with my as!ing him for his name.
6e had been introduced to me when he arri"ed& but ( had paid
no attention then. 6e turned towards me a "ery gently pair of dar! eyes and said his name>
6uge Belfounder. 6e added>? ( thought you didn't want to tal!.? ( said that ( was not at all
against tal!ing& that ( had 5ust been rather busy with something when he arri"ed& and (
begged his pardon if ( had appeared rude.
(t seemed to me& e"en from the way he spo!e& that he was not only mentally ill& but
was highly intelligent@ and ( began& almost automatically& to pac! up my papers. ( !new that
from now on ( should do no more wor!. ( was sharing a room with a person of the greatest
. Read the passage and put one suitable word into each gap:

1. 6ow did 6uge spend the first two daysA
A. 6e wor!ed as if the writer was not there.
B. 6e tal!ed and sang to himself from time
to time.
C. 6e spent his time ma!ing holes in the
D. 6e !ept annoying the attendants.
2. ;n the second e"ening the writer
A. tried in "ain to start a con"ersation.
B. was feeling bored.
C. began to fell frightened of his
D. could not concentrate on his wor!.
3. 6uge didn't tal! to the writer at first
A. he didn't realise the writer wished
B. he thought the writer was rude.
C. he was feeling ill.
D. he was too busy.
4. he writer's attitude to 6uge changed
A. fear to ner"ousness.
B. ner"ousness to interest.
C. curiosity to ner"ousness.
D. ner"ousness to unfriendliness.
0eople usually complain that they ne"er ha"e enough time to accomplish tas!s. he hours
71: ................ seem to slip away before many planned chores get done.
72: .................... to time management e1perts& the main reason for this is that most people
fail to set priorities about what to do 73: ................. hey get tied down by tri"ial@ time$
consuming matters and ne"er complete the important ones.
;ne simple solution often used by those at the top 74: ................. to !eep lists of
tas!s to be accomplished daily. hese lists order 5obs from most essential to 75: .................
essential and are chec!ed regularly through the day to access progress. Bot only is this an
effecti"e way to imagine time& but also it ser"es to gi"e indi"iduals a much$deser"ed sense
7-: .................. satisfaction o"er their achie"ements. 0eople 7/: ................. do not !eep
lists often face the end of the wor! with uncertainty o"er the significance of their
accomplishments& which o"er time can contribute to serious problems in mental and
73: .................. health.
I !se the following sets of words or phrases to write complete sentences .
Dear Can &
1. not seen you * long time
2. we * pleased * mo"e * country * because * we * fed * ,ondon.
3. in * city * traffic * noise * no time * rela1.
4. in * country * life * slower * more* peaceful
5. children * en5oy * fresh air * ma!e *new friends
-. people * helpful * !ind * friendly *
/. but *we* do * miss *friends *,ondon * $ especially you
3. come * see * soon .
D. we * loo! * see * again .
4illy & Bob & im and eresa .

II. "very sentence has one mista#e. Correct these nine mista#es:
1. .....................
2. .....................
3. .....................
4. .....................
5. .....................
6. .....................
7. .....................
8. .....................
9. .....................
hirteen$year$olds not spend as much money as their parents
suspect $ at least not according to the findings of a recent sur"ey&
4oney and Charge.
he sur"ey included three hundred teenagers& 13$1/ years old&
from all o"er British.
By the time they reach their teens& most children see its wee!ly
allowance rise dramatically to an amaEing national a"erage of

wo thirds thin! they get enough money& but most e1pect doing
something to get it.
Although they ha"e more cash& worry about debt is increasing
between teenagers.
herefore& the ma5ority of children do an effort to sa"e for the
Greater access to cash among teenagers does not& howe"er& mean
that they are more irresponsible as result.
he economic recession seems to ha"e encouraged cautious
attitudes to money& e"en in the case of children in these ages.
(nstead of wasting what poc!et money they ha"e on sweets or
magaEines& the 13$year$olds too! part in the sur"ey seem to
respond to the situation by sa"ing more than half of their cash.
III. $ill in each gap in the sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters:
1. Alice had a 22222..2 day at wor! and went to bed early. 7 (HI :
2. Jood and clothing are ................................................ of life 7 BICI..AHK :
3. 6is dream is to be an!e his father when he grows up. 7economy:
4. Capan is an 222222222country. 7industry:
5. .he can find no ................................................ to her financial troubles. 7 .;,LI :
-. he instructions are "ery................................ ( am not clear what ( should do.7 confuse:
/. he large dog is perfectly 22222.........and he has ne"er been !nown to attac!
anyone. 7harm:
3. he party is 22.2222& so you don+t ha"e to dress up for it. 7 J;H4 :
D. ra"elling in big cities is becoming more 2222.....22 e"eryday. 7 H;MB,I :
1N.%e should learn all the new words by heart in order to 22..22 our "ocabulary. 7rich:

p n thi s 1
I.1 m 1 5 O 5 4.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 - / 3
1. %hat ( should like is being/ to be taken out to dinner.
2. 4artin+s poor health doesnt / ant pre!ent / stop hi" # $ro" % en&o'ing li$e.
3. hey can+t lea"e their dog behind (hen the' go/are on holida'.
4. he brea!$up of the marriage "ade "' aunt hea!il' stressed.
5. ( find it hard to belie!e that he passed the e)a".
6. here+s no $aster (a' than this to get to the it' enter.
7. 6e is the most likel' person to sueed in sol!ing the proble"s.
1 2 3 4
1> 4(BMI. 5> ,IA.
2> ACC;HD(BG -> ;J
3> J(H. /> %6;
4> (. 3> 06K.(CA,
I 1. %e ha"en't seen you for such a long time .
2. %e're really pleased that we mo"ed to the country because we were getting so fed up
with li"ing in ,ondon.
3. (n the city there was so much traffic and noise and there was no time to rela1.
4. 6ere in the country& life is slower and much more peaceful.
5. he children are en5oying the fresh air and ha"e made a lot of new friends.
-. he people here are helpful !ind and e"er so friendly.
/. But we do miss all our friends in ,ondon& especially you& Can.
3. Do come and see us soon.
D. %e're all loo!ing forward to seeing you again.
1. *+ ,+- spend
2. .ritish - .ritain
3. its -their
4. e)pet -+ do
5. .bet(een -
6. do- 0/23 an
7. result - / result.
8. .in these..- /-
these ..
9.took part - 45+
took part
III. %7 BICI..ities:
3. 7economist:
4. 7industrial:
5. 7 .;,ution :
-.7 confusing:
/. 7harmless:
37inf;H4al :
D.H;MB,Isome :
1. 7enrich:
&' 7 iring :
Trng THCS Nga Thu
26 thi h7 sinh gi8i n9" h7 2008 - 2009 - 2
0:n; -i<ng /nh
h=i gian> 15N phPt 7!hQng !R th=i gian phSt TU:

6V "W t9n> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rX=ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
/. =>+,?,@A/-A+, /,* B->3BB
A. 4hih (ord is stressed di$$erentl' $ro" the othersC #0D5"%
1. A. picnic B. fishing C. arri"e
D. mo"ie
2. A. tomorrow B. badminton C. aerobic
D. usually
3. A. fre)uently B. gymnastic C. ad5ecti"e
D. difference
4. A. acti"ity B. destination C. independent D.
5. A. recycle B. potato C. collection
D. dangerous
AA. 4hih underlined part is pronouned di$$erentl'C #0D5"%
-. A. drop B. 5o!e C. top
D. confidence
/. A. ground B. found C. though
D. sound
3. A. normal B. order C. o"en
D. origin
D. A. honesty B. hair C. honor
D. hour
1N. A. sugar B. steam C. press D.
.. 1>/00/> /,* B->?@-?>3
I( Choose and circle the word )A, B, C or D( that best completes each sentence )*ms(
1. 6urry up& there+s 22 time left.
A. a little B. a few C. little
D. few
2. Jor lunch& you may ha"e YYYYYYYYY fish or chic!en.
A. both B. neither C. not only D.
3. he cler! said she was tired 22 hearing complaints day after day.
A. with B. of C. about D. for
4. Kou and ( are busy right now& 22A
A. aren+t ( B. aren+t we C. we aren+t D. aren+t you
5. %e arri"ed 22 to ha"e some coffee before class.
A. enough early B. early enough C. too early D. early too
-. Z%hat are you doingA[
Z( 22 the flowers. hey 22 wonderful#[
A. am smelling * smell B. smell * smell
C. am smelling * are smelling D. smell * are smelling
/. Do you !now YYYYYYYYY A
A. who how many people go on .undays to church
B. who go to church on .undays how many people
C. how many people who go on .undays to church
D. how many people who go to church on .undays
3. %e watch the cat YYYYYYYY the tree.

A. climbed B. climb C. had climbed D. was
D. (f we had !nown your new address& we YYYYYYYY to see you.
A. came B. will come C. would come D. would ha"e
1N. 6e loo!ed forward to YYYYYYYY his first pay pac!et.
A. recei"e B. ha"e recei"ed C. be recei"ing D.
11. Z,et+s go dancing& YYYYYYYYYA[ \ ZKes& let+s.[
A. won+t we B. don+t we C. do we D. shall
12. ( wish ( YYYYYYYYY all about this matter a wee! ago.
A. !new B. !now C. had !nown
D. B ] C are correct.
13. 6e was YYYYYYYYY he could not wa!e up.
A. "ery tired that B. such tired that C. too tired that D. so tired that
14. Coan as!ed YYYYYYYYY.
A. if there was coffee B. there was coffee
C. was there coffee D. where was the coffee
15. ( YYYY my house YYYY. hat is why there is all this mess.
A. had \ paint B. ha"e \ paint C. am ha"ing \ painted D. had had $ paint
1-. 6e was made YYYYYYYYY for two hours.
A. to wait B. wait C. waiting
D. waited
1/. Z%here are my 5eansA[ Zhey YYYYYYYYY at the moment. .orry.[
A. are washing B. were washed C. are washed D. are being
13. (t too! wee!s to get used to 22 someone else around.
A. ha"e B. ha"ing C. had D. has
1D22 he comes in half an hour& ( shall go alone.
A. (f B. Mnless C. Because D. %hen
ZDid you li!e the new Jrench mo"ieA[
Z4y wife li!ed it but ( was a little 22.[
A. boring B. bored C. boredom D. bore
2N. ( want to ha"e my suit 22 . (+m going to a wedding on .aturday.
A. cleaned B. cleaning C. clean D. to clean
21. 6e turned 22 the light so as not to waste electricity.
A. off B. of C. on D. down
22. 4y father tells me to gi"e 22 smo!ing.
A. up B. off C. of D. out
23. Anne smo!es a lot. 22 .
A. .o her mother does B. .o does her mother
C. Does her mother too D. oo her mother does
24. ( ha"en+t seen Cenny 22 .
A. for a long time B. in the last time C. since long D. lastly
25. Are these the boo!s 22 you ha"e been loo!ing forA

A. which B. who C. whom
D. whose
2-. ^ei!o has _1NN. Betty has _/5. Betty has less money than ^ei!o.
A. more money than B. not as much money as
C. the same money as D. a lot of money
2/. 6a"e you fed the chic!ens yetA
(n the passi"e "oice& this should read>
A. 6as somebody fed the chic!ens yetA
B. 6a"e the chic!ens fed yetA
C. 6a"e the chic!ens been fed yetA
D. 6a"e you had the chic!ens fed yetA
23. nice surprise * recei"e * your letter.
A. to recei"e your letter it is a nice surprise.
B. Hecei"ing your letter it is a nice surprise.
C. (t is a nice surprise to recei"e your letter.
D. (t is a nice surprise when recei"ing your letter.
2D. ( * school * fi"e days * wee! * fa"orite sub5ects * 4ath * Inglish.
A. Despite ( go to school fi"e days a wee! and my fa"orite sub5ects are 4ath and Inglish
B. ( go to school fi"e days a wee! and my fa"orite sub5ects are 4ath and Inglish.
C. ( go to school fi"e days in a wee! so that my fa"orite sub5ects are 4ath and Inglish.
D. ( go to school fi"e days a wee! with my fa"orite sub5ects are 4ath and Inglish.
3N. here * more "isitors * 4arch * April
A. here were more "isitors in 4arch than in April.
B. here were more than "isitors in 4arch and in April.
C. here were as many as "isitors in 4arch and in April.
D. here were "isitors in 4arch more than in April.
II. Identify and circle one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect. )%,+ms(
1. hey as!ed a lot of )uestions& chec!ed their figures& and came up with a best
2. %e will be inter"iewed all 5ob applicants as soon as their papers ha"e been
3. his telephone isn+t as cheap the other one& but it wor!s much better.
4. hat secretary of mine is so efficient that she always amaEes myself with her
5. 4ost students were able of finding good 5obs three to si1 months after
-. %e were made learning fifty new words e"ery wee!.
/. Both cattle or railroads helped build the city of Chicago.
3. 4rs. Adams was surprise that her son and his friend had gone to the
mountains to s!i.

D. he letter was sent by special deli"ery must be important.
1N. .uEy had better to change her study habits if she hopes to be admitted to a
good uni"ersity.
@% 4>A-A,1;
A% ?se the orret (ord $or"; #3"s%
1: 4y new car is more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . than the one ( had before. 7economy:
2: 6e didn't feel happy because he wor!ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7success:
3: 4y colleagues are "ery pleasant& but the manager is a little. . . . . . . . . . . . 7friend:
4: %e must ma!e a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .about where to go. 7decide:
5: ,ucy got . . . . . . . . )uic!ly and went for wor!. 7dress:
-: %e all loo!ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . after the summer holiday. 7health:
/: he children are more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in cartoons. 7interest:
3: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .& the weather was so bad that we couldn+t go out. 7fortune:
D: ( hope there won+t be too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in getting a wor! permit. 7difficult:
1N: hat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has composed a lot of beautiful songs. 7music:
AA% Einish eah o$ the $ollo(ing sentenes in suh a (a' that it "eans e)atl' the sa"e
as the sentenes printed be$ore it #2D5"s%
1: %e arri"ed too late to see the first film.
%e didn+t ...............................................................................................................
2: Z%ould you mind not smo!ing in hereA[
(+d rather ................................................................................................................
3: 6e wrote the letter in two hours.
(t too! ....................................................................................................................
4: Z%hy don+t we go out for a wal!A[
4y father suggested ...................................................................................................
5: (n spite of his age& 4r. Benson runs 3 miles before brea!fast.
hough ..................................................................................................................
AAA% @o"plete the seond sentene so that it has the si"ilar "eaning to the $irst
sentene using the (ord gi!en. *o not hange the (ord gi!en. #2D5"s%
1: (t would be difficult for me to finish the wor! by the wee!end. 7difficulty:
2: Be sure to say goodbye to your grandmother before you lea"e. 7without:
7Be sure not to lea"e without saying goodbye to your grandmother:
3: (f ( don+t lea"e now& (+ll miss the train. 7unless:
4: Kou !now a lot of people. 7seem:
5: an loo!s nothing li!e his father. 7ta!e:
*% >3/*A,1;

A% >ead the $ollo(ing passage and then hoose the (ord #/D .D @ or *% that best
o"pletes eah blank. #3"s%
Z4y home is in the air \ ( do an enormous amount of tra"eling. (t is a fast life and
71: YYYYYY of wor!& but ( li!e it and that is the only way 72: YYYYYY me. I"erything is
tiring \ music& tra"eling \ but what can ( doA ( am not 73: YYYYYY to complaining. (t is hard
to imagine now 74: YYYYYY ( will e"er be "ery long in one place. 4y home town is on the
Caspian .ea. here is sea& wind& sun and 75: YYYYYY 7many tourists and hotels. ( ha"e my
own flat with four or fi"e rooms& but ( am seldom there. (f ( am there for a day or two (
prefer to 7-: YYYYYY with my mother and grandmother. hey li"e in a small house& 7/:
YYYYYY it is "ery comfortable and my mother coo!s for me. ( li!e good& simple food.
( ha"e no wife& no brothers or sisters and my father 73:YYYYYY when ( was se"en. 6e
was an engineer and ( don+t 7D:YYYYYY him "ery well. 6e li!ed music "ery much and
wanted me to 71N: YYYYYY a musician.[
1. A. most B. full C. complete D. more
2. A. for B. to C. in
D. by
3. A. wanted B. ta!en C. used
D. !nown
4. A. and B. so C. while
D. that
5. A. far B. too C. much
D. more
-. A. stay B. go C. do
D. spend
/. A. but B. since C. e"en
D. which
3. A. !illed B. gone C. passed
D. died
D. A. !now B. remember C. remind
D. see
1N. A. become B. turn C. de"elop D. grow
AA% >ead the passage are$ull' and hoose the orret ans(er; #2D5"s%
(n the early years of tele"ision& educational specialists belie"ed that it would
be "ery useful in teaching and learning. 4any schools ha"e brought tele"ision sets&
intending to use them effecti"ely to impro"e the )uality of education@ but actually they are
rarely used properly in classrooms. 4eanwhile& children spending the ma5ority of their out$
of$school hours watching L and their typical school days proceed as if tele"ision did not
here are some e1planations for the failure of tele"ision to get the interest of
the teachers. Jirstly& the schools that purchased tele"ision sets ha"e not set aside money for
e)uipment repairs and maintenance so these tele"ision sets are sooner and later out of
wor!. .econdly these schools ha"e not found an effecti"e way to train teachers to integrate
tele"ision into their ongoing instructional programs. ,astly& most teachers do not regard the
)uality of tele"ision and its usefulness in the classroom.
eachers at the schools wor! hard for at least twel"e years to train their
students to become good readers. 6owe"er& according a recent statistics& teenagers seldom
spend their free time reading boo!s and newspapers but watching tele"ision instead.

1: he te1t is about>
A. the use of tele"ision at schools. B. teaching and learning tele"ision
C. educational specialists. D. watching L outside school.
2: %hen L first appeared& educational specialists . . . . . . . .
A. did not appreciate it.
B. did not appreciate it.
C. belie"ed it would be useful for schooling.
D. banned children from watching L.
3: According to the te1t& L . . . . . . . . .
A. has not been used properly in classrooms.
B. has been used effecti"ely in classrooms.
C. has not e1isted in classrooms.
D. has not attracted students+ interest.
4: here are . . . . . . . . . e1planations for the failure of tele"ision to get the interest of the
A. two B. three C. four D. fi"e
5: Children spend their free time . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. reading boo!s B. reading newspapers.
C. learning foreign languages D. watching L.
$$$$$6I IBD$$$$$
FG= G, HI 5JK,1 *L, @5M0 0N, -AO,1 /,5- 2
/. =>+,?,@A/-A+, /,* B->3BB
I( m,i c-u ./ng ',&.
1C 2A 3B 4A 5D
II( m,i c-u ./ng ',+.
-D /C 3C DB 1NA
.. 1>/00/> /,* B->?@-?>3
(: m`i c8u TPng N&1T
1C 2D 3B 4B 5B -A /D
11D 12C 13D 14A 15C 1-A 1/D 13B 1DB 2NA
21A 22A 23B 24A 25A 2-B 2/C 23C 2DB 3NA
((: m`i c8u TPng N&25T
1D 2A 3A 4C 5C -C /B
@% 4>A-A,1;
I( m,i c-u ./ng ',*.
1$economical 2$unsuccessfully 3$friendly 4$
5$dressed -$healthy /$interested 3$
D$ difficulty 1N$musician

II( m,i c-u ./ng ',+.
1: %e didn+t arri"e early enough to see the first film.
2: (+d rather you didn+t smo!e in here
3: (t too! him 2 hours to write the letter.
4: 4y father suggested we should go out for a while.
going out for a while.
5: hough 4r.Benson is old& 6e runs 3 miles before brea!fast.
III( m,i c-u ./ng ',+.:
1: ( would ha"e difficulty in finishing the wor! by the wee!end.
2: Be sure not to lea"e without saying goodbye to your grandmother.
3: (+ll miss the train unless ( lea"e now.
4: Kou seem to !now a lot of people.
5: an doesn+t ta!e after his father at all.
*% >3/*A,1;
I( m,i c-u ./ng ',*.:
1B 2A 3C 4D 5B -A /A
II( m,i c-u ./ng ',+.
1A 2C 3A 4B 5D
thi Hc inh !ii c"p Huy#n nm hc 2$$%-2$$9- &
Mn thi : 'ing (nh )*p 9
Thi gian lm i: 1!" ph#t
+,i - : Tm t c cch c khc phn gch chn$ %1&! i'm(
1) a* +,ugh-.
/) a* +h-mist
0) a* .,n1t
2) a* l,3-
!) a* ,ught
4) a* a..iti,n
5) a* manag-
6) a* 7,rth
8) a* +,mm,n
1") a* 9am-
* laugh-.
* +h-+:
* ,n-
* +,3-r
* th,ught
* a.3-ntur-
* ag-
* -ight--nth
* +,mma
* +hang-
+* mapp-.
+* +hil.
+* s,l.
+* +,l,r
+* thr,ugh
+* a.3-rtis-
+* mil-ag-
+* path
+* +,mm-r+-
+* +hampagn-
.* 7i+:-.
.* +h--r
.* +,mi+
.* ,3-r
.* ,ught
.* a.3antag-
.* r,ug-
.* 7ith
.* +,m
.* lam-
1) ;;;;; /) ;;;;;$$ 0) ;;;;;; 2) ;;;;;$ !)
4) ;;;;; 5) ;;;;;$$ 6) ;;;;;; 8) ;;;;;$ 1")
+,i -- : Chia ng t$ %0 i'm(
a) < 7as tir-. 7h-n < g,t h,m-$ < %1$ 7,r:( all .a=$

) < %/$ arri3-( in >nglan. in th- mi..l- ,9 ?ul=$ < %0$ - t,l.( that >nglan.
%2$ -( shr,u.-. in 9,g all =-ar r,un.& s, < %!$ -( surpris-. t, @n. that it
7as m-r-l= raining$
+) < %4$ as:( an,th-r pass-ng-r& an >nglishman& a,ut th- 9,g an. h- %5$
sa=( that th-r- %6$n,t -( an= sin+- pr-3i,us A-ruar=$
.) ?,hn an. < 7-nt 9,r a 7al:$ < %8$ ha3-( tr,ul- %1"$ :--p( up 7ith him
-+aus- h- %11$7al:( s, 9ast
-) B= n-Ct ?un- ?,hn %1/$ parti+pat-( in 9,ur Dl=mpi+s$
9) < 7ant t, g-t marri-.& ut < %10$ n,t m--t( th- right p-rs,n =-t$
g) H- ha. +l-arl= --n list-ning t, ,ur +,n3-rsati,n an. < %12$ 7,n.-r(
h,7 mu+h h- %1!$h-ar($ Eh-n < %14$ as:( him 7hat h- %15$ .,(& h- %16$
sa=( that h- %18$ .r,p( a !" pi-+- u,tsi.- th- .,,r an. %/"$ l,,:( 9,r it$
1) ;;;;;;;$ /) ;;;;;;; 0) ;;;;;;;$ 2) ;;;;;$
!) ;;;;;;;$ 4) ;;;;;;; 5) ;;;;;;;$ 6)
8) ;;;;;;$ 1") ;;;;;;$$ 11) ;;;;;;$$$ 1/)
10) ;;;;;;$$$ 12) ;;;;;;$$ 1!) ;;;;;;$$$ 14)
15) ;;;;;;$$$ 16) ;;;;;;$$ 18) ;;;;;;$$$ /")
+,i --- : in gii t $ %1&! i'm(
a) Ehat ., =,u thin: is th- -st s,luti,n ;;%1( th- pr,l-mF
) Th-r- has --n a ig in+r-as- ;;;%/( th- pri+- ;;;$$%0( lan.
+) Gaula is a 7,n.-r9ul ph,t,graph-r$ Sh- li:-s ta:ing pi+tur-s ;;$$%2(
.) Mr Gi:- is a7a= ;;;$$%!( 3a+ati,n this 7--:
-) M= 9ri-n. an. < .isagr--. ;;;;%4( that suH-+t$
9) Chi.r-n r-l= ;;;$$%5( th-ir par-nts ;;;;%6( 9,,. an. sh-lt-r$
g) E- 7-ar sunglass-s t, pr,t-+t ,ur -=-s ;;;$$%8( th- sun$
h) Chil.r-n1s pla= t-a+h-s th-m ;;;%1"( th-ir -n3ir,nm-nt 7hil- th-=
ar- ha3ing 9un$
1) ;;;;;$$ /) ;;;;;$$ 0) ;;;;;$$ 2) ;;;;;$ !)
4) ;;;;;$$ 5) ;;;;;$$ 6) ;;;;;$$ 8) ;;;;;$ 1")
+,i -. : Cho dng ng ca t tong ngo!c$ %/ i'm(
a) I,u n--. t, %1$ ri+h( =,ur 3,+aular= -3-r=.a=$ <t1s g,,. 7a= t,
%/$r,a.( =,ur %0$ :n,7( languag-$
) This %2$ pass( is t,, .iJ+ult 9,r m- t, un.-rstan.$
+) Ehat ar- =,u .,ing this a9t-rn,,n F < thin: <1ll ., s,m- %!$ gar.-n($

.) Th-ir %4$ marr=( 7,ul. %5$ pr,al-( r-a: .,7n s,,n as th-ir %6$
argu-( gra.uall= in+r-as-$
-) < 9--l %8$ h,p-( that 7-1ll @n. a %1"$ suit( h,us- s,,n$
9) Eh-n-3-r th- %11$ rain( s-as,n +,m-s& th-r-1s al7a=s a thi+: %1/$
gr,7( ,9 7--.s in th- gar.-n$
g) Th- +it= pr,3i.-s man= %10$ +ultur-( ,pp,rtuniti-s$ <t has an -C+-ll-nt
art musu-m$ %12$ K..(& it has a @n- s=mph,n= ,r+h-stra$
h) Man= %1!$ 9am-( p-,pl- .i. n,t -nH,= imm-.iat- %14$ su++--.( in
th-ir li3-s$ Kraham Lin+,ln& ,n- ,9 th- %15$ tru-( gr-at pr-si.-nts ,9 th-
MSK ran 9,r puli+ ,J+- /4 tim-s an. l,st 00 ,9 th- -l-+ti,ns$ Th,mas
>.is,n& th- %16 in3-nt( ,9 th- light ul an. ph,n,graph& 7as -li-3-.
= his t-a+h-r t, - t,, stupil t, l-arn$ Kl-rt >ist-in& ,n- ,9 th- gr-at-st
%18$ s+i-n+-( ,9 all tim- p-r9,rm-. a.l= in m,st ,9 high s+h,,l +,ur-s
an. 9ail-. his +,ll-g- %/"$ -nt-r( -Cam$
1) ;;;$$;; /) ;;;$;$; 0) ;;;;;;$ 2) ; ;;$;; !)
4) ;;;;;;5) $;;;;; 6) ;;;;;; 8) ;;;; ;$ 1")
11) ;;;$$;;1/) ;;;$;$ 10) ;;;;;; 12) ;;;$;; 1!)
14) ;;;;; 15) $;;;; 16) ;;;;;; 18) ;;;;;$ /")
+,i . : "i#t $i c% ngh&a kh'ng (i$ %/&! i'm(
1) H- sai. h- 7as n,t guilt= ,9 st-aling th- +ar$
H- .-ni-. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$;;;;$$
/) <s this th- ,nl= 7a= t, r-a+h th- +it= +-ntr-F
<sn1t th-r- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$F
0) H- n-3-r susp-+t-. that th- m,n-= ha. --n st,l-n$
Kt n, tim- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
2) <t1s m= ,pini,n that =,u sh,ul. ta:- m,r- -C-rsis-$
<9 <;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$;;;;;;$$
!) < 7as g,ing t, l-a3-& ut -+aus- ,9 7hat h- sai.& < .i.n1t$
Sh- p-rsua.-. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
4) H- 7as 3-r= s,rr= that h- .i.n1t s-- Kn.r-= ,n h-r trip t, L,n.,n$
H- gr-atl= r-gr-tt-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
5) <t1s th,ught that th- a++i.-nt 7as +aus-. = human -rr,r$
Th- a++i.-nt is ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$;;;;;;;
6) NEill =,u - 3isiting th- TaH Mahal 7h-n =,u g, t, <n.iaFO h- as:-.
H- as:-. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8) N<thin: =,u sh,ul. tr= th- +hi+:-n Mar-ng,&O sai. th- 7ait-r$
Th- 7ait-r r-+,mm-n.-. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
1") This is th- m,st .-li+i,us +a:- < ha3- -3-r tast-.$
< ha3- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$$;$

+,i .- / Chn mt t th)ch h*p in +,o ch- tong on +/n 0a%$
%/ i'm(
a.3antag-s ,th-r .ang-r,us .-str,= 9as+inat-.
g-n-rati,n int-r-st-. m-+hani+al nu+l-ar r-s-ar+h
G-,pl- ar- ;;;%1( = r,,ts$ S,m- ,9 th-m l,,: li:- ;;;$$%/( .,lls
t, pla= 7ith$ M,st ,9 th-m l,,: li:- ,th-r ma+hin-s ,9 t,.a=1s hight
t-+hn,l,g=$ S-ri,us ;;;$$%0( ,n
int-llig-nt r,,ts -gan in th- 184! in s-3-ral +,untri-s$ N,7 7- ar- ,n
th- @9th ;;$$%2( ,9 r,,ts$ Dn- ,9 th- ;;;$%!( ,9 r,,ts is that th-=
+an 7,r: in situati,ns that ar- ;$$;%4( ,r harm9ul 9,r human 7,r:-rs$
A,r -Campl-& th- +,ntinu,s sm-ll ,9 paint has a harm9ul -Q-+t ,n
paint-rs& ut it .,-sn1t ;;;$%5( a r,,t$ R,,ts +an 7,r: in ;;;%6(
p,7-r plants an. in un.-rs-a r-s-ar+h stati,ns that might - .ang-r,us
9,r humans$
1) ;;;;;; /) ;;$$;;;$$ 0) ;$$;;;;; 2) ;;;$;;;;$
!) ;;;;;; 4) ;;;;;; 5) ;;$;;;; 6) ;;;;;;;;

+,i .-- : Tm 12 $-i 0ai tong on +/n 0a% 3i 04a $i cho ng$ %/
Kir p,lluti,n is a +aus- ,9 ill- h-alth in human -ing$ <n a l,t ,9
+,untri-s th-r- ha3- la7s limiting th- am,unt ,9 sm,:- 7hi+h 9a+t,ri-s
+an pr,.u+-$ S-spit- th-r- isn1t -n,ugh in9,rmati,n ,n th- -Q-+ts ,9
sm,:- in asm,sph-r-& .,+t,rs ha3- pr,3-. that air p,lluti,n +aus-s
lung .is-as-s$ Th- gas-s 9r,m th- -Chausts ,9 +ars ha3- als, in+r-asing
air p,lluti,n in m,st +iti-s$ Th- l-a. in p-tr,l pr,.u+ts a p,is,n,us gas
7hi+h ,9t-n +,ll-+ts in us= str--ts surr, = high uil.ings$
Chil.r-n 7h, li3- in ar-as that th-r- is a l,t ,9 l-a. in th- asm,sph-r-
+ann,t thin: as Tui+: as ,th-r +hil.r-n an. ar- +lums= 7h-n th-= us-
th-m han.s$ Th-r ar- ,th-r l,ng-t-rm aQ-+ts ,9 p,lluti,n$ <9 th- gas-s in
th- asm,sph-r- +,ntinu- t, in+r-as-& th- -arth1s +limat- ma= -+,m-
7arm-st$ K l,t ,9 th- i+- n-ar th- G,l-s ma= m-lt an. ma= +aus- s-ri,us
1) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
0) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
!) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
5) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 6) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
8) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
+,i .--- : 56p 7#p nh8ng t 0a% th,nh c%9 th:m d;% ph<=>9? n#% cn
thi#t @ %/ i'm(
1$ 7h, is ) s-nt m- ) m= 9ath-r ) t, H, Chi Minh Cit= ) ,n a usin-ss trip )
this pr-s-nt ) all this 7--:$
/$ l-n.) t, - +ar-9ul) =,u) <) m= m,t,ri:-) pr,mis-) unl-ss) =,u) 7,n1t$
0$ par-nts) m= +lassmat-s) Hust m-t) th- stu.-nt) ,n-) =,u) 7h,s-) is in )
,9 $
2$ li:-l=) ha3- t,) a .a=) it1s) 9,ur h,urs ) 7ill that) ,nl=) p-,pl-) 7,r:$

!$ ta:-) spar- ti+:-t) i9 ) < 7,ul. ) < ha. ) a ) t, th- +,n+-rt) =,u$
4$ 7ith =,u) m= an:l- ) < 7,ul.) < ha.n1t ) i9 ) ha3- ) t7ist-. ) 7al:$
5$ th- ,,: ) =,u ) 9,r m-) ta:ing) 7,ul.) t, th- lirar=) min. ) a+:F
6$ sp,t) th- a++i.-nt) is ) happ-n-.) th- aCa+t) this ) 7h-r-$
8$ ans7-ring ) again an. again) tir-.) his )7-) ,9 Tu-sti,ns) g,t$
1"$ stu.-nts) .uring) suits) this H,) 7h,) h,li.a=s) t, 7,r:) 7ant$
1) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
/) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
0) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
2) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
!) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
4) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
5) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
6) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
8) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
1") ;;;;;;;;;;;;$$;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
+,i -0 : Chn p n ng$ %1&! i'm(
1) Vi-tnam1s p,pulati,n ;;;;$ 6" milli,n in /""2 $
a* r-.u+-. * in+r-as-. +* r-a+h-.
.* r,s-
/) Th- air;;;;$$ th- -arth is -+,ming thinn-r$
a* surr, * r, +* in3,l3ing
.* U,ating
0) ;;;$$$ -n-rg= is th- -nrg= that 7- g-t 9r,m th- sun
a* 7in. * +* h=.r,
.* s,lar
2) Th- sun is man= tim-s ;;;; th- -arth$
a* igg-r than * igg-r +* as ig
.* ig as
!) M-r+ur= is th- small-st am,ng th- plan-ts ;;;;$ th- sun$
a* ,9 * 9,r +* 7ith
.* ,n
4) ;;;;;$ a :in. ,9 -3-rlasting -n-rg=& s,lar -n-rg= ma= - th-
s,lluti,n t, ,ur +risis
a* B-+aus- * Sin+- +* Ks
.* Eith
5) Stu.-nts ;;;$ uni3-rsiti-s ma= ha3- man= .iJ+ulti-s in
g,,. stu.= m-th,.$
a* -nt-r * -nt-ring +* that -nt-r
.* 7h, -nt-r
6) =,ur h,us- has ;;;; ni+- 9urnitur-$
a* su+h * su+h a +* s,
.* t,7ar.s
8) ;;;;$ tir-.& < 7-nt t, a. -arl=$
a* T, 9--l * A-lt +* A--ling
.* Ha3ing
1") I,u har.l= -3-r -li-3- him an. ;;;;;;;

a* s, ., < * n-ith-r ., < +* < ., -ith-r
.* < -li-3- him
1) ;;;;; /) ;;;;; 0) ;;;;; 2) ;;;;;; !)
4) ;;;;; 5) ;;;;; 6) ;;;;; 8) ;;;;;; 1")
+,i 0 : c on +/n 9dAng t g*i B +i#t c% hCi 3i tD $Ei thFo ni d%ng $
%/ i'm(
MN<C>A& th- Mnit-. Nati,n Chil.r-n1s Aun& s-r3- th- +hil.r-n ,9 th-
7,rl.$ <t s-r3-s +hil.r-n ,9 all ra+-s& nati,naliti-s& r-ligi,ns& an. p,liti+al
s=st-rm in m,r- than 1"" .-3-l,ping +,untri-s$ <ts purp,s- is t, h-lp
pr,3i.- a -tt-r li9- 9,r +hil.r-n an. th-ir m,th-rs$ <t gi3-s ,th l,ng-
t-rm assistan+- an. -m-rg-n+= h-lp$ This pr,gram is 3-r= n-+-ssar=$
T,.a= 6"" milli,n humans li3- in +,.iti,n ,9 p,3-rt= an. h,p-l-ssn-ss$
T7,-thir.s ,9 th-m ar- +hil.r-n an. m,th-rs ,9 small +hil.r-n$ A,ur-
@9ths ,9 th-s- +hil.r-n ha3- n, r-gular h-alth s-r3i+-s$ Nin- ,ut ,9 t-n
ar- n,t pr,t-+t-. against +hil.h,,. .is-as-s$ Dn- hun.r-. mill,n ., n,t
ha3- -n,ugh ,9 th- right 9,,.s$ M,st ,9 th- .rin: impur- 7at-r$ Mnsa9-
7at-r is ,n- ,9 th- r-as,n mill,ns ,9 p-,pl- .i- -3-r= =-ar$
1) MN<C>A ) s-r3-) +hil.r-n ,9 all r-ligi,ns) .-3-l,ping +,untri-sF
/) Ehat) MN<C>A1S purp,s-F
0) H,7 man= p-,pl- in th- 7,rl. t,.a=li3-) p,,r an. h,p-l-ss
2) Ehat ) ,n- ,9 th- r-as,ns mill,ns,9 p-,pl- .i- -3-r= =-arF
3p 3n v, 4iu im-PQ 3
Bi<: 1" C "&1! W 1&!
1) . /) a 0) . 2) . !) +
4) + 5) . 6) . 8) . 1")+
Bi <<: /" C "&1! W 0
1) ha. --n 7,r:ing /) arri3-. 0) ha. --n t,l. 2) 7as
!) 7as 4) as:-. 5) sai. 6) ha.n1t --n
8) ha. 1") :--ping 11) 7as 7al:ing 1/) 7ill ha3- parti+ipat-.

10) ha3-n1t m-t 12) 7,n.-r-. 1!) ha. h-ar. 14) as:-.
15) 7as .,ing %ha. --n .,ing( 16) sai. 18) ha. .r,pp-.
/") 7as l,,:ing %ha. --n
Bi <<<: 1" C "&1! W 1&!
1) t, /) in 0) ,9 2) ,9 !) ,n 4) a,ut 5) ,n 6) 9,r 8) 9r,m 1") a,ut
Bi <V: /" C "&1 W /
1) -nri+h /) r,a.-n 0) :n,7l-.g- 2) passag- !) gar.-ning
4) marriag- 5) pr,al= 6) argum-nts 8) h,p-9ul 1") suital-
11) rain= 1/) gr,7th 10) +ultural 12) K..iti,nall= 1!) 9am,us
14) su++-ss 15) trul= 16) in3-nt,r 18) s+i-ntists /") -ntran+-
Bi V: 1" C "&/! W /&!
1) H- .-ni-. 9,r st-aling %ha3ing st,l-n( th- +ar) that h- ha. st,l-n th-
/) <sn1t th-r- %an,th-r 7a=) s,m- ,th-r 7a=) an= ,th-r 7a=(%t,) t,
r-a+h) r-a+hing( th- +it= +-ntr-$
0) Kt n, tim- .i. h- susp-+t %that( th- m,n-= ha. --n st,l-n) s,m-,n-
ha. st,l-n th- m,n-=$
2) <9 < 7-r- =,u& <1. ta:- m,r- -C-r+is-$
!) Sh- p-rsua.-. m- n,t t, l-a3-$
4) H- gr-atl= r-gr-tt-. n,t s--ing Kn.r-= ,n h-r trip t, L,n.,n$
5) Th- a++i.-nt is th,ught t, ha3- --n +aus-. = human -rr,r$
6) H- as:-. >liPa-th i9 sh- 7,ul. - 3isiting th- TaH Mahal 7h-n sh-
8) Th- 7ait-r r-+,mm-n.-. us t, tr=) that 7- sh,ul. tr= ;$$
1") < ha3- n-3-r tast-. su+h a .ili+i,us +a:-
Bi V<: 6 C "&/! W /
1) 9as+inat-. /) m-+hani+al 0) r-s-ar+h 2) g-n-rati,n
!) a.3antag-s 4) .ang-r,us 5) ,th-r 6) nu+l-ar
Bi V<<: 1" C "&/ W /
1) ha3- -X ar- /) S-spit--X Klth,ugh
0) in+r-asing-X in+r-as-. 2) pr,.u+ts -X pr,.u+-s
!) surr, -X surr,un.-. 4) that -X 7h-r-
5) Tui+:-X Tui+:l= 6) th-m -X th-ir
8) aQ-ts-X -Q-+ts 1") 7arm-st-X 7arm-r
Bi V<<<: 1" C "&/ W /
1) M= 9ath-r& 7h, is ,n a usin-ss trip t, HCM +it= all this 7--: s-nt m-
this pr-s-nt$
/) < 7,n1t l-n. =,u m= m,t,ri:- unl-ss =,u pr,mis- t, - +ar-9ul$

0) Th- stu.-nt 7h,s- par-nts =,u Hust m-t is ,n- ,9 m= +lassmat-s$
2) <t1s li:-l= that p-,pl- 7ill ha3- t, 7,r: ,nl= 9,urs h,urs a .a=$
!) <9 < ha. a spar- ti+:-t& < 7,ul. ta:- =,u t, th- +,n+-rt$
4)< 7,ul. ha3- 7al:-. 7ith =,u i9 < ha.n1t t7ist-. m= an:l-$
5) E,ul. =,u min. ta:ing th- ,,: a+: t, th- lirar= 9,r m-$
6) This is th- aCa+t sp,t 7h-r- th- a++i.-nt happ-n-.$
8) E- g,t tir-. ,9 ans7-ring his Tu-sti,ns agin an. again$
1") Th- ?, suits stu.-nts 7h, 7ant t, 7,r: .uring h,li.a=$
Bi <Y: 1" C "&1! W 1&!
1) + /) a 0) . 2) a !) a 4) . 5) a 6) a 8) + 1") a
Bi Y: 6 C "&/! W /
1) S,-s MN<C>A s-r3- +hil.r-n ,9 all r-ligi,ns in .-3-l,ping +,untri-s F
I-s& it .,-s
/) Ehat is MN<C>A1S purp,s-F
<ts purp,s- is t, h-lp pr,3i.- a -tt-r li9- 9,r +hil.r-n an. th-ir
0) H,7 man= p-,pl- in th- 7,rl. t,.a= li3- in p,,r an. h,p-l-ss
6"" milli,n p-,pl- .,
2) Ehat is ,n- ,9 th- r-as,n milli,ns ,9 p-,pl- .i- -3-r= =-ar$
Th-= .rin: impur- 7at-r ) unsa9- 7at-r$
thi hZ+ sinh gi[i- 2
Mn Knh 8 - Thi gian 4" ph#t
i$ tr\+ nghi]m >G iHm?
1$ <9 H,a ^^^^ ri+h& sh- 7,ul. tra3-l ar,un. th- 7,rl.$
K$ is B$ 7as C$ 7-r- S$ --n
/$ Ba ^^^^ a n-7 i+=+l- r-+-ntl=$
K$ ,ught B$ u=ing C$ u= S$ has ,ught
0$ Nam ^^^^ sp-a:s Chin-s- ut als, sp-a:s ?apan-s-$
K$ n,t ,nl= B$ s, C$ ,nl= S$ +an
2$ <t is raining 3-r= har. ^^^^ 7- +an_t g, +amping$
K$ s, B$ s, that C$ m,r- ,3-r S$ h,7-3-r
!$ Miss H,a ^^^^ sing 3-r= 7-ll is Nam_s m,th-r$
K$ 7hi+h B$ 7h,m C$ 7h, S$ 7h-r-
4$ Hung -nH,=s ^^^^ @shing an. ,ating$
K$ t, g, B$ g, C$ g,ing S$ 7-nt
5$ Sh- as:-. m- 7h-r- < ^^^^ 9r,m$
K$ +,m- B$ +,ming C$ +am- S$ t, +,m-
6$ Th- K, Sai is th- tra.iti,nal .r-ss ,9 ^^^^^^ 7,m-n$
K$ Chin-s- B$ Vi-tnam-s- C$ ?apan-s- S$ >nglish
8$ Sh- l,3-s t, 7at+h th- star ^^^^ night$
K$ in B$ at C$ ,n S$ 9r,m
1"$ E- must @nish ,ur pr,H-+t ^^^^^$
K$ ,n tim- B$ in tim- C$ =-st-r.a= S$ tim-

ii$ Ch, .`ng #ng +aa bng tc tr,ng ng,d+ >G iHm?
1$ < %n,t)-at( an= thing =-st-r.a= -+aus- < %n,t)9--l( hungr=$
/$ Th- glass-s l,,: 3-r= +l-an$ ^^^^ =,u %7ash( th-m F
0$ Eh= ^^^^ L,ng %n,t) 7ant( t, pla= s,++-r last sun.a= F
2$ < .,n_t :n,7 Hung_s sist-r$ < %n-3-r)m--t( h-r$
!$ <9 m,r- an. m,r- tr--s %.i-(& th- +limat- %+hang-($
4$ Ehat sh- %.,( i9 it rains F
5$ < li:- %pla=( s,++-r ,n sun.a=$
6$ H,a pr-9-r %list-n( t, musi+ t, 7at+hing T$V$
iii$ Viet l`i +fu sau sa, +h, nghga :hng hi >G iHm?
1$ Th-= ha3- 9,un. ,il in th- Kntar+ti+$
Dil ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
/$ S,m- ,n- ga3- Mar= this pr-s-nt an h,ur ag,$
0$ Th-= t,l. m- that ,ur t-a+h-r 7as si+:$
< ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$$
2$ Lan has t, sta= in -. -+aus- sh- is si+:$
Sh- 7ish-s ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
!$ Sh- 7-nt t, s+h,,l = i+=+l-$
4$ Last 7--: m= +lass t,,: a us t, th- +,untr=si.-$
Last 7--: m= +lass ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5$ This i+=+l- is m,r- -Cp-nsi3- than that ,n-$
That i+=+l- is ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
6$ iH,7 ,9t-n ., =,u 7ant th- r-ntFi Nam as:-.$
Nam as:-. h-r ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 iS,-s th- Uat ha3- +-ntral h-atingFi$
Sh- as:-. m- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$
1"$ Has s,m- ,n- r-pair-. this t-l-ph,n- F
Has this t-l-ph,n- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$F
i3$ in giji tc 3, ++ +hk trng >G iHm?
1$ Mr Thanh l-a3-s Ha N,i ^^^ / p$m$
/$ H- arri3-s in Singap,r- ^^^ M,n.a= -3-ning$
0$ Dn tu-s.a= m,rning& th-r- is a m--ting ^^^ 11 a$m an. 1 p$m$
2$ Mr Thanh has app,intm-nts ^^^ 1" p$m$
!$ H- r-turns t, th- h,t-l ^^^ 11 p$m$
4$ E- 7al: ^^^ hal9 an h,ur t, r-a+h th- 7at-r9all$
5$ Th-= plann-. , ha3- th- trip ^^^ ?un-$
6$ Sh- l,3-s t, 7at+h th- stars ^^^ night$
8$ l,,. =- m S-- =,u ^^^ M,n.a=$
1"$ Th- us +,ll-+t us ^^^ th- m,rning$
3$ Z+ ,`n 3nn sau$ in 3, +hk trng ong nhpng tc sau >G iHm?

nFI0papF adio T@" IFJ0itF
magaKinF0 Fmai$0 inLomation chat0 nFI0
Th-r- ar- 9,ur p-,pl- in m= 9amil=$ >a+h ,9 us has a .iQ-r-nt
h,=$ M= .a. li:-s ^%1(^ h- +an g-t th- lat-st ^%/(^ -3-r=
m,rning$ H,7-3-r m= m,m -nH,=s 7at+hing ^%0(^ an. ^%2(^$
M,m ,9t-n sp-n.s h,urs arti+l-s a,ut 9ashi,n an. +,,:ing$
Mnli:- m= m,m an. .a.& m= r,th-r ,nl= l,3-s -Cpl,ring ^%!(^ a,ut
airplan-s$ H- sp-n.s m,st ,9 his 9r--tim- g-tting ^%4(^ a,ut th- hist,r=
an. .-3-l,pm-nt ,9 air+ra9t$ H- als, 7rit-s ^%5(^ ,r ^%6(^ 7ith his 9ri-n.s
a,ut his h,=$ A,r m-& < am r-all= int-r-st-. in list-ning t, musi+$ <
l,3- list-ning t, musi+ ,n th- AM ^%8(^ < als, li:- musi+ ^%1"(^ ,n T$V ,n
sun.a=s$ Ehat a,ut =,u F Ehat is =,ur h,= F
1( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
0( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 8(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
!( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
p n thi hZ+ sinh gi[i- 2
Mn Knh 8
i$ tr\+ nghi]m >G iHm?
Mki q #ng "&2 i'm
1$ C /$ S 0$ K 2$ K !$ C
4$ C 5$ C 6$ B 8$ B 1"$ K
ii$ Ch, .`ng #ng +aa bng tc tr,ng ng,d+ >G iHm?
M-i ng t ng 29G iHm
1$ .i.n_t -at ;;$ .i.n_t 9--l ;;;
/$ Ha3- =,u 7ash-. ;;;;;;F
0$ Eh= .i.n_t L,ng 7ant ;;;;$F
2$ ha3- n-3-r m--t ;;;;;;$$
!$ .i- ;;;;$7ill +hang- ;;;$
4$ 7hat 7ill sh- ., ;;;;;;;F
5$ pla=ing
6$ list-ning
iii$ Viet l`i +fu sau sa, +h, nghga :hng hi >G iHm?
1$ Dil ha3- --n 9,un. in th- Kntar+ti+$
/$ Mar= 7as gi3-n this pr-s-nt an h,ur ag,$
0$ < 7as t,l. that ,ur t-a+h-r 7as si+:$
2$ Sh- 7ish-s sh- 7-r-n_t si+:$

!$ Sh- r,.- a i:- t, s+h,,l$
4$ Last 7--: m= +lass 7-nt t, th- +,untr=si.- = us$
5$ That i+=+l- isn_t as -Cp-nsi3- as this ,n-$
6$ Nam as:-. h-r h,7 ,9t-n sh- 7ants th- r-nt$
8$ Sh- as:-. m- i9 th- Uat ha. th- +-ntral h-ating$
1"$ Has this t-l-ph,n- --n r-pair-.F
i3$ in giji tc 3, ++ +hk trng >G iHm?
1$ at /$ ,n 0$ -t7--n 2$ at !$ at
4$ 9,r 5$ in 6$ at 8$ ,n 1"$ in
3$ Z+ ,`n 3nn sau$ in 3, +hk trng ong nhpng tc sau >G iHm?
1@ nFI0papF N@ nFI0 O@ T@" G@ magaKinF0 P@ IFJ0itF
Q@ inLomation R@ Fmai$0 S@ chat0 T@ adio 12@pogam
thi hZ+ sinh gi[i -Nnm hZ+ :/""6-/""8 - !
<$ 567N8N9-('-7N : %1"pts(
K$ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced
diferently from the others:
1$ K$ +ar,l B$ hait C$ graP- S$ mat+h
/$ K$ s,un. B$ s,uth-rn C$ .r,ught S$
0$ K$ h-a.a+h- B$ +hara+t-r C$ st,ma+h S$
2$ K$ pl,ughs B$ +,nta+ts C$ st,ps S$ tal:s
!$ K$ 9a+-. B$ 7i+:-. C$ @C-. S$ 7rapp-.
B$ Choose the word that has the stress pattern diferent from
the others:
4$ K$ .-p,sit B$ 9-sti3al C$ institut- S$ r-si.-nt
5$ K$ a+ti3it= B$ -l-+tri+it= C$ simpli+it= S$ p,lluti,n
6$ K$ a+hi-3-m-nt B$ -Cp-rim-nt C$ -Cplanati,n S$ .is+,3-r=
8$ K$ surprising B$ ast,nishing C$ amaPing S$
1"$ K$ int-r3i-7 B$ in.ustr= C$ -ss-ntial S$
<<$ :8)'-5); 9H7-9; : %/"pts(
Choose the word or phrase that best fts each of the blank

1$ Mil: ,ttl-s +an - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a9t-r -ing +l-an-.$
K$ r-+=+l-. B$ r-us-. C$ r,:-n S$ r-.u+-.
/$ <t 7as raining h-a3il= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^7- arri3-. h,m-$
K$ 7hil- B$ until C$ -+aus- S$ 7h-n
0$ Sh- as:-. m- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^< li:-. -ating +h,+,lat-s$
K$ i9 B$ an. C$ that S$ ut
2$ I,u l,,: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^than last =-ar$
K$ mu+h tall B$ m,r- tall C$ mu+h tall-r S$ m,r-
!$ Ehat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a.3i+- sh- ga3- us m
K$ s, g,,. B$ su+h g,,. C$ a g,,. S$ g,,.
4$ M= .,g as 7-ll as m= +ats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^t7i+- a .a=$
K$ -at B$ -ats C$ has -at-n S$ ha3-
5$ Eh-n < +am- int, th- +lass& < r-aliP-. < :n-7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$
K$ th-m all B$ all th-m C$ th-= all S$ all ,9 th-=
6$ S, it right n,7& ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ F
K$ ., =,u B$ ar-n1t =,u C$ 7ill =,u S$ .,n1t =,u
8$ E- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^9,r h-r 9,r t-n minut-s$
K$ 7ait B$ 7ait-. C$ ar- 7aiting S$ ha3- --n 7aiting
1"$ His 9ath-r is n,t int-r-st-. in t-nnis an. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$
K$ h- .,-sn1t& -ith-r B$ s, .,-sn1t h-
C$ n-ith-r .,-s h- S$ n-ith-r is h-
11$ Th- littl- girl 7ast-. hal9 an h,ur ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^9,r h-r pi+tur-
K$ l,,: B$ l,,:ing C$ t, l,,: S$ l,,:-.
1/$ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.,-s it ta:- =,u t, ., th- 7ashing F
K$ H,7 9ast B$ Ehat tim- C$ H,7 l,ng S$ H,7
10$ I,ur hair is l,ng$ Kr- =,u g,ing t, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ F
K$ ha3- it +ut B$ ha3- +ut it C$ - +utting it S$ ha3- it
12$ E,ul. =,u li:- t-a ,r +,Q--F r < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.rin: t-a than
K$ 7,ul. li:- B$ 7,ul. pr-9-rC$ 7,ul. rath-rS$ 7,ul. 7ish
1!$ <t is high tim- =,u ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m,r- att-nti3- in +lass$
K$ ar- B$ 7-r- C$ must - S$ ha3-
14$ H- 7as ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^that 7- turn-. ,Q th- TV s-t
K$ s, a. sing-r B$ su+h a. sing-r C$ su+h a. a sing-rS$ s,
a. a sing-r
15$ < 7ish =,u ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^thatm <t1s r-all= ann,=ing hait$
K$ 7,n1t ., B$ +,ul.n1t ., C$ 7,ul.n1t ., S$ .,n1t .,
16$ N<1m s,rr= a,ut thatmO r N^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mO
K$ That1s right B$ D9 +,urs- C$ <t1s Ds S$ I,u1r-

18$ N,t until /""6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a+r,ss th- ri3-r$
K$ th- @rst ri.g- 7as uilt B$ th- @rst ,9 a ri.g-
C$ uilt th- @rst ri.g- S$ 7as th- @rst ri.g- uilt
/"$ >C+us- m-m <1m l-arning m= l-ss,n$ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^turning
=,ur st-r-, a it F
K$ E,ul. =,u pl-as- B$ E,ul. =,u min.
C$ C,ul. =,u S$ E,ul. =,u li:-
<<<$ 56;57-'-7N: %1"pts(
Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition:
1$ <t1s 3-r= .iJ+ult t, @n. 7,r: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^th- m,m-nt$
/$ This s-r3i+- is 9r-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+harg-$
0$ <n man= 7a=s =,u ta:- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^=,ur m,th-r$
2$ This +,mput-r is still ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^guarant--$
!$ M,n-= is n,t -ss-ntial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^happin-ss$
4$ Sh- is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^9ar th- -st t-a+h-r < ha3- -3-r ha.$
5$ Gar-nts ar- naturall= anCi,us ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^th-ir +hil.r-n$
6$ <1m sur- =,u 7ill su++--. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this -ntran+- t-st$
8$ E- tr= t, pr-3-nt p-,pl- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^litt-ring$
1"$ <1m g,ing t, +,mplain t, th- prin+ipal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this$
<V$ <76= >76:: %1"pts(
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in
1$ H- tr-at-. th-m 7ith ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$ %g2n2?ous(
/$ H,7 man= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-nt-r-. th- ra+- F %comp2t2(
0$ <9 =,u ar- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^7ith ,ur s-r3i+-& pl-as- 7rit- t, th-
manag-r$ %satis@y(
2$ H- .ri3-s s, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^that h- ,9t-n has a++i.-nts$
!$ Al,7-rs ar- ,9t-n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= --s as th-= gath-r
n-+tar$ %@2?til2(
4$ < thin: th-s- thin +l,th-s ar- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^9,r +,l. 7-ath-r$
5$ Th- +,mput-r is ,n- ,9 th- m,st mar3-l,us ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^in
,ur m,.-rn ag-$ %inv2nt(
6$ Sh- is al7a=s 7,rri-. a,ut h-r +hil.r-n1s ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$
8$ H- 7as :-pt in th- h,spital ,3-rnight as a
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m-asur-$ %p?2caution(

1"$ H,us-7,r: has ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--n r-gar.-. as
7,m-n1s 7,r:$ %t?aAition(
V$ ;6676 -=;N'->-9('-7N: %1"pts(
Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting:
1$ E,ul. =,u li:- m- h-lping =,u 7ith =,ur h,m-7,r: F
/$ M-at must :--p in a r-9rig-rat,r ,r it 7ill sp,il$
0$ Th-r- is a +at sitting in th- mi..l- t, th- r,a.$
2$ T,m is al7a=s 9,rg-t his :-=s an. that r-all= ann,=s m-$
!$ Sh- sp-n.s h-r 9r-- tim- t, 3isit gall-ri-s an. mus-ums$
4$ Dur t-a+h-r t,l. that th- sun al7a=s ris-s in th- -ast$
5$ Sh- ha. th- gar.-n-r t, plant s,m- tr--s$
6$ C,m- up t, m= pla+- an. 7- 7ill .is+uss it$
8$ H- has r-p-at-. urg-. th- g,3-rnm-nt t, ., s,m-thing a,ut this$
1"$ < ha3- t, 9-t+h th- :i.s at s+h,,l at 2 ,1+l,+:$
V<$ Choose the best option to fll in each of the blanks to make a
meaningful passage: %1"pts(
C,mput-rs %1(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^an imp,rtant part in ,ur li9-
n,7a.a=s$ <t1s %/(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^t, +arr= ,n ,ur 7,r: 7ith,ut
+,mput-rs$ A,r -Campl-& %0(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ar- n-+-ssar= in a
uni3-rsit= lirar=$ Kll th- %2(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^n,rmall= 9,un. in a
lirar= is n,7 %!(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^in +,mput-rs$ This is 3-r=
%4(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^9,r stu.-nts -+aus- th-= +an
%5(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m-ssag-s an. r-+-i3- in9,rmati,n
%6(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ha3ing t, l-a3- th-ir +,mput-rs$ K++-ss
%8(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a +,mput-r has n,7
%1"(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^stu.-nts1 n--.$
1$ K$ ., B$ ma:- C$ ha3- S$ pla=
/$ K$ -as= B$ .iJ+ult C$ -C+iting S$ imp,rtant
0$ K$ ,,:s B$ things C$ +,mput-rs S$ m-ssag-s
2$ K$ in9,rmati,n B$ 7,r: C$ li9- S$ -3-nt
!$ K$ :-pt B$ st,r-. C$ put S$ ma.-
4$ K$ .iJ+ult B$ +,m9,rtal- C$ suital- S$

5$ K$ r-+-i3- B$ s-n. C$ gi3- S$ 7rit-
6$ K$ an. B$ ut C$ 7ith,ut S$ n,t
8$ K$ t, B$ in C$ ,9 S$ 7ith
1"$ K$ -+am- B$ -+,m-s C$ -+,ming S$
V<<$ Complete the passage with ONE suitable word in each space :
Th- @rst Dl=mpi+ lam-s 7-r- in lr--+- in 554 BC$
%1(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7as ,nl= ,n- -3-nt$ G-,pl- ran a ra+- th-
l-ngth ,9 th- %/(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$ Th- lam-s
%0(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^,n- .a=$
Sl,7l= p-,pl- a..-. m,r- %2(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$ Th- lam-s
7-r- ,nl= 9,r %!(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$ Kn. 7,m-n +,ul. n,t -3-n
7at+h th-m$ Dnl= lr--:s %4(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$ Th-= +am-
%5(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^all parts ,9 th- lr--: 7,rl.$ Th- tim- ,9 th-
lam-s 7as a tim- ,9 p-a+-& an. th- g,3-rnm-nt
%6(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-3-r=,n- tra3-l sa9-l=$ sings +,mp-t-.
%8(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +,mm,n p-,pl-$ Th- 7inn-rs -+am-
V<<<$ ;N';N9; '6(N>76:('-7N: %/"pts(
ewrite the sentences so that they mean almost the same as
those printed before them:
1$ Sh- sp-a:s >nglish 7-ll$
Sh- is a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/$ < ha3-n1t s--n th-m 9,r a l,ng tim-$
<t1s ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
0$ Mai is -tt-r at >nglish than Lan$
Lan .,-sn1t ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2$ Eh= .,n1t =,u as: h-r =,urs-l9 F
< sugg-st ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
!$ E- l-9t Tui-tl= s, that 7- 7,ul.n1t .istur th- +hil.r-n$
S, as^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4$ Ehat a pit= < .,n1t ha3- a lapt,p$
< 7ish ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
5$ I,u sh,ul.n1t t,u+h that s7it+h$
<9 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6$ Th- 9urnitur- 7as t,, ,l. t, :--p$
<t 7as ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
8$ G-,pl- sa= 9,,tall is th- -st gam- t, pla=$
A,,tall ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1"$ NCan =,u ., m- a 9a3,r FO sh- sai. t, m-$
Sh- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

=3p 3n thi sB C
<$ 567N8N9-('-7N %1"pts(
K$ 1$ C$ graP- B$ 4$ K$ .-p,sit
/$ B$ s,uth-rn 5$ B$ -l-+tri+it=
0$ C$ +hall-nging 6$ C$ -Cplanati,n
2$ K$ pl,ughs 8$ S$ int-r-sting
!$ B$ 7i+:-. 1"$ C$ -ss-ntial
<<$ :8)'-5); 9H7-9; %/"pts(
1$ B$ r-us-. 11$ B$ l,,:ing
/$ S$ 7h-n 1/$ C$ H,7 l,ng
0$ K$ i9 10$ K$ ha3- it +ut
2$ C$ mu+h tall-r 12$ C$ 7,ul. rath-r
!$ S$ g,,. 1!$ B$ 7-r-
4$ B$ -ats 14$ S$ s, a. a sing-r
5$ K$ th-m all 15$ C$ 7,ul.n1t .,
6$ C$ 7ill =,u 16$ C$ <t1s Ds
8$ S$ ha3- --n 7aiting 18$ S$ 7as th- @rst ri.g- uilt
1"$ S$ n-ith-r is h- /"$ B$ E,ul. =,u min.
<<<$ 56;57-'-7N %1"pts(
1$ at 4$ =
/$ ,9 5$ 9,r
0$ a9t-r 6$ in
2$ un.-r 8$ 9r,m
!$ t, 1"$ a,ut
<V$ <76= >76: %1"pts(
1$ g-n-r,sit= 4$ unsuital-
/$ +,mp-tit,rs 5$ in3-nti,ns
0$ .issatis@-. 6$ sa9-t=
2$ +ar-l-ssl= 8$ pr-+auti,nar=
!$ 9-rtiliP-. 1"$ tra.iti,nall=
V$ ;6676 -=;N'->-9('-7N %1"pts(
1$ C %t, h-lp( 4$ K %sai.(
/$ K %- :-pt( 5$ C %plant(
0$ S %,9( 6$ K %,3-r(
2$ B %9,rg-tting( 8$ K %r-p-at-.l=(
!$ C %3isiting( 1"$ C %9r,m(
V<$ !8-=;= 9)7D; ';' %1"pts(
1$ S$ pla= 4$ S$ +,n3-ni-nt
/$ B$ .iJ+ult 5$ B$ s-n.
0$ C$ +,mput-rs 6$ C$ 7ith,ut

2$ K$ in9,rmati,n 8$ K$ t,
!$ B$ st,r-. 1"$ S$ -+,m-
V<<$ 75;N 9)7D; ';' %1"pts(
1$ Th-r- 4$ +,mp-t-.
/$ sta.ium 5$ 9r,m
0$ last-. 6$ l-t
2$ -3-nts 8$ 7ith
!$ m-n 1"$ nati,nal
V<<<$ ;N';N9; '6(N>76:('-7N %/"pts(
1$ H- is a gooA sp2aE2? o@ ;nglish$
/$ <t1s a long tim2 sinc2 - saF th2m$
0$ Lan .,-sn1t stuAy ;nglish asGso F2ll as :ai$
2$ < sugg-st that you shoulA asE h2? you?s2l@$
!$ S, as not to Aistu?4 th2 chilA?2nH F2 l2@t Iui2tly$
4$ < 7ish - haA a laptop$
5$ <9 < F2?2 youH - FoulAnJt touch that sFitch$
6$ <t 7as such olA @u?nitu?2 that F2 coulAnJt E22p it$
8$ A,,tall is saiA to 42 th2 42st gam2 to play$
1"$Sh- as:-.)t,l. m- t, ., h-r a 9a3,r$

2R -5A 5S@ BA,5 1ATA - ,U0 5S@ 2008 - 2009- K
0N,; -AO,1 /,5 V WK= 9
-5XA 1A/,; 150 =5Y- #2h:ng kZ th[i gian giao \]%
G(b4 ^6c;
G(b4 ^6c;
FA^0> 06bC6>
/. =>+,?,@A/-A+,;
A. @hoose the (ord (ith the di$$erent pronuniation o$ the underlined part;
1. con"enient together today modern
2. tool moon soon coo!
3. chemistry champ church champion
4. cough though rough tough .
5. hour honour host honest
-. though thought within than
/. fear tear bear hear
3. food good soon too
D. cure tutor sure pure ."ention )uestion information protection.
AA. @hoose a (ord that has di$$erent stress pattern;
1. person enough picture people

2. rainfall children religion different .
3. e1treme generous lonely clothing
4. friendly e1tra along orphanage
5. method )uiet ma5or electric
-. produce towel ad"ent flower .
/. interacti"e e1perience commercial linguistics
3. temperature ac)uaintance distinguish describe
D. generous humorous precious mysterious
1N.reputation description suggestion pollution .
.. H+@/.?W/>_ /,* B->?@-?>3B; @hoose the right (ord or phrase in the
brakets and $ill in the blank to o"plete the sentenes.
1. 4y "illage is about 12N !ilometers ............................................... 7 in * at * to * for :
the west of 6C4C.
2. ( would rather she ............................................... 7 did * do * will do * to do : the wor!
3. %e ............................................... 7 came * arri"ed * went * reached : the nearest
"illage before sunset.
4. (f only ( ............................................... 7 were * am * can be * would be : in the
countryside right now.
5. 6e can+t earn money ............................................... 7 unless * until * if * without : he
has no 5ob.
-. Do you ....................................... 7 want * ob5ect * mind * disappro"e : my turning the
tele"ision on nowA
/. Bobody phoned while ( was out&....................................7 didn+t weA * did weA * did
theyA * didn+t theyA :
3. A ............................................... 7 sailor * pen pal * writer * designer : is a person
whose 5ob is to decide how to ma!e things or decide their shape or appearance.
D. (t+s "ery crowded here. ( wish ................................ 7 there were a few people * there
weren+t so many people * there is no one * there was somebody here :.
1N.duiet& please. he headmaster would li!e to ................................ 7 tal! * say * tell *
mention : a few words.
11. 4aria+s Inglish is e1cellent. .he spea!s Inglish .................................. 7 "ery
perfect * perfecti"e * perfecti"ely * perfectly :.
12........................ 7 Campus * 6all * (nstitute * Dormitory : is a large building in a
college or uni"ersity where students li"e.
13.Can you tell me how many chapters this boo! ....................... 7 consists of A * consists
A * comprises of A * includes A :
14................................................ 7 All of films * All of the films * ;f all films * ;f all the
films : you ha"e watched & which film impresses you most A
15.he mother di"ided the ca!e into four e)ual pieces. he children
were ............................................... 7pleased with * pleased about * happy at * happy
on : the e)ual di"ision.
1-.%e thin! that with our solidarity we can ............................................... 7 o"ercome *
pass * get by * do : this difficulty.
1/.%hat aspect of learning Inglish ............................................... 7 you find to be
difficultA * do you find to be difficultA * you find difficultA * do you find difficultA :
13..he thin!s chatting on the internet is ............................................... 7 time$consumed *
times$consumed * time$consuming * times$consuming :.

1D.he woman seldom writes poems or stories& ............................................... 7 does
sheA * doesn+t sheA * does heA * doesn+t heA
2N.(+ll go on holiday ............................................... 7 as soon as * how * until * as : ( can.
@. >3/*A,1;
A. =ut the sentenes in logial order to build a dialogue;
A. ;h& ( see. And ( ha"e a )uestion for you. Do you !now when the color tele"ision
was in"entedA
B. (t was in"ented by 0eter Carl Goldmar!.
C. 6e was American.
D. Kour color tele"ision loo!s "ery nice. (s it newA
I. %hat+s his nationalityA
J. ( !now this )uestion. (n 1D5N& wasn+t itA
G. Kes. 4y father has 5ust bought it.
6. (+m sorry. ( don+t !now.
(. Kou+re right. And who in"ented itA
AA. @o"plete the passage belo( b' $illing in eah blank (ith the orret $or" o$ the
(ord in the brakets;
he families in our streets are slowly being dri"en mad by the 71:
7re$use: ...................................... of the inhabitants of Bo. 13 to ha"e any form of
communication with them. he trouble started o"er what is !nown as noise 72:
7pollute: ............................................... I"ery e"ening& the 73:
7think: ............................................ neighbors used to turn up the "olume on the L so
loud that no one in the 74:7neighbor: ..................................................was able to hear
anything else. Bot !nowing what 75:7at: .................................................... to ta!e& local
residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any 76:
7suggest: ..................................................... as to how to deal with the problem. A decision
was 77:7"ake: ..................................................... to send a number of people to tal! to the
family in Bo. 13 and as! them 78:7polite: ................................................. to turn their music
down after si1 in the e"ening. Mnfortunately& the "isit did not turn out to be 79:
7suess: .............................................& as the inhabitants of Bo. 13 refused to tal! to them.
.o on the 710:7ad!ise: ....................................... of local police& the matter is now in the
hands of the court
AAA. >ead the passage and ans(er (ith true # - % / $alse # E % / not gi!en # , %;
here are about 3NNN li"ing languages in the world& but only si1 of them are the most
important ones. wo$thirds of the world+s population spea!s those languages. 4ore than
4NN million people spea! Inglish as their mother tongue. Another 4NN million spea! it as a
second language. Bo one !nows how many people spea! it as a foreign language. Chinese
is the language with more spea!ers than Inglish& but it is only the language for more than
one billion Chinese people. Inglish is the official language on one$fifth of the land area in
the world. (t is spo!en in Borth America& Great Britain& Australia& and Bew eealand. (n
.outh Africa and (ndia it is one of the official languages. (n many countries& the te1tboo!s
in uni"ersities are written in Inglish. 4ore than three$fourths of the world+s mail is
composed in Inglish. 4ore than three$fifths of the radio stations broadcast programs in
Inglish. 4ore than half of the scientific and research 5ournals are in Inglish. Inglish is the
language of international communication.
1. Chinese is the most important language. ....................

2. About --.- per cent of the world+s population spea! si1 ma5or languages.
3. Lietnamese spea! Inglish as their first language. ....................
4. /5 per cent of the world+s mail is in Inglish. ....................
5. 4N per cent of the world+s radio stations use Inglish. ....................
-. Inglish has more spea!ers than Chinese. ....................
/. 0eople in (ndia spea! Inglish as their second language. ....................
3. 0eople in Bew Dehli cannot spea! Inglish. ....................
D. 0eople in Jrance spea! Inglish as their foreign language. ....................
1N.0eople in Australia also spea! Inglish. ....................
*. 4>A-A,1;
A. @lo`e test; Eill in eah gap (ith +,3 suitable (ord.
%ater is our life source . (t ma!es up /N percent 71: 22....................
2222222our bodies& and the a"erage person actually spends 13 months of his life
in the bath 72:222......................22222.shower.
But we are only now learning 73: 2222......................22222to loo! after
water. Acid rain has polluted as many as 13&NNN la!es and our seas and our ri"ers are 74:
22222..........2............222..with waste products. (t is now "ery e1pensi"e to try to
repair the damage 75:22222.....................2222.has been done .%e ha"e some
hope for the future& though& because new 76:222...................222222..of water
ha"e been disco"ered. 0eople li"ing the .ahara Desert ha"e 77: 22222..............
2222fish swimming in deep undergrowth steams. .cientists also belie"e 78:
22222.......2.........222is a huge la!e beneath ,ondon. (f we ha"e learnt anything
from our mista!es& we will try to !eep these new areas of water clean
AA. .uilding sentenes; ?se the $ollo(ing sets o$ (ords and phrases to (rite o"plete
sentenes .
1: ,earning * foreign language * necessary * us * get * 5ob. **
2: ( * spo!e * the man * wife * in5ured * accident. **
3: family * ( * spend * two months * plan * summer * holiday. **
4: dri"er * stop * car * time * sa"e * child. **
5: Bo1ing * too * dangerous * her * play& * it A **
-: (f ( * younger * learn * dri"e * car. **
/: ;f all * hotels in town * the Hoyal 6otel * comfortable. **
3: 6e * try * stop * smo!ing * many times * but * he * ne"er * succeed. **

D: ( * hope * my Inglish * considerably * impro"e * the end * course. **
1N: (t * difficult * pre"ent * people * par! here. **
AAA. Bentene trans$or"ation; >e(rite eah o$ the sentenes in a suh a (a' that
has the sa"e "eaning as the sentenes abo!e it.
1: .i1 years ago we started writing to each other.
%e ha"e
2: 0lease do not smo!e in this area of the restaurant.
Customers are re)uested
3: Can you loo! after my cat while (+m on holiday A
Can you
4: 6e wanted to rela1& so he too! up Koga.
6e too! up Koga
5: (t was my grandfather who bought the house many years ago.
he house
-: ,ife in urban areas is less healthy than life in rural areas.
,ife in rural areas is
/: (t was so late that nothing could be done.
(t was too
3: 6er presence made him feel better .
6e felt
D: As a school boy& he often played football in the school team.
6e used
1N:[ 6ow can ( use this machine A Z as!ed the man

he man wanted to !now
3. WAB-3,A,1 ; Wisten to the onser!ation are$ull' and ans(er the auestions belo(.
A. @irle the orret ans(ers aD b or ;
1: %hat is the name of her house A
a. ;rchard Cottage b. Hi"erside Cottage c. Bramble Cottage
2: %hat is .ainsbury+s A
a. a supermar!et b. a hotel c. a ban!
3: %hat did they want to do A
a. to sell her cottage b. to mo"e her cottage c. to !noc! down her cottage
4: %hen did it happen A
a. last year b. two months ago c. two years ago
5: 6ow old is the woman A
a. -D b. /5 c. /D
AA. /ns(er the auestions ;
1: %hat did they want to build A
2: 6ow much money did they offer her at first A
3: %hy doesn+t she need that money A
4: %as she their first customer A
0hfng GiSo dgc .p BuQn 4a huht
ib0 bB Lj 6klBG DmB C6n4- 5
A. 0H;BMBC(A(;B>
(. 1N TiRm> 1 TiRm cho mht to TPng
1. modern 2. coo! 3. chemistry 4. though 5. host
-. thought /. bear 3. good D. sure 1N. )uestion
((. 1N TiRm> 1 TiRm cho mht to TPng
1. enough 2. religion 3. e1treme 4. along 5. electric
-. produce /. interacti"e 3. temperature D. mysterious 1N. reputation
3N TiRm> 1&5 TiRm cho mht ch` TPng
1. to 2. did 3. reached 4. were 5. if
-. mind /. did theyA 3. designer D. there weren+t so many people
1N. say
11. perfectly 12. Dormitory 13. consists ofA 14. ;f all the film 15. pleased

1-. o"ercome 1/. do you find difficultA 13. time$consuming 1D. does sheA
2N. as soon as
(. 2N TiRm> D \ G \ A \ J \ ( \ 6 \ B \ I \ C
p 2 c8u TPng 7 D G :> 3 TiRm
3 c8u TPng 7 D G A :> - TiRm
4 c8u TPng 7 D G A J :> D TiRm
5 c8u TPng 7 D G A J ( :> 12 TiRm
- c8u TPng 7 D G A J ( 6 :> 14 TiRm
/ c8u TPng 7 D G A J ( 6 B:> 1- TiRm
3 c8u TPng 7 D G A J ( 6 B I:> 13 TiRm
D c8u TPng 7 D G A J ( 6 B I C:> 2N TiRm
((. 2N TiRm> 2 TiRm cho mht to TPng
1. refusal 2. pollution 3. thoughtless 4. neighborhood 5. action
-. suggestions /. made 3. politely D. successful 1N. ad"ice
(((. 2N TiRm> 2 TiRm cho mht c8u trq l=i TPng
1. J 2. 3. J 4. 5. J
-. J /. 3. J D. B 1N.
D. %H((BG>
(. CloEe test>
2N TiRm > 2&5 TiRm cho mht c8u TPng
1.of 5.which * that
2.or -. sources /. found
4.polluted 3. there

((. Building sentences >
25 TiRm> 2&5 TiRm cho mht c8u TPng
1* ,earning a foreign language is necessary for us to get a good 5ob.
2* ( spo!e to the man whose wife was in5ured in the accident.
3* 4y family and ( spent two months planning our summer holiday.
4* he dri"er stopped his car in time to sa"e the child.
5* Bo1ing is too dangerous for her to play & isn+t it A
-* (f ( were younger &( would learn how to dri"e a car .
/* ;f all the hotels in town& the Hoyal 6otel is the most comfortable.
3* 6e has tried to stop smo!ing many times but he has ne"er succeeded
D* ( hope my Inglish will considerably impro"e at the end of the 7 this : course .
1N* (t is difficult to pre"ent people from par!ing here.

(((. .entence transformation>
25 TiRm> 2&5 TiRm cho mht c8u TPng
1* %e ha"e written to each other for si1 years .
2* Customers are re)uested not to smo!e in this area of the restaurant.

3* Can you ta!e care of my cat while (+m on holidayA
4* 6e too! up Koga in order to rela1.
5* he house was bought by my grandfather many years ago .
-* ,ife in rural areas is healthier than life in urban areas .
/* (t was too late to do anything. * (t was too late for anything to be done.
3* 6e felt better because of her presence .
D* 6e used to play football in the school team when he was a school boy.
1N: he man wanted to !now how he could use that machine.
I. ,(.IB(BG >
(. 1N TiRm> 2 TiRm cho mht c8u trq l=i TPng
1. b 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.c

((. 1N TiRm> 2&5 TiRm cho mht c8u trq l=i TPng
1* hey wanted to build a car par! 7 for their new supermar!et :
2* hey offered her r125&NNN at first.
3* .he is too old and she hasn+t got any children.
4* Kes& she was.
i U thi h Vc sinh gi si l tp D $uv 3
, 9" h 7 2008 - 2009
0 :n thi ; -i wng anh
-h =i gian > 12N ph Pt
buestion A ; @hoose the (ord (hose underlined part is pronouned di$$erentl' $ro"
the other (ords in eah group. #5 pts%
1. A. both B. month C. son D. none
2. A. !itchen B. children C. teacher D. chemist
3. A. !indness B. climate C. "illage D. climbing
4. A. consider B. century C. cigarette D. celebrate
5. A. heat B. teach C. bread D. mean
buestion AA; @hoose the best option $ro" /D .D @ or * to o"plete the $ollo(ing
sentenes#15 pts%
1. 0eter used to YYYYYYYYYY swimming e"ery Jriday when he was a student
A. went B. goes C. going D. go
2. 6e is notYYYYYYY get married.
A. enough old to B. enough old for C. old enough to D. old enough for
3. 4y friend YYYYYYYYYY me that he was going to ta!e a dri"ing test
A. spo!e B. told C. said D. tal!
4. he teacher ad"ised the children YYYYYYYYYY and see the dentist regularly
A. went B. going C. go D. to go
5. Kou will miss the last bus to school YYYYYYYYYY you lea"e now.
A. unless B. until C. while D. till
-. 0eter > Z ( en5oy listening to pop music&[
A .(+m too B. ( don+t C. Beither do ( D. .o am (
/. ( as!ed my friend YYYYYYYYYY he wanted to go out with me.
A. that B. which C. what D. if

3. (+m learning Inglish YYYYYYYYYY ( want to get a better 5ob.
A. or B. but C. therefore D. because
D. ( wish you YYYYYYYYYYto the theater last night & but you didn+t.
A. would come B. had come C. was coming D. came
1N. 4i!e Z %ould you li!e to ha"e dinner with me A[.
A. Kes& (+d lo"e to B. Kes & so do ( C. (+m "ery happy D. Kes& it is
11. After drin!ing a big bottle of YYYYYYYYYY& he got drun!.
A. wine B. mil! C. water D. orange 5uice
12. 4ichael > Z (t+s hot in here[.
om > ZYYYYYYYYYY ( open the window A[
A. Did B. Do C. %ould D. .hall
13. 4ary ne"er coo!s& YYYYYYYYYYA
A. did not she B. doesn+t she C. does she D. did she
14. ( don+t study hard enough for the e1amination. ( wish ( YYYYYYYYYY harder.
A. study B. studied C. ha"e studied D. studies
15. .he loo!s forward YYYYYYYYYY seeing her mother coming bac! soon.
A. to B. on C. with D. at
buestion AAA; 3ah o$ the $ollo(ing sentenes has one "istake. Adenti$' the "istakes.
#10 pts%
1. 4y brother hasn+t played football for last year.
2. Kour new bicycle is more cheap than Cohn+s .
3. ( am fond with 5ogging e"ery morning .
4. Do you mind to go out with her to buy some ice $ creamsA
5. 4y brother said me to sit down at the table and do my homewor! .
-. 4y father prefers watching films at home than going to the cinema .
/. (+d li!e some informations about the flights to ,on Don tomorrow& please.
3. ( wish ( can go with you to the seaside ne1t wee!end.
D. he film was so bored that all audience had gone home before it ended .
1N. Cane as!ed me how did ( go to school e"eryday.
buestion AH; 1i!e the orret $or" o$ the (ords in the brakets. #10 pts%
1. Kou must be YYYYYYYYYY when you open that door . # are %
2. %e can see many YYYYYYYYYY on L e"eryday . # ad!ertise %
3. ( watch the news e"eryday because it "ery YYYYYYYYYY . # in$or" %
4. 6e didn+t feel happy because he wor!ed YYYYYYYYYY . # suess %
5. ;ur school has a lot of YYYYYYYYYY teacher # auali$' %
-. .he recei"ed a lot of YYYYYYYYYY from her mother . # enourage %
/. 6e was "ery YYYYYYYYYY of the wor! he had done . # pride %

3. Do you ha"e a YYYYYYYYYY costume in your country . # nation %
D. he children are more YYYYYYYYYY in cartoons . # interest %
1N. I"ery student was "ery YYYYYYYYYY about the holiday . # e)ite %
buestion H; 0ath the sentenes in olu"n / (ith those in olu"n . #10 pts%.
/ .
1. %ill you empty the bas!et for me& pleaseA
2. 6ow are you today A
3. (t+s "ery nice of you to meet me here.
4. Do come in.
5. %here is your house A
-. .hall we go to the Chemist+sA $ ( need some
/. .hall we go to the stadium nowA
3. %ill you ha"e some more ca!esA
D. ;h& (+m sorry.
1N. .hall ( warm the mil! for youA
A. (t+s near here .
B. Bo& than! you . (+m
C. hat+s all right.
D. Kes& please.
I. Kes& certainly.
J. Kes& let+s.
G. han! you.
6. (t+s a pleasure.
(. Bo& let+s not. ( ha"e
C. (+m fine& than!s. And
you A
1x ..... 2 x ...... 3 x ....... 4 x ....... 5 x ...... / x ....... 3 x ...... D x ....... 1N x .......
buestion HA; @hoose the (ord or phrase (hih best o"pletes eah blank in the
$ollo(ing passage #10 pts%;
Ale1ander Graham Bell was born in 134/ in Idinburgh& .cotland. 6is father was an
e1pert in phonetics. 71:YYYYY a boy & Ale1ander became interested in sounds and speech .
in 13/N& he Bells decided to 72: YYYYY to America. hey li"ed in Boston& 73: YYYY
Ale1ander taught in a school for the deaf. here he began e1perimenting with a machine
74: YYYYY help the deaf hear .%hile e1perimenting with this machine& Bell had an idea&
Z%hy do not use electricity to 75:YYYYY the human "oice from one place to another A [ 6e
began to wor! on a new 7-: YYYYY . Jor years & Bell and his assistant& homas %atson &
wor!ed day 7/: YYYYY night. hey rented rooms in a boarding house . Bell was on one floor
& and %atson was on 73: YYYYY . hey tried to send 7D: YYYYY through a wire . Jinally& on
4arch 1Dth& 13/-& %atson heard these words "ery clearly > Z 4r %atson& come here. ( want
you.[. %atson rushed upstairs& ran 71N: YYYYY Bell+s room& and shouted & Z ( heard you # [
1. A. Despite B. During C. Be D. As
2. A. lea"e B. ta!e C. mo"e D. return
3. A. which B. why C. when D. where
4. A. for B. in order C. to D. so that
5. A. go B. get C. change D. send
-. A. in"ention B. in"entor C. in"enti"e D. in"ent
/. A. by B. after C. and D. or
3. A. others B. the others C. another D. other
D. A. spea!ing B. letters C. speech D. telegram
1N. A. onto B. into C. in D. to
buestion HAA; >ead the passage and hoose the orret ans(er. #10 pts%
homas Idison was born in 4ilan& ;hio& in 134/. 6is family mo"ed to 0ort 6uron&
4ichigan& when he was se"en years old. .urprisingly& he attended school for only two

months. 6is mother& a former teacher& taught him a few things& but homas was mostly
self$educated. 6is natural curiosity led him to start e1perimenting at a young age.
homas Idison lit up the world with his in"ention of the electric light. Although the
electric light was the most useful& it was not his only in"ention. 6e also in"ented the record
player& the motion picture camera& and o"er 1&2NN other things. About e"ery two wee!s he
created something new. 6e wor!ed 1- out of e"ery 24 hours..ometimes he wor!ed so
intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.
homas Idison died in 1D31& in %est ;range& Bew Cersey. 6e left numerous
in"entions that
impro"ed the )uality of life all o"er the world.
1. homas Idison was YYYYYY.
A. a disco"erer B. a teacher C. an e1plorer D. an in"entor
2. (n 1354 Idison+s family YYYYYY.
A. mo"ed to 0ort 6uron& 4ichigan B. bought a new house in 4ilan& ;hio
C. decided to settle in 4ilan& ;hio D. sent him to a school in Bew Cersey
3. he word Zself$educated[ in the passage mostly means YYYYYY.
A. Zha"ing been well taught[ B. Zha"ing had good schooling[
C. Zha"ing taught himself[ D. Zha"ing had a high education[
4. Idison died at the age of YYYYYY.
A. /- B. 34 C. 4/ D. /4
5. %hich of following statements is B; true about IdisonA
A. 6e in"ented the motion picture camera. B. 6e didn+t go to school at all.
C. 6e made numerous in"entions. D. 6e wor!ed "ery hard.
buestion HAAA; @hoose the orret sentene (hih has the sa"e "eaning as the gi!en
one.# 5 pts%
1. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
A. 6e had tested his eyes ten months ago.
B. 6e had not tested his eyes for ten months then.
C. 6e hasn+t had his eyes tested for ten months.
D. 6e didn+t ha"e any test on his eyes in ten months
2. I have never been to France before.
A. (t+s the first time that (+"e gone to Jrance.
B. (t+s the first time that ( went to Jrance.
C. (t+s the first time that (+"e been to Jrance.
D. (t+s the first time that ( was to Jrance.
3. The car was so e!ensive that I didn"t b#y it .
A. he car was not so cheap that ( couldn+t buy it .
B. he car was such e1pensi"e that ( didn+t buy it .
C. he car was cheap enough for me to buy.
D. he car was too e1pensi"e for me to buy.
$. %e m#st ta&e ste!s to !reserve nat#ral reso#rces' otherwise the !lanet will be in danger.
A. Mnless we ta!e steps to preser"e natural resources& the planet will be in danger.
B. Mnless we ta!e steps to preser"e natural resources& the planet will not be in danger.
C. (f we ta!e steps to preser"e natural resources & the planet would be in danger.
D. (f we ta!e steps to preser"e natural resources& the planet will be in danger.
(. )I wo#ld st#dy *nglish if I were yo# +, -ai"s friend said .
A. 4ai+s friend ad"ised her to study Inglish.
B. 4ai+s friend ad"ised her to ha"e studied Inglish.

C. 4ai+s friend said that she was li!e 4ai..
D. 4ai told her friend to study Inglish.
buestion Ac; @o"plete the seond sentene in suh a (a' that it is al"ost the sa"e
"eaning as the $irst #l0 pts%;
1. 6is parents made him study hard for his e1am.
2. %e spent two hours getting to ,ondon.
3. hey+ll ha"e to change the date of the meeting again.
4. 0eter doesn+t play football anymore.
5. 6e has been collecting stamps for fi"e years .
-. ( ha"en+t seen my sister since 2NNN.
/. ZKou shouldn+t ride your bi!e too fast &[ ( said to Bam.
3. 6e is too young to go to school alone .
D. Z%hy don+t we go out for a wal! &[ 4y brother said
1N. Z (t was nice of you to help me. han! you "ery much &[ om said to you
buestion c; 4rite a passage#about 100- 120 (ords % about 'our last holida'. #10 pts%
_ou "a' use the $ollo(ing ideas ;
1. %here and when did you goA
2. %ho did you go with A
3. 6ow did you go A
4. %hat did you do thereA
5. %hat did you eat * drin!A
-. Did you ta!e any photographsA
/. Did you buy any sou"enirs A
3. 6ow did you feel afterward A ......
ddddd. -he 3nd 22222.
3p 3n %
buestion A > + points )&p for each correct answer(
1. A 2* D 3* C 4* A 5* C
buestion AA ; 15 points )&p for each correct answer( 1* D 2* C 3* B 4* D 5* A -*
B /* D 3* D D* B 1N* A 11* A 12* D 13* C 14* B 15* A
buestion AAA ; &' points )&p for each correct answer(
1. D since
2. C cheaper
-. C to
/. B information

3. B of
4. A going
5. A told
3. B could go
D. B boring
1N.B ( went
buestion AH > &' points )&p for each correct answer(
1* careful 2* ad"ertisements 3* informati"e 4* unsuccessfully 5* )ualified
-* encouragement /* proud 3* national D* interested 1N* e1cited
buestion H > &' points )&p for each correct answer(
1* xI 2* xC 3* x6 4* xG 5* xA -*x ( /* xJ 3* xB D* xC 1N* xD
buestion HA ; &' points )&p for each correct answer(
1* D 2* C 3* D 4* C 5* D -* A /* C 3* C D* C 1N* B
buestion HAA > &' po 1* D 2* A 3* C 4* B 5* B
buestion HAAA > + points 1* C 2* C 3* D 4* A 5* A
buestion Ac > &' points )&p for each correct answer(
1. 6e was made to study hard for his e1am.
2. (t too! us two hours to get to ,ondon.
3. he date of the meeting will ha"e to be changed again.
4. 0eter used to play football.
5. 6e started collecting stamps fi"e years ago.
-. ( last saw my sister in 2NNN.
/. ( ad"ised Bam not to ride his bi!e too fast.
3. 6e is not old enough to go to school alone.
D. 4y brother suggested going out for a wal!.
1N. om than!ed me for helping him.
buestion c > &' points )&p for each correct sentence: ',+p for correct verb tense, ',+p f
a% @ontents ; 5
$ Good opening& ending 1
$ Co"er all the acti"ities mentioned 4
b% Wanguage; 5
x I1act "ocabulary 1
x Correct spelling 1
x Correct tenses* grammar 1
x Correct prepositions& correct articles.... 1
x Good connectors .... 1

rX=ng 6C. Bga huy hi hoc sinh gisi mQn iwng Anh $ ,tp D $ iU D
.#estion I/ 0honetics 1(!oints)
0art 2/ 3hoose a word whose #nderlined !art is !rono#nced
differently from the rest of the gro#! 1 3 !oints ).
1. A. decided B. li"ed C. stayed D. studied
2. A. li!es B. days C. li"es D. earns
3. A. fade B. label C. happy D. sale
=art . ; 3hoose a word whose stress !attern is different from the rest of the gro#! 1 2
!oints %.
4. A. freedom B. humor C. solar D. suggest

5. A co"er B. account C. install D. pre"ent
buestion AA ; 4erb forms 1 1( !oints )5ive the correct form of the verb given in the
1. 4y dad 7not li!e: coffee& he ne"er 7drin!: it .
2. Ba is short. 6e wishes he 7be: taller.
3. his house is empty. (t 7not li"e: in for many years.
4. ( hate 7get: up early in winter.
5. raditionally& the ao dai 7wear: by both men and women.
-. his is my house. ( 7li"e: here for / years.
/. ('m busy at the moment. ( 7clean: the floor.
3. %here you 7spend: your holiday last summer A
D. ( 7see: Bam while ( 7go: to school yesterday. %e 7say: hello and
7wal!: the rest of the road to school together.
1N.4y brother is a teacher. 6e 7wor!: in a school in the city centre.
11. ,isten# hey 7sing: an Inglish song.
buestion AAA ; %ord forms 1 16 !oints )
Fill in each blan& with the correct form of the word given in ca!ital letters.
1. here are many ............ par!s in 6anoi. BIAMK
2. ........... is now a serious problem in Liet Bam. J;HI.
3. 6oa has a lot of friends as she is so ........... JH(IBD
4. his magaEine is ............ read by both teenagers and adults. %(DI
5. ( hope to spea! Inglish as ........ as my teacher. G;;D
-. Liet Bam is interested in sa"ing .......... resources. nature
/. %e should prepare food ............. before turning on the sto"e. careful
3. ............. are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish. en"ironment
D. Ba is "ery strong. 6e runs........... than anyone in the class. fast
1N. ( li!e this website because it is .........for me. Mse
buestion AH; 3hoose the best o!tion to com!lete each of the following sentences. 1 1(
1. ( didn't go to school yesterday............. ( was ill.
A. because B. and C. but D. so
2. 6e will stay at home ................. it rains.
A. or B. howe"er C. if D. but
3. hat man li"es ne1t door& .................. heA
A. does B. doesn't C. don't D. isn't
4. 4ary wishes she............. spea! Lietnamese.
A. can B. could C. should D. will
5..............the afternoon& mum feeds the chic!ens.
A. ;"er B. ;n C. (n D. Jor
-. .he was ill& .............& she offered to help.
A. although B. because C. therefore D. howe"er
/. Liet Bam& in the south$east Asia& e1ports rice.
A. who B. which C. that D. whose
3. %hat ............ you do if you saw a MJ;A
A. will B. do C. would D. can
D. Bobody came here yesterday& ................ A
A. didn't they B. didn't he C. did he D. did they
1N Do you remember the name of the girl ............ we met at the party last

night A
A. which B. where C. who D. whose
11. %e ha"e Inglish .............. 4onday.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
12. ( first met him a long time .................
A. after B. before C. ago D. already
13. Could you ............... the radioA ( am doing my homewor!.
A. get off B. turn off C. go off D. cut off
14. ( can't sol"e this math problem. ( need someone to ................ me with it.
A. help B. sa"e C. fi1 D. ad5ust
15. ( had a long con"ersation with the man .............. son plays for my school
football team.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. what
buestion H; 7eading 1 1( !oints) 0art A: Fill in each of the n#mbered blan&s in the
following !assage with one s#itable word 1 16 !oints%
Lan & a student from 6o Chi 4inh City& is an e1change student in the
M.A. 6e is now li"ing with the 0ar!er family on a farm 1NN !ilometers outside Columbus&
;hio. 6e will stay there till 71:.......... beginning of ;ctober.
4r. 0ar!er grows maiEe on his 72:..........& while 4rs. 0ar!er wor!s part$ time 73:.......... a
grocery store in a nearby town. hey 74:.......... two sons. 0eter is the same age as Lan& and
.am is still in primary 75:...........
.ince Lan arri"ed& he has been learning a 7-:.......... about life on a farm. (n the afternoon&
as 7/:.......... as he completes his homewor!& he feeds the chic!ens and 73:.......... their eggs.
;n wee!ends& if 4r. 0ar!er is busy& the three 7D: .......... help him on the farm.
;n .aturday afternoons& 0eter plays baseball. he 0ar!er family and Lan eat hamburgers or
hot dogs while they watch 0eter play. he 0ar!ers are nice so Lan feels li!e a 71N: ..........
of their family.
=art .; 7ead the !assage and choose the best answer. 1 ( !oints%
ed Hobinson has been worried all the wee!. ,ast uesday he recei"ed a letter from
the local police. (n the letter he was as!ed to call at the station. ed wondered why he was
wanted by the police but he went to the station yesterday& and now he is not worried any
more. At the station& he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found.
Ji"e days ago& the policeman told him& the bicycle was pic!ed up in a small "illage four
hundred miles away. (t is now being sent to his home by train. ed was most surprised
when he heard the news. 6e was amused too& because he ne"er e1pected the bicycle to be
found. (t was stolen twenty years ago when ed was a boy of fifteen#
1. %hat happened to ed last wee!A
A. 6e lost his bicycle.
B. 6e recei"ed a letter from his friend.
C. 6e was as!ed to go to the local police station.
D. 6e called the local police.
2. he policeman who met ed at the station was ......
A. impolite B. friendly C. generous D. reser"ed
3. %here was the bicycle foundA
A. At the station B. ;n the train C. (n a "illage D. (n a city
4. ed was surprised when he heard the news because ..............
A. his bicycle was found fi"e days ago.
B. he belie"ed that the police would find his bicycle.

C. his bicycle is being sent to his home by train.
D. he didn't thin! his bicycle would be found.
5. 6ow old is ed nowA
A. 35 B. 3N C. 2N D. 15.
buestion HA; 4riting # 15 points%
=art /; 3ombine each !air of the sentences+ #sing the word in brac&ets 1 ( !oints)
1. 4rs. hoa was tired. .he helped me with my homewor!. 7 although:
2. 6oa was happy. .he got a good mar!. 7 that:
3. 6a failed her Inglish test. .he had to do her test again. 7therefore:
4. ( got wet. ( forgot my raincoat. 7 because:
5. (t's raining hard. %e can't go out 7 so:
=art .; 7ewrite each of the following sentences in s#ch a way that it means eactly the
same as the sentence !rinted before it.1 16 !oints)
1. 6as someone boo!ed the seats yetA
6a"e ................................................A
2. ( said to 4rs. 6oa& ?%hat sports do you often playA?
( as!ed 4rs. 6oa .........................................................
3. ?(s there a L in the bedroomA?& ( as!ed the landlady.
( as!ed the landlady .......................................................
4. ?,et's go to the cinema. ?& ,ien said.
,ien suggested ....................................................
5. %hat a pity ( can't spea! Inglish.
( wish ( .......................................................
-.?( am going to 6anoi tomorrow?& he said.
6e said that .............................................
/. he poor farmer was tired but he !ept wor!ing.
(n spite .......................................................
3. ( don't !now the answer& so ( can't tell you.
(f ( ...................................................................
D. ( last met him two months ago.
( ha"en't ......................................................
1N. (f you don't try hard& you will not pass your final e1am.
Mnless ..................................................................................
buestion HAA; 3hoose the #nderlined words which need correcting 1(!oints)
1. .he as!ed me if ( li"e in 6anoi.
2. (f you wor! hard& you would get good mar!s.
3. A meeting will held ne1t wee! by the committee.
4. 4rs. ,ien& whom sings "ery well& is my teacher of Inglish.
5. he boys are playing soccer o"er there are from class D A.
..........................................he end....................................................

F] thi h7 sinh gi8i - F] se 10
.#estion 1/ 8#!!ly the correct forms of the verbs in brac&ets.116!oints)
1. .he felt that she 7loo!: at.
2. ( can't go out because ( 7not finish: my homewor!.
3. (f you !ic!ed the policeman& you 7arrest:
4. All students ob5ected to 7do: that wor!.
5. rang isn't in her room at the moment. .he 7coo!: in the !itchen.
-. ( can't afford 7 go: on holiday abroad this year.
/. 0assengers 7tra"el: on this bus bought their tic!ets in boo!s.
3. ( 7not use: the car this e"ening& so you can ha"e it.
D. he man who 7rescue: had been in the sea for ten hours.
1N. 0eople always 7blame: their circumstances for what they are.
.#estion 2/ 9se the correct form of the words in brac&ets to com!lete sentences
116 !oints)
1. he child should be punished because of his bad ........... 7 beha"e:
2. he this town are "ery friendly 7reside:
3. I"ery wee!& there are two ...........from 6a Boi to Bha rang. 7fly:
4. %e're "ery impressed by the ..........of your town's people. 7friend:
5. All the newspapers praised the ..........of the firemen 7bra"e:
-. (t was ............not to write down the address. 7 fool:
/. he tiger wanted to see the farmer's ............. 7wise:
3. Bell e1perimented with ways of transmiting ....o"er a long distance.
D.Jreedom of one of the fundamental rights. 7spea!:
1N.he duty of the police is the .............of law and order.
.#estion3/ a) 3hange the following sentences into re!orted s!eech 1( !oints)
1. ?Do you li"e hereA? ,iE as!ed
2. .he said ?6e doesn't buy this boo!.?
3. he teacher said ?All the homewor! must be done carefully.?
4. ?Don+t throw that bottle away. %e can reuse it&? said 4r Cuong.
5. ?( don+t understand what you are saying. ?om told us.
b) Fill in the blan&s with a s#itable !re!osition.1(!oints)
1. 4easuring money must be "ery difficult to carry...........
2. (n this respect& Jrench differs .............Inglish
3. ('ll pic! her up at 3 o'cloc!.
4. he passage is written ..............Inglish .
5. 4r Duc hanh is thin!ing of e1porting rice ............(ndia.
.#estion $/ Fill in each n#mbered blan& with a s#itable word 116 !oints)
(f you li"e in a city& you probably see many people& hear the 71:............of traffic& and
smell the pollution and factories.
%e are entering a new time in 73: ......history of the world. Before this& most 74: ..... .....
were farmers. hey li"ed in the country. Bow many people are 75: .....the farms and
mo"ing into the cities. hey are loo!ing for better 5obs. he cities are growing "ery
)uic!ly. 4ost cities are "ery crowded. 0eople are dri"ing more cars& burning more fuel&

7-:.......more water& eating more food& ma!ing more garbage& and producing more things in
factories than 7/:..........before. ,ife is becoming difficult.
.ome go"ernments are trying to plan for the future. hey are building new roads& putting
73: houses& loo!ing for more water& and limiting growth in certain areas. .till&
city planners are getting worried. 0eople are crowding into the cities 7D: ....... than cities
can ta!e them. he cities are running out %hat is the answer to this
.#estion (/ 7ead the !assage and choose the best answer. 1( !oints)
(t is "ery important to ha"e healthy teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food. hey
also help us to loo! nice. 6ow does a tooth go badA he decay begins in a little crac! in the
enamel co"ering of the tooth. his happens after germs and bits of food ha"e collected
there. hen the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth. I"entually& poison goes into blood&
and we may feel )uite ill.
6ow can we !eep our teeth healthyA. Jirstly& we ought to "isit our dentist twice a year.
6e can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. 6e can e1amine our
teeth to chec! that they are growing in the right way. Mnfortunately& many people wait
until they ha"e toothache before they see a dentist.
.econdly& we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least
twice a day$ once after brea!fast and once before we go to bed. %e can also use wooden
toothpic!s to clean between our teeth after a meal.
hirdly& we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body> mil!& cheese& fish&
brown bread& potatoes& red rice& raw "egetables and fresh fruit. Chocolate& sweets& biscuits
and ca!es are bad& especially when we eat them between meals. hey are harmful because
they stic! to our teeth and cause decay.
1. Good teeth help us to ................
A. be nice B. ha"e a good eye sight. C. chew our food D. be important
2. %hen food and germs collect in a small crac!& our teeth ............
A. become hard B. begin to decay. C. send poison into the blood.D. ma!es us feel )uite
3. A lot of people "isit a dentist only when ..............
A. their teeth grow properly B. they ha"e holes in their teeth
C. they ha"e toothache D. they ha"e brushed their teeth.
4. %e ought to try clean our teeth ...............
A. once a day B. at least twice a day C. between meals D. before
5. %e shouldn+t eat a lot of ...............
A. red rice B. fresh fruit C. fish D. chocolate.
.#estion :> a; 9se the following sets of words and !hrases to write com!lete sentences.
1. his "ideo film * be*so * interesting * (* see* twice*.
2. (t * difficult* learn Inglish * without* good dictionary.
3. 6e * learn* Inglish * two years now.
4. .he *used* stay * her uncle* when * be * a child.
5. (* meet* my friend* before* ( * meet her
b; There is a mista&e in the sentence. Find the mista&e and correct it.1(!oints)
1. he climate in Lietnam is different than that of Ingland .
2. he boys said they ha"e to bring home medals.
3. 6e has waited here for a )uarter past si1.

4. .urface is many cheaper than airmail.
5. he bicycle is such old that ( don+t want to use it.
.#estion</ 3om!lete the second sentence with the same meaning.116!oints)
1. Linh !eeps forgetting his homewor!
Linh is........................
2. (t's a pity your friend isn't at this party.
( wish ...............
3. %e started li"ing here fifteen years ago.
%e ha"e ......................
4. rung's parents ga"e him a microcomputer on his birthday
rung .........
5. 6e has ne"er played a computer game before.
his is .................
-. Bga is pleased to meet her aunt again soon.
Bga is loo!ing..................
/. 6e is too old to ha"e more children.
6e is so ................................
3. ?('m "ery busy. ('ll ring you tomorrow&? .usan said to me.
.usan ...........
D. heir teacher is ma!ing them to study hard. $ hey are ..............................
1N.his che)ue has not been signed $ Bo........................................

..........................he end ............................

Ffp fn \] 9
buestion A ; 0honetics 1 ( !oints )
0art 2 13 !oints)
1. A 2. A 3. C
=art . # 2 points %
4. D. 5. A
buestion AA ; 4erb forms 1 1( !oints %
1.doesn't * drin!s 2. were 3. hasn't been li"ed 4. getting 5. was worn -. ha"e
li"ed*ha"e been li"ing /. am cleaning 3. did.....spend D. saw* was going * said *
wal!ed 1N. wor!s 11. are singing
buestion AAA ; %ord forms 1 16 !oints )
1.beautiful 2. Deforestation 3. friendly 4. widely 5. well - natural
/. carefully 3 In"ironmentalists D faster 1N. useful
buestion AH; 3hoose the best o!tion to com!lete each of the following sentences.
1. A 2. C 3.B 4.B 5. C -.D /. B 3.C
D .D 1N. C 11.B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C
buestion H; >eading # 15 points%
=art /; # 10 points%
1. the 2. farm 3. at 4. ha"e 5. school -. lot /. soon 3. collects
D. boys 1N. members
=art .; # 5 points%

1. C. 6e was as!ed to go to the local police station.
2. B. friendly 3. C. (n a "illage 4.D. 6e didn't thin! his bicycle would be found. 5. A. 35
buestion HA; 4riting # 15 points%
=art /; #5 points%
1. Although 4rs. hoa was tired& she helped me with my homewor!.
2. 6oa was happy that she got a good mar!.
3. 6a failed her Inglish test& therefore she had to do her test again.
4. ( got wet because ( forgot my raincoat.
5. (t's raining hard& so we can't go.
=art .; # 10 points%
1. 6a"e the seats been boo!ed yetA
2. ( as!ed 4rs. 6oa what sports she often played.
3. ( as!ed the landlady if * whether there was a L in the bedroom.
4. ,ien suggested going to the cinema.
5. ( wish ( could spea! Inglish.
-. 6e said he was going to 6anoi the ne1t day* the following day.
/. (n spite of tiredness& the poor farmer !ept wor!ing.
3. (f ( !new the answer& ( would* could tell you.
D ( ha"en't met him for two months.
1N Mnless you try hard& you will not pass your final e1am.
buestion HAA #5 points%
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

Ffp fn \] 10
.#estion 1/ 8#!!ly the correct forms of the verbs in brac&ets.
1. was being loo!ed 5. is coo!ing D. was rescued
2. ha"en't finished -. to go 1N. are always blaming
3. would be arrested /. tra"elling
4. doing 3. am not using
.#estion 2/ 9se the correct form of the words in brac&ets to com!lete sentences
1. beha"iour*beha"ior 5. bra"ery
2. residents -. foolish
3. flights /. wisdom
4. friendliness 3. speech
D. speech 10. "aintenane/"aintaining
.#estion3/ a) 3hange the following sentences into re!orted s!eech
1. ,iE as!ed me if * whether ( li"ed there.
2. .he said 7that: he didn+t buy that boo!
3. he teacher said*re)uired 7that: all the wor! had to*must be done carefully.
4. 4r Cuong told*as!ed us*me not to throw that bottle away 7because: they could reuse
5. om told us that he didn+t understand what we were saying.
b) Fill in the blan&s with a s#itable !re!osition.
1. out 2. to 3. o"er 4. in 5. to
.#estion $/ Fill in each n#mbered blan& with a s#itable word
1. noise -.using
2. from /. e"er
3. the 3. up

4. people D. faster
5. lea"ing 1N. of
.#estion (/ 7ead the !assage and choose the best answer.
1. C 2. B 3.C 4. B 5.D
.#estion :> a; 9se the following sets of words and !hrases to write com!lete sentences.
1. his "ideo film is so interesting that ( ha"e seen it twice.
2. (t is difficult to learn Inglish without a good dictionary.
3. 6e has been learning* has learnt Inglish for 2 years now.
4. .he used to study with her uncle when she was a child.
.#estion</ 3om!lete the second sentence with the same meaning.
1. Linh is always forgetting his homewor!.
2. ( wish your friend were at the party.
3. %e ha"e li"ed*ha"e been li"ing here for 15 years.7since 15 years ago:
4. rung was gi"en a microcomputer on his birthday.
5. his is the first time he has played a computer game.
-. Bga is loo!ing forward to meeting her aunt again.
/. 6e is so old that he can't ha"e more children.
3. .usan said to me that she was "ery busy so she would ring me the following*ne1t
D. hey are being made to study hard by their teacher.
1N.Bo one has signed this che)ue.



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