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Translation 2
Class : Fall 2014
Wayan Damayanti
Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan
Course Introduction
Text book : Translation 2, Karnedi, Universitas Terbuka 2009
Tutorial module consists of 12 parts but will be cover in 8 classes.
Class 1 : Module 1 & 2 Construction and Engineering
Class 2 : Module 3 & 4 Konstruksi dan Rekayasa
Class 3 : Review & Exercise English to Indonesia vice versa
Class 4 : Module 5 & 6 Defense and Security
Class 5 : Module 7 & 8 Pertahanan dan Keamanan
Class 6 : Module 9 & 10 Economics and Trade
Class 7 : Module 11 & 12 Ekonomi dan Perdagangan
Class 8 : Review & Exercise Indonesia to English vice versa
Tutorial method: In class and online broadcast (USTREAM & SKYPE)
Grading Components
Task 1, Task 2, Task 3
Final Exam
Course material can be found at Google Plus and Facebook Group

Several things to keep in mind when translating:
1. Meanings are not restricted by the source language
2. Meaning should be conveyed accurately with no
misinterpretation or misleading language
3. Be aware of the notion register!
4. Ensure to not losing certainty of meaning in the source
5. No free translation
6. Do not use everyday language

Ringkasan Materi Modul 9 - 12
Modul 9 How Indonesia Interacts with the Global
Community; Beyond Economic Analysis to Fairness
Biasakan menganalisa teks terlbeih dahulu sebelum
Yang dianalisa : jenis teks, judul, kata-kata kunci
Tidak semua bentuk jamak diterjemahkan ke dalam bentuk
jamak atau tunggal.
Contoh : politicians para politikus (bukan politikus politikus), heroes
para pahlawan, para pejuang (bukan pahlawan - pahlawan
Summary p 9.37

Ringkasan Materi Modul 9 - 12
Modul 10 Anniversary Lessons from eBay;
Menyederhanakan kalimat panjang/ komplek/ majemuk
Bentuk bisa bergeser namun makna jangan bergeser
Summary p 10.50

Ringkasan Materi Modul 9 - 12
Modul 11 Analisis Ekonomi Indonesia: Sekarang
Saatnya Terobosan Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi; Ekonomi
Makro, Ketika Investasi Geser Konsumsi
Summary p 11.52

Ringkasan Materi Modul Modul 9 - 12
Modul 12 Distribusi Spasial UKM di Masa Krisis
Ekonomi; Ekonomi Internasional
Pahami teks secara utuh sehingga tidak terjadi loss of meaning
No free translation
Summary p 12.22
ROUND 1 Source Language : English
20 Point, 2 short paragraphs. Translate these
paragraphs naturally into Bahasa Indonesia

1. Finally, in an increasingly pluralistic policy environment,
second tier civil institutions such as research agencies, think
tanks, commercial groups, labor organizations, and so on, are
expected to provide input into international and domestic policy
debates (Weaver and Stares, 2001)
2. Ideally, privatizations are organized as auctions where bidders
compete to offer the state the highest price, creating real value
that can be used by the state as investment capital.
ROUND 2 Source Language : English
30 Point, 1 long paragraph. Translate it naturally
1. A second way of drawing lessons from international experience
is to draw on the substantial debate about change in
transitional economies (Mishra, 2000). Many countries have
passed, or are currently passing, through significant transition
phases just a few of the countries which come to mind are
the Philippines after the fall of Marcos, Russia during the past
decade, Cambodia since early 1990s, the Peoples Republic of
China at various stages in its own reform process, and so on.
ROUND 3 Source Language : Bahasa Indonesia
30 Point, 3 short paragraphs. Translate these
paragraphs naturally into English
1. Yang diperlukan saat ini adalah sebuah terobosan palet
kebijakan ekonomi yang secara komprehensif dan serentak
mengatasi delapan permasalahan terkait tersebut.
2. Dilihat secara sektoral, ada beberapa sektor yang tumbuh
cukup tinggi, seperti transportasi dan telekomunikasi,
bangunan dan perdagangan. Adapun sektor industri
manufaktur dan keuangan tumbuh moderat.
3. Sebelum krisis, tingkat konsentrasi spasial unit usaha UKM
adalah 0.126. Namun pada tahun 1999 konsentrasi spasial unit
usaha UKM mengalami peningkatan cukup tinggi dan belum
menurun secara berarti pada tahun 2000
ROUND 4 Source Language : Bahasa
20 Point, 1 medium paragraph. Translate it naturally
1. Sementara itu, sekalipun angka inflasi cenderung
menurun dibandingkan Maret 2005, sampai dengan
akhir tahun akan lebih tinggi dari target pemerintah
yang 7%. Angkanya mungkin bisa mencapai 7.5 8%.
Melemahnya Rupiah dan meningkatnya inflasi akan
membuat BI kembali menyesuaikan suku bunga SBI
dari 7.87% menjadi 8-8.5% pada akhir tahun.

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