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Sam Kinison

30 January 2014

Samuel Burl Kinison (1953-1992) was an American stand-up comedian and actor, known for intense,
harsh and politically incorrect humor. Once a Pentecostal preacher, Kinison performed with an intense
style, similar to enthusiastic religious speakers, punctuated by his trademark scream, erupting without
warning during an otherwise calm portion of his routine. He died in a car crash on April 10, 1992.

Q: Sam, if you don't mind
SK: I don't. Not anything.

Q: Given your place now, I presume
SK: Well, of course.

Q: Let's start in reverse; was your passing in a car crash pre-planed, pre-mediated, pre-destined?
SK: Yes. Fuckin' cars.

Q: Why blame the cars?
SK: I wanted to die getting shot by my girlfriend in a wild jealous rage as she walked in on me boning
her stripper sister in group sex with the sister's promiscuous friends

Q: What a way to go
SK: Fuckin' Z!

Q: If you were alive today and still doing stand-up comedy
SK: I would.

Q: what would be your likely topics?
SK: Gay marriage and Obama.

Q: Why?
SK: Have you ever heard anybody discuss gay male performance problems?

Q: No.
SK: You mean, not yet.

Q: You would?Uh oh.
SK: The TV ads for all that hard-on medicine, always showing the perfect middle aged people, well
dressed, in-shape and content like they're on fuckin' happy pills without a clue? Those ads are
homophobic.aaaaahhhhh,aaaaaahhhhhh, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Q: (cleaning out my ears..) Next question! What about Obama?
SK: What about?

Q: What topics would you discuss?
SK: The guy's a comedian's dream come true. I'd talk about his wife.

Q: That's supposed to be off limitsfamilies.
SK: Do I look like I'm working for The Wall Street Journal? (In a sweet, almost cute mocking voice)
Come here, my little first crumpet, how's life in the big first house where the white people have to stay

Q: I'm gonna get hate mail.
SK: Good! The post office needs the businessthey're broke. Fuckin' broke.

Q: If you had remained as a preacher.
SK: I did; you think my stand-up routines weren't preaching?

Q: If you'd never become a Pentecostal preacher, what course of life would you have pursued?
SK: Sex change and then become a nun.

Q: I don't think that's been done, or even possible.
SK: Just wait. Aaaaaahhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhh, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Q: What were your past lives before living as Sam Kinison?
SK: I was a marriage counselor; I told every couple to get divorced or to just avoid marriage and shack
up. I was a founder of the local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous and I never drink, I just tell the
members to smoke pot instead.

Q: Speaking of smoking marijuana, you know it's become legal in a few United States.
SK: About fucking time, too. John Denver's song was way ahead of the curve.

Q: I read recently about comedians and brain functions; that good comics see the world differently
because their brains work in a unique way, similar to what we'd call bipolar or manic depressive. Any
truth behind this?
SK: Of course; you want a world full of corporate executive types who never break a sweat or even
wind? How do they look like they never fart, when you know they do? Remember what Carlin said about
Nixon, the perfect symbol for America, looks like he hasn't taken a shit in a month. The world needs
assholes like me

Q: 'Cause all the proctologists would be out of work
SK: That Obamacare shit'll do that.

Q: You'd like to tell jokes about it, huh?
SK: I don't use jokes as the subject of jokes.

Q: Ouch. Was your passing quick and painless?
SK: YeahI knew it was coming, dreamed about it the night before and remembered the dream after I
saw the cars come to rest, after all the bits & pieces stopped tinkling. Still, it was cool in a way, to then
see it and be able to say to myself "so that's what it's like".

Q: What recommendation would you have for a comedian today?
SK: Kill yourself first. No, I'm kidding. Become one and let the crowd do it to you.

Q: Because?
SK: Too many people are too sensitive. Not everybody, not even a majority but enough and they're the
really nutty ones.

Q: Wasn't it always that way?
SK: Nope.

Q: So what's causing it?
SK: Democrats.

Q: Somebody could complain.
SK: OK, fuckin' Republicans. Feel better?

Q: I see your point.
SK: Do you feel my point? Do you?!? Do you feel my Nazi walking stick on your head, aaaahhhh,

Q: You wore jackets and ties on stage and then went to berets, long overcoats and always, long hair
and even head bands, kind of hippie-like. Any particular reason?
SK: No.

Q: Do you have any message for humanity?
SK: No, just for my old landlord. Listen pal, fuck you and your favorite horse.

Q: How about advice?
SK: Be serious about what you want to do, do a serious good job but don't take it too seriously. Adios,

Q: Thank you Sam, take care!
Brett 30/01/2014 11:48am
Awesome!!! That's hilarious.

Randi 30/01/2014 2:55pm
I can hear his screams while reading this lol. Great interview.

cristina 30/01/2014 3:13pm
If Erik was there i bet he had a great time and learned new stuff :P
God, i hope he was joking here :))))))))))))))))))
Q: If you'd never become a Pentecostal preacher, what course of life would you have pursued?
SK: Sex change and then become a nun.
Q: I don't think that's been done, or even possible.
SK: Just wait. Aaaaaahhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhh, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Patrick 31/01/2014 8:57am
I would not expect to see it but it wouldn't surprise me, either. Is there a position for any organized
religion on transgender people "on staff"? I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the convent as the new nun's
"origins" are discovered by the sisters; talk about reality TV!

Allen 30/01/2014 7:31pm
Wow! And thank you, Patrick. That had to come across as a little bit intense. I can't imagine what that would be
like or to experience something like that coming through.

There doesn't seem to be any toning down of personality, given access to other lives and experiences. That sounds
like Sam all the way.

I still wonder what his purpose or objective was to go out like that at the time he did as an entertainer. Seemed
like he had a lot more left in him.

Thank you for doing this interview. I really enjoyed it.

Patrick 31/01/2014 9:00am
Nah, it was easy.

britta 30/01/2014 10:58pm
Wow Patrick. I have to say this is so very interesting for me. Just this morning my husband and I and my daughter
were discussing car accidents due to the horrid weather here in Minnnesota. My husband brought up an accident
he had witnessed in the past which then reminded me of the story of Sam. I had not thought of Sam in so very
many years and had never relayed this story to them. This morning I retold the story of how Sam had died and the
encounter with 'someone' he spoke to on the side of the road debating about how he didn't 'want to die'. I had
seriously not thought of this in WELL over 10 years. And then tonight I go onto your site to catch up on reading and
here is your post on Sam posted TODAY. Not sure what the message may be for me personally but it is profoundly
felt. Thank you!

Patrick 31/01/2014 9:07am
Excellent example of synchronicity and the illusion of time. That's your message. Your discussion and
remembrance of Sam and then reading this were all "foretold". The illusion of time could make it seem
coincidental. A life plan detail manifested, in an innocuous way. Sometimes not so innocuous.

Another example would be reading or hearing a new word for the first time at age 30,35, 40 or so then
running into it several times over the following week or two. That's happened to me many times, in
several languages.

britta 31/01/2014 10:07am
Thanks Patrick. I SO know this was not a coincidence. When this happened I KNEW it contained a
message specifically. Out of all the billions of people I could think of and discuss on a given day
(someone I never talk about or even watched as a comedian) and then the same day you post a
channeling. Wow. You are spot on. It DOES speak directly and powerfully to the illusion of time.

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