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Wonderful Facts for General Knowledge

1 . Turtles have no teeth.

2. Prehistoric turtles may have weighed as much as 5,000 ounds.
!. "nly one out of a thousand #a#y sea turtles survives after hatching.
$. %ea turtles a#sor# a lot of salt from the sea water in which they live. &hey e'crete
e'cess salt from their eyes, so it often loo(s as though they)re crying.
5. *elium is a colorless, odorless, tasteless inert gas at room temerature and ma(es
u a#out 0.0005+ of the air we #reathe.
,. *elium -alloon Gas ma(es #alloons float. *elium is lighter than air and .ust as the
heaviest things will tend to fall to the #ottom, the lightest things will rise to the to.
/. *elium -alloon Gas ma(es #alloons float. *elium is lighter than air and .ust as the
heaviest things will tend to fall to the #ottom, the lightest things will rise to the to.
0. 1amels can sit.
2. 3n ostrich can run $! miles er hour 4/0 (ilometers er hour5.
10. Pigs are the fourth most intelligent animal in the world.
11. 6inosaurs didn)t eat grass7 &here was no grass in the days of the dinosaurs.
12. 6olhins can swim !/ miles er hour 4,0 (ilometers er hour5.
1!. 3 crocodile)s tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth7 8t cannot move. 8t cannot
chew #ut its 6igestive .uices are so strong that it can digest a steel nail, Glass ieces,
1$. %har(s are immune to disease i.e. they do not suffer from any 6isease.
15. 3nimals are either right9 or left9handed7 Polar #ears are always left9handed, and so
is Kermit the Frog.
1,. Paris, France has more dogs than eole.
1/. :ew ;ealand is home to /0 million shee and only $0 million eole.
10. <ale olar #ears weigh 1$00 ounds and females only weight 550 ounds, on
12. -ison are e'cellent swimmers7 &heir head, hum and tail never go #elow the
surface of the water.
20. &here are , to 1$ frog7s secies in the world that have no tongues. "ne of these is
the 3frican dwarf frog.
21. 3 frog named, who was in a frog der#y in %outh 3frica .umed !! feet 5.5
22. &he longest life san of a frog was $0 years
2!. &he eyes of a frog flatten down when it swallows its rey
2$. &he name =8ndia) is derived from the >iver 8ndus
25. &he Persian invaders converted it into *indu. &he name =*industan) com#ines
%indhu and *indu and thus refers to the land of the *indus.
2,. 1hess was invented in 8ndia.
2/. &he) lace value system) and the )decimal system) were develoed in 100 -1 in
20. &he game of sna(es ? ladders was created #y the 1!th century oet saint Gyandev.
8t was originally called )<o(shaat.) &he ladders in the game reresented virtues and
the sna(es indicated vices.
22. 8ndia has the most ost offices in the world
!0. ):avigation) is derived from the %ans(rit word :3@G3&8*
!1. &he word navy is also derived from the %ans(rit word ):ou).
!2. Antil 102,, 8ndia was the only source for diamonds to the world
!!. &he) lace value system) and the )decimal system) were develoed in 100 -1 in
!$. 3 snail can slee for ! years.
!5. &he names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start
!,. &wenty9Four9Karat Gold is not ure gold since there is a small amount of coer in
it. 3#solutely ure gold is so soft that it can #e molded with the hands.
!/. Blectricity doesn)t move through a wire #ut through a field around the wire.
!0. &he first #icycle that was made in 101/ #y -aron von 6rais didn)t have any edals7
Peole wal(ed it along
!2. &he first steam owered train was invented #y >o#ert %tehenson. 8t was called the
$0. 3 cheetah does not roar li(e a lion 9 it urrs li(e a cat 4meow5.
$1. &he original name for the #utterfly was )flutter#y)
$2. 3n ostrich)s eye is #igger than its #rain.
$!. 3nts don)t slee.
$$. 6olhins usually live u to a#out twenty years, #ut have #een (nown to live for
a#out forty.
$5. 6olhins slee in a semi9alert state #y resting one side of their #rain at a time
$,. 3 dolhin can hold its #reath for 5 to 0 minutes at a time
$/. -ats can detect warmth of an animal from a#out 1, cm away using its Cnose9leafC.
$0. -ats can also find food u to 10 ft. away and get information a#out the tye of insect
using their sense of echolocation.
$2. &he eyes of the chameleon can move indeendently ? can see in two
differentdirections at the same time.
50. 1oc(roachD 1an detect movement as small as 2,000 times the diameter of a
hydrogen atom.
51. 6ragonflyD Bye contains !0,000 lenses.
52. Pig)s &ongue contains 15,000 taste #uds. For comarison, the human tongue has
2,000 taste #uds.
5!. &he num#er system was invented #y 8ndia. 3rya#hatta was the scientist who
invented the digit Eero.
5$. 8ntelligent eole have more Einc and coer in their hair.
55. Barth weighs 5,2/2,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons
5,. Fi(e fingerrints, everyone)s tongue rint is different.
5/. 3 duc()s Guac( doesn)t echo anywhere
50. <an is the only animal who)ll eat with an enemy
52. &he average woman uses a#out her height in listic( every five years.
,0. &he first 1hristmas was cele#rated on 6ecem#er 25, 36 !!, in >ome.
,1. 3 1oc(roach will live nine days without its head, #efore it starves to death.
,2. 3 chimanEee can learn to recogniEe itself in a mirror, #ut mon(eys can)t
,!. 3 rat can last longer without water than a camel can
,$. 3#out 10+ of the world)s oulation is left9handed
,5. 6olhins slee with one eye oen
,,. %na(es have no e'ternal ears. &herefore, they do not hear the music of a Csna(e
charmerC. 8nstead, they are ro#a#ly resonding to the movements of the sna(e
charmer and the flute. *owever, sound waves may travel through #ones in their heads
to the middle ear.
,/. <any siders have eight eyes.
,0. &he tongue of sna(es has no taste #uds. 8nstead, the tongue is used to #ring smells
and tastes into the mouth. %mells and tastes are then detected in two its, called
CHaco#son)s organsC, on the roof of their mouths. >ecetors in the its then transmit
smell and taste information to the #rain.
,2. -irds don)t sweat
/0. &he highest (angaroo lea recorded is 10 ft and the longest is $2 ft
/1. Flamingo tongues were eaten common at >oman feasts
/2. &he smallest #ird in the world is the *umming#ird. 8t weighs 1oE
/!. &he #ird that can fly the fastest is called a White it can fly u to 25 miles er hour.
/$. &he oldest living thing on earth is 12,000 years old. 8t is the flowering shru#s called
creosote #ushes in the <o.ave 6esert

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/5. &ea is said to have #een discovered in 2/!/ -1 #y a 1hinese emeror when some
tea leaves accidentally #lew into a ot of #oiling water.
/,. 3 erson can live without food for a#out a month, #ut only a#out a wee( without
water. 8f the amount of water in your #ody is reduced #y .ust 1+, one will feel thirsty. 8f
it)s reduced #y 10+, one will die.
//. 3long with its length nec(, the giraffe has a very long tongue 99 more than a foot and
a half long. 3 giraffe can clean its ears with its 219inch tongue
/0. "striches can (ic( with tremendous force, #ut only forward. 6on)t <ess with them
/2. 3n elehant can smell water three miles away
00. 8f you were to remove your s(in, it would weigh as much as 5 ounds
01. 3 hiootamus can run faster than a man
02. 8ndia never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history
0!. &he world)s (nown tallest man is >o#ert Pershing Wadlow. &he giraffe is 5.$2m 410
ft.5, the man is 2.55m 40ft. 11.1 in.5.
0$. &he world)s tallest woman is %andy 3llen. %he is 2.!5m 4/ ft. / in.5.
05. &he only 2 animals that can see #ehind themselves without turning its head are the
ra##it and the arrot.
0,. &he #lue whale is the largest animal on earth. &he heart of a #lue whale is as #ig as
a car, and its tongue is as long as an elehant.
0/. &he largest #ird egg in the world today is that of the ostrich. "strich eggs are from ,
to 0 inches long. -ecause of their siEe and the thic(ness of their shells, they ta(e $0
minutes to hard9#oil. &he average adult male ostrich, the world)s largest living #ird,
weighs u to !$5 ounds.
00. Bvery dolhin has its own signature whistle to distinguish it from other dolhins,
much li(e a human fingerrint
02. &he world)s largest mammal, the #lue whale, weighs 50 tons i.e. 50000 Kg at #irth.
Fully grown, it weighs as much as 150 tons i.e. 150000 Kg.
20. 20 + of all the ice in the world in on 3ntarctica
21. 3ntarctica is 6>8B%& continent. 3ntarctica is a desert
22. 3ntarctica is 1"F6B%& continent, averaging minus /, degrees in the winter
2!. <ercury is the closest lanet to the sun and it doesn)t have a moon. 8ts atmoshere
is so thin that during the day the temerature reaches /50 degrees, #ut at night it gets
down to 9!00 degrees.
2$. Huiter is the largest lanet. 8f Huiter were hollow, you could fit 1000 earths insideL 8t
is made u of gas and is not solid. &he most famous feature on Huiter is its >ed %ot,
which is actually an enormous hurricane that has #een raging on Huiter for hundreds of
yearsL %i'teen moons or#it Huiter.
25. %aturn is a very windy laceL Winds can reach u to 1,100 miles er hour. %aturn is
also made of gas. 8f you could find an ocean large enough, it would float. &his lanet is
famous for its #eautiful rings, and has at least 10 moons.
2,. Aranus is the third largest lanet, and is also made of gas. 8t)s tilted on its side and
sins north9south rather than east9west. Aranus has 15 moons.
2/. :etune ta(es 1,5 Barth years to get around the sun. 8t aears #lue #ecause it is
made of methane gas. :etune also has a #ig %ot li(e Huiter. Winds on :etune get
u to 1,200 mile er hourL :etune has 0 moons.
20. Pluto is the farthest lanet from the sun... usually. 8t has such an unusual or#it that it
is occasionally closer to the sun than :etune. Pluto is made of roc( and ice.
22. Hust a#out everyone listens to the radioL 22+ of homes in the Anited %tates have a
least one radio. <ost families have several radios.
100. %ound is sent from the radio station through the air to your radio #y means of
electromagnetic waves. :ews, music, -i#le teaching, #ase#all games, lays,
advertisements9 these sounds are all converted into electromagnetic waves 4radio
waves5 #efore they reach your radio and your ears.
101. 3t the radio station, the announcer sea(s into a microhone. &he microhone
changes the sound of his voice into an electrical signal. &his signal is wea( and can)t
travel very far, so it)s sent to a transmitter. &he transmitter mi'es the signal with some
strong radio signals called carrier waves. &hese waves are then sent out through a
secial antenna at the seed of lightL &hey reach the antenna of your radio. Jour
antenna CcatchesC the signal, and the radio)s amlifier strengthens the signal and sends
it to the sea(ers. &he sea(ers vi#rate, and your ears ic( u the vi#rations and your
#rain translates them into the voice of the radio announcer #ac( at the station. When
you consider all the laces the announcer)s voice travels.
102. Bvery radio station has its own freGuency. When you turn the tuning (no# on your
radio, you are choosing which freGuency you want your antenna to Ccatch.C
10!. <ountain lions are (nown #y more than 100 names, including anther, catamount,
cougar, ainter and uma. 8ts scientific name is Felis concolor, which means Ccat of one
color.C 3t one time, mountain lions were very commonL
10$. &he large cats of the world are divided into two grous9 those that roar, li(e tigers
and 3frican lions, and those that urr. <ountain lions urr, hiss, scream, and snarl, #ut
they cannot roar. &hey can .um a distance of !0 feet, and .um as high as 15 feet. 8t
would ta(e Guite a fence to (ee a mountain lion outL &heir favorite food is deer, #ut
they)ll eat other critters as well. &hey hunt alone, not in ac(s li(e wolves. &hey snea(
u on their rey .ust li(e a house cat snea(s u on a #ird or toy9 one slow ste at a time.
3 lion can eat ten ounds of meat at one timeL
105. Iueen ants can live to #e !0 years old
10,. 6ragonflies can fla their wings 20 times er second and they can fly u to ,0
miles er hour
10/. 3s fast as dragonflies can fla their wings, #ees are even faster... they can fla
their wings $!5 times er second
100. *uman thigh #ones are stronger than concrete.
102. Jou can)t (ill yourself #y holding your #reath
110. Jour heart #eats over 100,000 times a day
111. >ight handed eole live, on average, nine years longer than left9handed eole
112. &he elehant is the only mammal that can)t .umL
11!. Fingernails grow nearly $ times faster than toenailsL
11$. Women #lin( nearly twice as much as men
115. *oney is the only food that does not soil. *oney found in the tom#s of Bgytian
haraohs has #een tasted #y archaeologists and found edi#le
11,. 1oca91ola would #e green if colouring weren)t added to it.
11/. <ore eole are allergic to cow)s mil( than any other food.
110. 1amels have three eyelids to rotect themselves from #lowing sand
112. Barth is the only lanet not named after a god.
120. 8t7s against the law to #ur, or sneeEe in a church in :e#ras(a, A%3.
121. %ome worms will eat themselves if they can)t find any foodL
122. 8t is imossi#le to sneeEe with your eyes oen
12!. Iueen BliEa#eth 8 regarded herself as a aragon of cleanliness. %he declared that
she #athed once every three months, whether she needed it or not
12$. %lugs have $ noses.
125. "wls are the only #irds that can see the #lue colour.
12,. Jour tongue is the only muscle in your #ody that is attached at only one end
12/. <ore than 1,000 different languages are so(en on the continent of 3frica.
120. &here was once an undersea ost office in the -ahamas.
122. 3#raham Fincoln)s mother died when she dran( the mil( of a cow that graEed on
oisonous sna(eroot
1!0. 3fter the death of 3l#ert Binstein his #rain was removed #y a athologist and ut in
a .ar for future study.
1!1. Penguins are not found in the :orth Pole
1!2. 3 dentist invented the Blectric 1hair.
1!!. 3 whi ma(es a crac(ing sound #ecause its ti moves faster than the seed of
1!$. 3le'ander Graham -ell)s wife and mother were #oth deaf
1!5. 1oc(roaches #rea( wind every 15 minutes.
1!,. Fish scales are an ingredient in most listic(s
1!/. 1anadaC is an 8ndian word meaning C-ig @illageC.
1!0. 252200 eole die every day.
1!2. 11+ of the world is left9handed
1$0. 1./ liters of saliva is roduced each day
1$1. &he world7s oldest iece of chewing gum is 2000 years oldL
1$2. &he largest #eetle in the 3mericas is the *ercules #eetle, which can #e $ to ,
inches in length. &hat)s #igger than your handL
1$!. 3 full9grown male mountain lion may #e 2 feet long, including his tailL
1$$. &here are two (inds of radio stationsD 3< and F<. &hat)s why there are two dials
on your radio. 3< is used mostly for stations that secialiEe in tal(ing, such as 1hristian
stations at have -i#le stories and sermonsM sorts stations that #roadcast live #ase#all
and foot#all gamesM and stations that secialiEe in news rograms and Ctal( shows,C
where listeners call the station and discuss various toics. F< is used mostly for
stations that secialiEe in music.
1$5. &he average lead encil can draw a line that is almost !5 miles long or you can
write almost 50,000 words in Bnglish with .ust one encil
1$,. &he Wright -rothers invented one of the first airlanes. 8t was called the Kitty
1$/. &he worst industrial disaster in 8ndia occurred in 120$ in -hoal the caital of
<adhya Pradesh. 3 deadly chemical, methyl isocyanate lea(ed out of the Anion
1ar#ide factory (illing more than 2500 and leaving thousands sic(. 8n fact the effects of
this gas tragedy are #eing felt even today.
1$0. <ars is nic(named the C>ed Planet,C #ecause it loo(s reddish in the night s(y.
<ars has 2 moons.
1$2. @enus is nic(named the CHewel of the %(y.C -ecause of the greenhouse effect, it is
hotter than <ercury, even though it)s not as close to the sun. @enus does not have a
moon #ut it does have clouds of sulfuric acidL 8f you)re going to visit @enus, ac( your
gas mas(L
150. &ens of thousands of articiants come from all over the world, fight in a harmless
#attle where more than one hundred metric tons of over9rie tomatoes are thrown in the

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