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Firstly, our deepest thanks and gratitude to God for all the blessings upon us
and our family that has given us the strength and leading us the way in making our life as a
student as successful as it could be , and blending fairly and equally with our role as a
teacher and also in our marriage lives.
We would also like to express our thanks and appreciation to our families and
friends that had given us all the support and assistance that we need to go through this
semester smoothly.
As this is a group work task , we would like to express our deepest thanks and
gratitude to our group members for all the effort and hardship in making this task a success.
Without collaborative work , co-operation and commitment from each other , this task will not
be a success. It is hoped that our effort would be fruitful.
Our greatest thanks and gratitude to Madam Lailatul Zuraidah , our lecturer for
TSL 3107 Teaching Writing Skills In The Primary ESL Classroom , for her lively and inspiring
lessons where we gain and learn a lot of knowledge in the teaching of writing skills for
primary students. With her guidance too, we manage to comprehend this subject and have
ample confidence to fulfill the tasks and requirements needed in this course. It is indeed our
honour and pleasure to be in her class. It is with her advice and encouragement , this
coursework is accomplished.
Thank you.



I perceive myself as a poor student and reader. I had never been taught the proper way to
write an assignment. I struggled through TSL 3107. I never thought about the process that I
took to draw the mind map. The readings throughout the data on teaching writing skills
helped me to understand how to write the task given. I really enjoyed most of the data
gathered from many sources. The internet and books are both great sources of information
which I was able to refer to when writing my assignment draft.

Through all the research that I did whether on the internet ,in the library ,or through my
colleague was helpful in understanding what I truly wanted my focus to write. I also realize
that the research open my eyes to information that I had never heard about or read before. I
really enjoyed most the reading that were assigned .I like the fact that we got to surf a
website and reading books. The information about how research online was extremely

The peer responses that I received were very helpful to me in correcting my paper. I tried to
take all the advice and apply it to my paper . Any information that they say would be helpful
in understanding my paper or that would make my paper better is worth using. Over all I was
very happy with my effort and my progress doing the assignment.

I feel that I will approach future writing assignments with an open mind , which I hope will
take some of the stress of the assignment. I know that I will be able to use this information
not only while I am in college , but throughout the rest of my life.

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