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With Production week
finally upon us, I would like
to take the time to
acknowledge the efforts of
many within our community.
The journey started during
the December holidays with
the concept being born
The royal family are
bored. The King and
Queen have had enough.
They hate their lives.
They hate their royal
duties and the royal
treatment. Their kingdom
is falling apart and
theyve lost the
motivation to fix it. Their
eldest daughter, the
snooty Princess Scarlett is
rebelling and their son
Prince Reginald, the
future King, is too
interested in his PSP 3 to
care. Their younger
daughter, Princess
Arabella, believes in the
magic of royalty and
believes that every
princess shall one day
have her own Prince
Charming. Things have to
change. The kingdom
needs a shake up and the
Queen has decided to do
something about it. She
calls upon some help in
form of the extroverted
Lesley, who decides to
happening at different
times throughout the day.
The list of jobs that
needed to be complete
went up and the staff
responded. Many of these
efforts occurred outside
the normal classroom
routines. Frankie
Harkness has continued
her involvement with
Launch productions, even
though she no longer has
a student at LPPS. Her
artistic design with props,
sets, programs and posters
has been invaluable.
Maryann Elliot and her
PFA team have worked
for many hours organising
ticketing and production
raffle. Paul Thompson
and Lisa Reuhmer for
their work with still
photography of students
and videoing the

Our Amazing Community
Thursday Thoughts
L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l
Issue 30
Newsletter Date 11th September 2014
Important Dates:

11th & 12th
A Royal Spectacle
School Production
Raffle drawn at
15th - 19th
Camp for selected
Grade 4 & 5 Students
End of Term 3
2.30pm finish

Start of Term 4
9.00am Start
Prep Excursion to
Casey Safety Village

Student Absent
Hot Line Number
5964 7783
host an event, a Royal
Gala, to gain advice and
wisdom from other
royals. Princess Scarlett
sends out a Facebook post
inviting all Kings, Queen,
Princes and Princesses
from around the world to
attend the event. How do
they maintain their royal
status? What qualities do
they possess that leads to
their success and the
success of their respective
Candice Nyman and
Jacinta Kemp have driven
this process from the start.
During the term holidays,
they were joined by an
enthusiastic team to write
the script, one that would
lead to the involvement of
all LPPS students. It has
been an ongoing team
effort to produce this
amazing event. Staff
members have been busy
running lunchtime
rehearsals with the lead
cast team. Classroom
dance practice has been
Launching Place Primary school
staff and students would like to
thank all who have worked to help
make this production possible.

Our special thanks go to:
Healesville High School
Authors and Producers
Candice Nyman, Jacinta Kemp and
Frankie Harkness and Glenn
Art and Costumes
Team effort
Maryann Elliott and assistants
Candice Nyman and Rebecca Fraser
[Prep Dances]
Sound Effects
Kathy Boyd and Lara Mackie
Parents and Friends
Page 2
Thursday Thoughts
Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email
ABN 96 199 518 803
Cont from Page 1
This annual event was organised by
our Community Partnerships Team.
We received over three hundred
responses for people attending the
event from 7:30am last Friday
morning. Dads/mates and kids ate
a selection of food from pancakes,
cereals and spaghetti /bake beans on
toast. Staff acted as waiters serving
the crowds.
Dads and Mates Breakfast
They then set about making vehicles
that need to be propelled by the wind
machine (fan) down the corridor.
The hardworking Parents and
Friends team excelled once again
with the organisation of the Fathers
Day Stall last Thursday. A special
thanks to Maryann, Sharyn, Fran,
Jo, Barb, Janine, Beck A., Bec C.,
Peta R, Kelly and Kristy for the time
they have given to make this day a
success. There were many smiles all
round as gifts were chosen
and money was handed
over. The organisation for
this event started many
weeks ago and would not
have been possible without
this great team.
Fathers Day Stall Thank You
Page 3
Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development endorsement.
New item on the menu: Lemonade Juicies they will be $1.00 each.

If you send your child/rens lunch order on an envelope, please include 10 in the
order for the cost of a paper bag.
18th Janine K , Jodie D, Bianca D

Unfortunately, the Don Valley Hall
market scheduled for this Saturday
13th September has been cancelled
due to inability to secure enough
stallholders to make it viable.
Launching Place PS Market, the
last for the term, is being held next
Thursday, September 18
. There
WHYLD Market
will be a bit more momentum into
the minimarkets next term with
daylight saving, warmer weather
and Christmas approaching.

Narelle Messerle
Before both evening production sessions. Refreshments will be on sale at $2.00 per cup, Tea,
Coffee, and Milo. Water and Cordial will also be available.
Production Raffle
Enter for your chance to win
the following prizes
1st Mini i-pad
2nd Load of Wood
3rd Portable DVD Player

Tickets will be $2.00 each and
available before each
production session.
The raffle will be drawn at
school assembly on Monday
15th September.
Student Awards
Grade 1/2 S Hudson K
Luca L-H

Grade 3/4 F Declan P
Carla C

Grade 3/4 M Bree T

Grade 3/4 N Charlotte W

Grade 3/4 S Erica C
Sophie G

Page 4
Thursday Thoughts
strategies we have learnt over the
term. We are super excited about
Grade 5/6: Wow!! What a busy time
of year. We are all getting ready for
Production and looking forward to
performing tonight and tomorrow.
We learnt about the mean, median
and mode in Maths and explored
different strategies in our CAF
reading sessions.
Principal: We had an outstanding
production practice with the whole
school. Our Hex toilets were finally
opened. Please make sure you are
using them correctly!! Toilets are
not a place to play! Remember to
flush the toilet and wash your hands.
We had a sensational Dads &
Mates breakfast last Friday with
over 300 people in attendance.
Thanks also to our great mums
from PFA who organised our
Fathers Day stall last Thursday.

School Captains Report
Prep: We had such a busy week in
Prep preparing for production. The
lions and bees are doing very well.
We have been matching beginning
and end sounds in reading. We are
getting very good at partner reading
and choosing good fit books.
Grade 1/2: We had a great time at
the whole school dress rehearsal and
we all looked fantastic in our
costumes. We enjoyed making fruit
kebabs and wrote a procedure text
about it. We have started our
multiplication Maths groups and in
CAF we explored alphabetical
Grade 3/4: In CAF reading we
focused on making inferences. We
inferred things about our teachers.
We enjoyed using the fluency cards
to change our voices while we read.
In Maths we looked at time. We are
learning to read and make times. We
revised the problem solving

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