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HonShaZeShoNen -~ - '~ -

~~'- ,'- - - ,-'
Reiki Symbols
These are the Reiki symbols as they were taught to me. The arrows and numbers in the pictures
indicate how the symbols are to be drawn. There are many variations oI some symbols but they all
work, use your intuition to Iind the right one Ior you.
Cho Ku Rei
The Iirst symbol is Cho-KU-Rei (pronounced cho-koo-ray), which
is oIten reIerred to as the 'power symbol. You will normally use this
symbol in every healing session, as Irequently as you Ieel is right.
Its aIIect is to channel Iar stronger healing energy. Some people
may Ieel attracted to drawing it counter clockwise instead. II you
experiment, you will usually Iind which Ieels better Ior you.
Sei He Ki
The second symbol is SEI-HE-KI (pronounced say-hay-kee) and is
used in most healings. It is sometimes called the 'emotional symbol'
because it speciIically addresses the emotional healing process and
helps release deeply repressed Ieelings, quickly and easily. It is
usually drawn once at the start oI a session, and can be used again
when you Ieel drawn to it at any time during the healing.
Hon Sha Ze Sho
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (pronounced hon-sha-zee-show-nen) "The
Distance Symbol" Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is used to send Reiki. You
can send Reiki to anyone and anything. It is used to send Reiki over
distance and time (such as when using Reiki to heal a past trauma or
sending Reiki to a point in the Iuture when you or someone might
need it). It is also drawn beIore sending a distant attunement. You
may be guided intuitively to use it in other situations when
necessary. II you Ieel you need to use it but have trouble recalling it
exactly, just repeat the name oI oI the symbol and let Reiki do the
rest Ior you.
Tibetan Dai Ko
The Dai ku Myo is also known as the Master Symbol. Some people
may Ieel attracted to drawing it instead oI usui symbol. II you
experiment, you will usually Iind which Ieels better Ior you.
Usui Dai Ko Mio
The Dai ku Myo is also known as the Master Symbol. This is the
energy that the Reiki master activates to do the Attunements that
make the Reiki energies permanently accessible to the new
practitioner. Several Reiki Masters diIIerentiate between 'Master' &
'Grand-Master'. A master attunement activates the Dai ku myo as
the spiritual intuitive energy but does not give the ability to do
Raku (Fire
This Symbol is pronounced "ra-koo" which is mainly used at the
end oI attunements, take a deep breath and hold it in, move around
the back oI the receiver then draw the RAKU Irom their head, down
along the spine and down to the ground, simultaneously releasing
the breath. InIorm the receiver that the process is complete and that
they should sit still Ior a Iew minutes beIore arising. It does not
initiate healing energy, but instead is involved in grounding the
receiver, it may also be used at the end oI a healing session or at
other times when additional grounding is needed. Now a big tip
when attuning people to reiki, sending distant treatments don't try to
hard trust in the Intelligent Reiki Energy and you will never Iail !
the main word to remember is your INTENT ! so take it easy let the
energy Ilow.
Non Tr!"#"on$ %&"'" ()*+o$, - .r/n %&"'" ()*+o$,
This symbol is pronounced "hay-lou" It was channeled
by Kathleen and Marcy and was given purportedly by
Sai baba during a meditation. Halu means love, truth,
and beauty. It can also mean harmony. It is supposed to
be a deeper ray oI healing. This symbol is an
ampliIication oI Zonar. To draw this, the Z is completed
and the pyramid is added. Halu is thought to be more
powerIul than Zonar and works in higher dimensions
and at deeper levels. Halu is said to restore balance. It is
thought to bring about "deep healing" at causal and
karmic levels. Like the Usui Reiki symbol, Sei Hei Ki, it
is supposed to help dissolve negative patterns in the
unconscious mind that we use to keep ourselves Irom
truth, and also to break up delusion and denial. It is also
used to open a channel to higher consciousness. It can
be used to repel and dispel psychic attack and
psychological attacks. To use Halu Ior this purpose,
draw the symbol in the air and connect at your heart
center to the divine compassion. InIuse and surround
yourselI with the symbol and this energy. Know and
intent that no psychic or psychological attacks can harm
you in the oneness oI this love.
This symbol is pronounced "zoe nar". It was channeled
by Marcy Miller and purportedly given to Marcy Irom
Sai Baba during a meditation. Zonar means "inIinity" or
eternity. To draw the symbol, Iirst draw the "Z" and then
the inIinity three times. This symbol is thought to work
with past lives. The theory being that the cells carry the
memory oI trauma, and ideas Irom both this liIe and
previous lives. This symbols is thought to help us work
through these issues and release them and the associated
Karma. Because oI this it is thought to work well with
child abuse.
Harth This symbol is pronounced exactly as spelled. It was
channeled by Kathleen Milner and Marcy Miller. Harth
means Love, Truth, Beauty, Harmony and Balance. It is
the main symbol oI Karuna Ki. It represents the InIinite
Love and Compassion oI the source. Harth is a symbol
Ior the heart Irom which healing and love Ilow. It is used
to heal the heart and issues oI the heart, and helps one
develop Karuna (compassion). It is useIul and helpIul in
healing relationships. Harth restores our love oI liIe and
Ior the things we do. Harth is good to use Ior addictions
oI all kinds.
This symbol is pronounced "Ah uu mm". It is a Sanskrit
symbol used in many eastern spiritual practices.
Represents the Universe Iunctioning as a whole unit; A
Iather/mother beckoning creation, U son/daughter the
evolution oI individual souls; and M absorbing oI all
that is created. The sacred sound oI the Universe. Om
cleans, stabilizes and seals the aura. It brings in light,
puriIies, protects and connects with GOD. Om is
chanted and visualized in gold by and individual or in
groups to be used Ior healing or psychic attunement;
sound psychically charges the air with prana which is
under the direction oI thought and can be directed
speciIically. It is recognized as the primal sound and
chanted to control natural maniIestations; represents the
three maniIestations oI all liIe: creation, preservation
and destruction Use in the initiation process to seal in
the other symbols or to seal each part oI the attunement.
Om opens the crown and iI drawn above the head opens
a pathway to God and higher consciousness. I have
Iound that repeating the Mantra "Ah um mm" that the
Reiki energy doubles, it is also good Ior your Chakras
Rama, interchangeable with "Ram" or "God" means
abiding joy. Rama connects us to Gaia, Earth energy,
and clears our lower six chakras. Rama is used to clear
negative energy, create determination and revive a
person's chi
Pronounced, "Know Sa", the word comes Irom Gnosis
meaning mystical and spiritual knowledge acquired
through Ieeling and prophecies Irom God. Gnosa helps
release our higher selI to communicate more clearly in
every day liIe. As it increases awareness it upliIts
consciousness creating a direct connection with God.
Like Harth, Gnosa is a primary symbol in Karuna reiki
Pronounced "Kree Yah", it means perIect balance and
action. The Law oI Kriya is that oI physical
maniIestation. Thought to help to heal the human race.
Kriya balances energy, raises awareness and transIorms
thought into action
Pronounced "Ee-Ah-Vah", it balances the Iour elements.
When drawing the Iour small loops, say "Earth" with the
Iirst, "Water" with the second, "Wind or Air" with the
third, and "Fire" with the Iourth. Iava dispels illusion,
conditionings and untruths. Iava aids in acting in the
moment Irom a place oI truth rather than re-acting to
circumstances. It also helps heal the Earth
Pronounced, "Shawn-Tee", it means peace. Shanti helps
heal the past and make way Ior the present. We use
Shanty to send peace to the past, Iree our attachments
and heal. It releases Iear, anger, hurt while soothing the
Pronounced, "do moe", it represents the swirling heat oI
the Kundalini. Also known as Tibetan Master Symbol
or Tibetan Dai Ko Mio, it is the heat Ielt over the spine
as the Kundalini awakens. This heat is the uniIication oI
the body and the mind. Dumo ignites this Iire in the
root chakra, pulls negative energy and disease Irom the
body and releases it. Dumo heals on the deepest oI
Fire Serpant
This sleeping serpant awakens during an attunement. It
opens the central channel oI Kundalini Iire. Depending
on how it is used, it can either ground energy into the
lower chakras or push energy upwards into the higher
chakras without allowing it to relase through the crown
chakra. It connects and opens all chakras allowing
balance & harmony
Antahkarana Symbol - A symbol consisting oI a cube
shape with 7's on its Iace surIaces. Presumably oI
Tibetan origin although this cannot be determined.
Claimed to have panacea type eIIects on all areas oI
healing. This is used in a speciIic meditation as well as
on "master Irequency generator plates" developed by
RalI Jensen.
Complete Reiki manuals by %e&&y 'ento(t are no) poste* here

Here are #ersions o( the Reiki Symbols
"( you *o not )ish to see them simply *o not s+roll *o)n this pa&e,
"( you plan to email me in protest to my *isplayin& the symbols here is my usual
The symbols are in a sense sa+re*- )hi+h is to say )orthy o( respe+t but that is not
the same as se+ret, The Reiki symbols )ere ne#er a+tually se+ret, The +hara+ters
kno)n as Reiki Symbols are terms that are use* in some esoteri+ .u**hist se+ts
(Ni+heren an* Tien Tai- probably others) to represent +ertain prin+iples o(
.u**hist Theory,
" )as alrea*y (amiliar )ith three o( the meanin&s o( these symbols as .u**hist terms, " )as
)orkin& )ith the interpretations o( these terms (or almost /0 years be(ore e#er hearin& o( Reiki,
They are *isplaye* in temples in 'apan an* the po)er symbol is use* as a prote+ti#e emblem,
%eople *o nee* to be attune* to Reiki be(ore they +an use these symbols to a+ti#ate Reiki ener&y
(un+tions, These )ere not ima&es an* man*alas )hi+h )ere only re#eale* to initiates o( 1soteri+
.u**hism, Thou&h the use o( these parti+ular symbols to a++ess healin& ener&ies is spe+i(i+ to
Reiki an* Reiki *oes not re2uire belie( or pra+ti+e o( any parti+ular reli&ion or philosophy,
" shoul* also probably 3)arn3 you be(ore you look at the symbols- that in some 1soteri+ .u**hist
se+ts )hi+h +onsi*er all )ritin& about spiritual matters to be sa+re* tea+h that bein& sho)n any
o( those )ritin&s )ill plant a see* that )ill in+rease the probability that the person seein& them
)ill be+ome enli&htene* in the same li(etime,
The symbols are *ra)n an* tau&ht some)hat *i((erently by *i((erent Reiki tea+hers The
*i((eren+es in the (orm o( the symbols *oes not seem to make a per+eptible *i((eren+e in the
ability to +onne+t )ith an* use the Reiki ener&ies , The #ariation is in probably mainly a
*i((eren+e in styles o( kan4i - 4ust as there are *i((erent styles o( han*)ritin& in 1n&lish- there are
*i((erent )ays to )rite kan4i , $lso some early stu*ents in the US )ere not allo)e* to keep
)ritten +opies o( the symbols an* may ha#e miss remembere* some parts o( them, There are also
ol*er an* ne)er (orms o( Kan4i )ritin&,
The symbols are use* to help people (o+us to +onne+t to Uni#ersal 1ner&y, 5hen you ha#e
raise* your o)n ener&y (re2uen+y su((i+iently you may no lon&er nee* to use the symbols to
+onne+t )ith an* use Reiki ener&y , Some people make the error o( assumin& that the symbols
embo*y the po)er o( Reiki an* +ompletely rely on the symbols , They may en* up almost
)orshippin& the symbols , Symbols ser#e a purpose but may in some +ases retar* pro&ress in
risin& to true pro(i+ien+y, )hen you ha#e *e#elope* the ability to use the symbols )ell enou&h you
+an +onne+t to Uni#ersal ener&y *ire+tly by intention an* may +hoose to mo#e a)ay (rom al)ays
*ra)in& symbols an* in#okin& the mantras mentally on e#ery o++asion , The stu*y o( the )ealth
o( meanin&s o( the )or*s in*i+ate* by the kan4i symbols +an be #ery #aluable (or spiritual
The attunements " &i#e in+lu*e automati+ally the ability to use the Reiki (un+tions )ith or
)ithout usin& symbols +ons+iously, Di((erent people ha#e *i((erent nee*s an* abilities )hen
)orkin& )ith ener&ies, For some people a+ti#ely )orkin& )ith symbols is easiest an* (or others
*ire+t intention or Koto*ama (soun*s) or &esture may be easier no metho* is innately better than
Tra*itional 'apanese Reiki sour+es in+lu*in& Master Hiroshi Doi re(er to the symbols an* a+ti#ate
them by number an* a name rele#ant to their use , " think the 1n&lish translations o( the terms
the 'apanese Tea+hers use is more help(ul than the terms that ha#e be+ome +ommon in the 5est
they are
No. 1. Focus. = Power Symbol = Cho ku Rei
No. 2. Harmony. = Mental Emotional = Sei he ki
No. . Connection. = !istance=Hon sha "e sho nen
No. #. Em$owerment. = Master = !ai ku Myo
The names most use* in the 5est are the Mantra6s that &o )ith the symbol The symbols are only
+onsi*ere* as tools an* on+e mastere* nee* not be use* This is also in a++or* )ith the in(ormation
" ha* pre#iously (rom numerous .u**hist te7ts an* (rom a lar&e number o( 'apanese tea+hers o(
Spiritual philosophy,

8, FCUS The %o)er boost Symbol Cho Ku Rei
Cho ku rei (+ho koo ray) (lon& o in +ho ) is the Usui po)er boost mantra an* symbol to in+rease the
po)er o( Reiki , This ener&y +alls in hi&her uni#ersal ener&y an* a++elerates Reiki (rom lo) to hi&h
an* &i#es &reater po)er an* (o+us to the ener&y ,%o)er boost is use* )ith the other ener&ies as )ell as
by itsel( *urin& all treatments han*s on or *istan+e, This ener&y has been use* to +lear rooms an*
+rystals an* to +har&e (oo* an* )ater,
$s a .u**hist term this re(ers to the nature an* or&ani9ation o( reality an* to the emer&en+e o(
substan+e (rom the #oi* o( potential,

/, H$RMN: The Mental an* 1motional Healin& Symbol Sei He Ki

The mental emotional healin& (un+tion Usui mantra is sei he ki (say hay key) , The mental emotional
(un+tion is use* to (a+ilitate emotional an* mental healin& an* to assist sel( pro&rammin& an* treatin&
a**i+tions an* habits as )ell as all other mental an* emotional +on+erns- it is sai* to )ork on the
sub+ons+ious, Some tea+hers use it on the (irst ; +hakras only an* some use it on all positions The
mental<emotional healin& shakti or (un+tion helps to balan+e the ri&ht an* le(t si*es o( the brain- an*
is o(ten use* (or healin& un)ante* habits or (or pro&rammin& in *esire* habits,

=, CNN1CT"N The Distan+e Healin& Symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

The Usui *istan+e (un+tion mantra is hon sha 9e sho nen (ha)n sha) 9ay sho) nen), an* it is use* (or
sen*in& the ener&ies han*s o(( - (or absentee healin& an* treatin& "ssues (rom the past in+lu*in& past
li(e issues *istant healin& +an bri*&e time an* spa+e- allo)in& you to sen* healin& ener&y a+ross a
room- or aroun* the )orl* to heal past )oun*s ,
(yes the number ele#en is missin& thou&h
the entire symbol is sho)n, ne problem )ith ima&es o( this symbol is that some people ha#e
mistaken the number ele#en (or part o( the symbol,>
The Distan+e ener&y attunement also &i#es you the ability to use all the Reiki ener&ies (or han*s o((
treatments at any *istan+e at all ,, you +an use this ener&y lon& *istan+e an* to beam the ener&ies to
someone in the room - this is espe+ially use(ul in treatin& +hil*ren an* animals - in treatin& yoursel( on
areas you +an not rea+h an* )hen in publi+ or anypla+e )here a han*s on treatment mi&ht be

;, 1M%51RM1NT The Spiritual 1mpo)erment or Master Symbol
Complete Reiki manuals by %e&&y 'ento(t are no) poste*

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