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Through the eyes of a 7-Eleven DEA

Story by Katrice Bulanhagui
ERG NIGHT: Yung theme ng erg night (I forgot)
Article by King Marc Dimapilis
My App Experience
Story by Gelyn Manzanares
Roland Mondano!!!!
Story by Roland Mondano
Pagdanak ng Unang Dugo
Story by Darwin Maddara
Poem by Dianne Bargo
Cool Tips #7
by Jeremil Jack David
DEA Love Teams
Through the eyes of a 7-Eleven DEA
University of the Philippines-Engineering Radio Guild or UP ERG:
First time Ive heard of this organization is through my cousin his
girlfriend who were both graduates of EEE courses from UP. They
have said quite a number of positive things about ERG which
really interests me.
Finally, I decided to apply in UP ERG for three reasons First,
I know that throughout my college life, I will need a lot of
academic assistance and I think ERG can help me here since
they are an academic organization. Second, participating in
The HungERGames was so much fun, the members were very
welcoming and it makes me want to get to know them better.
Lastly, my cousin, his girlfriend, and the ERG block handlers
weve met seemed cool to me. There was something in the
way they carried themselves that made me think theyre fun
people to be with, I was eager to know the reason behind their
somehow enthusiastic personalities. I was eager to be a one of
I have heard rumors that the application process was no easy
task. The members themselves claim this. Despite that, my
decision to apply remains, and was strengthened when Ive that
a friend is also willing to join. And then it beganmy very own
app experience.
It appeared that the frst thing I had to do as an ERG
applicant was to attend an Apps Orientation in order to be
informed about what exactly are we getting in to. I wasnt able
to attend that day so I just went straight to the tambayan (the
organizations ofcial quarters), where I was given the Sigsheet.
It was like an application manual for me. Its where all the things
we have to go through was written and explained, and while I
read it, I realized just how much this process requires from us. It
would take the whole semester but I was prepared to accept the
There came the sigsheet days, these were the weeks
when we had to complete the signatures of the members
and a lot of other activities to be able to fll up the remaining
contents of the booklet. The frst few weeks of the app process
was enjoyable. I got to know a lot of people, there was my
co-applicants and of course, the members. Completing the
signatures meant more than just asking and getting the signs;
Applicants had to earn the signature and by earn, it meant that
we had to fulfll whatever task the member would have us do.
It could be answering personal or trivia questions, memorizing
names, showcase of talent, doing a dare and a lot more possible
demands. Our Buddies played crucial roles during this process;
they helped us a lot in acquiring of signs and overcoming
shyness. But then I started to feel the difculty of fnishing the 77
Tambay Hours when long exams and midterms came.
Days passed by and there had been a lot of times when
I thought of giving up this application process because it is no
easy task, it consumes a lot of my time and effort which I could
just use for studying or resting. I didnt take those thoughts
seriously though, I kept reminding myself each and every time
that I had already started this; it would not make sense for me
leave this halfway.
But there came a point when I got really tired and everything is
piling up academic tests, church practices, family gatherings,
invitation from friends and, ERG app process. Deferring now
became a reasonable thought; I had to set my priorities, once
and for all.
After a lot of thinking, I remembered one very important thing.
That thought stayed with me, and it kept me believing that I can
fnish this app process:
The great things in life are not achieved comfortably or
effortlessly. It requires determination, commitment and sacrifce.
I guess that is also a part of what makes them special, being
something you worked hard for and sacrifced for. Those were
the lines I kept repeating to myself whenever I had doubts in
continuing. At that time, I knew I was not in the position to
conclude that every effort I was exerting will be worth in the end.
However, deep inside me, I knew that despite all the uncertainty
and fear of having regrets, I was willing to take the risk.
It surprised me that people I had just met, my co-applicants and
my buddies, infuenced me in this decision. They werent always
aware of my hesitation and confusion but spending a lot of time
with them, sharing the same goal, laughing and accomplishing
tasks togetherthose became my motivation for going on. I told
myself, I am doing this because I want to continue being with
this people. My own app experience now turned into our app
Buddy Bidding, Applicants Day, Opening Night, Tambay Week,
Constihunt, Constiquiz, EEE Summit, ERG Night. Time few by and
everything seemed to happen quickly. Sigsheet days were over
before we even know it.
Formal Interview (FI) was the next trial we have to overcome.
Most members gave warnings. This, according to them, is the
hardest part of the whole application process because one has
to go through it alone. I cannot say that I disagree with them, but
the difculty of the interview was balanced out by the learning
one would obtain. As the saying goes: no pain, no gain. Presence
of mind, standing up for your beliefs, respecting superiors
these are just some of the things we were trained to develop.
And right after my interview, I felt like I could actually survive a
real-life job interview. Well, its just a gut feeling but Ive been
wondering if one of the purposes of the FI, aside from getting to
know each applicant, is to prepare a person for similar situations
in the future. Either way, I was grateful to have that kind of
unique experience.
I did not delve deeper into every detail of the application process
because I know that everyone had been through the same
process, only they had different circumstances and knowledge
acquired. What I aim to express is what this experience meant to
One lexical defnition of the word experience is the totality
of events participated in of an individual or group in the past.
I do not think I could describe my experience well without
mentioning a quote from the book entitled Flipped by Wendelin
Van Draanen. One of the main characters stated that A painting
is more than the sum of its parts. The example used in the story
was a landscape painting and it said that the cow by itself is just
a cow, and the meadow by itself is just grass and fowers, and
the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light, but put
them all together and youve got magic.
That is exactly where I wanted to compare my experience toa
painting. For me, this whole application process is an experience
that is worth more than just the sum of the events we attended
or the requirements we have fulflled. If we try to look at the
application process part by part, it might give an impression that
everything was just a handful of difcult tasks meant to test how
much an individual wants to enter the organization. Most likely,
a person with that kind of point of view will be discouraged to
participate and would think negatively of this process.
But looking at the bigger picture, one would surely notice that
every step of the way is a step closer to improving oneself in
becoming a better person. That for every challenge presented to
us, there is always a lesson that we should learn. That in truth,
the process was designed to test how far a person can go beyond
himself, to overcome his weaknesses and differences from
others in order to be a part of one big team working together.
Because thats what you do in a family, right? You work and
look out for each other. And thats what ERG is; more than an
organization, more than a team a family.
I feel luckier, thinking that I didnt make a mistake in applying for
this organization; Because of the things Ive learned, the people
I met, and the impact it had to me this is what my experience,
or rather, what 7-Elevens experience is: a painting, a whole
worth more than the sum of its parts, magic. Magic that brought
a change in me, magic that brought change in us.
ERG NIGHT: Yung theme ng erg night
(I forgot)
Theres always that special moment that culminates everything
that has been done and gone through and turn it into moments
of celebration, the things that you truly remember throughout
your life. This is the gain from the pain, the nilaga from
tiyaga, the night among nights and a defning evening for an
organization; this is of course, the ERG Opening Night.
A night that will forever be inscribed in our minds and our
hearts, with acts that will just send you recollecting your wits,
with performances that will put permanent laughter even into
the faces of the most timid people we know, and of course, with
friends who are just plainly fun to be with, ERG Night is unlike
any other night for DEPs and DEAs. Unlike any other event, this
ones not about working, its a night for the people who have
spent months, preparing and working hard alongside their
academic responsibilities, neglecting their need for sleep. In a
way, it is their reward, but also it is a way to show that their not
just good at work but also at having fun. This is extremely evident
with the outrageous performances done by each committee.
The night began with strong rains, but no matter, it did not
dampen the spirits of the DEPs and DEAs. The hosts, Al Osiris
Fernandez Ingking and, our very own co-app, Isabella Fanio,
did a wonderful job setting the mood for the night and also the
INT Committee who prepared the venue and the program for
the whole evening. Though not everyone was able to come, the
venue was still packed. The program started with an opening
message from the ERGs President, Reimark De Guzman, followed
by the dinner. It was followed by the programme proper band
performances, and presentation of every committee, and the
The performances were fred up by the combination of the TNA
and SNL. A truly memorable performance, they acted, danced
and went wild. Sealing the deal was Alberto De Villas amazing
performance of the Gangnam Style that really rattled our
hearts and minds. After TNLs performance, everyone thought
it was difcult to follow that level of performance but the other
committees proved us wrong. EXTEs performance proved to
be a very sensational act. The blind item DEP-and DEA-parody
made us scratch our heads in thought and at the same time
laugh at the quirky re-enactments and witty clues. The rest of the
committees followed with their own amazing acts, but the top
performance went to, FIN Committees performance resembling
a mini-smokers night. This was also followed by DancERGs and
DEAs performances. Of course we couldnt hope to match the
acts of the committees but it was all right, we had fun.
A very exceptional evening, ERG Night will be a night the DEAs
will never forget. It is a glimpse of just how amazing ERG is. It
shows that ERG is not just a name; its a family that knows how
to have fun after the work and the responsibilities. ERG is THE
My frst awesome semester in UP became more awesome
because of UP ERG.
I was really expecting that I will be a loner in my frst few weeks
in UP. I honestly pictured myself eating alone during lunch and
waiting for my next class by myself before because of the fact
that I will be studying in a university where I know no one except
for myself.
I frst met some of the ERG members in The Great Freshie Tour.
I admired them because they were very friendly especially
ate Sophia and Kuya Jeneson who gladly offered his rainbow
umbrella to us because he noticed that we are getting irritated
by the hot weather. They were also assigned to our block to be
our blockhandler. I enjoyed the Opening Week because they
were very fun to be with. They were so energetic, my new ates
and kuyas. Since then, I knew that I want to join UP ERG. I want
them to be my new family.
While I was on my way to attend the orientation for the new
applicants, I noticed a girl (ate Czer) wearing a red I choose UP
ERG shirt. I think Im nervous at that time because I asked her
whether shes an ERG member or not. She replied with a smile
saying ay hindi yata. I laughed after realizing that I asked a
very stupid question. Well, ate Czer also laughed which made
my nervousness go away. Im really thankful to her because she
accompanied me while waiting for the orientation to start.
After completely absorbing everything that I have heard during
the orientation, I felt excited because I know that I will learn a lot
from the app process.
The sigsheet part of the app process was very challenging
because Im actually bad at memorizing names. Im an ulyanin
person. Theres this time when Kuya Terence asked me his full
name and I replied with Christian Terence Tiu with confdence.
He laughed after that. I got embarrassed after knowing that Tiu
is Ate Michelles surname, not kuya Terences. I also got to sing
and play my guitar (which I dont do in front of many people
because Im too embarrassed) at the same time just to get the
second sign of the other members. I had fun though because
they sang with me. That was my very frst jamming session with
the ERG members.
I also considered designing my sigsheet as a tough challenge.
It took me a lot of effort and a very long time just to fnish
designing it. I became a facebook stalker for a day or two just so
I can fnd the colored version of every members black and white
picture in the sigsheet.
My app process became more fun after fnally having ofcial
buddies, Ate Eula and Kuya Erick. They really helped us (me and
Justine) a lot. They guided and supported us all throughout the
app process. They are very kind, really.
Actually, I am really glad because whenever my buddies arent
around, the other members would be there to guide me just
like how my buddies always do. They were amazing to the
point that Kuya Yvan actually owned me as her daughter. And
because Kuya Yvan is now my father, Kuya PeeJay automatically
became my grandfather, and Ate Eloi and Ate Sophia became my
granddaughters. Its amazing isnt it?
My ConstiHunt experience was another memorable experience
for me because I think that I lost at least two pounds in all the
running that our team did. It was a joke by the way. Well, the
memorable thing is that it was the day when I got closer to my
Another experience that I cant possibly forget is the time when I
get the chance to help in the EEE Summit. I was really happy that
I was able to see how they work together as an organization. ERG
is really awesome.
There are also these frst times that I will not forget. My frst time
playing the ever-so-famous Frisbee game was with my co-apps
during the ConstiHunt. My frst time eating pancit canton inside
the campus was with the members. My frst time playing the
card game, Bridge, was with them also. Firsts are really special
for me and I am very happy that I get to do these frst times with
some special people.
All the times that I spent with my co-apps and ERG members
were in fact memorable because they never failed to make me
laugh and smile every time Im with them. Im really grateful that
they are very kind people. Im really lucky that I met them. And
also, Im really glad that I chose ERG.
Roland Mondano!!!!
Roland Mondano
The 77A app process is a one rollercoaster ride. Full of moments
where you feel like youre about to fall off the rollercoaster, and
there are moments where you actually enjoy the thrill of the
ride. Its hard to imagine that the app process started just a few
months ago. We applicants were still shy then, trying to get to
know the members and fellow co-apps. A few were close to one
another but the following events brought us closer than before.
Our application process started on June 2012. Its was
then that the start of the application process was announced.
Applicants were to get sigsheets, a lot of people were present
and many of which are excited while others seemed worried that
this process would take a huge toll on them. No one knew how
hard things will be really getting.
July 2012. Buddy Bidding!!!! This is where people found
out who were rich and who were on budget. It was the second
month of the application process; the applicants have already
started working on their sigsheets while a few decided to relax
because its still early. Some applicants have already grown close
to the members especially to their buddies. But not all were like
There were a few apps that stopped showing up. And when July
came, there were evidently less of us during the Apps Day. On
that day, the batch grew closer or at least we got to know each
Then comes the TAMBAY WEEK!!!! Its one hell of a week.
Making costumes, bringing them to UP, wearing them in front
of everyone and changing back to your casual clothes, not to
mention the prop making that really brought a lot of stress.
Some members were disappointed with the costumes or skit
and some props but the batch was given a chance to redeem
themselves on the ERG opening night.
August 2012. ERG opening night signalled the month-long
celebration full of events made for members, applicants and
EEE students. ERG opening night was the batchs second chance.
The applicants practiced and practiced their routines or acts and
it was a success. The practices also served as batch bonding as
majority of the batch was there.
CONSTIHUNT AND CONSTIQUIZ!!! These two related events also
occurred during the month. The Applicants were able to bond
and get to know more of each other during the ConstiHunt
and more importantly, this is when they learned to value the
constitution of ERG which very important. Constiquiz is a test
of knowledge, the Apps answered a long test all about ERG and
many of the Apps passed with fying colours. Spectrum and ACLE,
were two of ERG events which occurred during the month were
successful, they both yielded many participants.
September 2012. Bloodletting, another major ERG
event, occurred during this month. This is somewhat like a
charity event. Anyone who are allowed to, can donate blood
to be given to a health institute. Many participated during this
event. Apps and mems worked together in this event and it was
successful. Synergy: EEE Summit 2012. Probably the biggest
ERG has for the sem and in this event the members worked
hard to organize and manage the program and the guests and
the applicants volunteered and helped the members. It was a
success. The week after, it was sigsheet deadline, some apps
crammed while others relaxed and a few days, the results were
out. Some passed while others did not but some were given a
second chance to undergo Integration.
So in one day, those who failed searched U.P. for mems so they
could accomplish their second chance. But no one really passed
the Integration. Luckily for us, we were given a third chance. We
would clean the Tambayan along their fellow co-apps so they
could have a chance to prove themselves again. Thankfully, a
lot passed and many moved on to the Formal Interview. F.I. as
it popularly called is a checkpoint in the application process.
Applicants look forward to this and at the same time afraid of it.
Details of the F.I. are kept secret to everyone. Lets leave it with
the phrase whatever happens in F.I. stays in F.I.
October 2012. INDOC!!!!! Like F.I. details are kept secret
since ERG said so. But the only thing I can say about it is that it
helps strengthen our batchs bonding.
Right now, were just looking forward for our Talent
Pagdanak ng Unang Dugo
Unang semestre ng unang taon ng aking pamamalagi sa
tanyag na Unibersidad ng Pilipinas ng maisipan naming
mga magkakaklase sa block na kumuha ng aplikasyon sa
organisayong UP Engineering Radio Guild o mas kilala sa tawag
na UP ERG. Hindi mapaliwanag ang karanasan namin bilang
isang kabuuan. Sa artikulong ito, magbibigay atensyon tayo sa
karanasan ni Darwin Maddara, ang may-akda.
Mula noong natanggap ko ang aking sigsheet, naramdaman ko
na mukhang malayo ang lalakbayin ko upang makasali sa isang
prestihiyosong organisasyon na nakabuo na ng repustasyon sa
pamantasan. Kailangan kong magbigay ng oras at lakas upang
maging miyembro. Noong una ay hindi ko masyado binigyan
pansin ang aking aplikasyon, hindi ko siya pa siya nabigyan
kahalagahan noon dahil inuuna ko pa rin ang aking pag-aaral.
Naisip ko na tumiwalag nalang sa proseso. Nagagambala na ang
aking pag-aaral at baka mapahamak ito pero dahil sa motibasyon
na binigay sa akin ng aking buddy, hindi ako nag-defer ng
aplikasayon. Iyon naman ay aking pinaunlak at sineryoso ko na
ang aking aplikasyon. Pagkatapos ng huling klase sa araw ay
tumatambay at nakikipagkilala sa mga DEP na nandoon. Ginawa
ko ito ng ilang linggo subalit dumating sa punto na naapektuhan
nanaman ang pag-aaral ko kaya kinailangan ko munang itigil
ang pagtambay. Sa kasawiang palad, nahihirapan na akong
sundan ang mga takda na naging dahilan ng pagbaba ng aking
mga grado. Hindi ko sinisisi ang UP ERG sa nangyari dahil kung
nagpairal lang ako ng tamang time management ay hindi ko
sana ito prinoblema. Pagdating ng pasahan ng sigsheet, alam
kong hindi sapat ang nakuha kong bilang na mga pirma kaya
inasahan ko nang hindi ako makakaabot sa Formal Interview.
Nabigyan ako ng pag-asa ng makatanggap ako ng text galing sa
isang DEP na ARM na nagsabing may isa pang pagkakataon sa
pamamagitan ng integration task na akin ring naibagsak dahil
kinulang muli sa oras. Nang magpasya ang presidente ng UP ERG
na ipapatuloy kaming lahat sa Formal Interview kung lilinisin
naming ang tambayan, tuluyan nang lumiwanag ang pagtingin
ko sa kinabukasan ng aking aplikasyon. Nagdaan ang Formal
Interview at ang Indoctrination ng buong tagumpay. Tanging
Talent Show na lang ang natitira upang makumpleto ang aking
Kung tutuusin, napakakulay ng aking aplikasyon. Puso lang yan,
Noong bago pa lang ako sa UP,
Wala akong alam pagkat akoy isang freshie.
Hindi ko alam kung anong org ang sasalihan
pagkat sa pagkuha ng mem silay nagpapaligsahan.
Noong una, wala pa talaga akong balak
pagkat gawaing pampaaralay ayaw magkatambak.
Ngunit mga kaibigay nais magdali-dali,
Kaya akoy sumama na rin sa pagpili.
Sumama kami sa mga inorganisa ng mga org ng EEE.
Aming mga karanasan ang naging basehan sa pagpili.
Noong umabot na kami sa panahon ng pagdedesisyon,
Aming mga piniliy magkaibang organisasyon.
Kahit na ganoon, ang buhay ay patuloy.
Mga aralin at Gawain, tuluy-tuloy ang daloy.
Pagsali sa org, tama bang ngayon ginawa?
pagkat matataas na markay nais makuha.
Paano nga ba mababalanse ang mga kailangan gawin?
Sa kabila ng tambay hours, mission points, at mga
pirmang kailangan kumpletuhin.
Dagdag pa ang mga homework at mga pagsusulit,
Noo koy nadadagdagan na yata ang guhit.
Homework at pag-aaral aking ginagawa agad
Upang tuwing hapon sa tambayan magbababad.
Isang lugar na marami akong nakilala,
Mga bagong kaibigan na masarap kasama.
Ngunit minsan, sa dami ng gawain, di na maiwasan,
Pagtambay sa org ay kailangan munang ipagliban.
Upang asikasuhin ang nais makamit na grado
Uuwi agad upang makapagbasa at makapag-aral pa lalo.
Gawain sa org, hinding-hindi dapat pabayaan.
EEE Summit, Tambay Week, Constihunt, ERG night, lahat
At minsan, kung kinakailangan, magcucut na rin ng
Acads at org, o kay hirap niyo ibalanse.
Kalagitnaan ng sem, kay raming kailangan aralin,
Constiquiz ng ERG, dumagdag pa sa aalalahanin.
Ngunit kahit na ganooy di pa rin nagpapatinag,
Pagsali sa org, ang kailangan talagay sipag.
FI na, ang pinakakinakatakutang parte
Kung saan marami raw pinapaiyak na aplikante.
Dito ko mas nakilala ang aking sarili.
Ito ang hinding-hindi ko makakalimutan sa aking
Matapos ang lahat ng iyon, ako munay nagpahinga.
Hinanda ang sarili dahil ang fnals ay nalalapit na.
Hindi na muna tumambay para makapag-aral
pagkat mataas na marka ang aking dasal.
Heto na sa kasalukuyan, ngunit di pa tapos ang
Meron pang indoc at talent show na hindi pa nagaganap.
Ngunit kahit na ganoy kay rami nang natutunan.
Mga karanasan sa pagsali sa ERG hinding-hindi
Acads at org, napakahirap niyong pagsabayin
Lalo na sa taong GC, kung isay tawagin.
Ngunit kung itoy sa ERG, karanasay di ipagpapalit
Dahil lahat ng ginawa koy walang pagsisisi kahit saglit.
Jeremil David
Malapit na magpasko, pero mainit pa rin. So beat the heat, matuto kung
paano gumawa ng masarap at malupet na JCool juice!
Matagal na paraan:
200g Coffee Mate
200mL hot water
1.0L Coke
1. Paghaluin ang Coffee Mate at hot water. Haluin hanggang matunaw lahat ng Coffee Mate.
2. Palamigin ang Coke at ang tunaw na Coffee Mate (unless JHot juice ang gusto mo).
3. Dahan-dahang paghaluin ang malamig na Coke at ang malamig na Coffee Mate sa isang
baso gamit ang 3:1 ratio. (BABALA: Lalabasan ng sobrang daming bula ang baso oras na
maghalo ang Coke at Coffee Mate. Mag-ingat sa pagbuhos ng tamang dami upang maiwasan
ang pagkalat ng malagkit na likido)
Mabilis na paraan:
1 1/2 tsp. Coffee Mate
150mL Coke
1. Ilagay ang Coffee Mate sa baso. Dahan-dahang idagdag ang Coke.
2. Haluin nang maigi, at mag-ingat sa mga bulang lalabas.
Da Who itong isang app na napaka rapunzelita the hair na
naglolondon bridge is falling down sa kanya lahat
ng mga Dear ERG Prince Charmings
Da Who itong seksing aste.. meteoroid na DEP na hindi parin matigil tigil sa
pagkakagustong mag MOMOD at hinihintay si koyang sumasayaw, fongi, na
graduating na dumamoves sa kanya. Dumamoves. Dumam.. Duma.. Dums. Ops. :))))
aj3j3jeeej phowzx
Da Who etong girletch DEA na imba ang brains na inlababo kay koyang ka
hairdoobidoo ni ate na nagfagupetch ng hairry potter.
Sila na raw! yez! Sila na at togoether forever na ang drama ng dalawang ito na
grabe maka holding hands na may pa swaY sway pa at head na
yata ng Philippine Dental Association!!
Da who itong DEP future lovebirds este love-kapres na over kung maka Demi
Lababo ala skycraper ang height nila? Si Koya ay si Koyang too-good-to-true na
sobrang fongi/singergz/danzergs/cum laude standing at si
ate ay sobrang gandaat danzergs din ang peg!
Da who itong DEA na hot ma ala Sam Pinto ang fez na natitipuhan ni koyang
maliwanag pa sa Meralco at dahil dito na break-break-your-break-break-your-
heart nya si Miss-DEA-na-forever-sawi-sa-pag-ibig na sawi muli
dahil hindi sya ang bet ni koyang Miss Engg
Da Who itong DEP drama king and queen na maala Pangako Sayo ang peg nung gabi
ng ERG na-numi-never-ever-ever-getting-back-together ang OST ni Ateng kyot at
napaka Pro raw sa acads na hayup kuminekt, kay koyang mahilig umoppa gangnam
style! Isang clue para sa mga cheberlooooo! Iisa ang committee nila!
.exe file itey, exe.. exe.. executable committee!
Da Who si Ateng Voo doo doll, chaka doll, barbie doll at infairness mukha talaga
syang doll na inlababoooo sa shades!? Yez. Inlababo sya sa itago nalang natin sa
ngalang RayBan Sunlight este Ray Ban Liwanag.. na binreak break your heart
si koyang napakaganda na isang Chef! Hehe. Si Ate Doll raw ay mas mabilis pa sa Ray
of light kung magmakapag MOMOD
da who iteng DEP ex-lebbirds na nahuling nagrereenact ng nursery rhyme! as in
sumi-sit down sit down youre rocking the boat ang dalawa sa vroom vroom ni
koyang mala tore ang pisek at mala NPH ang peys! WAAH! Si ateng naman ay member
ng UP PEP! Yes tumpak! UP PEP! kasi lagi siyang sis boom bah! cheer cheer cheer!
Da Who si Ateng Seksi ang braso.. este ang ARM na nalilink kay koyang Gwapo-
Ngunit-Kinulang-Sa-Tulog-Gatas-Cherifer-at-Growee pero si Ateng Seksi ay may
shotey na, at ang shotey nya ay brand ng mga appliances! Panasonic Sony Sanyo
Phillips JVC pala ang bet ni atey! Tekken na pala ang drama! So pity naman me for
this guy.. Paasa people Y U EXPONENTIATE?
Da Who itong DEA laboratory na hindi kalat ang kanilang chemistry sa Ministop
este 7 Eleven ngunit nama-Madam-Auring ng mga kamachohan ng DEP at itong si
Kuya DEA naman ay na jejelly milk sa mga Fonging DEA na umoover the bakod kay Ate
Da Who is this DEA na super konyita at maarte magsalituh.. Na Farewell to you my
friend ang drama at sya ay magwa-why-do-birds-suddenly-disappear na sya at
mag rorocketeer papuntang Papa Americano? TARA G! SAMA TAYO!
Da Who is this DEA na laging signal #5 yung hairry potter, na di kumakain ng lomi
at bihon, na double-dead kay Koya DEP na mahilig sumayaw ng Arikingking at hindi
tumalab ang powers ng sandamukal na crush ni Ate DEA sa DEP na si toot na hayop
magdrive, kay koya skycraper at kay Ms. Anggola at kahit anong gawin talagang
nagmana nga talaga sya sa buddy nyang mahilig sumayaw ng tango este chachacha
na di rin uso ang pagmoMOMOD.
Da Who is this Chubehlitang Pretty DEA na naiuugnay kay Koya DEA rin na
siksiksiksiksiksiksiksiksik sa protective layer of soft ABS, na si Ate DEA ay
nagkakacrush kay sa exDEA na magaspang! Yes! Rough! Roughy. =))) Si Ate nga pala
ay si Jordin Sparks. Yung kumanta ng One Steph At a Time
Da Who is this guy DEP na ipinangalan sa isang kotse ng Apple na gumugusto kay
Ate Sampaguita Gumamela Sunflower.. At umamin ng kanyang everlasting love kay
sister habang nag sising along talong nung gabi sa Marikina!!! Pero si Ate Sam-
paguita ay gumugusto Kay Kuya Baril. All of them in one committee! Yan INTunay na
Da Who is this balatsibuyas at hindi pa lumalantad ng kanyang true colors! At
pagkainlababo sa different sexes ang peg! Akin to akin yan akin lahat! Crush nya
si Ate DEP Alumni na sobrang gandalaloooo na inlababers kay Koya Colorful, pero
itong other DEP nating to gumugusto rin sa kapwang species at nababalitaang may
typewriter computer escalator kay Koya Hands Sidewaaard!
Da who itech na ateng na nooy tambayetch ng Math Building! YES YES YES mga
frendz! tambay siya ng Math Building... MB! At infairness si ateng ay nakamove on na
daw ngunit buddy buddy pa din sila ni este ng MB! Ayy! Pero si ateng daw ay may iba
nang naghaHARI sa kanyang puso. ERMEHGERD!
Da Who itong app na may cool na name ang nagkagusto raw sa isang sikat na hawt
app na naging international model, bago pa nagsimula ang app process.
Da Who si Koya DEA na cause ng so many things, like siya talaga ang nagdu-dulot
ng mga bagay-bagay. Ayon sa sources, kay raming mga girlaloo ang pinopormahan
ni Koya, tulad ni Ate DEA na ngayon ay syoteytey na ni Kuya DEP Towers. Pero ngunit
subalit datapwat on the other hand however and nonetheless, ang hilig daw talaga
nitetch ay kanin ng mga pussycat.
Da who is this deep-voiced beauty na ume-elEMnopqrstYUv sa mga tabi-tabi ng
tambayan dahil siya ay nag-aatikabong ma-in love sa ka-cornyhan ng isang
Tsinitong hilaw?
Da who itong hopeless romantic na kuya na todo papansin sa babe niya. Ansabe
naman ng pa-hard-to-get pa tong si ate. CLUE: Kilala tong si ate sa pagiging
Inductor-Capacitor niya.
Da who itong DEP na chumaCHArot sa DEA na imalaloo sumayaw pero It was just a
fling lang daw pala dahil itong si atey hindi pa rin maka-MOMOD kay so-long crush
niya samantalang itong si Kuya DEA naman ay dumada-fence na sa another DEA na
just the RIGHT gurl daw, diba NOH? Kaya just friends nalang ang peg nila.

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