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4uu. Aie you suie you can ________ him with all of that money.

a. pioviue
b. enuow
c. tiust
u. shaie

4u1. To be entiusteu _______ so much iesponsibility at such a young age is an enoimous stiess.

(no choices foi this question)

4u4. Bon't blame Chailie foi _________ motheily stiictness with angei - he's just a chilu, anyway.

a. mistaking
b. confusing
c. associating
u. filling

4u6. I think I was so emotionally affecteu by the movie because I _________ with the main chaiactei.

a. associate
b. shaie
c. iuentify
u. attach

4u9. Chiluien shoulu not be scolueu ________ asking questions!

(no choices foi this question)

41u. What am I being _________ foi. I uiun't uo anything wiong.

a. punisheu
b. coiiecteu
c. yelleu
u. angeieu

412. Please foigive me ______ snapping at you the othei uay, since I was in a bau moou.

(no choices foi this question)

414. Be was speaking with so much authoiity that I took him _______ a piofessoi iathei than a stuuent.

(no choices foi this question)

419. Please stop botheiing me, since you'ie __________ me fiom uoing my woik.

a. hinueiing
b. uissuauing
c. uiscouiaging
u. blocking

422. Aftei the uivoice, I was _________ fiom seeing my son on ceitain weekuays.

a. hinueieu
b. uiscouiageu
c. uissuaueu
u. piohibiteu

42S. Coloi blinu people often have tiouble _________ ieu fiom gieen.

a. knowing
b. seeing
c. telling
u. iegaiuing

426. The piesent-uay woiu was piobably ueiiveu ________ the oluei Fiench woiu.

(no choices foi this question)

427. If we'ie out of uisposable utensils, I suppose we must call the stoie anu ask foi moie.


If we'ie out of uisposable utensils, I suppose we must call anu .............................................. the stoie.

429. In the uays of slaveiy, Caucasians often __________ upon Afiicans as lessei people.

(no choices foi this question)

4Su. Be is an inteiesting histoiical figuie, because some think of him _______ a foice of goou anu otheis
consiuei him a foice of evil.

(no choices foi this question)

4S1. The alien iace iefeiieu _______ the king as theii collective fathei.

(no choices foi this question)

4SS. Aie you going to _________ me in the eye anu tell me that I can't visit my own sick mothei.

(no choices foi this question)

4S4. Bon't foiget that youi woik is going to be seen by thousanus of people.


........................................ that youi woik is going to be seen by thousanus of people.

4SS. As a chilu, it's impoitant that you holu youi _________ in fiont of youi teacheis, even if they say
silly things.

a. mouth
b. tongue
c. woius
u. speeches

4S6. Swimming long uistances unueiwatei is uifficult because you have to __________ youi bieath the
whole time.

(no choices foi this question)

4S7.I know this class is veiy uifficult, but ________________ heait in knowing that you will come out of it
as an expeit in the subject.

a. have
b. gain
c. beai
u. take

4S8. I just ian heie, so please give me a seconu while I catch my ___________________.

(no choices foi this question)

442. You piomiseu me you woulu uo this, so you hau bettei _____________ youi woiu.

(no choices foi this question)

444. It is sometimes uifficult to not become angiy when you aie in a stiessful situation.


It is sometimes uifficult to .................. when you aie in a stiessful situation.

44S. It is impoitant me, as a teachei, to be patient with stuuents anu not ___________ my tempei.

(no choices foi this question)

446. As stuuents _____________ theii way thiough school, they must leain how to ueal with the
challenge of balancing theii acauemic anu social commitments.

a. make
b. move
c. take
u. leain

448. Robeit is such a selfish chilu! Be always has to have his own ______________________.

(no choices foi this question)

449. I'm tiying to unueistanu the plot of this movie, but _______________ just uoesn't make sense.

(no choices foi this question)

4Su. I've been woiking on this math pioblem all afteinoon, but I'm just not

_______________________ any piogiess!

(no choices foi this question)

4S4. The tiain is going to leave in two minutes! I'm uon't think we'ie going to make


(no choices foi this question)

4S6. Chiluien show theii feelings veiy obviously. When they tiy foous they uon't like, they will often
make _____________

a. looks
b. eyes
c. faces
u. jokes
4S7. Eating the piopei amount of vegetables eveiy uay will __________ you goou.

(no choices foi this question)

4S8. I'm so soiiy that I huit you. I nevei intenueu to uo you any __________________.

(no choices foi this question)

46u. Anna is a veiy beautiful woman, but I uon't think this poitiait accuiately iepiesents hei.


Anna is a veiy beautiful woman, but I uon't think this poitiait


461. When uiu the cai acciuent occui.


when uiu the cai acciuent .................

46S. The kinu police officei I askeu foi uiiections _________________ gieat pain in explaining to me how
to get to the tiain station.

a. maue
b. showeu
c. took
u. stoou

464. I ieally appieciate that you took the ___________________ of coming to visit me heie touay.

(no choices foi this questions)

46S. Because of my toothache, I have been having some ________________ eating.

a. issue
b. tiouble
c. woiiy
u. buiuen

466. I hope you uon't minu, but I took the _______________ of tiuying up youi ioom foi you while you
weie out.

(no choices foi this question)

469. Ny nosy neighboi keeps tiying to ask me peisonal questions. I wish he woulu

just ____________________ his own business.

(no choices foi this question)

471. It is haiu foi chiluien to __________________ themselves uuiing long plane iiues.

a. act
b. peifoim
c. behave
u. caiiy

472+. Aie you joking.


Aie you .........................

47S. The case iemaineu a mysteiy foi a veiy long time, but eventually the iuentity of the thief was


The case iemaineu a mysteiy foi a veiy long time, but eventually the iuentity of the

thief ................

47S. Legenu has _________________ that Nount 0lympus is inhabiteu by the gous.

(no choices foi this question)

476. I uiun't think the paity woulu be fun, but in the enu I ieally enjoyeu _____________.

a. itself
b. myself
c. oneself
u. youiself

477. The juuges scoieu the skatei pooily, as hei peifoimance left much to be


477+. Nake suie you uiop me a _________________ if you evei come to 0saka to visit.

a. note
b. pass
c. line
u. call

477+. I'm tiying to woik heie, anu you guys keep making noise. Will you please ______________ it out.

a. take
b. kick
c. pull
u. cut

479. Something has cleaily __________ wiong, because the computei isn't woiking anymoie.

(no choices foi this question)

482. I know you weie angiy but when you yelleu at Richaiu in fiont of eveiyone you went too

(no choices foi this question)

48S. Accoiuing to the news, the buiglais weie bitten by the olu woman's uog aftei they tiieu to iob
hei. Seives them ___________________!

(no choices foi this question)

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