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AL 1 ra.r. lENT AG.

i:t C'o:\fidenti::l Sctccment a1'ki Rcleas: \ ... .. ) i!. by <mrl R=i:.gtoo &dc:oo (bcn:1nafla "Pia!ntitls"") oo
bane!. wnd the lr:$..""\- intergo.-enunc."!.tai fu'ltl C'NJUr) 0:1 h- .. bdi' of its
De'ondarm: ,C"xan::ltr l.t,::t.Jl, Ptt .. \ .sthi:ul\k:s 1<.\)!'tbsn:tno!i.
cn:cJl; and in thtir reprcsc!' ... Borough ot .,-
11a.rk :1nd P.ark Oq:3nme:u It) as
fJ:a .. ). l'lnir:.ti::s 3.1\d ' he NJlU Jvincly to as "the or b
lly u a r ..!!:y . The Agtccmcnl wll he cic;cm.:d intC' u ot' .he: date of '(I
of Ll,c t'any os Pltr:y represen36tc :-o 3itn Utis Agrmnau_

\\ li'c:l $Uh on June J. 20D h)' way ot'
Comp14ir.& n \matter in T,!s. .. y n, L.JliJl und-er Ll<hktt NJ.
\-.(ud: .st!t rcrth fa1vu .. und le-g 1l .. .atmn'i 11 lJe!"::r:. ,ms. ul<l
l\1f!REAS filed a 1\utic: tu the Unite\! District Court
fer lhe .-,fl\tw Jcrs::y :llDd 1he m.uur::r '"as dod\etetl ..... Cue 2:1.:!-e"-flSr.27.-SRCt:LW o.,
Augus1 1, 200 (th: .. and
1111:1U:AS, <m 29, 20 J 3 the Udi:nthmta; fi:cd :tn 1\nsw::r oil oll.:ga:ions
th.:m in.ll1e A<mon: .1.nJ
:he P..utie' mutu.1l:y BE7CCC J'le.SUhc ull damu lhat f_nn the
r<=- the ct.ion .._,;*' to mcmoria;ilc scntcnt(llt
0\\' 'fHt;ltEtoRE, in th: mutus! a.'lctr:.b-T:s a.r.d made:
r aartics ns foltt>ws
, . .focty-livt= (15) dftys following last to OC<.:.ur ,tll<t} the 1\JJJF's of
ft.. Jy of thi.i :md tt:e St'pc'u:ir n of with i'Jcjudice .ll!.J. ... hc<l
u:n:tu f A. (b; dcJin) .o 4he t\Jllt o_ dntc: bcrt.l vf P their
.. t a."\d COJl:pictc: l'.u.mhc:n:, :.!X iJattili""':"n and u '-"<'f\Y of clur
C'tulrles fl...! (c) an executed \\'-9 r.)ml ?la..m!.tffs' auomcy. s:1:.1(
pro\'i;k J't3inaiffs' anomey f."YRltOU in L ll:to1 of ihoUSMG :bll2U'S
(525. .00) PI "nt: tY l,hil'ip Se:.tlxJ do!Jsrs !10) for "ll!:atilf James
a.nJ the dol .a.n to: Pln:T)hff !v1.t.l'k .S11lernu, for tt tt>lal of thirty-
thuf"ond dollilrs ($3).000.00). retC,rre,llo hcrei:1 as tht S\lm".
St:m bt: .. ia thml checks p.wablt :0 "R<n.ald F.
,..&Sf .. forlhc 1unocrus 5(1 tOrth ,:-, tunJf.!nlpb I. he ".CJ
Ronal\! (''Att<"mct":) ill lhe filln\\tlg
l :.sq.
.S40 Nvltl; Avcnttt
L'nit>n, New }chC)'UIOtO t//
. .PJaintifls and that oll Md inct)me
P'!ll.lltt .s teJatmg to the rmyruc,ltS scl fonh m thJ3 aie lhc::Jr sole respc.>nslbllity.
Plamti (OV&:nao .1.A usl\.-c t...,t the:) v,iiJ i.ndtmnify the NJif' and for nny -1
lLus fn)f!'l ur It> IJctCnd.anl1> Mdtoc tht- J\JllF ony ... , L-
&0\'CIMlc:a.J in:1uding \\ltl:.oul lirrutU)OH J)a)':Oll
('TK"J), )lttte JeraJ di'S.llbi!ity B.'ldfor Wltc: and/or
fc:d:rai IK(JiftC Wtes.
. t\S addih<.ma), pa:1i;d for oflhc"l:y, jointly and for &' :cmsdves c.\n f ,,r &hc:ir rcJ:Jectlv"' -s
hcils, sijl,n 'I (h:.diViuwall} nr o( ::ttem:J l<,l turci:l
as "Re d.$()1S") do ht:n:by fully an1l fo.,)fC\'t., Ul.:'itzil. h(_,ld anc
:: _.&"') and tht NJUT lU wel! .:u their and tJ=e5C11t
eommi.ssionetS.. llllo:TIC)'S.. \'Vr.anti:CT.!Co. and (f'or
l. i.liLI Release to \hem :n offlcial and p50nal cap.!cities).. 11nd all &:!" ttu:!r
c heirs. !I:CCSSO.n. a1nd \hcre:Mnet. \'idcaJiy and
o juint:y and trul'!'l und :.H JiabirtiC!":. cJ- 'ms, of
actiol\. COlllJJl.lulll<, ubligatiu!lS: costs, }O$S<e!l, <lun-Rgcs . t.lJU. t:S, ....
past and 3ttUml;!yS. aud Ulhc:r tcg,\l
of any N&n or k:nd whatsoever, whcchc Ve."\te<l or ccntiuucnl, w!-.ich had, hav<: or
Cl3)' h c i3gainst Rt:leuse:s fl'Oil. t!-r.c the d;c of t..i Al(I'CCnh:'l\t.
Ylilhour iitu:t&.ion ..ny ton poo..i .... ;uhc). 3JlY cl.Ums or
f fer tlttach of and!vr distrirr.ul011i""'--
' causes o: actinn b.1sN Uf" J1satiEcy. sex, o: nee, or
ia!hcttOB of cmotjou&l detamat:oo. )ftY unce: lltc: Civd R,jAhlS
8"11 by 42 !J.S.C, Title: \-IJ of c ..... R1ghts Act uf a!.
I, rhc Civil Act of 1991. fll> the l!ra CJ\'il Act, ns
11nenJ , tr.t> t\meric::un-. ,, .. Act :he Agt: '11'1crm"'i nation !:1 Acl of
1%7. tm.c:ndcd. the LitVr O:serimiuill '" th'" L.':1ited SL.ute..'li Constitution,
1\e Jc,. \iJtic.m, Ot :ny .. t: r IOCRI .. rre or lav
:.C.."'llwn or unkno"'" u.\f)rclOC:Cn, &.m\U-1pCCtd Uf
tb.i.r.lS hlc;h wcte cci:wd or C>OUid railed ?fi to lh; dltc of !his whclhd'
kr.G\\'0 r unknown., cmoresc:cn. ttf :wec:-.c (all ->f bei:tg
ly r.e(encd -;o he.:ei.'l 'Cbjms'") ..
p1ornise ..nd II&J" that not tllc. l.n:tia!e nr cause
I or h\,litlted ttny claun, chtim ot upon. arisine. <.lf, or
JCIJtCd > llny (.;JaiJnS W.thlh th..: l<.clcase, nop ochnll jf .<iol ictt.
?i.1rt1cir ce. 0..'-'ISt or coopecate ir cb&m .1gain!'l of the ,1 eoutt
..1\::CCY \l> J 30 by Jaw. 1i 4t Court Order \Jr .s-.l.bp<;-e:1a k>
i'la:ntill'S. lO.lHiTillg tcs.t:{) in r:ulttcr \n wokh :\.1'\r"C J.ll in:en:sa,
Lbcy a n:c to irr.mcdiately notify 1ma a Qf the t:ourt Order or subpoem:. !u a.J of the
unorn s fo1 Ot:rcnd&1S in this una to the:: NJHf'J> cuunael c/o Eric J. 'lemctb, P.C:., 55
n A\'enue. St1ite 40{}. MorriMown, New Jersey 07960. shall provide :he NJUf'
af ehc Courl Order. or a...; soon ..}S an;l reasonably in advam.:t: Qt
heir ranee und'oc corr.ph3ltcc me Cou:t O:&:r c-f J'hunt!ffs to
ce c an:J assist the and 'Lllr 1. , o.Mtn:ctv= wi:h u.y tw.-fu: efforts. to
r licit the scope of' tlJe sub;x.ena or Corut
. This A&to.eemen1 ;s lll'>t un adOJi.,;sion by en) <lf rhc Parties nny of /.//_..
tnployces or rcprc:iento!ivc$ uny wrongcuir. or l;ability and is hc:in& entered into
: tlt(' purpust: of (.!'Xpedltncy. I' J
I ,
t:. PhuntiftS ogre: th3.tthey sh!tJ engage no ..ct \\+.icb is 6r re!!lsombly /
may o ham:. the n:put!tinn, rro.s.rxtt or o!'C"tiO!l! ()f
Pla.intitls ;1ml tlmt no othc:r p:TSOI". or a.ny interest iu
tJ\c: that c<.>mptise ur could '1uvc: rais.."d ht ch.: Acl;o::l jn ul'\y other dt:mnnd:s.
oblig.ati,ns.. or cuses of acLion to in this Ag:ecmcnt. anc.J thsr &ltey tnc sole right
and exE' \c authnrity to this Ag.n=mcru md :c:cc:avc the spc(Uicd. Plaintiffs
funher .resent t!u\ b.a'\"e rKtl usi{;nc:d. tr3.DSft<d,
tf ;tny f the da:ms Which comprise tt:e Actio!\ or ny ;,d\(s obligoltn>ns, or of
ferrC(I to m Agrocmcnt. furth=r that the only
l'l>r si ng AiJUment ar:: the !erml' stated :n anti I hAt no otl1or promise or
AAreem nt of kind has mctdc to lhc:m by any pcmun or clltity whut'Soever C< ;hem
to sign his that t'1e}' ure to execute thi:. At.""Ccmcr.t: the) hav-e
ad'/ in w:'itiAA 3-'ld the 01Ji:<n1unity to consuh r.dvtsors. {e.bal o;- of 1hit own
-.:lmos : .l.Jld INt fully the :ncaning ;and enu::n of this oemmgc
to ur (t( this 1\g.retmcnl shall ,.-aHC. or unlo.s i1 'S in -wrilini lmC signed
by and the NJUF.

The Ptn1ics and :hul RS a go .... ernmc:ntal entity ClOd as
govern t:n(\ll the Bo1ouAh ,'),- Puk 3nd tts employees and/<tr he NJllf may
'Je ohli to disclo:lt a copy of :hji to person.i 1:"\c Open Public
Rcoordi Act oc common btw Notwithsta:".ding &l:.c "C'1t S I ').00 m r.a:)J .-and othc:' good
V31uNc: wnsidcrat:on iKll \! btl eli:. !nd ?la:.htiff$' Attomcy asn:c
Jmtthef to be :enn: uf ahis Ag..cua.ent 10 t!le:l
<U'Id/ttr tax adV!Sors, 1>t tO lhe CXten: requiroo by :aw. Ellch SUCh per..;;on
who ls rov1<kd mformation the terms of this shali l1r$( be required l<.1
review A"rccruonr and agret h,) .. bide by the lirnit}llions on disclosure. rn the cvcm tbu th4<i
1\greeu'fnlts rcquh\!d ro he :liscluscd U> applicHblc iuw. the nnd p;aintifts'
Anomq thltt theU' with any or 1he m:d:a the Actioo siull
he: t_, \he that U)t \\-'3.S to NJtisfa:tion lhe
Pluinli Ar..omc" a:...J ols.t,t= that tl".!s pm .. wtd
,bs<:Jlut cundition. of nd :ba! any vio1iLtm!'\ 1>f the crms M<l \:Ondia:ons nf chis
<:ontide shall cnn11:imtc ,, of thi.s In l'\C event auy
PJu.intir or their Att()mcy violates lhi5 n()n-\lisc:Los\,;t'C :he N.HJ to nlftY movt: in u

to enforce sarr.t: mJ wU be II;) ;<)o/ of:b\! Sdlk:rncnt a.i liquit\atcJ
c!ftm3t. , aioo.; w11h '-'un rosts anG lornl ft"CS. n.'ld tl:cir acknowledg.t tJfK.I
l f.t ;he Jiq'-")dut..:d dzunage.::; he.tcin stalc:d is :lOt a penalty l1ul hus bcM .:legot1utcd
pa:1 f rhis due to the l!!mcu.ty in I he R.clca.sees' u(:wcd dau):lses.
to. If any provisio; uf 11Us or lit! is held invalicl the
shali ""' affcc! l=fOVi4iiol1lll or ap_;llicJtons ltld to this end tr.t J).'"O\isiG.'lS of chl:s

. Nt1 Wlll\'Cr or an>' bretch uf n) te.:m a>r r.rtlVlSJOJ\ or shaJI ;)(
d a-;, nor shull it be. a \"c::- nf cmy olher of Agreement. N" waivet shull be
;::tum nnlcss i:'l wridng 3JtJ stgned by the Pan}' Vt<ll"Vir..:,the breach.
12. J l1is Agreement !.)UI'e to rk 'Jef.t11t o( an.i 'tie oindin& upon the
rs, ... Y of ::f I U> it. Eath of the Panics wJlU Jf'C
not u &t!IS :s 10 be thir I rwrty b.:neiici ':'t C'f thi' Ag1Cwl1CJ11.
Each f. h Party slloll be enutleu <.' md \Jf ils Jn the cvem of
on) b:e b of may the Ct1urt tch tJle
OWJictbfNcw ln c:n!brce tb: crms tk:reuf.
3. Plaintiffs ht:n:hy 3g1" co join(jy dn(l indew.n:fy .k!"end and bold
Jwm &Ul 1\'JIIF jojJttl)' aar.d ir.rli\lt:U!li"y any ond ftll claims,
f acti\'J"l, eppculs. costs. :nJ\U'lCS,
attome 3nd legal nf an)' 0: Jdnd whatsot\'cr whethe: veslc<l
or :.;.umin,geul_ whi<...1 .u\y purl)' (0 Ac.:.itln 01 ulh:r or lh!: S\lC'CCl'M>TS or assl.::-fl'4
has <)r $! M\"t \lJ(uinsl tt'C N!JTF fr.Jm the t n1nnc: of lht: Action.
\Yithtitll limitillion c:.!UllS m taw. tOll, poHc}. c.i3ims o:
f tfeacb of retaltOJ:nn, I- rassuu::r.\ undicr disc.rimin!tior
Nsctt u n , othe-r th)ngs. s-ex or intcnti,mul or
intlictio . c'f' distress, dt:famfttion, und any chu:.:. w:,ich C\f coukl tlav<-
rni u in he k11\1wn ur wtknown, ur uno;usp::cttd or

the 3GJ<etan<ent
t-.ansllt\.'1CS fir ,.;at .-;n;J adusi-.c: cmbochme<'.l uftl1eir RjJ':.e::tenl v.:itb
lU the ht:ret>f. 1\C:C supcr'IC<:CS anu n:pl.u.:r.l4 t.nd lll JlrlOl as;:eerra:nls, both and oral, ml!Ucr The of
t.trc: .:.nd not mere rccttaJs. Agrt:\:mcnt 1:1a>" not be !hanged or
eAcepl by a wrilins ... ign:d the P1..1ks ile:eto.
> \\il! by 3nd .. -unstrucd th= l:cN>"S of
the J(fSt)
"lUi SJulJ not he fbr (If lltnin$( any }
art)' fo>K'$Cd On anrib11h0n
any t'.tny.
lo. Tins ma.>" be: Cl<CC!.;h:J in CuUnh:rpnns, il.nd
shall have rhc rr>rce as originSJI sl:wl 4ln effet'tivt..
hindin, on thut part of tt..:h <.lf<je
lt7 ttc:reby thai. L'tns c:x!.u t.')e Su:n. 6cy
\\i!l bd obHtotlc to cM..:c that are p.lij in :-un. OJ .. and
re usc by thc:m. ?Jaintill' James nwint:ton wmanu :hat ti)ere currc!):.,.. 8
SfPPl')rt c.gainst him tor S 13,98' .QQ 1-s cf Jw1e \ 201 (t, ptus
.::Lc::rc31j- 3JI(l amotult to which Phunlaff J..1111ts Rhng.tou is <:l\tit1cd l.nder this ft;;
shall by PJai.Jii ITs" 3.ttCJmt:} to the .lflp:npri8te uuthority a.'\ ( /
paym toward or m lUrthe"llnee JUd:. eut Ceni:iculion of CJ-.ilJ Support ;,
and Judamcnt St;!n:b for l>:.uinailT 13tne'; Rc-dlnAt\)(1 auac:bcd !)en:to u i:lh,bit A acd /
:1-:aQ: P:inl!tf Mark Salerno az-.d et>Unset warrant and (. _,.,,!tll' :s noc f .c 1 Jdgme!'l .khll!r i" c{)\Jle.."'tiun wit. ,.
201 1 (s; Jt-dg.rn::nt hcrcro a.-a F.-.h lbif U U:)J rnadc'
he :blS nctJt: b:co nulrl"'cd <tnJ :n" nu children. II uny len t'l(i5tS w:")JCh rs , .. ,,
ac: tt.quircd by this Agrte-nenl, a:!d 1 ::lttim i! hy nnyone t< en!"orce .ien
lg., the Dc:Cend.uus ur chu tth!y wit! oe.:-.. r.<! aml the
11.ld ftom and Ri3lr.St ull c!ainh. This is i.'l.enJ< to
iuc.:lucit rMt. prescnl er.d f;(U:c,. inclt:ding. bu nr.t !lmiled :o lil:f'.IS, Soc&e.J
S liem. ch:kl or custe)..iy hem.. auumcys Jitus. rucdical ii:t'.s, Mel!CW"C
jud .mt liens. Jtrunti!!s :sg.r- (Q end hrtl:t 1!-c: l>cfe:'.ldantl' and tl:c: NJJIF and aJl
oftheir ns\UatlCc n , "'ith e.ny :luim n1adc by fti.Hi<ln of
ar tax wi th of the Sum. 1f 1l is made
OAguinst the :s lmlt-Jr NJa;: CJr ..:,arm:n b}' of the
liz:.u "111 !ndc!c1n.!"y anc 00 J 1:1.!: rJ:ic::d.lltb .:auJ l-\j!lF and lh:ir
t allY aOO,:or de:"tt-..d.i:-.g a but nut limited.
!=t:::S. CO$U of s.cit.
(\f the fo:egoing, Stale tl'i ro'lows:
\Vt to s.1tis1) :mu p<:r4Co:\nlly :'uymcn1 foa a.1y i!r:d lP li\!llS, ir.du!.!int;'.
ut not limited tn liens b_ aoy ecS carrier \U
-.-.:mntcnw \', in-=! 1<iin' but r.oc. limifcd Medicare ... T.hal
paid. Y>i ll fY 3Il)' X;le.l' lu 131 my beh..! f. :;t nf tne JlUJClll:., y<ltl
to \lu R.e.k..:..-;e. '*" "' !urUlec MY and ch1ld S'J;>port Jv..lg:n<:nl l unp!ld nedicel htiJs o! any f.f(lYldcr or n:Jt Qf prc;eecls of
9us st:llh.:tncnt.
lt of my 1U 5'JCh litn."' ou: of rhc muui=s heing paid
tur:susnt fO tt'.is \Vc 1.., and yo:. )'O'.:.r attooR:y!\
&c:d )'Our """"m f.oo\ aoo "-") a.M Jt\. c.J.!i:m a:uic ru- aaioos
yun, yocc tm:c:rs fo- :;>.\ymtn! .:'lr any su..:b
lens upor: ,Prxtmpt pfCScntatiou .lJ J of sue! Wt! t:ja:
c iavc specific.Jil}' this of "1i$ Ro:.Cn.!IC .-.ith :1ur
J '
.. .
represent ..111d wurrnnt that L'ley rml eltS& und/ur
and tllaf McdacMe nm (punual\r It> 42 ll S.C itnd tr.c
:n.lde y :ondinonal pa.}-mc:nt.s lOt t.en1c.c5 01 items provided to P:.Uneiffs Mnd a.-:si.."lg
from o to 3JlY cltilin. 'l!CI. c:roc. bodily inj:..ary. disc-ue.
' na&,boes thlt arc l\) the The: hrtacs thai .)
a.'ld w tics made hen:in sunivc ;n C)f the promises made by
1r1e PJm tift:q n thi:> induums r.ot to trc: Sc!tlemt-':1;. Sulll t\l paid by the
r-:nn n llUtlt to tius l,IC!i uli l'!'s agree >'hull 'oe responsible for
i.!.n)' fu ck!im" ft:' 1 ot &hul ma) L'C by Me:Jic)tre. ,
.. r
Sctt!.; Oe:cr.danb bll have m h> ""'isfy any <uch cboms
.. Hndtor their to a:.d MSUtn.: ""Y JesponslhHlty a.odlorL/
l.lbmty ,o .lll)" j;Unent Ylet.lrcaac be: ao inJury '" q\:esti"'" F'unbcr.
Pl.tintlfts a.nJ/(lr 1.1:ir \\I ;my an} future Me<ttcru' 11e nl' thai 61me th...1t
... k termi(d to be tot-.. t<J th\? irtiury that Is the s h}c< .. ontlt
9 !E.Ach lh.'l it Nl,, twJ d.e :o consult attorney:..- I........
a.,U fully rw! CU'd uccc:sunc.b the scope me effect (If lt e pcov!s:um A:;. .....
Lr:l S:- this Ape"tmenl of i!s own fret ?any :o }w :tl:< u,oo any
nr mack: :,y .tny e>C' . arc net spcci;icall)' forth
jn cement. The Pa=ues !'1}\\' AJ1C:nent win afft'\!t :bel: rights
and vol ttariJy tntl!r ;nan Thts wtlh o;uch lind
t "lhi!i As:-eo:mc:ul is "nhrtarttY lind wittmut
ur t;l'lch:c on ;".llff Or bthaJ'" rhc l.ufc'\ w C fidJ O!
.. i all in the P:i=s lhut:
{b) have hctn in t'lc amJ c:xeemion
,.,1 ,hit; by h:gul couosel &hell' uwn \ohoke ,): &hJtl they huve
volwtlurtl't ... kcHned .... , seck JI.Q\tnscJ:
(c) !1lCy .... nd.c:Jr.aml a he: tcrnl.i a.nC c:sc:tuau."C.." <-f lhii :\g:-cctr.('nt c.r.d of lbc
i: anJ
IN W'IT1\F.SS \VHEREOF. tht ba'-c Agcc:cn:cnt on the re;pcch"t
dale$ t torJt below.
' -7
. I
. -N'otai!Pubhc
.__. 20)<1
' .... I
. /. /\.._ _, l
u,o ' I m4I2Dil
Swo:n o h&:fore mo this
("! d Y of ___:]-tc A ... ..:._ , 21) p
l,ftr Expe m4l!)l
Swom to tx:fore me this
l-- I I
LJ_ j )c6a'- .t . '20i4
'(rfNf'( IW..CCf 1ft .ear
Phtlhp Szuhu,
- ,... - .. . -
Murk SalcmQ .
Ror.tdd F. F.sq.
0 Jl ufPbimiffs
New Jcrst}' Inswance
On beh!llf of

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