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Captain of the Guard

SD Hatfield

So, where are we off to today, Lars? Ral sat at the table across from his half eaten
breakfast. The purple robes of his office were as bright and shiny as ever. He took great pride in
his position. Crossing the room I reached down to adjust my sword belt and greaves.
The market to start, then I have my watch later in the day. And you? I reached for a
piece of bread on Rals plate; he swiped at my hand but missed. Getting slow, old man. I
laughed. Ral smiled.
King Alean requested my council at a trade summit. I fear being the true power behind
the throne means my work is never done. He sighed, a playful sigh. What he said was true.
Under the former King he was but one of many advisors, under Alean he was the only one. I
hear that the King is considering appointing a new Guard Captain.
Is that so? My interest was piqued. Since my fathers betrayal there had not been a
Captain named.
Yes, he feels it is time for the kingdom to move on. In fact he is asking for my
recommendation. He gave me a significant stare.
Ral, I cant.
Lars, it would only be natural that you follow in your fathers footsteps. What have you
been working for so long? You have spent many years now in the service of the Guard and King.
Let him reward you. It was everything I had wanted, but it didnt feel right.
No, Ral. Not until I have cleared his name. Only then can I follow him.
Hmm, I see. Well in the end it isnt for us to decide. Now go, youll be late. I slapped
Rals back.
Thank you my friend. Just the thought of honoring my father by taking his title was
exhilarating and I knew that soon I might be worthy. I was indeed going to the market as I told
Ral; however had he known why, our conversation would not have been so pleasant. Every
waking moment, every spare second of my time since his death has been spent in pursuit of my
fathers killer. Today I was meeting with a man who claimed to have seen my father the night of
the murders.
Entering the market always caused a tingle to travel up and down my spine. The colors in
this part of the city were brighter and all the people seemed somehow happier. People stared as I
walked past, more at my armor and sword than my actual self. As a member of the Guard in this
section of the city I was authority embodied. A young boy ran up to me smiling and laughing. I
stopped long enough to reach down and tousle his hair. He smiled and I heard his mother call for
him. The people here reacted to the armor as if it were magical. Somehow I knew that if they
knew who I was, who my father was they would think differently. I watched the boy run into his
mothers arms and continued through the streets.
If you traveled deeper in the market district, the surroundings changed. The section of
the city I traveled today seemed darker, even at midday and the air heavier. People stared at me
with fear and suspicion. Here I may be the authority, but I was not in charge. Reflexively I found
my hand resting on the hilt of my sword; an unspoken warning to those watching. Thankfully I
did not have far to travel before finding my goal. Arazzios shop was always open. Rumor had it
he never slept and it was easy to believe. Walking through the doorway I found my senses
assaulted by a variety of smells and noises. Arazzio specialized in exotic food, most of which
he had learned about in the many campaigns of the Border Wars. Making my way to the counter
I was greeted by a beautiful young woman. Not much shorter than I stood, her brown hair had
been cut short and her large shop apron made her indistinguishable from any of a thousand
similar women in the city. She did not look up from the counter as I approached. What can I do
for you today? Her voice was heavily accented; she obviously came from the western
I am here to see Arazzio. My eastern accent stood as a dramatic counter to hers. Still, it
did not seem enough to make her look up.
And who might you be?
I am Lars Crayton, son of Jonas Crayton. With that she looked up from her work on the
counter. Seconds passed in silence as she stared at me. Several other people in the shop had
heard and stared also. I had grown accustomed to that reaction. Arazzio? I reminded.
Right, yes sir. Sit tight, Guardsman, Ill gather him up for you. She moved through a
door behind the counter. The others still stared and whispered. Coolly I worked my gaze around
the room to each of them and the murmuring stopped. The shop girl returned after a few
moments. Go on back. She guided me behind the counter and through the door. Several lamps
burned making it much brighter than the shop itself. In the middle of the room stood a table with
several chairs; seated in one of them was an older man wearing simple robes. His gray hair had
been pulled back like a horses tail that easily reached the middle of his back. In front of him on
the table were several scrolls of parchment and an ink well. He did not react to us entering; he
only sat scribbling on the scrolls with his quill. The shop girl cleared her throat in an exaggerated
Yes, Kas, I know youre here. Let me finish this passage. Lars, please have a seat. I
pulled out the chair across from him. Kas stood by the door, reluctant to leave. This doesnt
concern you Kas, please see to the shop. Kass face crumpled in disappointment and she half
stomped back into the shop. Please forgive my daughter, Lars. Shes good with customers, but
still acts like shes a youngling. He kept scribbling for a few more minutes before putting the
quill down. There, now lets see what we have. His eyes were deep blue and his face clean
shaven. Scars of many battles added a certain character to his features. By the gods you are your
mothers boy arent you? Look just like her. Arazzio reached across the table to touch my face
and I flinched. Ah, sorry.
Its all right. I believe you sent for me? Getting right down to business may have been
rude, but I had to find out what he knew about the murders.
I did. Have you heard that the King is looking to appoint a new Guard Captain?
Yes, just this morning. I chuckled a little.
I suppose Ral told you.
You speak like you know him.
You could say that. Ral, your father and I were very close friends in our youth. Arazzio
sighed and sat back in his chair. That was before the wars, and the Dark Times. He lost himself
in thought and I knew better than to interrupt him. The Dark Times came after the King and
Queen had been murdered, not long after the war. I sat patiently waiting for Arazzio to come
back to the conversation. It didnt take very long. Sorry, I tend to wander sometimes.
Thats fine. If you and my father were so close why dont I remember you? There was
no reason to doubt him, just like there was no reason to trust him. He took a deep breath before
starting in.
Its been, what ten years since your fathers death? I nodded. So that would have
made you, what? About eight years old? I nodded again. Your mother died when you were
born. It wasnt a question, more of a statement of fact.
What do you know of my mother? The subject made me uncomfortable and I started to
move out of the chair. She wasnt why I came here today.
Lars, your mother was my sister.
She was my younger sister. Your father and I were best friends, in the Guard together.
In fact they met because of it.
But Ral said-
Ral Sinlook is a liar, always has been. He was very jealous of your parents and had
strong feelings for your mother. He always blamed your father for her death.
She died of the fever.
Yes, but it was a fever that your father brought back with him from the war. There are
diseases in the West that we have never even seen before. After the war, when we came back we
brought some of those with us. Many families suffered loss like ours.
Why havent I heard of this before?
When the healers found the origin of the disease the King ordered that it be kept secret.
He feared that it would cause the war to continue. Our victory was a near run thing; to prolong
the war would have completely destroyed both kingdoms.
That doesnt explain why I dont remember you. I couldnt process all this right now. I
had to keep him focused and on track.
Disease isnt all that we brought back from the West. Some of us brought back wives,
Arazzio stated wistfully.
I know, I know. While in the West I fell in love and brought her back. It was hard for
the people here to accept her. My own family turned their back on us, even your mother and
Why would it matter?
It was a much different time then. I never really blamed them for their disapproval. I
was forced to leave the Guard and we opened this shop. She died a few years ago, but I still have
Kas. Arazzio stared at the door to the shop, lost in thought.
Arazzio, Uncle. Please I have to know what this has to do with my fathers death. I
found myself pleading with him. My mind swam from everything I had found out so far, but
there was so much more I needed to know.
What do you know of your fathers death, Lars? He stared at me now. His eyes burned
through me almost as if he were testing me. The room seemed very small at this moment. I drew
a breath and began.
My father, Jonas Crayton, was Captain of The Kings Guard. He had served the King
loyally and without question. One night there were screams heard from the Royal chambers, by
the time the Guard arrived the King and Queen were dead at their feet lay my father, also dead.
They were all killed by the sword that lay on the floor next to my fathers body. My eyes were
closed at this point. The story had been taught to all the children; even if it hadnt been my father
it would have been seared into my mind. Arazzio must have sensed my hesitation and chided me
Its all right boy. Keep going. His voice helped, for a moment he sounded just like my
father. I drew another breath and continued, closing my eyes as if to watch the events unfold.
At first no one could figure out what had happened. It was Ral who had put all the
evidence together. Only the Royal family and the Captain of the Guard had keys to the Royal
chambers. A coin purse filled with much gold was found on my father and indications existed
that my fathers wounds were self inflicted. The accepted story is that my father was paid to
assassinate the King and Queen, beset by grief and loyalty he couldnt live with what he had
done and took his own life. My eyes remained closed. Images of the murders flew through my
thoughts. Memories of the last time I saw my father and his last words. Even with the heavy
thoughts I smiled in remembrance.
Your father was a good man, Lars.
Than why did he do it?
Do you believe he did?
Good boy. Arazzio sat back in his chair smiling.
When you sent for me I was told you saw my father the night of the murders. The light
in the room dimmed, the little sunlight grew weaker from a passing cloud. Arazzio shook his
head slightly and sighed.
I did. He came here, sat right where are now and tried to warn me.
About what?
Lars, you have to know. If we proceed with this, your life will never be the same. If I
tell you what I know, you can never unlearn it. Are you willing? His tone grew serious,
ominous and dark. The silence in the room only punctuated the moment. Well, boy? I only
hesitated for a moment, but it felt like days.
Tell me. My armor grew heavy on my shoulders, a weight I had never noticed before
now. For the sake of my father and my family, and the Royal Family, if you know anything you
must tell me now.
Your father came to me to because he had uncovered evidence of a plot to kill the King.
The evidence was irrefutable, but he did not want to believe it.
What was the evidence?
A parchment with a list of names, members of the Guard, beside each a sum of gold, the
cost of their betrayal. The statement hit me hard. The Guard was above this; even a hint of such
would have caused upheaval in the Court. Your father could tell by the handwriting who had
written the list and he came to me for advice.
Who? I could have guessed now, but I had to hear it.
Ral Sinlook.
My father confronted him?
Lars, I have no idea what happened after he came to me. We discussed what he found
and he knew he had to confront Ral, he just wasnt sure how. Im afraid I wasnt much help, he
left and that was the last I heard from him. The next morning he was dead and so was the King.
There had always been something not right, some part of the story that didnt make sense, now I
knew. I stared into Arazzios eyes and saw a void. He had been sitting on this for years, never
telling a soul.
Why wait until now?
I didnt know what to do and I was scared. Ral is the power in the Kingdom and there
would have been no way to move against him. Until now. The vacant stare was gone, now a
glimmer of light appeared. Its time for you to avenge the deaths he has on his hands. I stood, a
little shakily at first but found my feet quickly and turned away from Arazzio. Lars? Boy? I
heard him but his words were hollow. Whether he was telling the truth or not there was only one
way to tell. Either way he believed it and I had to find out for myself. I could hear him yelling
for me even after I was through the door and into the shop. I felt the eyes on me again as I moved
into the street.
The sky had grown darker and a mist of rain settled on the market place. My armor no
longer shined as it did when I entered this part of town, but the people still watched as I moved
through them. If Ral had been involved I had to know and he was the only one who could tell
me. After my father died Ral raised me and became like a father to me. To think that he killed
my father filled my heart with rage, but I stayed calm. There was no sense getting angry until I
knew more. Lars Crayton! The voice yelled loud enough to wake the dead. I turned slowly
dropping my hand to the hilt of my sword. Three men had moved behind me; each wearing dull
gray plate armor with long swords drawn and ready. Dont even think of drawing your sword,
the lead man commanded.
Who are you? No answer came as the three men charged from several paces away.
Years of training kicked in and in one motion my sword was drawn and the first attack parried.
My blade locked with the lead attackers sword and the one on the right swung high at my head.
In a single motion I ducked below his swing and pushed strongly upwards driving the lead man
off balance. For a brief instance I lost sight of the third man and paid by getting struck in the
back. My armor deflected the blow only bruising me. Each man moved a pace back trying to
time their attacks so that I could only block one at a time. My feet stayed in motion, constantly
dancing the death spiral. My only hope was to get into a better position to offset their numbers.
The two flankers attacked, stepping into their swings at the same time. I moved forward as
strongly as I could and struck a blow on the lead man, knocking him down. Another blow
glanced off my armor as I stepped over him. My ploy gained me a few steps and I headed for an
ally between two shops, only wide enough for two men to stand shoulder to shoulder. A few
steps in and I turned to catch my breath. My pursuers followed close behind, the two flankers
entered first with the lead staying at the head of the alley.
The right side attacker came on strong, sword in a high swing above his head. I blocked
one handed with my sword allowing my free hand to punch the man in the arm pit, between the
gaps in his armor. The blow struck him off guard causing him to lose balance. With effort I
threw him back into his compatriot knocking both off balance. The leader barked orders at them,
but didnt enter the fray yet himself. I attacked now, throwing myself at the two in the ally.
Instead of swinging high I kept my sword low and immediately ran through one of the men. My
blade punctured the chest plate and the chest in one sickening sound. Knowing I could not
withdraw my sword quick enough I left it in the falling man and reached for the dagger in my
belt. The second man stood shocked until his friend hit the ground, then his attention focused on
me. His eyes had glazed over and he swung like a wild man. I tried to dodge his blows, knowing
my dagger would not block any strikes. My armor absorbed much of the damage, being made of
much better steel then my attackers weapons. After several hard strikes I finally lost my balance
and fell to the ground; sensing I was finished he closed in for the final blow. His sword drove
down towards my chest and at the last minute I rolled aside, driving my dagger into the back of
his leg. Screams of pain erupted from the man as he fell. Once he joined me on the ground my
dagger made quick work of him and his screams. I slowly made it to my feet and checked the
opening of the alley. The leader was gone. Checking myself for wounds I headed out of the alley
and looked for any sign of the man, there was none. Normally I would wait for another member
of the Guard, but I knew there wasnt time. I grabbed my sword from its resting place and placed
back in its scabbard. The attack could be a coincidence, but I doubted it. I had to get answers and
it had to start with Ral.
So, he is going to meet with Arazzio? Ral sat at the desk from which he ran the
Kingdom. His purple robes of office flowed from him as if they were extensions of his body. His
dark gray hair framed his face as if it were a window, the panes of glass being his dark eyes; eyes
that had seen much, and had done even more. His page stood in front of the desk not sure if it
were a direct question. Well? Ral said with an irritated tone. The page had his answer.
Yes, Magistrate. Lars was seen entering the shop this morning. The page shifted his
weight side to side, nerves ran in his family.
I see. Ral sensed something wrong this morning and decided to have Lars followed.
Meeting with Arazzio wasnt expected, but also wasnt a surprise. I should have killed him long
Lars sir? The page spook before he thought and prepared himself for the rebuke.
No you idiot, Arazzio. Leaving him alive was a mistake. Ral sat back in his chair
stroking his hairless chin. The page had seen this look before and it often meant that Ral was
contemplating something big. Have Thomas take two men to the market to gather Lars.
Apprehend him only, do not kill him. Rals voice chilled the pages neck like a cold breeze.
As you wish. The page left the chambers to carry out his task. Ral stared at the pile of
parchment on his desk. Paperwork seemed so trivial now, yet it always needed done. The King
did a fair job as the figurehead of the Kingdom, but it was Ral that kept the gears turning; treaties
and administration, requisitions and awards. None of this would be done if not for Ral and he
knew it. After sometime had passed a commotion outside his door drew Rals attention.
Suddenly the door flew open.
Sir, hes on his way! The armored mans breathe came hard. He had definitely been in
a fight. He isnt far behind! Ral stood from his desk and crossed the room to the man.
Thomas, what did you do? Ral placed his hand on Thomass shoulder keeping him
steady and upright. Thomas breathed deep and fast, searching for more air.
We waited for him outside of the shop as you ordered. He had to stop. Ral reached
around Thomass back and undid the buckles for his chest plate. The dull gray armor slammed to
the ground. With the weight removed Thomas found he could breathe much easier. Thank you.
He took several more deep breathes.
Go ahead. Ral led Thomas over to a chair.
He was much faster then we thought he would be. I lost both of my men. Thomas
buried his face in his hands.
Im sorry you failed Thomas. I was hoping I wouldnt have to do this. Ral reached into
his robe and produced a slim dagger designed to pierce armor. It entered Thomass heart without
any resistance. Thomas looked up at Ral with a look of shock and pain. It was over quickly.
Page! Rals page appeared in the doorway as if materializing out of thin air even as Ral
reclaimed his seat behind the desk.
Yes, sir.
Clean this up. I have a guest about to arrive.
Yes, sir. The page had done this for his master before and knew the drill. Within
minutes the body was gone and several cleaning women were removing the blood from the floor
and chair. Ral watched with a grim fascination. He had killed many times, with each he found it
amazing how easy it was to clean up. A life could be extinguished and no one would ever know
the reasons or how it really happened. Ral stayed lost in thought and didnt acknowledge Lars
when he entered the chambers.
Hello, Ral. Lars voice stayed steady even though Ral could hear the anger underneath.
I see youve been busy. Lars motioned towards the cleaning women.
Ah, Lars! Good to see you! He followed Larss motion. Oh them? Yes, just a little
spring cleaning. What can I do for you, my boy? Ral rose from his chair and crossed the room
towards Lars. With a flick of his hand he sent the women out of the room.
No. Stay over there. The anger grew more evident in Larss voice. Ral watched his
hand fall to the hilt of the sword on his belt. Ral stared at Lars, trying to not show any emotion.
He noticed the mud and what could only be blood on the silver plate armor worn by all the
Lars? Whats wrong? Ral spread his hands out in front of him, a gesture to show he
meant no harm. Once again he took a step from behind the desk. Larss hand gripped his sword
outright now.
I said stop, Lars was resolute now and this was not a request. I had a meeting with
Arazzio. You have a lot of explaining to do. Ral cocked his head to the side like a dog staring at
his master. A broad smile cracked his face.
Now Lars, why would you do that? The old man is crazy, he chuckled. Both men kept
their position in the room.
He told me you killed my father, the king and the queen. Lars no longer felt like
playing, his entire world had fallen around him today and all he wanted was answers. You have
some explaining to do, he repeated with emphasis. The grin disappeared from Rals face.
Well. That is quite an accusation. Ral folded his arms and watched Lars. Lars, I think
your mind is already made up. What can I tell you?
Tell me it isnt true! His eyes flashed with anger and his voice boomed. Ral
instinctively took a step back.
Of course it isnt true, he lied. Boldly and outright.
I dont believe you! He had proof! A parchment with the names of crooked Guards, my
father came to him for advice on what to do with you! The redness in his face grew, spittle
flying from his mouth.
Lars! Listen to yourself! The old man is crazy; he always has been. Why else would he
bring that Westerner back with him? Ral lashed out, hoping to get Lars off balance.
He loved her, like my father loved my mother. Like you loved my mother! The words
hit Ral, physically causing him to fall back into his chair. Lars stepped forward towards the desk.
Say something! Ral gathered his thoughts, trying to figure out what to say. Lars took another
step forward.
All right, Lars. Yes, I loved your mother, but that was a long time ago. After she died,
then your father, it was all I could do to keep you safe. He wasnt lying, but he wasnt telling
the entire truth. Lars caught the slight moment of hesitation as it flashed across Rals face.
Why did you kill my father? His voice softened even as his grip tightened.
I didnt, Lars. You must believe me.
How? How can I?
Lars, you dont want to know what happened. Arazzio didnt know the entire story. His
eyes pleaded with Lars, but it couldnt stop his pressing.
The parchment with the names, do you deny this?
Were you looking for someone to kill the King?
Ral stared Lars in the eyes from his chair. He could no longer see the young man he had
raised all these years. Hiding the truth had been his main goal, his only real concern, yet he knew
this day would come. With a sigh of resignation the conclusion became clear. Only one of them
were going to be leaving the room. He stood, hands still in the folds of his robe hand grasping
the handle of his small dagger even as tears began falling down his face.
Yes, Lars, I did.
Why? Lars pleaded.
The recovery after the war was going slow. A cabal of the Kings advisors was looking
to make a move on him. If they had, things would have been even worse. Believe it or not by
acting first I was able to ensure the Prince would come to power instead of them. Ral had
rehearsed the speech many times, and pulled it off perfectly.
My father?
Your father was a good man. He confronted me with the list and I tried to explain, but
he wouldnt listen. In a way he was the last casualty of the war, the wrong place at the wrong
time. Lars listened with a sense of amazement. Hearing this from Ral, as nonchalant as he was
being, was unreal. Hundreds of question flew through his mind at once. Ral took advantage of
the moment of confusion and stepped closer.
Ral? Why set him up for the murders?
Oh, my boy, you should have stopped asking. Rals face changed from grief to anger,
the boy had pushed to far.
Tell me, Lars demanded, fists clenched in silent rage.
Did Arazzio tell you where your father found the list of names?
He searched my chambers.
Looking for evidence of your betrayal no doubt, Lars spewed.
Yes, but not when it came to the King.
What do you mean?
He stumbled upon my assassination plot while searching for proof that your mother and
I had a relationship. The lie slid off his tongue like butter off a hot roll.
Yes, Lars. In the same place he found the list of corrupt guards he also found a letter
your mother had written to me many years before. You see, I am your true father. The words
hung in the air like a leaf drifting in the breeze. Why else would I adopt you and raise you as
my own. My worst enemys son? If it were any other way I would have killed you long ago.
Larss hand dropped from his sword and found its way to his face, rubbing his eyes as if
trying to remove sleep. He had prepared himself for the confrontation, but had no way of
preparing for the turn it had taken. Thoughts and visions of his mother and father flew through
his mind. He had never doubted their love our suspected anything was amiss, but he was so
young. Shaking his head to gain clarity he hadnt noticed Ral had closed the distance.
Im sorry it has end like this son, Ral whispered into Larss ear. The thin blade from
the dagger slipped into Larss armpit and into his chest, one of the few places his armor did not
protect. Fighting the sharp pain Lars pushed Ral away as hard as he could manage. Ral stumbled
a few steps and fell.
Do not call me son! You killed my father! All these years, even if what you say is true
it doesnt matter! Lars pulled his sword and advanced on the prone Ral who skittered across the
floor like a one legged crab.
Lars! Stop! Dont do this! Ral pleaded for his life and Lars drew closer. It was best for
all of us! The cries fell on deaf ears. Lars raised his sword and prepared for the killing blow. His
heart pounded, blood flowed from the deep wound, in his heart he knew he didnt have much
time. The sword grew heavy and dropped to the floor. Lars fell to one knee in front of Ral.
Smirking Ral found his feet. To think, you could have been Captain of the Guard. Ral grabbed
Lars by his hair and pushed his head back, baring his neck for the killing blow. Lars felt the cold
steel blade on his neck and mumbled. He had failed.
Youre finished, Ral. Lars opened his eyes to see Arazzio standing behind Ral, a long
shaft of steel protruding from Rals chest. The dagger fell from Rals hand and clattered to the
floor. Bastard, Arazzio added for emphasis as Ral hit the ground. Lars tried to say something,
but no words came out, then the world went black.

Will you be all right, boy? Arazzios voice broke the darkness and roused me from my
I think so. I barely recognized my own voice, soft and raspy and my throat was dry.
How long? I croaked.
Four days, almost lost you. I opened my eyes and looked over at Arazzio standing next
to my bed. Kas stood over by the door with an anxious look on her face. The room was sun lit
and warm. The soft bed that cradled me felt unlike any bed I had ever slept in. On the other side
of the room I heard a cough and willed my head over to that side. An older man stood there, his
white robes almost blinding to my tired eyes. My mind moved a little slowly, but I recognized
him as the Kings Royal Physician. I nodded and he acknowledged. Think youll be good
enough for a visitor? Arazzio chuckled as he asked.
I think so. Who? He chuckled again as the door opened. I strained to sit up and see who
was coming in. Being not quite able to I fell back onto the bed.
Rest easy Guardsman, you will need your strength. The voice could not be mistaken, it
was the King. I glanced around the room and noticed all the heads were bowed.
Sire, you do me much honor. I found a little more voice, trying to sound strong. I felt a
hand on my arm.
No, Lars Crayton, it is you who has done me much honor. You and Arazzio have
revealed a viper in our midst. He paused and sounded a little choked up. You not only have
cleared your fathers name, but you have also put my father and mother to rest. All of their
murders have been avenged.
Thank you, Highness.
Ral had almost convinced me to reinstate your fathers position.
I held back for fear of reopening old wounds in our Kingdom, now I think those wounds
will heal naturally. The King moved away from the bed and started toward the door. You have
shown yourself worthy. Please accept the honor. I didnt even have to think about. Whether Ral
had told the truth about being my father or not, it didnt matter.
I would be honored. The King nodded and left the room. Arazzio and Kas smiled their
approval. As I lay in my bed, pained and much fatigued, it had all become clear, I am Lars
Crayton, son of Jonas Crayton and like my father I am the Captain of the Guard.

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