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Food Chain

SD Hatfield

The conference room was reminiscent of the old United Nations Security Council, or so
one would think if they could remember those days. A series of tables placed in rings reaching
higher into the room. Each set held delegations from all over the globe and in the center was the
largest table holding delegates from the major nation-states that still existed. It had been several
minutes since the meeting was called to order and the attendees were waiting to be addressed by
Jonas Robinson of the North American delegation. Jonas stood at the podium flipping the pages
back and forth in his speech. His news was grave and he took no pleasure in delivering it, but
the weight of the world was in his hands, he had no choice. Gentlemen, we must face the facts
as they are, we are vampires. Jonas stood at the head of the table and addressed the other
members of the conference. His proclamation was on the mark, but the frankness caught the
others by surprise. The facts being as such we are faced with a set of unique problems. First
off, we are immortal...
That is quite a problem for us to have! Yuri, the leader of the Russians chimed in and
the others seemed to agree judging by the laughter circling the room. Jonas allowed the
disturbance to settle before he continued. I wish all my problems were so bad! Yuri was a
good natured man, which annoyed Jonas at this point. The matter was a serious one and joking
was not appropriate, but it didnt seem to matter to Yuri.
It is a problem because we have almost no natural attrition that keeps our population
from increasing. No disease, no wars, no old age. Our numbers continue to grow while our
ability to sustain ourselves decreases. Jonas took a moment to let this sink in while he scanned
the room for reactions. Most all of the delegates at the table were of the purebloods, the original
children of the genetic manipulation that created their kind several generations ago. Nobody at
the time foresaw the consequences of their science. They never do until its too late, Jonas
thought to himself. The second issue is that despite the immortality we still must feed. Again,
as we all know only pure human blood can sustain us.
Jonas, you are only rehashing what we already know. Yuri spoke up again, We are
not here to relive the past, but to reshape the future.
The point is Yuri, we have no future. The remaining humans are dying. Soon they will
be extinct. Once they are gone how will we survive?
To hell with them and their weakness! Right now in my country, scientists are within
days of perfecting another option. Soon we will have no use for the remaining resources.
Yuri was very good at playing to the crowd. We simply will find something else to eat.
You have always been mad Yuri, but why continue with your propaganda? Your
scientists have been within days of a solution since the issue first became known over five years
ago! Show us the results of their work! Jonas slammed his fist on the table for effect and it
worked. Half of the room stood to cheer him. They had been hearing about the Russian miracle
for years. Yuris pale face flushed as stood up from his seat and started walking to the door
followed by the rest of his delegation.
I will give you the results, Jonas. Then we will see where the power truly lies. We shall
return tomorrow. With that the Russians left the room. Several smaller delegations followed
and it was sometime before the rest of the conference calmed. Jonas sat in his chair and waited
It wasnt the first time Jonas and Yuri had faced off like this. Years ago they had meet in
a room like this to redraw the map of the world. Once power had shifted from the human
minority to the vampire majority the old political institutions were of no use. The measured
might of a nation was no longer in the size of its army or the capabilities of their weapons, but in
the size and health of their human populations. The new reality was that human beings were
now like grain or oil, a resource to be exploited. The room settled down and Jonas was able to
start again.
While we wait for Yuri and his miracle let me remind you why we are here. Jonas
hated the exposition, but the situation was enough to warrant it. Six years ago the human
population of the Asian Federation began to decrease sharply. The cause was found to be a
particularly virulent strain of flu that was able to kill a human within 24 hours of contraction. At
first little attention was paid to this as our unique body chemistry rendered us immune to this,
and all disease. Within several weeks almost 5,000 humans had died from this flu. I would like
you all to meet Dr. Syn Neugyn; he was one of the scientists assigned to study the problem. Dr.
Neugyn? Jonas sat as the doctor stood from his chair at the table.
When we of the Asian Confederation first realized the seriousness of the disease we
took every step to institute a quarantine of the infected areas. Up to this point we had monitored
the humans and had been very successful in keeping the birth to death ratio at an acceptable
level. Our supply remained steady and even with the sudden decrease we suffered no ill effects
to our population. After approximately three months and 25,000 deaths, the sickness
disappeared as quickly as it arrived. The doctor was a small man and had an even more
colorless complexion then the others in the room. The Asian Confederation was one of the first
Vampire States that was formed. China had every advantage with its large population and
profited in the new order by exporting stock to other less populated countries. With this new
found wealth they were able to quickly annex or conquer most of the Pacific Rim.
Dr. Neugyn, what attempts were made to find a cure for the disease? Jonas knew the
answer and was hoping the doctor would be up front. The room stayed silent waiting for an
answer as the doctor made a show of flipping through several pages in a binder on the table in
front of him. Doctor? Please answer.
We felt that with the quarantine in place there was no need to pursue that course. After
all we were not getting sick, only the humans! If a few thousand died it would have no effect on
our exports. Even though Jonas himself was not human, the frankness of the doctors statement
sent a shiver down his spine. Searching the eyes of the others in room he could see the same
effect in others, but not nearly as many as he had hoped.
How long did it take for the flu to reappear in your lands? This question was asked by
the leader of the European contingent. Dr. Neugyn shuffled through his binders again.
It was several months. We had heard of similar outbreaks in Europe and on the African
continent. This caused us to more closely examine the situation.
Thank you Dr. I think we get the picture. For six years this flu has attacked the human
population killing over 300 million worldwide. Current estimates maintain that if a cure is not
found soon, the human population of Earth will reach sub-critical mass in another three to four
years. At that point the population will no longer be able to propagate itself. Our population will
begin to see the effects of starvation well before that. The room was very quite. Now Jonas
was telling them something new and they cared. They all had the numbers in front of them and
knew what they faced. The reason we are here is because we seem to be split on how best to
deal with the situation. The Russians and their allies seem to believe that we should focus our
energies on finding an alternative resource for our sustenance. Since the early days of our
creation this has been a Holy Grail, so to speak, of our scientific community. The reality is that
no other animal or synthetic blood can sustain our kind.
But Yuri says they have found the solution! Jonas could not see who said it, but again
it was meet with mummers of agreement.
What other choice do we have? This voice came from the other side of the room.
The other choice is to devote all our energy into finding a cure for the disease that
plagues the humans. Once that is solved we can continue to work on the alternative. The room
exploded into shouts of all volume levels. Many of the delegates were standing at this point and
screaming. The first impression that Jonas had was that they were all yelling at him. He knew
that the humans first plan was risky, but he completely overestimated the support for the plan.
Jonas stood stunned watching the conference fall to pieces. He did notice that not all the
shouting was directed at him as a few other delegates appeared to support his position. As the
leader of the North American delegation he had been in such situations before. His state had the
most liberal policies in dealing with the humans, even allowing them a measure of self rule.
Such policies did little to impress the other states that held a view that equated humans to cattle
and they should be treated as such. For the vampires like Jonas it was a simple matter of
remembering where they came from, to others it was all about power.
EVERYONE PLEASE BE QUIET! RIGHT NOW! The leader of the Europeans
seldom ever raised his voice. This fact was not lost on the others as the room slowly began to
quite down. Thank you. The situation is indeed a grave one and whatever decision is made
here will not be made lightly you may be assured. I propose that we call an end to the
conference for today. Tomorrow Yuri has promised to show us the results of what his scientists
have been working on. Once we see what they have it may make our decision easier. I move to
adjourn until the morning.
I second, came a voice in the back. The vote was in overwhelming favor or
Very well, as chair I adjourn the conference until 8:00pm tomorrow night. Jonas
reluctantly watched the room empty. Sitting alone in the conference room he sipped on a
warmed glass of blood that had been served during the earlier commotion. He could taste the
chemicals that were used to keep it from congealing as well as the spices meant to cover the taste
of the chemicals. The irony of the flavor struck him as pondered the situation. In an effort to
become immortal humans had destroyed everything that made immortality worth while. For the
first time Jonas found himself thinking that maybe the humans should be left to their fate and the
vampires as well. Evening would come soon enough, and sitting in the empty room he never felt
so helpless.
The day passed quickly which took Jonas a little by surprise. Normally with such an
important vote on the floor there would be many dealmakers coming to see him. Most of his
time was spent in his office running down a list of delegates, trying to figure out who would
support his plan. When the time came to rejoin the conference he left the office and was meet
almost immediately by Gerard Fuchet, the leader of the European delegation that adjourned the
meeting yesterday. So Jonas, do you think your plan stands a chance in hell? It was a frank
question and Jonas admired it. He had known Gerald for many years and like Jonas was not
much of a politician.
I dont know what they will do my old friend. I just hope that their shortsightedness
doesnt blind them.
As do I Jonas, as do I. Come let us enter the room side by side. That should at least
show them where I stand on the matter.
Thank you Gerard, let us ready for battle. As they neared the doors to the conference
room they could already hear raised voices. Each gave the other a look of quiet resignation as
they opened the door to a scene that could only be described as a circus. In the center of the
room the main conference table had been replaced with a square cage. Sitting in the cage were
several chimpanzees, agitated and flinging all sorts of matter through the bars at the delegates.
Standing well away from the cage was Yuri and several white coated men, doctors of some sort.
Yuri was laughing and having a grand time watching the event. Each time a delegate was struck
with the chimp gift Yuri would slap the back of one of the doctors and yell something in
Russian. What is the meaning of this Yuri? Jonas had put up with enough of the mans
Jonas, Gerard, I am so glad you came back. This is how we will save our people! Yuri
waved his arms in a grand gesture indicating the chimps in the cage. We now have a new, more
controllable source of food! Yuri was excited, which was dangerous for all parties involved.
Yuri, I hate to spoil your party, but simian blood will not sustain us. Its like water to
the humans, no nutrients for our kind. Besides that it always tastes so, gamey, Gerard managed
to get out while dodging chimp excrement. Yuri only laughed.
These are no ordinary monkeys my friends.
Theyre apes Yuri, monkeys have tails
Anyway. These are no ordinary apes. These creatures have been genetically
manipulated to create human blood on their inside.
Nyet my friends, if you do not believe me have a taste for yourself. Yuri motioned to
one of the doctors who pulled a tranquilizer gun from his waistband and proceeded to shoot one
of the chimps. The conference looked on as the cage was opened and the sleeping chimp was
removed. A large syringe was produced and an ample amount of blood was drawn from the little
creature. Does anyone have any ice? Yuri was back to playing the crowd, a wave of nervous
laughter crept through the room. The doctor emptied the contents of the syringe into a glass
sitting on the table. Who wishes to be the first? Jonas? Gerard? Yuri held the glass of blood
high in the air.
Why dont you drink it Yuri? Jonas challenged the Russian leader. Yuri turned to
Jonas and nodded.
I have already had the pleasure Jonas, beside if I was to drink here and now, who would
believe what I say about it. One of you must drink and tell the others that it tastes just like
human blood, and then we can leave the humans to their filthy diseases.
Cmon Yuri, Jonas continued the challenge, what will the taste prove?
It will prove that we have altered this animals blood, and then you have your own
scientist run their test. Does that satisfy the North American delegation? All eyes were on
Jonas. Even Gerard was looking towards him.
Actually Jonas, I dont think they would believe anyone other then you. Perhaps you
should take a drink. It wont kill you. Gerards words hung in the air and it was Jonass turn to
look around the room. His greatest fear had come to pass and he couldnt blame the outcome on
a vote, it would be up to him.
Hand me the glass Yuri. Jonass hand shook a bit as Yuri handed it over. Rather then
draw out the moment Jonas raised the blood to his lips and drank. The blood was rich and sweet
the way human blood tasted. It was amazing and Jonas was struck dumb. If he had not seen the
blood drawn from the chimp he would not believe it. The look on his face could not be masked
and Yuri immediately realized the results.
See! See! Look on his face! It tastes like human blood! Tell them Jonas, tell them all.
Normally this was the point where the evil laugh would fill the room, but this time there was
only silence.
Jonas? What do you taste? Gerard leaned in and put a hand on Jonass shoulder.
Jonas finished the glass and wiped a trickle of blood from his chin.
It tastes, good. Like human blood. Gerard, I think they did it. The room went crazy.
Delegates were standing now and shouting, some were joyous and celebrating, others were
yelling about the unfairness of the test. Jonass head was spinning and between the delegates,
the chimps, and Yuri singing some sort of Russian folk song he was completely overwhelmed.
He had just doomed the human race, his heritage, and his people once upon a time. For a brief
instant he thought back on the world and how it had been before the chemists and industrialists
started their search for immortality.
Of course the results must be certified. Yuri was a little more controlled now. Each
delegation will be provided with samples and all results will be shared with the others.
How long before we can achieve mass production? One of the delegations asked from
the upper row.
Patience, patience, my friends, you must have patience. It will take several years to
breed enough simians for our entire population. Our research continues to other creatures to help
produce, but we have time. What was it Jonas? Three to four years? We have plenty of time.
The crowd was going even crazier now. Jonas regained his composure and considered trying to
calm the room down, but then realized his cause was lost. Instead he turned and walked out of
the room back towards his office.

Two Weeks Later

Jonas? Jonas looked up from his desk and saw Marie standing in the door. The last
few weeks had been a cyclone of activity and Jonas was starting to feel the strain of not sleeping.
Yes, Marie? Come on in. Marie cam into the office and laid a folder onto Jonass
desk. Are those the results? He knew they were.
Thank you Marie. Please take the rest of the day off. Marie smiled and nodded as she
walked out the door. She left the door open, Jonas liked it that way. When the door was closed
the office was claustrophobic. Now Jonas stared at the folder on his desk. He wasnt a scientist
and was sure he wouldnt understand most of what was in there. With dread he opened the
folder as if it were an explosive device. The results were positive for human blood and contained
everything that the vampires needed to survive. The Russians had perfected the method to use
simians as factories of human blood. There was absolutely no push in the conference to help the
humans, for the first time they were truly expendable. Jonas knew the North Americans and
several smaller groups would continue searching for a cure, but without the resources of the
other nation-states he knew they had no hope. The human quest for immortality had finally
doomed them. Jonas shook his head and thought about the chimps in the cage and realized that
the chimpanzees had suddenly moved up the food chain. The only question now was how long it
would be before his vampire brethren moved down the same road the humans had, but only time
would tell.

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