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Sticks & Stones

SD Hatfield

This is Thomas Jones with WATL Action News, the standoff continues here outside the
First National Bank. This is what we know so far. Three men wearing ski masks entered the bank
approximately 2 hours ago. Once the alarm sounded local and state police units were onsite
within ten minutes. Thomas surveyed the scene before continuing. The police surrounded the
bank and immediately attempted to contact the men inside. Now with us is a teller from the bank
Tish Shelby. Tish, you were in the bank when the men entered? Thomas held the microphone a
little too close and Tish backed away a little. Tish dressed like any young girl in her twenties
would if they worked in a bank.
Yesyes, I was. Her voice lilted softly, barely audible. Thomas knew the engineers in
the truck could handle it. He eyes glanced at his camera man and the camera he was holding. The
red light glared back at him, mocking him to the fact that he was on live television with
thousands watching him. He swallowed quickly and continued the interview.
There were three of them?
Oh my, God yes. Tish started crying. They came in wearing ski masks. All the yelling.
I just, I just
Its all right. Take your time. Thomas tried to console her. The tears kept flowing.
I, I panicked and ran. I know I should have stayed. I just panicked. Thomas knew this
made for great television, but at the same time he couldnt enjoy it. This poor woman had been
through so much, and he took advantage of it.
We can stop if you want. His world exploded in his earpiece. His producer yelled
things that would make a sailor blush into his ear. Under no circumstances could he stop this
interview now. According to the voice his job hung in the balance.
No, no its all right. Tish seemed like a sport, Thomas nodded in appreciation. He
continued the questioning.
What sort of guns do they have? He knew better then to expect a brand or caliber. Most
people wouldnt know an Uzi from a .38 special.
Yes Tish. What kind of guns did they have?
They didnt have guns. The words hit Thomas like a brick knocking him and his
producer into silence. Even the cameraman seemed to deflate a little. Tish didnt expect the
silence. Did I say something wrong? Thomas looked around at all the police cars surrounding
the bank. He could pick out the command unit. Did they know there were no guns? He scanned
the rooftops around the bank and could see the SWAT team was in place. Tish tugged his sleeve.
Did I say something wrong? The producer exploded in his ear again. Thomas responded by
nodding to the disembodied voice.
No, Tish. I, we thought you said that the robbers didnt have guns.
They dont.
Knives, bats, a bomb? Thomas reached for any sort of weapon.
No. Not that I saw.
Then how were they robbing the bank?
I told you, they came in screaming and yelling.
Screaming and yelling?
Yes, they were very rude. No one could believe it. And there were children in there!
The same woman that had been on the verge of tears only seconds before turned angry and
indignant; Thomas remained stunned. The police should really do something.
Do the police know the robbers arent armed? Thomas found the words in his fog of
Of course they do. I told them when they arrived.
This is Thomas Jones sending it back to the studio. Thomas smiled and signaled the cut
sign to his camera man. His producer screamed is his ear. Thomas addressed the disembodied
voice as if he were standing with the person. Look Bob, did you hear what she said? They dont
have any guns. The voice answered. No Bob, I think this is a bigger story. You keep the studio
anchors talking and Ill crack this story. Ok? Thomas nodded to the voices response. All right,
Im going to talk to the police now. Scanning the crowd once again, Thomas zeroed in on the
police command unit and motioned to his cameraman to follow. Stay close and keep rolling.
Sure thing, boss. The two moved through the crowd, stepping carefully and quickly.
The scene at the command unit gave the vibe of organized chaos. It took Thomas a minute to
figure out which officer gave the orders.
Officer? Thomas approached the policeman, microphone ahead of him like a shield.
The officer turned his attention to the microphone without looking at the two men.
Im sorry, no time for interviews. The officers grey hair and disheveled appearance
made him look tired. His dark blue suit looked like it needed a good dry cleaning.
Officer? Do you know the men have no weapons? Thomas made his voice louder.
Until he had verification he didnt want any of the other reporters in the area to know what he
was angling for. The older officer looked at Thomas with disgust; a look Thomas had grown
used to when working with the police.
Keep it down and Ill talk to you, off the record. He put one arm around Thomass
shoulder and guided him behind one of the vans. Thomas motioned for his camera man to
follow, the officer waved him off. Just us right now. Safely behind the van they were free to
talk. Now, what gives you the idea they dont have any weapons?
Well, Officer?
Well, Officer Jackson, I interviewed the teller that escaped. She said they have no guns,
knives, anything like a weapon. What do you say about that? Thomas felt that he had the story
of the century. The cop would deny and he could prove a cover-up. It would be huge. Jackson
frowned, almost as if he had been caught reaching into a cookie jar. In an instant the frown
disappeared and changed into a wry grin.
That would be accurate, Jackson said, reaching into his pocket for a piece of gum. The
revelation stunned Thomas to silence. Didnt expect that, did you?
No, I figured you would deny it, Thomas stuttered.
No reason to. Theyre unarmed.
Then why not go in?
You think its that easy? Just rush in there? Did your teller mention they had very sharp
She did mention harsh language.
Harsh language? They made one of the guards cry. Said his mother wore army boots.
Poor guy, I hope hell be all right.
Im confused. Why would harsh language be preventing the end of this standoff?
Look son, youre an older fellow. Late 30s?
Around that.
When you were growing up did you ever hear sticks and stone? You know the old
nursery rhyme?
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me? Yeah, all the time.
That doesnt exist anymore. These kids today, theyve been taught that words are as
strong as guns, sometimes stronger. Getting your feelings hurt is almost worse than getting shot.
Thomas couldnt believe what the officer was saying, but he listened as the officer went on.
Think about it. In our day someone called you a name and you either ignored it or punched
them, either way it ended. In todays world simply saying something that someone finds
offensive is like a punch in the nose. Only instead of ignoring it or punching back they sue you
or have you arrested.
Its a toughness issue?
No, not toughness. Its just that people nowadays are so damn sensitive. Its so bad that
when I take a witness statement I cant even ask them what color the perps skin is. If I do that
makes me a racist.
I think I understand, but what about the bank robbers. If they dont have guns why not
just go and get them? Officer Jackson pulled his chewed out piece of gum from his mouth and
started to throw it on the ground, stopped himself and put it back in his mouth. Thomas watched
as he swallowed the gum.
Heres the thing, Jackson started slowly, Lets say I send a dozen heavily armed
SWAT troops storming into the bank against unarmed robbers. Even if my guys are careful and
gentle and treat each robber as if he were made of glass, one of the robbers might end up with a
stubbed toe. Do you know what will happen?

The department will be sued; millions of dollars for excessive force. The robbers
actually stand to make more money if the robbery fails than if they get away. Thomas stood in
disbelief, what Officer Jackson said seemed crazy, but the more he thought about the more sense
it made. The world had come to that and as a reporter Thomas realized that he and his co-
workers were somewhat responsible. In the rush to tell the news of the day he wasnt above
massaging a quote to give it more impact or taking a phrase out of context. Thomas always knew
words were power, but it never occurred to him it had gotten this bad. Officer Jackson had
opened his eyes and Thomas wanted to ask more questions, before he could a uniformed officer
came around the corner.
Hey Lieutenant! The Chief is on the radio for you. Jackson nodded and turned to
Come on, bring your camera guy. I think the stand off is about over. Thomas followed
the two officers, motioned to the camera man and walked over to one of the squad cars. Quickly
scanning the crowd Thomas saw other members of the press, all being held behind the yellow
police tape; however this worked out the exclusive belonged to him. Jackson reached for a
headset handed to him by another officer. Thomas could only hear one side of the conversation.
Three of them. Yes, sir. No, no guns. I see. Are you sure Chief? The voice boomed
from the head set, Jackson held it away from his ear until the voice subsided. No Chief, I am not
questioning your judgment. Its just that after the last time I understand. Jackson handed the
headset back to the cop and turned to face his men. All right boys, the Chief says we go in.
Check your gear, youve got two minutes. Thomas watched the flurry of activity as the police
checked their weapons and vests. Some said prayers and some joked with their buddy. It struck
Thomas as strange. The bad guys had no guns, each cop knew it, but they still treated this like an
impending battle.
Officer Jackson? Jackson turned around.
I only have a minute.
I understand. Why are the men acting like theres going to be a firefight? The robbers
dont have any weapons?
They reportedly dont. It doesnt hurt to be sure. Then theres the other thing. Jackson
grew quiet as if remembering a bad dream.
One of the civilians may get hurt? Thomas guessed trying to read Jacksons mind.
What? Oh yeah, that. I was just thinking about a bust from last week. Two of my boys
broke up a drug deal. During the arrest one of the boys knocked the dealer to the ground. Bruised
him up pretty good. Poor cop is getting sued for everything he has. Thats what theyre afraid of
nowadays. Damn the bullets, its the lawyers theyre worried about. Jackson lost himself in
thought again until his sergeant pointed at his watch. Jackson shook it off. All right boys, time
to move. One dozen officers lined up in front of their cars and formed a line. Jackson checked
his gun and vest and moved up to the line. You coming? He looked over his shoulder at
You bet. Start rolling Jim. The two newsmen fell in behind the police. The crowd grew
anxious as the thin blue line stared advancing on the bank. A murmur rippled like a wave as one
of the robbers stuck his head out of the bank doors.
Dont come any closer! His deep voice betrayed a little apprehension. The line
continued forward. Last warning! The advance continued and the robber gave one last
warning. I have my lawyer on speed dial, dont make me call him! From his pocket he
produced a cell phone, unfolded and ready to dial.
His fingers on the button, what should we do? The cop who spoke faltered and
stopped. What do we do? His panic started creeping into the officers beside him. In only a few
steps the entire line stopped.
Keep moving, guys. We have guns, they dont! Jackson urged his men on with no luck.
He has a lawyer! On speed dial! I think I need to call my union rep. The cop pulled his
cell phone out and started dialing.
Good idea, Chuck. The cop next to him pulled out his phone.
What the Hell is going on! Get in there and make the arrest! Jackson stood open
mouthed watching his men disobey his orders. Thomas and his camera man stared, dumb
founded, neither had ever seen anything like this. Jackson sputtered and started yelling into his
radio. Will somebody get in there and arrest these guys! Each of the officers in line looked
around; fully half of them were on the phone. Finally the first officer closed his cell phone.
All right sir, I talked to my rep and he said I can go ahead.
Well, thank you. Sarcasm dripped from Jackson. And the rest of you? One after
another each officer hung up there phone and stepped forward. Good, now lets go. The line
began moving toward the bank again. Only one hundred yards from the front door the lead
robber stepped out and faced the approaching police.
What are you doing? I told you to stay back! Even through the ski mask he sounded a
little scared, not believing the police were still advancing.
Deal with it, youre under arrest. Jackson sounded defiant. To Thomas it wasnt a line
of police advancing on a group of robbers that he was watching. For the moment they were
Romans storming the walls of Carthage. Thomas swelled with pride that he had been allowed to
go with them. A quick look toward his cameraman and an affirming nod he knew everything was
being recorded. In a flash everything changed. The criminal held his cell phone up over his head
and with a much exaggerated motion pushed a button. Jackson jumped out of reflex expecting an
explosion or something. The dozen police in line faltered, but continued. The robber, seeing that
the police werent stopping upped the ante. Leaning back into the bank he yelled. Hey Bob, the
bacon is coming! Jackson laughed. He had been called far worse in his day. Now only fifty
yards from the door he felt that something wasnt right. Turning around he noticed that the
officers werent behind him anymore. Only Thomas still followed him.
Why did you stop? He yelled back at the officers. The officers all looked toward one in
the middle, the one who had made the first call to his lawyer.
Was he talking about us?
He said the pigs were coming?
Is he calling us pigs? He looked up towards the robber standing in the bank doors. Are
you calling us pigs?
I am. Pig, pork, bacon. Bunch of pigs! The robber sneered; from inside the bank
laughter could be heard. The central officers face turned red.
Thats just mean. Theyre making fun of us.
So what? Jacksons anger grew.
He hurt our feelings. The other officers nodded. The robber fired another verbal shot.
You stink, little piggy. I can smell you from here! Laughter could be heard louder from
inside the bank.
Well, that does it. Were not going in there. All the officers nodded their agreement.
Jackson had had enough.
Fine Ill go myself. Are you covering this? Jackson turned around to Thomas.
I am. Thomas checked with the cameraman, a thumbs up greeted him.
Good. Jackson turned his attention back to the officers. Youre all relieved and will be
brought up on charges. Im going in. The dozen officers turned around and walked back to the
police line. Some muttered to themselves, others opened their phone and made calls. Thomas
watched them for a minute, wondering how long until the Union reps would be onsite. In the old
days it would have been SWAT coming to the rescue, now it was the Union. The distraction
passed quickly as Thomas refocused on the lone officer Jackson who approached the bank all on
his own. Within seconds he entered the bank.

And in other news tonight a standoff at a local bank had an unexpected ending. With us
tonight is the field reporter who broke the story, Thomas Jones. Thomas, tell us what happened.
The anchorette turned in her chair and faced Thomas.
Sure Sally. A group of three men walked into the First National Bank and demanded the
money from the safe.
Lets look at your report.
All right. Thomas cued the producer and the tape from earlier started to roll. Thomass
interview with the bank teller rolled and he followed through with the Jackson and the police
moving on the bank. The piece ended showing Jackson, red faced and angry walking into the
Wow that is some powerful stuff. The anchorette paused for a beat; Thomas could see
the gears turning in her head. So did the robber really call them pigs?
He did, Thomas didnt expect that question.
That was mean. I hope they get in trouble.
Sally, they robbed a bank.
They didnt have to be mean about it.
Ok, for the first time Thomas realized that Jackson was right. Things were different
So what happened after the police stormed the bank?
It was hardly storming, Officer Jackson went in and the three guys surrendered.
Did anyone get hurt?
No, but one of the officers is going to need therapy. It would seem that his parents
owned a pig farm in Iowa, he has some serious swine issues.
I see. And the arresting officer?
Hes going to get a citation for bravery from the precinct, but the three robbers are suing
him for libel and verbal assault. Also the Union is fining him for yelling at his officers,
apparently he hurt their feelings.
Thats a shame. At least it turned out ok. Any last words? She smiled her weird
detached smile. Thomas looked into her eyes and they were empty. She either hadnt heard what
he had said or she didnt care. A lone police officer stopped a bank robbery and all she cared
about was that the robbers were mean. Jackson was right, words hurt people today more than
guns ever could. Society was declining before his very eyes. After the events of the day, sitting
where he was on the live nightly news he had one chance to make a difference; one chance to
change the world with his next words. After this his career may be over. A deep swallow, a
wiped brow and he gave his message to the world.
Just this Sally, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.
Think about it. Sally looked confused, Thomas didnt expect anything less. His producer
screamed in his ear, promising him a fact checking job for a pet magazine. Sally reacted to the
same voice in the only way she knew how.
Oh, ok. Now for weather

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